NagDonateText = HDD Thermometer - ßσ±∩δα≥φα ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α.\n\nUnregistered version of HDD Thermometer will display this nag sreen at startup. This is the only restriction and if you don't want to register - you don't have to. In any case, you don't have to pay any fee, because registration is completely free!\n\nIf you like HDD Thermometer and want to support further development, please donate some money to this Project. You can do it using credit card or other payment methods. This will really help us to create the best HDD temperature meter.\n\n╤∩α±Φßε.
;-- registration form ---------------------
REG_Registration = ╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ
REG_Username = ╚∞ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ
REG_RegKey = ╩δ■≈
REG_ThanksForReg = ╤∩α±Φßε τα ≡σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ■ HDD Thermometer!