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- "Add Folder..." = "Lägg till mapp...";
- "Add to iTunes 'Cabos' Playlist" = "Lägg till i 'Cabos' spellista i iTunes";
- "Add to iTunes 'Party Shuffle'" = "Lägg till i iTunes 'Party Shuffle'";
- "Add to iTunes Library" = "Lägg till i iTunes-biblioteket";
- "Advanced" = "Avancerat";
- "Allow freeloaders to connect to this computer" = "Tillåt snyltare att ansluta till denna dator";
- "Allow this computer to become an Ultrapeer" = "Tillåt denna dator att agera Ultrapeer";
- "Appearance" = "Utseende";
- "Automatically (Requires UPnP)" = "Automatiskt (kräver UPnP),";
- "Before opening partially downloaded files" = "Innan öppnande av delvis nerladdade filer";
- "Before quitting with active downloads" = "Innan avslutning med pågående nerladdningar";
- "Before removing partially downloaded files" = "Innan borttagning av delvis nerladdade filer";
- "Bounce dock icon upon download success" = "Studsa Cabos taskbarikon vid avslutad nerladdning";
- "Cable or DSL" = "Kabel eller DSL";
- "Clear Spam History" = "Rensa spam-historiken";
- "Clear completed downloads" = "Rensa avslutade nerladdningar";
- "Clear completed uploads" = "Rensa avslutade uppladdningar";
- "Completed music file" = "Nerladdad musikfil";
- "Configure my router to work behind a firewall" = "Konfigurera min router till att fungera bakom en brandvägg";
- "Default" = "Standard";
- "Delete original music file after successful import" = "Ta bort orginalmusikfilen efter lyckad import";
- "Display bandwidth usage in the Sidebar" = "Visa bandbreddsanvändning i sidebaren";
- "Do not import to iTunes" = "Importera inte till iTunes";
- "Do not play" = "Spela inte";
- "Do nothing" = "Gör ingenting";
- "Download" = "Nerladdning";
- "Downstream bandwidth limit (%)" = "Bandbreddsbegränsning nerströms (%)";
- "General" = "Allmänt";
- "Gray out files that are already on this computer" = "Markera filer som redan finns på datorn med grått";
- "Ignore files that are spam content" = "Ignorera filer som innehåller spam";
- "HTTP proxy" = "Http-proxy";
- "I connect to the internet via" = "Jag ansluter till internet via";
- "Ignore files that are adult content" = "Ignorera filer med sexistiskt innehåll";
- "Ignore files that are from specific hosts" = "Ignorera filer från specifika värdar";
- "Ignore files that are longer than (characters)" = "Ignorera filnamn som är längre än";
- "Ignore files that are smaller than (kB)" = "Ignorera filer som är mindre än (kB)";
- "Ignore files that contain specific keywords" = "Ignorera filer som innehåller särskilda nyckelord";
- "Ignore files that do not contain all keywords" = "Ignorera filer som inte matchar alla nyckelord";
- "Imported music file" = "Importerad musikfil";
- "Large" = "Stor";
- "Listen for incoming connections on port" = "Lyssna för incoming anslutningar på port";
- "Manually" = "Manuellt";
- "Maximum downloads" = "Maximalt antal nerladdningar";
- "Maximum uploads per person" = "Maximalt antal uppladdningar per person";
- "Maximum uploads" = "Maximalt antal uppladdningar";
- "Middle" = "Mellan";
- "Minimum days to keep incomplete files" = "Minsta antal dagar som ofullständiga filer sparas";
- "Modem" = "Modem";
- "Move completed movie files to" = "Flytta nerladdade filmer till";
- "Move completed music files to" = "Flytta nerladdade musikfiler till";
- "Move completed picture files to" = "Flytta nerladdade bildfiler till";
- "Network" = "Nätverk";
- "None" = "Inga";
- "Other..." = "Annat...";
- "Password" = "Lösenord";
- "Play if nothing else is playing" = "Spela om inget annat spelas";
- "Play" = "Spela";
- "Port" = "Port";
- "Preferentially connect to hosts that are" = "Anslut företrädesvis till värdar som är";
- "Prompt user:" = "Fråga användare:";
- "Proxy Server:" = "Proxyserver:";
- "Query Results:" = "Sökresultat:";
- "Remove" = "Ta bort";
- "Requires authentication" = "Kräver autenticering";
- "SOCKS v4 proxy" = "SOCKS v4 proxy";
- "SOCKS v5 proxy" = "SOCKS v5 proxy";
- "Save downloaded files in" = "Spara nerladdade filer i";
- "Searching" = "Söker";
- "Server" = "Server";
- "Share completely downloaded files (Recommended)" = "Dela ut fullständigt nerladdade filer (rekommenderat)";
- "Share files in the following folders:" = "Dela ut filer i följande mappar:";
- "Share partially downloaded files (Recommended)" = "Dela ut delvis nerladdade filer (rekommenderat)";
- "Sharing" = "Delning";
- "Show file size in bytes" = "Show file size in bytes";
- "Show track name as file name" = "Visa spårnamn som filnamn";
- "Sidebar Text Font" = "Sidebartypsnitt";
- "Sidebar Text Size" = "Sidebartextstorlek";
- "Small" = "Liten";
- "Standard Text Font" = "Standardtypsnitt";
- "Standard Text Size" = "Standardtextstorlek";
- "T1" = "T1";
- "T3" = "T3";
- "Transfers:" = "Överföringar:";
- "Type" = "Typ";
- "Unlimited" = "Obegränsat";
- "Upstream bandwidth limit (%)" = "Bandbreddsbegränsning uppströms (%)";
- "Use a proxy server" = "Använd en proxyserver";
- "Use proxy server for private IP addresses" = "Använd proxyserver för privata IP-adresser";
- "Use textured window (Requires restart)" = "Använd texturerat fönster (kräver omstart)";
- "Username" = "Användarnamn";
- "iTunes" = "iTunes";