0x800c=Write the contents of a disc-image to a CD.
0x8027=View disc track layout, save tracks and verify tracks.
0x8004=rewritable ετΘ≈· ·≈∞ΘΦσ°.
0x8026=Fixate a disc that has not already been fixated.
0x8036=ΘΘßσα ε≈Φ≥ ≈ΘΘφ ∞⌠°σΘ≈Φ Σ≡σδτΘ.
0x8024=Burn the current compilation to a disc image.
0x8025=Burn the current compilation to a physical compact disc.
0x802b=Σ≥·≈· ·δσ∞· Σ·≈∞ΘΦσ° Θ∙Θ°σ· ∞·≈∞ΘΦσ° ατ°.
0x802c=Copy the contents of a CD to a disc image.
0xe800=Σ÷Γ·/Σ±°· ±°Γ∞ Σδ∞Θφ.
0xe801=Σ÷Γ·/Σ±°· ±°Γ∞ Σε÷ß.
0x800a=Σ÷Γ· Θσε∩ Σ·σδ≡Σ.
0x800d=ΣΓπ°σ· Σ·σδ≡Σ.
0x800e=Σ÷Γ· σ≥°Θδ· εα⌠ΘΘ≡Θ Σ·≈≡Θφ.
0xe140=Σ÷Γ· εΘπ≥ ≥∞ Σ·σδ≡Σ, ΓΘ°±Σ σµδσΘσ· Θσ÷°Θφ.
0x0081=≥∞ΘΘ· °εΣ ατ· ∞ε≥∞Σ.
0x0082=∙εΘ°· Σ°÷σ≥σ· Σßτσ°σ· ∞πΘ±≈ Σ≈∙Θτ.
0x0083=τΘ⌠σ∙ ∙ΓΘασ· ß°÷σ≥σ· Σßτσ°σ·.
0x0084=ετΘ≈· Σ°÷σ≥σ· Σßτσ°σ· εΣ·≈∞ΘΦσ°.
0x0085=Σσ±⌠· ±Θσε· ≈σß⌡ τπ∙Σ ∞°∙ΘεΣ.
0x0086=Σ±°· ±Θσε· Σ≈σß⌡ Σßτσ°Σ εΣ°∙ΘεΣ.
0x8032=Σσ±⌠· ΣασßΘΘ≈ΦΘφ Σßτσ°Θφ ∞⌠°σΘ≈Φ.
0x8033=Σσ±⌠· δ∞ ΣασßΘΘ≈ΦΘφ ∞⌠°σΘ≈Φ.
0x0087=Add a new boot image to the project.
0x0088=Remove the selected boot image from the project.
0x0089=Edit the selected boot image.
0x803a=Θ÷Θ°· ⌠°σΘ≈Φ τπ∙ - πΘσΘπΘ σΘπασ.
0x803b=Θ÷Θ°· ⌠°σΘ≈Φ τπ∙ - πΘσΘπΘ ≡·σ≡Θφ.
0x0004=Unable to write to the registry. Your user account might not have permissions to perform the requested operation.
0x0005=An error occured while trying to save the file. The file has not been successfully created.
0x0006=Unable to load the configuration file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned: %d.
0x0007=You can't add folders to an audio project.
0x0008=Unable to parse project file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned: %d.
0x0009=Unable to parse project file, it may be corrupt.
0x000a=The project has been created with a newer version of Infra Recorder. You need to update Infra Recorder to open this project.
0x000b=The active character set could not be automatically detected. The registry suggests the following body character set: %s.
0x000c=Please reload the drive and press the 'Reload' button.
0x000d=Error on sector %d not corrected.
0x000e=The internal command line is too long for your system to handle. The length limit on your system is %d characters. Please try to shorten the file paths in your project and try again.
0x000f=Infra Recorder has noticed that autorun is enabled. Leaving autorun enabled causes Windows to poll the CD drive while recording, which might damage your CD. Do you want to turn off autorun (recommended)?
0x0010=Are you sure that you want to abort the operation? Aborting might damage your CD permanently.
0x0011=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected item(s) from the project?
0x0012=The project has been modified, do you want to save the changes?
0x0013=Only the data track can be recorded to a disc image from mixed-mode projects. Do you want to continue?
0x0014=Scanning SCSI/IDE bus...
0x0015=Loading device capabilities...
0x0016=Loading extended device information...
0x0017=Infra Recorder has detected changes in your hardware configuration. Would you like to update your device configuration now?
0x0018=Initializing device...
0x0019=Loading information from track %d.
0x001a=Infra Recorder failed to scan your SCSI/IDE busses. Please make sure that your system is properly configured.
0x001b=Infra Recorder failed to load device capabilities.
0x001c=Infra Recorder failed to load extended device information.
0x001d=No recorders available
0x001e=No devices available
0x001f=An error occured while trying to perform the selected operation.
0x0020=Unable to load drive media. Please insert a valid disc into the drive.
0x0021=The disc is not rewritable or your recorder might not support the operation.
0x0022=Couldn't erase disc using the selected method.
0x0023=Unsupported sector size of %d bytes.
0x0024=A write error occurred. Please see program log for more details.
0x0025=The file you are trying to add is not supported.
0x0026=Unable to locate the file:
0x0027=An error occured while trying to save the CD-Text binary data. The CD-Text information will not be recorded.
0x0028=Inappropriate audio coding in file:
0x0029=The drive could not automatically be reloaded.
0x002a=Can't read source disc. Retrying from sector %d.
0x002b=The directory structure is too deep for '%s' (%d), maximum allowed depth is %d.
0x002c=DVD media found. DVD write support is not available in this version.
0x002d=Project Properties
0x002e=Level 1 (11 character file names)
0x002f=Level 2 (31 character file names)
0x0030=Level 3 (no file name length restriction)
0x0031=Mode 1
0x0032=Mode 2 XA (multisession)
0x0033=Properties of Track %d
0x0034=Explorer View
0x0035=Disc Layout
0x0037=Not available
0x0039=Burn Compilation
0x003a=New Folder
0x003b=%I64d minutes
0x003c= (automatically detected)
0x003d=Please select the folder where you want to track(s) to be saved:
0x003e=Please select a folder:
0x003f=Data Project
0x0040=Audio Project
0x0041=Mixed-Mode CD Project
0x0042=%I64d Files, %I64d Folders, %I64d Tracks
0x0043=Properties of
0x0044=Bus %d, Target %d, Lun %d
0x0045=Read mode 2 form 1 blocks
0x0046=Read mode 2 form 2 blocks
0x0047=Read digital audio blocks
0x0048=Read multi-session discs
0x0049=Read fixed-packet CD media using method 2
0x004a=Read CD bar code
0x004b=Read R-W subcode information
0x004c=Read raw P-W subcode data from lead in
0x004d=Support test writing (simulation)
0x004e=Support Buffer Underrun Free recording
0x004f=Support C2 error pointers
0x0050=Support CD ejection via START/STOP command
0x0051=Support changing side of disc
0x0052=Support Invidual Disc Present feature
0x0053=Return CD media catalog number
0x0054=Return CD ISRC information
0x0055=Deliver composite A/V data
0x0056=Play audio discs
0x0057=Have load-empty-slot-in-changer feature
0x0058=Lock media on power up via prevent jumper
0x0059=Allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW command
0x005a=Restart non-streamed digital audio reads accurateley
0x005b=Return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-corrected
0x005c=Support individual channel volume settings
0x005d=Support independent mute setting for each channel
0x005e=Support digital output on port 1
0x005f=Support digital output on port 2
0x0060=Send digital data LSB-first
0x0061=Set LRCK high for left-channel data
0x0062=Have valid data on falling edge of clock
0x0067=Erase the entire disc
0x0068=Minimally erase the disc (PMA, TOC, pregap)
0x0069=Unclose last session
0x006a=Erase last session
0x006b=Session-At-Once (SAO)
0x006c=Track-At-Once (TAO)
0x006d=TAO with zero pregap
0x006e=Raw writing (raw96r)
0x006f=Raw writing (raw16)
0x0070=Raw writing (raw96p)
0x0071=(no drives found)
0x0072=real write
0x0089=Total progress: %d%%
0x008a=Preparing to perform the selected operation.
0x008b=Operation completed.
0x008c=Operation canceled.
0x008d=Last chance to abort, operation will start in %d seconds.
0x008e=Started to erase disc in %s mode.
0x008f=Started to fixate disc in %s mode.
0x0090=Started to write disc in %s mode.
0x0091=Started to write track %d.
0x0092=Started to write disc image.
0x0093=Virtual Disc Image Recorder
0x0094=Started to read track %d.
0x0095=Started to scan track %d.
0x0096=Started to read disc.
0x0097=Erasing disc.
0x0098=Writing data.
0x0099=Writing track %d of %d at %.1fx speed.
0x009a=Writing pregap for track %d at %ld.
0x009b=Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer.
0x009d=Writing disc image (estimated finish %s).
0x009e=Reading track.
0x009f=Scanning track.
0x00a0=Found %d bytes of C2 errors in %d sectors.
0x00a1=The C2 error rate is %f%%.
0x00a2=Reading disc.
0x00a3=Erasing Disc
0x00a4=Burning Image
0x00a5=Creating Image
0x00a6=Burning Compilation
0x00a7=Fixating Disc
0x00a8=Reading Track
0x00a9=Scanning Track
0x00aa=Copying Disc
0x00ab=The disc was successfully erased.
0x00ac=The data was succesfully written to the disc.
0x00ad=The disc was successfully fixated.
0x00ae=The disc image was successfully created.
0x00af=Done reading track %d.
0x00b0=Done scanning track %d.
0x00b1=Done reading disc.
0x00b2=Some drives don't like fixation in simulation mode.
0x00b3=Some recorders does not support all erase modes.
0x00b4=You can try the erase entire disc method.
0x00bb=Shell Extension
0x00bc=Copy Disc
0x00bf=(restricted overwrite)
0x00c1=Not region protected
0x00c5=random access
0x00ca=The disc is %s, the last session is %s, the disc can %sbe erased.
0x00cb=The data may not fit on the current disc.
0x00cc=Could not open a new session.
0x00cd=An error occured while trying to load the installed codecs. Please make sure that the installed codecs are compatible with this version of Infra Recorder.
0x00ce=Decoding audio tracks.
0x00cf=Unable to find a suitable decoder for the audio file: %s.
0x00d0=Unable to find the wave encoder. Please verify your codec configuration.
0x00d1=Failed to initialize the %s encoder (%d,%d,%d,%I64d).
0x00d2=Encoder failed, could not encode data.
0x00d3=Decoded the audio file: %s.
0x00d4=The selected target folder is invalid. Please select another target folder.
0x00d5=Encoded the audio file: %s.
0x00d6=Encoding track (%s).
0x00d7=Invalid FIFO buffer size. The size must be at least %i MiB and at most %i MiB.
0x00d8=Level 4 (ISO-9660 version 2)
0x00d9=It's recommended to write a cloned disc using the raw96r or raw16 write method. The selected recorder supports none of these modes.
0x00dc=Copy to Disc Image
0x00dd=Audio discs and multi-session discs must be copied in clone mode to be copied correctly. Please note that it's not possible to clone a disc on the fly.
0x00de=The selected disc image seems to include a TOC-file. It's recommended that you record images that includes a TOC and sub-channel data using a raw write method. Infra Recorder will automatically suggest one for you.
0x00df=Started to estimate file system size.
0x00e0=Done estimating file system size (%I64d sectors).
0x00e1=An error occured while estimating the file system size. Can not continue.
0x00e2=Estimating file system size.
0x00e5=Write in session-at-once (SAO) mode
0x00e6=Write in track-at-once (TAO) mode
0x00e7=Write in raw96r mode
0x00e8=Write in raw16 mode
0x00e9=Write in raw96p mode
0x00ea=This option should only be changed when Infra Recorder has detected the wrong write speeds. It does not allow your recorder to write faster than its specification or faster than the media allows.
0x00ec=You can't add more boot images. The maximum number of allowed boot images in one project is 63.
0x00ef=Hard disk
0x00f1=Edit Boot Image
0x00f2=DVD-Video Project
0x00f3=The project you are trying to open is created by an older version of Infra Recorder. It might not open correctly.
0x00f4=Please select the folder that contains all the DVD-files that you want to record. The folder should include a subfolder named VIDEO_TS:
0x00f5=The selected folder does not contain a valid DVD-Video file structure (the folder VIDEO_TS is missing). Please select another folder.
0x00f6=A write error occurred. Failed to write lead-in.
0x00f7=Failed to initialize the recorder.
0x00f8=DVD+RW discs can not be written in simulation mode.
0x00fe=The file '%s' could not be found on the disc.
0x00ff=Read error in '%s' (0x%.8X != 0x%.8X).
0x0100=Infra Recorder was unable to determine the drive letter of your recorder. The disc can not be verified.
0x0101=Infra Recorder has detected that you have a DVD recorder installed on your computer. Do you want to record the disc image to a DVD media?
0x0102=Infra Recorder has detected that you have a DVD recorder installed on your computer. Do you want to write the disc copy to a DVD media?
0x041f=Allow overburning
0x0420=Swap audio byte order
0x0421=Ignore medium size
0x0422=Set the SCSI IMMED flag
0x0423=Yamaha Audio Master Q. R.
0x0424=Forcespeed mode
0x0425=Plextor VariRec write mode
0x0416=Write speed:
0x0418=Write method:
0x03f7=Eject the disc after writing
0x041c=Buffer underrun protection
0x041d=Pad data tracks
0x041e=Fixate the disc after writing
0x04ad=Verify the disc after writing
0x03fd=Advanced information:
0x0404=Buffer size:
0x0405=Maximum read speed:
0x0407=Maximum write speed:
0x03fd=Double-click on a device to view its detailed information.
0x0428=Silently validate the configuration at each startup
0x044b=Track title:
0x0449=Artist name:
0x00cb=Erase Rewritable Disc
0x03f4=Erase method:
0x03f6=Ignore illegal TOC (force erase)
0x03f7=Eject the disc after erasing
0x00db=Fixate Disc
0x03f7=Eject the disc after fixating
0x00cd=Program Log
0x03fb=Save &As...
0x803e=&Device Scan
0x043b=Volume set:
0x043c=Copyright file:
0x0440=Abstract file:
0x0446=Album title:
0x03fd=Double-click on a track to edit its settings.
0x0431=Character set:
0x0432=Use Joliet file name extension
0x0433=Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names
0x049c=Boot images:
0x049f=Boot catalog:
0x04ab=Include UDF support in the generated filesystem
0x04ad=Use Rock Ridge extensions
0x04ac=Omit version numbers from ISO9660 file names
0x0451=Check if autorun is enabled on each startup
0x0489=Associate Infra Recorder with .irp (Infra Recorder Project) files
0x0452=Enable program log (not recomended for regular use)
0x0455=Please note that Infra Recorder needs to be restarted for new language settings to take affect.
0x0456=Enable Infra Recorder shell extension
0x0457=Display context menu items in a submenu
0x0459=Display menu item icons
0x0458=Register the shell extension with the following file extensions:
0x046e=Explorer folder
0x046f=Enter the folder that you want to be the default folder in the explorer view part of the program.
0x046b=Remember the last active folder
0x048a=Temporary folder
0x048b=The folder specified below will be used when data has to be temporarily stored on your harddrive.
0x0493=FIFO buffer size
0x0494=This option allows you to change the amount of memory that will be used as a RAM buffer. This is the secondary buffer in addition to your recorder's physical buffer.
0x00e1=New File Extension
0x045d=File extensions (separated by a comma):
0x0001=Unable to load the configuration file, it may be corrupt. The XML processor returned: %d.
0x0006=Create Data CD
0x0007=Create Mixed-Mode Disc
0x0008=Create Audio Disc
0x0009=Burn Image to Disc
0x000a=Create Image from Disc
0x000b=Erase Disc
0x000c=Fixate Disc
0x000d=Manage Tracks
0x000e=Copy Disc
0x000f=Create a regular data CD that contains files and folders of your choice.
0x0010=Create a disc that contains files and folders as well as audio tracks.
0x0011=Create a regular audio disc that plays in all CD players.
0x0012=Burn an existing disc image to a real physical disc.
0x0013=Create a complete disc image file from a physical disc.
0x0014=Erase the contents of a rewritable disc.
0x0015=Fixate a disc that has not already been fixated.
0x0016=View disc track layout, save tracks and verify tracks.
0x0017=Make a backup copy of a disc.
0x0019=Create DVD-Video Disc
0x001a=Create a DVD-Video compatible disc from a directory on your computer.
0x001b=Create Data DVD
0x001c=Create a regular data DVD that contains files and folders of your choice.
0x0000=Burn image...
0x0001=Burn project...
0x0002=Open with Infra Recorder
0x0003=Write the disc image contents to a compact disc.
0x0004=Write the project contents to a compact disc.
0x0005=Open the project with Infra Recorder.
0x0469=On the fly
0x046a=Copying on the fly is risky. Please make sure that your source device can read at least as fast as you will write.