OptionsCheckBoxCreateBAKfilesHint=Before SAVE creates backup of original file
OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionCaption=Save program's windows &position
OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionHint=At program start restores main and minor windows positions and sizes
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopCaption=Always on top (limited &use)
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopHint=Player window is always on top\N(available only until is not first used)
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveCaption=&After SAVE do PLAY automatically
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveHint=Player PLAYs automatically just now saved subtitle file\N(if unchecked, loads new subtitle, but stay STOPed)
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoRewindCaption=&Rewind when done playing
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionCaption=Save wi&ndow position and size
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionHint=At program start restores player position and size
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesCaption=Show frames instead of hh:mm:ss
OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesHint=Player's actual position and total movie length will be shown using\NFRAMES instead of TIME form (not applicable for all type of videofiles)
OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsCaption=Enable floating help (&hints)
OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsHint=Enables or disables to show all hints
RearrangeUnmarkedH=Check indicates, that unbookmarked titles have frame\N"from" set on the unnecessary value. These values\Nmay be replaced by calculated number of frame.
RearrangeUnmarkedL=Recalculate first frames of unmarked\Nsubtitles too?
RecalculateD=Second synchronizing point:
RecalculateF=Recalculate frames - Synchronization
RecalculateH=Specify frame number
RecalculateM=In the file is now:
RecalculateN=Correctly should be:
RecalculateP=First synchronizing point:
RecalculateX=Inserts number of frame\Nfrom actual position of subtitle file (get FROM field)
RecalculateY=Inserts number of frame\Nfrom actual position of Player
RegRequired=Save is available in Registered version. The Registration process is free,\Nit requires only your name, nickname and place of residence sending by e-mail.\NNo fee.\NIf you urgently need save your work, press [Yes]
RemainingScope=This action is applied for remaining scope (except locked lines)! Are you sure to do?
RemoveBreaksCaption=Remove line wrappings from subtitles
RemoveBreaksCheckBoxRangeExcept=Do not change Direct &speech
SaveDialogTitle=Save subtitle
SaveToDivXG400Folder=Do you want to try save file into folder:
SharingViolation=Sharing violation
StatusBarPanel0=Actual frame:
StatusBarPanelHint=Player's current frame ò Total number of subtitles ò Videofile's frames per second ò Debugger message
Sub1cut=a subtitle was as long to overlap to the next subtitle, that's why it has been cutted
Sub1chg=subtitle has been changed!
Sub1lrg=the subtitle has been enlarged agaist the original
Sub1oor=subtitle is out of range!
Sub1shr=the subtitle has been truncated agaist the original
Sub2cut=subtitles were as long to overlap to the next subtitles, that's why have been cutted
Sub2chg=subtitles was changed!
Sub2lrg=the subtitles have been enlarged agaist the original
Sub2oor=subtitles are out of range!
Sub2shr=the subtitles have been truncated agaist the original
Sub3cut=subtitles were as long to overlap to the next subtitles, that's why have been cutted
Sub3chg=subtitles was changed!
Sub3lrg=the subtitles have been enlarged agaist the original
Sub3oor=subtitles are out of range!
Sub3shr=the subtitles have been truncated agaist the original
TableFind1=Discovery #1
TableFind2=Discovery #2
TableCheckBoxColumnsAutoWidth=Columns Auto Width
TestNoOverwrites=Test file could not overwrite:
TestReqDiffF=The currently open subtitle file must be placed\Nin other folder than folder where the test file is to be created\N(because the original file would be overwritten by the test file)!
TestReqMovie=Must be opened video-file too.
TestRequires=In order to run Test...
TrueEntireScope=This action is applied for entire scope (including locked lines)! Are you sure to do?
UnLockLinesCaption=Unlock all lines
UnLockLinesCheckBoxRangeExcept=Do not unlock Direct &speech
WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=preview in Windows Media Player
WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - Preview
WrongDigit=This is not the digit:
WrongNumbers=Frames FROM and TO must not be equal!