If you have a problem with the charset. eg japanese then add in
Info about the CHARSET
ANSI_CHARSET 0 ANSI characters.
DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 Font is chosen based solely on Name and Size. If the described font is not available on the system, Windows will substitute another font.
SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 Standard symbol set.
MAC_CHARSET 77 Macintosh characters. Not available on NT 3.51.
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 Japanese shift-JIS characters.
HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 Korean characters (Wansung).
JOHAB_CHARSET 130 Korean characters (Johab). Not available on NT 3.51
GB2312_CHARSET 134 Simplified Chinese characters (mainland china).
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 Traditional Chinese characters (Taiwanese).
GREEK_CHARSET 161 Greek characters. Not available on NT 3.51.
TURKISH_CHARSET 162 Turkish characters. Not available on NT 3.51
VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 163 Vietnamese characters. Not available on NT 3.51.
HEBREW_CHARSET 177 Hebrew characters. Not available on NT 3.51
ARABIC_CHARSET 178 Arabic characters. Not available on NT 3.51
BALTIC_CHARSET 186 Baltic characters. Not available on NT 3.51.
RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 Cyrillic characters. Not available on NT 3.51.
THAI_CHARSET 222 Thai characters. Not available on NT 3.51
EASTEUROPE_CHARSET 238 Includes diacritical marks for eastern european countries. Not available on NT 3.51.
OEM_CHARSET 255 Depends on the codepage of the operating system.
FONT=The standard font that it's standard in your country. EG in japanese: MS UI GOTHIC otherwise use the the standard font. Run normal with all language-
Otherwise don't use CHARSET and FONT, then use the program the default, run with the most language