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- Attribute VB_Name = "FPDEFS"
- '
- ' fpdefs.bas
- '
- ' Copyright (c) 1999 FinePrint Software
- ' All Rights Reserved.
- '
- ' layout types (1-up 2-up etc.
- Enum eLayoutType
- eLayoutNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eLayoutBypass ' passthrough to destination printer
- eLayout1 ' 1-up
- eLayout2 ' 2-up
- eLayout4 ' 4-up
- eLayout8 ' 8-up
- eLayoutBooklet ' booklet
- eLayoutMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' border types
- Enum eBorderType
- eBordersNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eBordersOff ' off
- eBordersOn ' on
- eBordersSmart ' smart
- eBordersMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' order types
- Enum eOrderType
- eOrderAcross = 1
- eOrderDown = 0
- End Enum
- ' margin types
- Enum eMarginType
- eMarginNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eMarginNone ' none
- eMarginSmall ' small
- eMarginMedium ' medium
- eMarginLarge ' large
- eMarginOrig ' original
- eMarginMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' dest printer duplex support
- Enum eDuplexSupportType
- eDuplexSuppNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eDuplexSuppUnknown ' unknown
- eDuplexSuppFaceUp ' manual face up
- eDuplexSuppFaceDown ' manual face down
- eDuplexSuppHardware ' hardware duplex
- eDuplexSuppMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' dest printer duplex settings
- Enum eDuplexType
- eDuplexNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eDuplexNone ' 1-sided printing
- eDuplexLong ' 2-sided bind on long side
- eDuplexShort ' 2-sided bind on short side
- eDuplexDflt ' current printer setting
- eDuplexMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' dest printer orientation
- ' when to display the UI dialog
- Enum eShowDlgType
- ShowDlg_Nil = -1 ' sentinel value
- ShowDlg_Early ' show UI before spooling
- ShowDlg_Late ' show UI after spooling
- ShowDlg_Never ' do not show UI
- ShowDlg_Max ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' different ways to draw colored text
- Enum eColTextType
- eColTextNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eColTextNormal ' draw normally
- eColTextPath ' draw as a filled path
- eColTextBlack ' convert to black and draw normally
- eColTextMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' stationery items
- Enum eStatItem
- esiNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- esiHeader ' header
- esiFooter ' footer
- esiWatermark ' watermark
- esiMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' stationery item attributes
- Enum eStatItemAttr
- esiaNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- esiaText ' text of item (LPTSTR)
- esiaFont ' font of item (LOGFONT)
- esiaColor ' text color of item (COLORREF)
- esiaMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' layout items
- Enum eLayoutItem
- eliNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eliLayout ' N-up
- eliBorders ' borders
- eliOrder ' page ordering (4-up and 8-up only)
- eliStationery ' stationery
- eliForm ' form
- eliDestPrinter ' destination printer
- eliMargins ' margins
- eliDuplex ' double-sided
- eliCopies ' number of copies
- eliMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' dest printer page rotation
- Enum ePageRotation
- eprNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eprEntire ' rotate entire page
- eprBanded ' rotate page in bands
- eprNone ' do not rotate
- eprMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum
- ' special return values from the FinePrint UI
- Public Const IDDEFER = &HAAAA ' Defer button was pressed
- Public Const IDDEFERALL = &HAAAB ' Defer All button was pressed
- ' registry key names for dest printer settings
- Public Const stDestColoredText = "ColoredText"
- Public Const stDestDuplex = "Duplex"
- Public Const stDestDuplexSupport = "DuplexSupport"
- Public Const stDestDuplexType = "DuplexType"
- Public Const stDestExtraMargin = "AddMargin"
- Public Const stDestLandDupCorr = "DuplexCorrection"
- Public Const stDestOrientation = "Orientation"
- Public Const stDestPageRotation = "PageRotation"
- Public Const stDestPdfFontCorr = "EmbFontGraphics"
- Public Const stDestReverse = "Reverse"
- ' FinePrint error codes
- Enum FpError
- eFpeNil = -1 ' sentinel value
- eFpeOK ' no error
- eFpeNotImplemented ' functionality is not implemented
- eFpeBadParam ' invalid parameter
- eFpeNoMem ' out of memory
- eFpeBadVersion ' incompatible FinePrint version
- eFpeNotFound ' item was not found
- eFpeNoDispatcher ' could not locate the dispatcher
- eFpeDispatcherErr ' an error occurred in the dispatcher
- eFpeNoUi ' could not locate the UI
- eFpeUiErr ' an error occurred in the UI
- eFpeTimeout ' a timeout expired
- eFpePrinter ' error on the dest printer
- eFpeIo ' file I/O error
- eFpeMax ' sentinel value
- End Enum