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- //
- // fpdefs.h
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000 FinePrint Software
- // All Rights Reserved.
- //
- #ifndef inc_fpdefs
- #define inc_fpdefs
- // layout types (1-up, 2-up, etc.)
- enum eLayoutType {
- eLayoutNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eLayoutBypass, // passthrough to destination printer
- eLayout1, // 1-up
- eLayout2, // 2-up
- eLayout4, // 4-up
- eLayout8, // 8-up
- eLayoutBooklet, // booklet
- eLayoutMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // border types
- enum eBorderType {
- eBordersNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eBordersOff, // off
- eBordersOn, // on
- eBordersSmart, // smart
- eBordersMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // margin types
- enum eMarginType {
- eMarginNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eMarginNone, // none
- eMarginSmall, // small
- eMarginMedium, // medium
- eMarginLarge, // large
- eMarginOrig, // original
- eMarginMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // gutter types
- enum eGutterType {
- eGutterNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eGutterNone, // none
- eGutterLong, // gutter on long side of sheet
- eGutterShort, // gutter on short side of sheet
- eGutterMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // dest printer duplex support
- enum eDuplexSupportType {
- eDuplexSuppNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eDuplexSuppUnknown, // unknown (NOT USED)
- eDuplexSuppFaceUp, // manual, face up (NOT USED)
- eDuplexSuppFaceDown, // manual, face down (NOT USED)
- eDuplexSuppHardware, // hardware duplex
- eDuplexSuppManual, // manual duplex
- eDuplexSuppMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // dest printer hardware duplex corrections
- #define dupcorrLandscape 0x00000001 // landscape duplex correction
- #define dupcorrPortrait 0x00000002 // portrait duplex correction
- // dest printer manual duplex type
- #define pmdFlipShort 0x00000001 // requires a short side flip to
- // print duplex
- #define pmdRotate 0x00000002 // requires a 180 degree rotation
- // for short side duplex
- // dest printer duplex settings
- enum eDuplexType {
- eDuplexNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eDuplexNone, // 1-sided printing
- eDuplexLong, // 2-sided, bind on long side
- eDuplexShort, // 2-sided, bind on short side
- eDuplexDflt, // current printer setting
- eDuplexMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // dest printer orientation
- #define DMORIENT_AUTOMATIC 3 // automatic orientation based on N-up and
- // source document orientation
- // when to display the UI dialog
- enum eShowDlgType {
- ShowDlg_Nil = -1, // sentinel value
- ShowDlg_Early, // show UI before spooling
- ShowDlg_Late, // show UI after spooling
- ShowDlg_Never, // do not show UI
- ShowDlg_Max, // sentinel value
- };
- // different ways to draw colored text
- enum eColTextType {
- eColTextNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eColTextNormal, // draw normally
- eColTextPath, // draw as a filled path
- eColTextBlack, // convert to black and draw normally
- eColTextMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // stationery items
- enum eStatItem {
- esiNil = -1, // sentinel value
- esiHeader, // header
- esiFooter, // footer
- esiWatermark, // watermark
- esiApplyToEachPage, // apply to each page (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- esiMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // stationery item attributes
- enum eStatItemAttr {
- esiaNil = -1, // sentinel value
- esiaText, // text of item (LPTSTR)
- esiaFont, // font of item (LOGFONT)
- esiaColor, // text color of item (COLORREF)
- esiaMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // layout items
- enum eLayoutItem {
- eliNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eliLayout, // N-up
- eliBorders, // borders
- eliOrder, // page ordering (4-up and 8-up only)
- eliStationery, // stationery
- eliForm, // form
- eliDestPrinter, // destination printer
- eliMargins, // margins
- eliDuplex, // double-sided
- eliCopies, // number of copies
- eliSeparateJobs, // job separation (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliGutter, // gutter (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliEnableRTL, // enable RTL support (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliRTL, // RTL page ordering (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliAlignText, // text column alignment (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliSkipBitmaps, // skip bitmap output (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- eliMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // dest printer page rotation
- enum ePageRotation {
- eprNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eprEntire, // rotate entire page
- eprBanded, // rotate page in bands
- eprNone, // do not rotate
- eprMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // job separation
- enum eJobSeparation {
- ejsNil = -1, // sentinel value
- ejsNone, // no separation
- ejsSide, // each job on new side
- ejsSheet, // each job on new sheet
- ejsMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // dest printer text capabilities
- #define ptcRotateNormal 0x00000001 // rotated colored text works
- // normally
- #define ptcRotateCorrection 0x00000002 // rotated colored text works
- // with color correction
- #define ptcRotateConvert 0x00000004 // rotated colored text works
- // when converted to black
- #define ptcAll 0xffffffff // everything works correctly
- // special return values from the FinePrint UI
- #define IDDEFER 0xaaaa // Defer button was pressed
- #define IDDEFERALL 0xaaab // Defer All button was pressed
- // registry key names for dest printer settings
- #define stDestCollate TEXT ("Collate")
- #define stDestColoredText TEXT ("ColoredText")
- #define stDestDuplex TEXT ("Duplex")
- #define stDestDuplexCorrection TEXT ("DuplexCorrection")
- #define stDestDuplexSupport TEXT ("DuplexSupport")
- #define stDestDuplexType TEXT ("DuplexType")
- #define stDestExtraMargin TEXT ("AddMargin")
- #define stDestManualDuplex TEXT ("ManualDuplex")
- #define stDestOrientation TEXT ("Orientation")
- #define stDestPageRotation TEXT ("PageRotation")
- #define stDestPdfFontCorr TEXT ("EmbFontGraphics")
- #define stDestReverse TEXT ("Reverse")
- #define stDestTextCaps TEXT ("TextCaps")
- // old names, left in for compatibility
- #define stDestLandDupCorr TEXT ("DuplexCorrection")
- // FinePrint error codes
- enum FpError {
- eFpeNil = -1, // sentinel value
- eFpeOK, // no error
- eFpeNotImplemented, // functionality is not implemented
- eFpeBadParam, // invalid parameter
- eFpeNoMem, // out of memory
- eFpeBadVersion, // incompatible FinePrint version
- eFpeNotFound, // item was not found
- eFpeNoDispatcher, // could not locate the dispatcher
- eFpeDispatcherErr, // an error occurred in the dispatcher
- eFpeNoUi, // could not locate the UI
- eFpeUiErr, // an error occurred in the UI
- eFpeTimeout, // a timeout expired
- eFpePrinter, // error on the dest printer
- eFpeIo, // file I/O error
- eFpeMax, // sentinel value
- };
- // structure passed to StartDoc/EndDoc callback functions
- struct FpDocCallbackA {
- DWORD idJob; // print job ID
- DWORD dwShowDlg; // dialog mode (eShowDlgType)
- char szFinePrinter[260]; // FinePrinter name
- char szJobName[260]; // print job name
- char szFpFile[260]; // FP file name
- };
- struct FpDocCallbackW {
- DWORD idJob; // print job ID
- DWORD dwShowDlg; // dialog mode (eShowDlgType)
- WCHAR szFinePrinter[260]; // FinePrinter name
- WCHAR szJobName[260]; // print job name
- WCHAR szFpFile[260]; // FP file name
- };
- // StartDoc/EndDoc callback entry points
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *FpDocCallbackProcA) (FpDocCallbackA *pDoc);
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *FpDocCallbackProcW) (FpDocCallbackW *pDoc);
- // old names for compatibility
- typedef FpDocCallbackProcA CallbackProcA;
- typedef FpDocCallbackProcW CallbackProcW;
- typedef FpDocCallbackA FpJobCallbackA;
- typedef FpDocCallbackW FpJobCallbackW;
- // PageCount structure
- struct PageCount {
- DWORD cDocPages; // number of source document pages
- DWORD cPaperSides; // number of sides of paper
- DWORD cPaperSheets; // number of sheets of paper
- };
- // structure passed to PrePrint/OnPrint callback functions
- struct FpPrintCallbackA {
- PageCount pc; // number of pages printed
- char szFinePrinter[260]; // FinePrinter name
- };
- struct FpPrintCallbackW {
- PageCount pc; // number of pages printed
- WCHAR szFinePrinter[260]; // FinePrinter name
- };
- // PrePrint/OnPrint callback entry points
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *FpPrintCallbackProcA) (FpPrintCallbackA *pPrint);
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *FpPrintCallbackProcW) (FpPrintCallbackW *pPrint);
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define FpDocCallback FpDocCallbackW
- #define FpDocCallbackProc FpDocCallbackProcW
- #define FpPrintCallback FpPrintCallbackW
- #define FpPrintCallbackProc FpPrintCallbackProcW
- #else
- #define FpDocCallback FpDocCallbackA
- #define FpDocCallbackProc FpDocCallbackProcA
- #define FpPrintCallback FpPrintCallbackA
- #define FpPrintCallbackProc FpPrintCallbackProcA
- #endif
- #endif