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- //
- // fpapi.h
- //
- // FinePrint API main header file
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000 FinePrint Software
- // All Rights Reserved.
- //
- #ifndef inc_fpapi
- #define inc_fpapi
- #include "fpdefs.h"
- // opaque handles into FinePrint API
- typedef DWORD HFinePrint; // session handle from fpOpen
- typedef DWORD HFpStat; // stationery handle from fpCreateStationery
- // job count structure
- struct FpJobCount {
- DWORD cJobsPending; // number of print jobs queued in the Dispatcher
- DWORD cJobsDeferred; // number of print jobs queued in the FinePrint UI
- DWORD cJobsCumulative; // cumulative number of print jobs handled
- // since Dispatcher startup
- };
- // job status structure
- struct FpJobStatus {
- BOOL fAppTerm; // =1 if the printing app has terminated
- BOOL fJobStarted; // =1 if the print job started (StartDoc)
- BOOL fJobCompleted; // =1 if the print job completed (EndDoc)
- BOOL fTimeout; // =1 if we timed out waiting for the job
- };
- // function prototypes
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- void __stdcall fpClearCallbackDll (HFinePrint hfp);
- FpError __stdcall fpClose (HFinePrint hfp, BOOL fDeleteJobs);
- FpError __stdcall fpCloseStationery (HFinePrint hfp, HFpStat hStat);
- FpError __stdcall fpCreateStationery (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- LPCTSTR pszStat,
- HFpStat *phStat);
- FpError __stdcall fpDeleteStationery (HFinePrint hfp, LPCTSTR pszStat);
- FpError __stdcall fpDisplayDialog (HFinePrint hfp, DWORD *pdwDlg);
- FpError __stdcall fpGetFinePrinterName (
- int iPrinter,
- LPTSTR pszFinePrinter);
- FpError __stdcall fpGetJobCount (HFinePrint hfp, FpJobCount *pjc);
- DWORD __stdcall fpGetLayoutAttr (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- eLayoutItem li,
- void *pAttr,
- DWORD cbAttr);
- DWORD __stdcall fpGetStationeryAttr (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- HFpStat hStat,
- eStatItem si,
- eStatItemAttr sia,
- void *pAttr,
- DWORD cbAttr);
- DWORD __stdcall fpGetVersion ();
- DWORD __stdcall fpGetVersionReq ();
- FpError __stdcall fpOpen (LPCTSTR pszFinePrinter, HFinePrint *phfp);
- FpError __stdcall fpOpenStationery (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- LPCTSTR pszStat,
- HFpStat *phStat);
- FpError __stdcall fpPrintAllJobs (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- LPCTSTR pszOutputFile,
- BOOL fShowProgress,
- BOOL fDeleteJobsWhenDone);
- FpError __stdcall fpSaveSettings (HFinePrint hfp);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetCallbackDll (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- LPCTSTR pszCallbackDll,
- DWORD *pcEntryPoints);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetDeferAll (HFinePrint hfp, BOOL fDeferAll);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetDestPrinterAttr (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- LPCTSTR pszDestPrinter,
- LPCTSTR pszSetting,
- DWORD dwValue);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetLayoutAttr (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- eLayoutItem li,
- const void *pAttr);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetShowDlg (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- DWORD dwShowDlg);
- FpError __stdcall fpSetStationeryAttr (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- HFpStat hStat,
- eStatItem si,
- eStatItemAttr sia,
- const void *pAttr);
- FpError __stdcall fpWaitForJob (
- HFinePrint hfp,
- const FpJobCount *pjcOrig,
- HANDLE hProcess,
- DWORD cSecTimeoutStart,
- DWORD cSecTimeoutPrint,
- FpJobStatus *pjs);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- };
- #endif
- #endif