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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dragsite.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: dragsite.tcl,v 1.6 2001/06/11 23:58:40 hobbs Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - DragSite::include
- # - DragSite::setdrag
- # - DragSite::register
- # - DragSite::_begin_drag
- # - DragSite::_init_drag
- # - DragSite::_end_drag
- # - DragSite::_update_operation
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval DragSite {
- Widget::declare DragSite [list \
- [list -dragevent Enum 1 0 [list 1 2 3]] \
- [list -draginitcmd String "" 0] \
- [list -dragendcmd String "" 0] \
- ]
- variable _topw ".drag"
- variable _tabops
- variable _state
- variable _x0
- variable _y0
- bind BwDrag1 <ButtonPress-1> {DragSite::_begin_drag press %W %s %X %Y}
- bind BwDrag1 <B1-Motion> {DragSite::_begin_drag motion %W %s %X %Y}
- bind BwDrag2 <ButtonPress-2> {DragSite::_begin_drag press %W %s %X %Y}
- bind BwDrag2 <B2-Motion> {DragSite::_begin_drag motion %W %s %X %Y}
- bind BwDrag3 <ButtonPress-3> {DragSite::_begin_drag press %W %s %X %Y}
- bind BwDrag3 <B3-Motion> {DragSite::_begin_drag motion %W %s %X %Y}
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::include
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::include { class type event } {
- set dragoptions [list \
- [list -dragenabled Boolean 0 0] \
- [list -draginitcmd String "" 0] \
- [list -dragendcmd String "" 0] \
- [list -dragtype String $type 0] \
- [list -dragevent Enum $event 0 [list 1 2 3]] \
- ]
- Widget::declare $class $dragoptions
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::setdrag
- # Widget interface to register
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::setdrag { path subpath initcmd endcmd {force 0}} {
- set cen [Widget::hasChanged $path -dragenabled en]
- set cdragevt [Widget::hasChanged $path -dragevent dragevt]
- if { $en } {
- if { $force || $cen || $cdragevt } {
- register $subpath \
- -draginitcmd $initcmd \
- -dragendcmd $endcmd \
- -dragevent $dragevt
- }
- } else {
- register $subpath
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::register
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::register { path args } {
- upvar \#0 DragSite::$path drag
- if { [info exists drag] } {
- bind $path $drag(evt) {}
- unset drag
- }
- Widget::init DragSite .drag$path $args
- set event [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drag$path -dragevent]
- set initcmd [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drag$path -draginitcmd]
- set endcmd [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drag$path -dragendcmd]
- set tags [bindtags $path]
- set idx [lsearch $tags "BwDrag*"]
- Widget::destroy .drag$path
- if { $initcmd != "" } {
- if { $idx != -1 } {
- bindtags $path [lreplace $tags $idx $idx BwDrag$event]
- } else {
- bindtags $path [concat $tags BwDrag$event]
- }
- set drag(initcmd) $initcmd
- set drag(endcmd) $endcmd
- set drag(evt) $event
- } elseif { $idx != -1 } {
- bindtags $path [lreplace $tags $idx $idx]
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::_begin_drag
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::_begin_drag { event source state X Y } {
- variable _x0
- variable _y0
- variable _state
- switch -- $event {
- press {
- set _x0 $X
- set _y0 $Y
- set _state "press"
- }
- motion {
- if { ![info exists _state] } {
- # This is just extra protection. There seem to be
- # rare cases where the motion comes before the press.
- return
- }
- if { ![string compare $_state "press"] } {
- if { abs($_x0-$X) > 3 || abs($_y0-$Y) > 3 } {
- set _state "done"
- _init_drag $source $state $X $Y
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::_init_drag
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::_init_drag { source state X Y } {
- variable _topw
- upvar \#0 DragSite::$source drag
- destroy $_topw
- toplevel $_topw
- wm withdraw $_topw
- wm overrideredirect $_topw 1
- set info [uplevel \#0 $drag(initcmd) [list $source $X $Y .drag]]
- if { $info != "" } {
- set type [lindex $info 0]
- set ops [lindex $info 1]
- set data [lindex $info 2]
- if { [winfo children $_topw] == "" } {
- if { ![string compare $type "BITMAP"] || ![string compare $type "IMAGE"] } {
- label $_topw.l -image [Bitmap::get dragicon] -relief flat -bd 0
- } else {
- label $_topw.l -image [Bitmap::get dragfile] -relief flat -bd 0
- }
- pack $_topw.l
- }
- wm geometry $_topw +[expr {$X+1}]+[expr {$Y+1}]
- wm deiconify $_topw
- if {[catch {tkwait visibility $_topw}]} {
- return
- }
- BWidget::grab set $_topw
- BWidget::focus set $_topw
- bindtags $_topw [list $_topw DragTop]
- DropSite::_init_drag $_topw $drag(evt) $source $state $X $Y $type $ops $data
- } else {
- destroy $_topw
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DragSite::_end_drag
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DragSite::_end_drag { source target op type data result } {
- variable _topw
- upvar \#0 DragSite::$source drag
- BWidget::grab release $_topw
- BWidget::focus release $_topw
- destroy $_topw
- if { $drag(endcmd) != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $drag(endcmd) [list $source $target $op $type $data $result]
- }
- }