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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dropsite.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: dropsite.tcl,v 1.5 2000/06/15 00:45:16 kuchler Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - DropSite::include
- # - DropSite::setdrop
- # - DropSite::register
- # - DropSite::setcursor
- # - DropSite::setoperation
- # - DropSite::_update_operation
- # - DropSite::_compute_operation
- # - DropSite::_draw_operation
- # - DropSite::_init_drag
- # - DropSite::_motion
- # - DropSite::_release
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval DropSite {
- Widget::declare DropSite [list \
- [list -dropovercmd String "" 0] \
- [list -dropcmd String "" 0] \
- [list -droptypes String "" 0] \
- ]
- proc use {} {}
- variable _top ".drag"
- variable _opw ".drag.\#op"
- variable _target ""
- variable _status 0
- variable _tabops
- variable _defops
- variable _source
- variable _type
- variable _data
- variable _evt
- # key win unix
- # shift 1 | 1 -> 1
- # control 4 | 4 -> 4
- # alt 8 | 16 -> 24
- # meta | 64 -> 88
- array set _tabops {
- mod,none 0
- mod,shift 1
- mod,control 4
- mod,alt 24
- ops,copy 1
- ops,move 1
- ops,link 1
- }
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
- set _tabops(mod,alt) 8
- } else {
- set _tabops(mod,alt) 16
- }
- array set _defops \
- [list \
- copy,mod shift \
- move,mod control \
- link,mod alt \
- copy,img @[file join $::BWIDGET::LIBRARY "images" "opcopy.xbm"] \
- move,img @[file join $::BWIDGET::LIBRARY "images" "opmove.xbm"] \
- link,img @[file join $::BWIDGET::LIBRARY "images" "oplink.xbm"]]
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Shift_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 1]}
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Shift_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 1]}
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Control_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 4]}
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Control_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 4]}
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Alt_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 8]}
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Alt_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 8]}
- } else {
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Alt_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 16]}
- bind DragTop <KeyPress-Alt_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s | 16]}
- }
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Shift_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~1]}
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Shift_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~1]}
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Control_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~4]}
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Control_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~4]}
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Alt_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~8]}
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Alt_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~8]}
- } else {
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Alt_L> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~16]}
- bind DragTop <KeyRelease-Alt_R> {DropSite::_update_operation [expr %s & ~16]}
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::include
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::include { class types } {
- set dropoptions [list \
- [list -dropenabled Boolean 0 0] \
- [list -dropovercmd String "" 0] \
- [list -dropcmd String "" 0] \
- [list -droptypes String $types 0] \
- ]
- Widget::declare $class $dropoptions
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::setdrop
- # Widget interface to register
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::setdrop { path subpath dropover drop {force 0}} {
- set cen [Widget::hasChanged $path -dropenabled en]
- set ctypes [Widget::hasChanged $path -droptypes types]
- if { $en } {
- if { $force || $cen || $ctypes } {
- register $subpath \
- -droptypes $types \
- -dropcmd $drop \
- -dropovercmd $dropover
- }
- } else {
- register $subpath
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::register
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::register { path args } {
- variable _tabops
- variable _defops
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$path drop
- Widget::init DropSite .drop$path $args
- if { [info exists drop] } {
- unset drop
- }
- set dropcmd [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drop$path -dropcmd]
- set types [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drop$path -droptypes]
- set overcmd [Widget::getMegawidgetOption .drop$path -dropovercmd]
- Widget::destroy .drop$path
- if { $dropcmd != "" && $types != "" } {
- set drop(dropcmd) $dropcmd
- set drop(overcmd) $overcmd
- foreach {type ops} $types {
- set drop($type,ops) {}
- foreach {descop lmod} $ops {
- if { ![llength $descop] || [llength $descop] > 3 } {
- return -code error "invalid operation description \"$descop\""
- }
- foreach {subop baseop imgop} $descop {
- set subop [string trim $subop]
- if { ![string length $subop] } {
- return -code error "sub operation is empty"
- }
- if { ![string length $baseop] } {
- set baseop $subop
- }
- if { [info exists drop($type,ops,$subop)] } {
- return -code error "operation \"$subop\" already defined"
- }
- if { ![info exists _tabops(ops,$baseop)] } {
- return -code error "invalid base operation \"$baseop\""
- }
- if { [string compare $subop $baseop] &&
- [info exists _tabops(ops,$subop)] } {
- return -code error "sub operation \"$subop\" is a base operation"
- }
- if { ![string length $imgop] } {
- set imgop $_defops($baseop,img)
- }
- }
- if { ![string compare $lmod "program"] } {
- set drop($type,ops,$subop) $baseop
- set drop($type,img,$subop) $imgop
- } else {
- if { ![string length $lmod] } {
- set lmod $_defops($baseop,mod)
- }
- set mask 0
- foreach mod $lmod {
- if { ![info exists _tabops(mod,$mod)] } {
- return -code error "invalid modifier \"$mod\""
- }
- set mask [expr {$mask | $_tabops(mod,$mod)}]
- }
- if { ($mask == 0) != ([string compare $subop "default"] == 0) } {
- return -code error "sub operation default can only be used with modifier \"none\""
- }
- set drop($type,mod,$mask) $subop
- set drop($type,ops,$subop) $baseop
- set drop($type,img,$subop) $imgop
- lappend masklist $mask
- }
- }
- if { ![info exists drop($type,mod,0)] } {
- set drop($type,mod,0) default
- set drop($type,ops,default) copy
- set drop($type,img,default) $_defops(copy,img)
- lappend masklist 0
- }
- set drop($type,ops,force) copy
- set drop($type,img,force) $_defops(copy,img)
- foreach mask [lsort -integer -decreasing $masklist] {
- lappend drop($type,ops) $mask $drop($type,mod,$mask)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::setcursor
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::setcursor { cursor } {
- catch {.drag configure -cursor $cursor}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::setoperation
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::setoperation { op } {
- variable _curop
- variable _dragops
- variable _target
- variable _type
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- if { [info exist drop($_type,ops,$op)] &&
- $_dragops($drop($_type,ops,$op)) } {
- set _curop $op
- } else {
- # force to a copy operation
- set _curop force
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_init_drag
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_init_drag { top evt source state X Y type ops data } {
- variable _top
- variable _source
- variable _type
- variable _data
- variable _target
- variable _status
- variable _state
- variable _dragops
- variable _opw
- variable _evt
- if {[info exists _dragops]} {
- unset _dragops
- }
- array set _dragops {copy 1 move 0 link 0}
- foreach op $ops {
- set _dragops($op) 1
- }
- set _target ""
- set _status 0
- set _top $top
- set _source $source
- set _type $type
- set _data $data
- label $_opw -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
- -foreground black -background white
- bind $top <ButtonRelease-$evt> {DropSite::_release %X %Y}
- bind $top <B$evt-Motion> {DropSite::_motion %X %Y}
- bind $top <Motion> {DropSite::_release %X %Y}
- set _state $state
- set _evt $evt
- _motion $X $Y
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_update_operation
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_update_operation { state } {
- variable _top
- variable _status
- variable _state
- if { $_status & 3 } {
- set _state $state
- _motion [winfo pointerx $_top] [winfo pointery $_top]
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_compute_operation
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_compute_operation { target state type } {
- variable _curop
- variable _dragops
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$target drop
- foreach {mask op} $drop($type,ops) {
- if { ($state & $mask) == $mask } {
- if { $_dragops($drop($type,ops,$op)) } {
- set _curop $op
- return
- }
- }
- }
- set _curop force
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_draw_operation
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_draw_operation { target type } {
- variable _opw
- variable _curop
- variable _dragops
- variable _tabops
- variable _status
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$target drop
- if { !($_status & 1) } {
- catch {place forget $_opw}
- return
- }
- if { 0 } {
- if { ![info exist drop($type,ops,$_curop)] ||
- !$_dragops($drop($type,ops,$_curop)) } {
- # force to a copy operation
- set _curop copy
- catch {
- $_opw configure -bitmap $_tabops(img,copy)
- place $_opw -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- }
- }
- } elseif { ![string compare $_curop "default"] } {
- catch {place forget $_opw}
- } else {
- catch {
- $_opw configure -bitmap $drop($type,img,$_curop)
- place $_opw -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_motion
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_motion { X Y } {
- variable _top
- variable _target
- variable _status
- variable _state
- variable _curop
- variable _type
- variable _data
- variable _source
- variable _evt
- set script [bind $_top <B$_evt-Motion>]
- bind $_top <B$_evt-Motion> {}
- bind $_top <Motion> {}
- wm geometry $_top "+[expr {$X+1}]+[expr {$Y+1}]"
- update
- if { ![winfo exists $_top] } {
- return
- }
- set path [winfo containing $X $Y]
- if { [string compare $path $_target] } {
- # path != current target
- if { $_status & 2 } {
- # current target is valid and has recall status
- # generate leave event
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- uplevel \#0 $drop(overcmd) [list $_target $_source leave $X $Y $_curop $_type $_data]
- }
- set _target $path
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- if { [info exists drop($_type,ops)] } {
- # path is a valid target
- _compute_operation $_target $_state $_type
- if { $drop(overcmd) != "" } {
- set arg [list $_target $_source enter $X $Y $_curop $_type $_data]
- set _status [uplevel \#0 $drop(overcmd) $arg]
- } else {
- set _status 1
- catch {$_top configure -cursor based_arrow_down}
- }
- _draw_operation $_target $_type
- update
- catch {
- bind $_top <B$_evt-Motion> {DropSite::_motion %X %Y}
- bind $_top <Motion> {DropSite::_release %X %Y}
- }
- return
- } else {
- set _status 0
- catch {$_top configure -cursor dot}
- _draw_operation "" ""
- }
- } elseif { $_status & 2 } {
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- _compute_operation $_target $_state $_type
- set arg [list $_target $_source motion $X $Y $_curop $_type $_data]
- set _status [uplevel \#0 $drop(overcmd) $arg]
- _draw_operation $_target $_type
- }
- update
- catch {
- bind $_top <B$_evt-Motion> {DropSite::_motion %X %Y}
- bind $_top <Motion> {DropSite::_release %X %Y}
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DropSite::_release
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DropSite::_release { X Y } {
- variable _target
- variable _status
- variable _curop
- variable _source
- variable _type
- variable _data
- if { $_status & 1 } {
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- set res [uplevel \#0 $drop(dropcmd) [list $_target $_source $X $Y $_curop $_type $_data]]
- DragSite::_end_drag $_source $_target $drop($_type,ops,$_curop) $_type $_data $res
- } else {
- if { $_status & 2 } {
- # notify leave event
- upvar \#0 DropSite::$_target drop
- uplevel \#0 $drop(overcmd) [list $_target $_source leave $X $Y $_curop $_type $_data]
- }
- DragSite::_end_drag $_source "" "" $_type $_data 0
- }
- }