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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dialog.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: dialog.tcl,v 1.8 2000/06/15 00:45:15 kuchler Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - Dialog::create
- # - Dialog::configure
- # - Dialog::cget
- # - Dialog::getframe
- # - Dialog::add
- # - Dialog::itemconfigure
- # - Dialog::itemcget
- # - Dialog::invoke
- # - Dialog::setfocus
- # - Dialog::enddialog
- # - Dialog::draw
- # - Dialog::withdraw
- # - Dialog::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval Dialog {
- ButtonBox::use
- Widget::bwinclude Dialog ButtonBox .bbox \
- remove {-orient} \
- initialize {-spacing 10 -padx 10}
- Widget::declare Dialog {
- {-title String "" 0}
- {-geometry String "" 0}
- {-modal Enum local 0 {none local global}}
- {-bitmap TkResource "" 1 label}
- {-image TkResource "" 1 label}
- {-separator Boolean 0 1}
- {-cancel Int -1 0 "%d >= -1"}
- {-parent String "" 0}
- {-side Enum bottom 1 {bottom left top right}}
- {-anchor Enum c 1 {n e w s c}}
- {-class String Dialog 1}
- }
- Widget::addmap Dialog "" :cmd {-background {}}
- Widget::addmap Dialog "" .frame {-background {}}
- proc ::Dialog { path args } { return [eval Dialog::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- bind BwDialog <Destroy> {Dialog::enddialog %W -1; Dialog::_destroy %W}
- variable _widget
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::create { path args } {
- global tcl_platform
- variable _widget
- array set maps [list Dialog {} .bbox {}]
- array set maps [Widget::parseArgs Dialog $args]
- # Check to see if the -class flag was specified
- set dialogClass "Dialog"
- array set dialogArgs $maps(Dialog)
- if { [info exists dialogArgs(-class)] } {
- set dialogClass $dialogArgs(-class)
- }
- if { [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"] } {
- set re raised
- set bd 1
- } else {
- set re flat
- set bd 0
- }
- toplevel $path -relief $re -borderwidth $bd -class $dialogClass
- Widget::initFromODB Dialog $path $maps(Dialog)
- bindtags $path [list $path BwDialog all]
- wm overrideredirect $path 1
- wm title $path [Widget::cget $path -title]
- set parent [Widget::cget $path -parent]
- if { ![winfo exists $parent] } {
- set parent [winfo parent $path]
- }
- wm transient $path [winfo toplevel $parent]
- wm withdraw $path
- set side [Widget::cget $path -side]
- if { ![string compare $side "left"] || ![string compare $side "right"] } {
- set orient vertical
- } else {
- set orient horizontal
- }
- set bbox [eval ButtonBox::create $path.bbox $maps(.bbox) -orient $orient]
- set frame [frame $path.frame -relief flat -borderwidth 0]
- set bg [Widget::cget $path -background]
- $path configure -background $bg
- $frame configure -background $bg
- if { [set bitmap [Widget::getoption $path -image]] != "" } {
- set label [label $path.label -image $bitmap -background $bg]
- } elseif { [set bitmap [Widget::getoption $path -bitmap]] != "" } {
- set label [label $path.label -bitmap $bitmap -background $bg]
- }
- if { [Widget::getoption $path -separator] } {
- Separator::create $path.sep -orient $orient -background $bg
- }
- set _widget($path,realized) 0
- set _widget($path,nbut) 0
- bind $path <Escape> "ButtonBox::invoke $path.bbox [Widget::getoption $path -cancel]"
- bind $path <Return> "ButtonBox::invoke $path.bbox default"
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval Dialog::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::configure { path args } {
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -title title] } {
- wm title $path $title
- }
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -background bg] } {
- if { [winfo exists $path.label] } {
- $path.label configure -background $bg
- }
- if { [winfo exists $path.sep] } {
- Separator::configure $path.sep -background $bg
- }
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::getframe
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::getframe { path } {
- return $path.frame
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::add
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::add { path args } {
- variable _widget
- set res [eval ButtonBox::add $path.bbox \
- -command [list "Dialog::enddialog $path $_widget($path,nbut)"] $args]
- incr _widget($path,nbut)
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::itemconfigure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::itemconfigure { path index args } {
- return [eval ButtonBox::itemconfigure $path.bbox $index $args]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::itemcget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::itemcget { path index option } {
- return [ButtonBox::itemcget $path.bbox $index $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::invoke
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::invoke { path index } {
- ButtonBox::invoke $path.bbox $index
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::setfocus
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::setfocus { path index } {
- ButtonBox::setfocus $path.bbox $index
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::enddialog
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::enddialog { path result } {
- variable _widget
- set _widget($path,result) $result
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::draw
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::draw { path {focus ""} {overrideredirect 0} {geometry ""}} {
- variable _widget
- set parent [Widget::getoption $path -parent]
- if { !$_widget($path,realized) } {
- set _widget($path,realized) 1
- if { [llength [winfo children $path.bbox]] } {
- set side [Widget::getoption $path -side]
- if { ![string compare $side "left"] || ![string compare $side "right"] } {
- set pad -padx
- set fill y
- } else {
- set pad -pady
- set fill x
- }
- pack $path.bbox -side $side -anchor [Widget::getoption $path -anchor] -padx 1m -pady 1m
- if { [winfo exists $path.sep] } {
- pack $path.sep -side $side -fill $fill $pad 2m
- }
- }
- if { [winfo exists $path.label] } {
- pack $path.label -side left -anchor n -padx 3m -pady 3m
- }
- pack $path.frame -padx 1m -pady 1m -fill both -expand yes
- }
- set geom [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -geometry]
- if { $geom != "" } {
- wm geometry $path $geom
- }
- if { [string equal $geometry ""] && ($geom == "") } {
- if { [winfo exists $parent] } {
- BWidget::place $path 0 0 center $parent
- } else {
- BWidget::place $path 0 0 center
- }
- } else {
- if { $geom != "" } {
- wm geometry $path $geom
- } else {
- wm geometry $path $geometry
- }
- }
- update idletasks
- wm overrideredirect $path $overrideredirect
- wm deiconify $path
- tkwait visibility $path
- BWidget::focus set $path
- if { [winfo exists $focus] } {
- focus -force $focus
- } else {
- ButtonBox::setfocus $path.bbox default
- }
- if { [set grab [Widget::cget $path -modal]] != "none" } {
- BWidget::grab $grab $path
- if {[info exists _widget($path,result)]} {
- unset _widget($path,result)
- }
- tkwait variable Dialog::_widget($path,result)
- if { [info exists _widget($path,result)] } {
- set res $_widget($path,result)
- unset _widget($path,result)
- } else {
- set res -1
- }
- withdraw $path
- return $res
- }
- return ""
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::withdraw
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::withdraw { path } {
- BWidget::grab release $path
- BWidget::focus release $path
- if { [winfo exists $path] } {
- wm withdraw $path
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Dialog::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Dialog::_destroy { path } {
- variable _widget
- BWidget::grab release $path
- BWidget::focus release $path
- if {[info exists _widget($path,result)]} {
- unset _widget($path,result)
- }
- unset _widget($path,realized)
- unset _widget($path,nbut)
- Widget::destroy $path
- rename $path {}
- }