; This file contains all strings that are used in IChat
; How can you add support for your language?
; It's very easy now.
; 1. Make copy of this file and translate it
; 3. In language.ini:
; 1. Increate value of "Count" in main section on 1.
; 2. Create section with name Language<count> like it made for other languages.
; 3. Set name of your language like it's done for other languages
; 4. Set name of the INI file that you translated like it's done for other languages.
; After this your language will appear in the list of languages.
; You can select it and chat will use it.
; Some comments to the translation:
; 1. Before equal sign it's a identificator.
; Don't change anything in it.
; Leave it like it is.
; 2. Don't care about length of string in English and your language.
; Chat will change position on the form and it will look good.
; 3. If you need to use " in the begging of the string then put # before it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=#"Name
; 4. If you need to use " in the end of the string then put " after it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=Name"#
; 5. If you need to use space in the begging of the string then put " before it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=# Name
; 6. If you need to use space in the end of the string then put " after it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=Name #
; 7. Sometimes it's mecessary to cut message of some lines. For example how
; help message (/? command) looks:
; 9000=Alert has been arrived\rPrivate chat has been created\rLine has been created\rMessage board has been updated\rMessage in common chat has been arrived\rMessage in line has been arrived\rMessage in private chat has been arrived\rMass private message has been arrived\rPrivate message has been arrived\rUser has connected\rUser has disconnected\rUser has renamed
; Then you can use \r and \n combinations. Test after \r\n will be moved on the
; next line.
; 8. If string contains %s or %d it means that these combinations will be changed
; to something. For example command that is show in user menu:
; 11031=Insert "%s:" in message
; In this case %s will be changed to the name of the user that is selected in
; the list. For all such strings you have to put all these %s or %d in the right
; place in your language sentense. So that sentense will be right and will be
; understood right.
; I will give explanations for all such cases before them.
; 9. Some of the strings are list of values for the combobox or tree. Such lists
; in the begging and in the # end always contain ". Leave like it is.
; Values in such lists are separated by ,.
; If one of the values is more then one word then such values are taken in "
; You have to do the same if value on your language will contains more then one
pmnuGroupsAdd.Caption=Add work group/domain/IP-address
pmnuGroupsSelect.Caption=Select and add workgroup/domain
pmnuGroupsIPs.Caption=Add range of IP-adresses
pmnuGroupsClear.Caption=Delete all
pmnuGroupsLoad.Caption=Load from file
pmnuGroupsSave.Caption=Save to file
LabelChatHotKey.Caption=Hotkey for calling chat:
LabelStoredLinesCount.Caption=Number of stored messages:
LabelAutoAway.Caption=minutes of inactivity
TreeView.Items=#"Display messages","[Time] <Sender>: message","<Sender> [Time]: message","<Sender>: message",General,"Run chat in Windows startup","Show icon in system tray","Show seconds in time","Clear multiline editor after sending message","Send only current paragraph in multiline editor","Automatically check sender of private message","Automatically convert smiles to pictures"#
cbAutoAway.Caption=Go into "I'm away" mode after
cbAutoRefresh.Caption=Refresh user list each
GroupBox.Caption=Fonts and colors:
Edit.Text=Message text
TreeView.Items=#Alex,"New line","New line",Alex#
TreeView.Items=#"Use only if chat is in background (not current application)"#
GroupBox.Caption=Message on message board:
GroupBox.Caption=Filters for messages:
BtnCheck.Hint=Check all (enable all)
BtnUncheck.Hint=Uncheck all
GroupBox.Caption=Quick messages:
LabelLogViewer.Caption=Show log files using:
rgCommonChatLog.Caption=Common chat:
rgCommonChatLog.Items=#"None","Add to the end of the ""Common.log"" file","Override file ""Common.log"" each time when chat starts"#
rgPrivateMessagesLog.Caption=Private messages:
rgPrivateMessagesLog.Items=#"None","Add to the end of the ""Private.log"" file","Override file ""Private.log"" each time when chat starts"#
rgAlertAction.Caption=When user (computer) is connected:
rgAlertAction.Items=#"Bring chat to front","Send alert (message) to user","Send alert (message) to me"#
rgAlertSendType.Items=#"One time",Always#
pmnuMessagesMainSelectAll.Caption=Select all
pmnuMessagesMainCut.Caption=Cut to clipboard
pmnuMessagesMainCopy.Caption=Copy to clipboard
edName.Hint=Enter name of line here
edPassword.Hint=Enter password for enter into the line here
Caption=Select work groups/domains
BitBtnAddAll.Caption=Add all
Caption=Automatic answer
pmnuIgnore.Caption=Ignore user
pmnuIgnore2.Caption=Full ignore
9000=Alert has been arrived\rPrivate chat has been created\rLine has been created\rMessage board has been updated\rMessage in common chat has been arrived\rMessage in line has been arrived\rMessage in private chat has been arrived\rMass private message has been arrived\rPrivate message has been arrived\rUser has connected\rUser has disconnected\rUser has renamed
9001=Private chat has been created\rLine has been created\rMessage board has been updated\rUser has connected\rUser has disconnected\rUser has renamed
9002=Available commands:
9003=/? - this help (list of available commands)\r\n/help - this help (list of available commands)\r\n/cmdlist - this help (list of available commands)
9004=/clear - clear current message window
9005=/clear_history - clear typed message history
9006=/refresh - refresh list of users\r\n/who - refresh list of users
9007=/nick "new nick" - change nickname
9008=/nextnick "new nick" - set nickname for next session
9009=/msg "user" message - send private message
9010=/me message - say
9011=/smiles - show all possible smiles combinations
; %s - wrong command that was typed
9020=Wrong command syntax: %s
;%s - unknown command that was typed
9021=Unknown command: %s. \r\n/? - list of available commands.
10000=Join line
10001=Join private chat
10002=New line
10003=Line already exists
10004=Join line
10005=Wrong password
10006=received your message
; first %s - user name
; second %s - alert message
10007=Alert from %s. %s
10008=Message board has been updated
; %s - name of the user that has connected
10009=%s has connected. %s
; %s - name of the user that has left chat
10010=%s has left chat
; %s - name of the user that has left common chat
10011=%s has left common chat
; %s - name of the user that has left line
10012=%s has left line
; first %s - name of the user that has connected
; second %s - name of his computer
10013=%s from computer %s has connected.
; %s - text of the alert message that was received
10014=Alert. %s
; first %s - old user name
; second %s - new user name
10015=#"%s" has renamed to "%s"#
; %s - user name
10016=Private chat with "%s" has been created.
; %s - name of the line
10017=Line "%s" has been created.
;%s - user name
10018=%s is in chat.
; %s - user name
10019=%s is in common chat.
; %s - user name
10020=%s is in line.
10021=Message: #
; %s - user name
10022=Chat with %s
10023=Hello All!
10024=Don't disturb.
10025=Don't disturb me.
; %s - date and time when log was started
10031=Log started: %s
10032=List of users ...
10033=Connect message
10034=#"Don't disturb on MASS private messages" mode
10035=#"Don't disturb on ALL messages" mode
10036=#"I'm away" mode
; First %s - chat name
; second %s - chat server
; third %s - user name
10037=Welcome to %s v.%s, %s!
;%s - user name
10038=Your name in next chat session will be "%s"#
10039=# Name
; %s - user name
10043=Message from %s
; first %s - date
; second %s - time
10044=Time: %s %s
; %s - user name
10045=To: %s
10046=To: all
11000=Show only these system messages ..
11001=Show alert flag in system tray when ..
11002=Bring chat to front when ..
11003=System message
11004=Sent message
11005=Received message
11006=Edited message
11007=Private message
11008=Message on message board
11009=User list
11015=URL, for example, http://vnalex.tripod.com
11010=You have changed your nick. Do you want to rename right now??\r\n Choose NO if you want to change name only in next session.
11011=#"Normal" mode
11012=#"Don't disturb on MASS messages" mode
11013=#"Don't disturb on ALL messages" mode
11014=#"I'm away" mode
; first %d - frequency of sound
; second %d - duration of sound
11021=On PC-speaker: frequency - %d duration - %d
; %s - file name
11022=File: %s
11023=Message was ignored.
;%s - user name
11030=Check "%s" in the list
;%s - user name
11031=Insert "%s:" in message
;%s - user name
11032=Private message to "%s"#
;%s - user name
11033=Private chat with "%s"#
;%s - user name
11034=Information about "%s"#
;%s - user name
11035=Ignore private messages from "%s"#
;%s - user name
11036=Ignore all messages from "%s"#
11040=Visit #
11041=Mail opinions and suggestions to #
11051=Name (nick):
11052=Work group/domain/IP-address:
11053=From IP-address:
11054=To IP-address:
11055=Wrong IP-address:
; first %s - user name
; second %s - computer name
11060=%s from computer %s
; %s - ip address of the server
; %d - port on the server
11070=Connecting to server %s:%d ...
; %s - ip address of the server
; %d - port on the server
11071=Connected to server %s:%d
; %s - ip address of the server
; %d - port on the server
11072=Can't connect to %s:%d
; %s - ip address of the server
; %d - port on the server
11073=Disconnected from server %s:%d ...
; %d - number of seconds
11074=Will try to connect again in %d sec.
; %d - number of seconds
11075=Pause %d sec. between attempts ...
11080=You changed types of connection/server IP address/server port.\rNew parameters will be used only after restarting chat.