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- Q: The icons in the taskbar, on the tab sheets and on the buttons of toolbar
- are not shown?
- A: The reason of this is old version of ComCtl32.dll, that doesn't support
- some possibilities that chat uses. The Windows 95 contains this old version
- but if you installed IE 4.0+ all should be OK and icons will be shown.
- You can fix this problem using update from Microsoft.
- Version 4.01
- http://www.chat.ru/~vn_alex/401Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.virtualave.net/401Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.newmail.ru/401Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.narod.ru/401Comupd.exe
- Version 5.0
- http://www.chat.ru/~vn_alex/50Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.virtualave.net/50Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.newmail.ru/50Comupd.exe
- http://vnalex.narod.ru/50Comupd.exe
- I don't remember the URL on Microsoft web site.
- This is not last update but chat will work right with it. For the latest
- version visit Microsoft web site.
- Q: Users from other work groups or domains are not shown in the users list
- but names of these groups or domains are added in the list of the work
- groups and domains.
- A: This problem is appear when these work groups or domains are in another
- subnet and these subnets are connected through the UNIX. Chat works without
- any problems when Novell is used for such purposes.
- I know only one solution of this problem. To solve it you have to add IP
- addresses of the computers from the other work groups or domains to the
- list of the works groups and domains.
- This is not a good solution but chat will work .
- Q: Will chat work with users that are connected to our network using Diap-Up?
- A: Sometimes it works without any problems but sometimes it's necessary to add
- IP address of the connected computer to the list or work groups and domains.
- Q: What do you use for developing chat? What network protocol does chat use?
- What port does chat use?
- A: I sse Borland Delphi.
- For sending message I use Windows MailSlots. They use all installed protocols
- that are connected to the Microsoft Network Client.
- So I don't really know what protocols it use.
- Using Windows MailSlots work such tools like Windows 9x WinPopup and Windows
- NT/2000 net send commands. But additionally they use something else. If
- somebody knows what do they use it will be very good if you can this
- information to me.
- Q: How to close opened private chat or line without closing chat?
- A: You can close them using hot key Alt+T when page of opened private chat or
- line is active or from the popup menu for the window that displays messages
- using item Close.
- Q: How to delete own message from message board?
- A: You can use one of these ways:
- 1. Send empty message from the message board page.
- 2. Open options dialog and delete message from the Messages page.
- Q: How to clear message board?
- A: Each user can put message on the message board. Message will be displayed until
- user will not delete it.
- Q: Where can I find list or supported smile symbols?
- A: You can find it in the help file in topic Options/General options.
- Q: Why does chat on Windows 98 takes 100% of processor time?
- In waiting message state chat doesn't take any processor time. Standart Windows
- 98 system monitor works not right. For checking processor time I use WinTop or
- TaskInfo 2000. In these tools it's possible to see processor time of each process
- thread. Using these tools you can see that in waiting message state chat doesn't
- take any processor time.
- WinTop
- http://www.chat.ru/~vn_alex/wintop.zip
- http://vnalex.virtualave.net/wintop.zip
- http://vnalex.newmail.ru/wintop.zip
- http://vnalex.narod.ru/wintop.zip
- TaskInfo2000 HomePage
- http://www.iarsn.com/index.html#/download.html
- Q: Why instead of my language native charaters I see Russian or other characters?
- A: Set necessary language in fonts options. Default setting for fonts can be not
- right for your language.
- Q: What does checks before user names mean?
- A: These checks are used for one of ways for sending private messages. You can
- check necessary users, type message and press Alt+Enter. You message will be
- sent to selected users like a private message.
- Q: How can I send MASS private message?
- A: MASS private message is private message that were sent to more then one user.
- It's possible to use two ways to do this. One way in described in answer for
- previous question. Another way is to use /msg command.
- /msg "user1;user2;user3;..." message
- /msg * message also works. Message will be sent to all users.