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- english.dat
- YAMS version 2.20
- [mainwindow strings]
- LogWindow.Hint=log window
- LabelLogFile.Hint=log file name
- receivers.Hint=receivers list edit window
- LabelReceivers.Caption=list with receivers
- BtnLoadListRec.Hint=open list with receivers
- BtnSaveListRec.Hint=save list with receivers
- BtnAppendToList.Hint=append to list with receivers
- BtnNewRecList.Hint=new list with receivers
- TXTmessage.Hint=message template window
- BtnLoadMessage.Hint=open message
- BtnSaveMessage.Hint=save message
- BtnNewMessage.Hint=new message
- LabelMessage.Caption=message template
- label1.Caption=files in list
- Label2.Caption=e-mail addresses
- Label3.Caption=subject
- Label4.Caption=attachment
- BtnLoadAttachment.Hint=select file
- Label7.Caption=account
- BtnClearAttachment.Hint=clear attachment
- EditHost1.Hint=smtp server
- EditFrom1.Hint=your e-mail address for reply
- EditUserName1.Hint=your name for login
- EditHdrFrom.Hint=your name in header
- BtnSendMessages.Hint=send the message(s)
- BtnSendMessages.Caption=send
- BtnStop.Hint=stop sending e-mails
- BtnStop.Caption=stop
- BtnEditAccount.Hint=edit account
- BtnGetAddress.Hint=import e-mail addresses LDIF
- BtnGetAddresCSV.Hint=import e-mail addresses CSV
- Files1.Caption=&Files
- newmessage1.Caption=&new message
- loadmessage1.Caption=&load message
- savemessage1.Caption=&save message
- newreceiverslist1.Caption=n&ew receivers list
- loadreceiverslist1.Caption=l&oad &receivers list
- savereceiverslist1.Caption=s&ave receivers l&ist
- exit1.Caption=e&xit
- Account1.Caption=&Account
- edit1.Caption=&Edit
- Mail1.Caption=&Mail
- sendmessages1.Caption=send &message(s)
- Options1.Caption=&Options
- BtnOptions.Hint=options
- importldif1.Caption=&import Netscape LDIF addressbook
- Language1.Caption = &Language
- sendmessages2.Caption=send messages
- openmessagefile1.Caption=open message file
- openlistwithreceivers1.Caption=open list with receivers
- editaccounts1.Caption=edit accounts
- options2.Caption=options
- exit2.Caption=exit
- BtnExit.Hint=exit
- Language1.Caption=&Language
- BtnWrap.Hint=set wrap on/off
- error1=create / load message or,create / load list with receivers or,subject is empty
- error2=setup your account(s)
- error3=ready,sent: ,messages
- error4=aborted by user !!
- error5=save file %s
- message1=load list with receivers
- message2=save message as ...
- message3=save list with receivers as ...
- message4=load list with receivers to append
- message5=load message
- //--------new in version 2.00-------------//
- edit2.Caption = edit
- add1.Caption = add
- delete1.Caption = delete
- changenicknames1.Caption = change nicknames
- saveselecteditems1.Caption = save selected items
- message6 = select an e-mail address to edit
- message7 = are you sure to delete the selected item(s) ?
- message8 = select an e-mail address to delete
- message9 = select an e-mail address to save
- message10 = select nicknames to change
- message11 = select some e-mail addresses
- message12 = no valid e-mail address to send
- BtnPreview.Hint = preview message
- lSelect.Caption = send to selected receivers
- ListViewReceivers.Hint = right mouse click for menu
- BtnReport.Hint = report mode
- BtnList.Hint = list mode
- BtnUnselectAll.Hint = unselect all
- BtnSelectAll.Hint = select all
- BtnReverseSelection.Hint = reverse selection
- //importfromCSVfileOutlookaddressbook1.Caption = import from CSV file Outlook address book
- loadoldlists1.Caption=load old lists
- //--------new in version 2.01-------------//
- Help1.Caption = &Help
- Help2.Caption = help
- About1.Caption = A&bout
- message14 = does not exists
- message15=file %s does not exists
- //--------new in version 2.02-------------//
- BtnSortAuto.Hint=select sort on / off
- //------------new in version 2.10-----------------//
- Import1.Caption=&Import
- importfromCSVfile1.Caption=import addresses from CSV file
- savemessageas1.Caption=save message as ...
- savereceiverslistas1.Caption=save list as ...
- savelistas1.Caption=save list as ...
- reloadmessage1.caption=reload message
- importfromLDIF1.Caption =import from LDIF
- importfromCSV1.Caption =import from CSV
- message17=File %s not found
- message18=Path not found
- message19=Unknown error
- message20=Save file %s, before you edit it?
- message21=Save file %s, before you reload it?
- BtnEdit.Hint=edit in your favorite text editor
- EditHdrOrganization.Hint=your organization in header
- BtnGetAddresCSV.Hint=import e-mail addresses from CSV file
- ListViewColumNames=name,e-mail address,nick name
- Editmessagetemplate1.Caption=&Edit message template
- //------------new in 2.20--------------------
- CharText.Hint=select charset
- importfromLDIF2.Caption=import from LDIF
- importfromCSV2.Caption=import from CSV
- savemessageas3.Caption=save message as ...
- previewmessage1.Caption=preview message
- logfileoptions1.Caption=log file options
- clearlogfilewindow1.Caption=clear log file window
- openlogfile1.Caption=open log file (read only)
- BtnInsertField.Hint=insert $name$ / $nickname$
- insertname1.Caption=insert $name$ at cursor position
- insertnickname1.Caption=insert $nicname$ at cursor position
- insertname2.Caption=insert $name$
- insertnickname2.Caption=insert $nicname$
- [options strings]
- OptionForm.Caption=options
- GroupBox2.Caption= log file
- KindOfLogFile.Hint=select a type lof log file
- KindOfLogFile.Caption= kind of log file
- KindOfLogFile.Items=default(log.txt),every session,every day,every week,every month,user defined
- lSaveLogChk.Caption=save log
- lAppendToLogChk.Caption=append to log
- ExtendedLog.Caption=extended log file
- showhints1.Hint=enable / disbale show hints
- showhints1.Caption=show hints
- BtnOK.Hint=OK save changes
- BtnCancel.Hint=CANCEL changes
- //--------new in version 2.00-------------//
- signtext.Hint = enable / disable signature file
- signtext.Caption = signature file
- //--------new in version 2.01-------------//
- message1 = load signature file
- //--------new in version 2.02-------------//
- rememberall.Caption=remember all files at start up
- //--------new in version 2.10------------//
- Label1.Caption=log filename user defined
- EditUserLogfileName.Hint = enter log filename
- //--------new in version 2.20------------//
- TabSheet1.Caption=log file
- TabSheet2.Caption=hints
- TabSheet3.Caption=sign file
- TabSheet4.Caption=miscellaneous
- hintsSB.Hint=select as popup or on status bar
- hintsSB.Caption=on status bar
- hintsNM.Hint=select as popup or on status bar
- hintsNM.Caption=as popup
- ckboxSendTo.Caption=set [send to selected receivers]
- chboxCC.Caption=set [CC]
- [import LDIF strings]
- Label1.Caption=nick name or list name to look for
- WhichKindOff.Caption= import from LDIF file
- WhichKindOff.Items=get all e-mail addresses,get e-mail addresses by nick name,get e-mail addresses by list
- BtnOpenLDIFFile.Hint=open LDIF file
- BitBtn1.Hint=close window
- BitBtn1.Caption=close window
- //--------new in version 2.00-------------//
- message13 = no e-mail addresses found
- caption=import from LDIF
- [edit account strings]
- EditAccountForm.Caption=edit account
- GroupBox1.Caption= edit account
- Label1.Caption=your account
- Label4.Caption=e-mail address for reply
- Label3.Caption=your login name
- Label2.Caption=smtp server
- BtnOK.Caption=OK save changes
- Label5.Caption=selected account
- Label6.Caption=new account name
- BtnDeleteAccount.Caption=delete current account
- BtnApplyAccount.Hint=apply
- Label8.Caption=your name for header
- ComboBox1.Hint=select account to edit/to delete
- EditNewAccount.Hint=add new account name
- EditNewAccount.Text=new account name
- ButtonOK.Hint=close window
- ButtonOK.Caption=close window
- error6=added
- error61=account
- error7=fill out all the edit boxes
- error8=are you sure to delete account
- //--------new in version 2.02-------------//
- Label7.Caption=organization
- [ImportCSV strings]
- ImportCSVForm.Caption=import CSV file ...
- TabSheet1.Caption=step one
- BtnSaveFile.Hint=browse
- BtnOpenFile.Hint=browse
- Label1.Caption=select source file (input):
- Label2.Caption=select target file (output):
- TabSheet2.Caption=step two
- Label3.Caption=selected source file
- Label4.Caption=select a line in the selected source file
- sepmess1.Caption=the separator is selected automattically
- sepmess2.Caption=if not correct, select a separator corresponding with the selected source file
- Label16.Caption=separator
- ListBoxSource.Hint=first select a row
- ListBoxSep.Items.Strings=,[comma];[semi colon] |[pipe] tab[tab]
- TabSheet3.Caption=step three
- Label6.Caption=items in YAMS:
- Label7.Caption=items found in source file:
- dropmess1.Caption=drag and drop items from the listbox to the corresponding yellow labels
- dropmess2.Caption=needed: the name and address labels, the nick name label is optional
- Label5.Caption=drag and drop items from list box
- PanelName.Caption=name
- PanelAddress.Caption=e-mail address
- PanelNickName.Caption=nick name
- ListBoxFields.Hint=drag and drop to the yellow labels
- cName.Caption=name
- cAddress.Caption=address
- cNickName.Caption=nick name
- TabSheet4.Caption=step four
- fmess1.Caption=select an item to filter and drag and drop that item from the listbox to the the yellow label
- Label23.Caption=search item
- Label25.Caption=item to filter
- CheckBoxFilter.Caption=set filter
- CheckBoxFilter.Hint=enable/disable filter
- RadioGroupScoop.Caption= scoop
- RadioGroupScoop.Items.Strings=(global,exact)
- CheckBoxCaseSensitive.Caption=case sensitive
- EditFilter.Hint=enter serach item
- TabSheet5.Caption=step five
- Label13.Caption=selected source file:
- Label14.Caption=selected target file:
- BtnImport.Hint=importfrom selected source file
- BtnImport.Caption=import
- BtnShowErrors.Caption=show errors
- report1.Caption=lines processed:
- report2.Caption=e-mail addresses found:
- report3.Caption=lines with errors:
- csvmess1=select a row in the source window or select a separator
- csvmess2=load csv text file
- BtnCancelCancel=Cancel
- BtnCancelDone=Done
- [edit strings]
- cEditCap = edit
- cAddCap = add
- cChangeCap = change nicknames
- GroupBoxEdit.Caption = edit selected e-mail address
- Label1.Caption = name
- Label2.Caption = e-mail address
- GroupBoxAdd.Caption = add name and e-mail address
- Label3.Caption = name
- Label4.Caption = e-mail address
- Label5.Caption = nickname
- BtnOK.Hint = save changes
- BtnCancel.Hint = cancel changes
- Edit6.Text := change nickname
- [preview strings]
- PreView.Caption := message
- BtnDone.Hint = done, close window
- BtnDone.Caption = done
- BtnNextMsg.Hint = next message
- BtnPreviousMsg.Hint = previous message
- BtnFirst.Hint = first message
- BtnLast.Hint = last message
- [help strings]
- BtnDone.Hint = done, close window
- BtnDone.Caption = done
- BtnSearch.Caption=search