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- ;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
- ;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
- (setq bright_tint (def_tint "art/tints/cop/bright.spe")) ;; used when the player fires a weapon
- (setq player_tints (make-array 8 :initial-contents (list
- 0 ; 0 this is not used
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/blue.spe") ; 1 bright blue
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/yellow.spe") ; 2 yellow
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/fire.spe") ; 3 red-yellow
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/olive.spe") ; 4 green
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/pinkish.spe") ; 5 pink
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/darkblue.spe") ; 6 darkblue
- (def_tint "art/tints/cop/purple.spe") ; 7 purple
- )))
- (setq player_text_color (make-array 8 :initial-contents (list
- 43 ; 0 brown
- 216 ; 1 blue
- 76 ; 2 yellow
- 82 ; 3 orange
- 148 ; 4 green2
- 90 ; 5 red
- 231 ; 6 darkblue
- 192))) ; 7 purple
- (setq cop_dead_parts (make-array (* 4 3) :initial-contents
- ; head arm leg
- '((CP_1 "4dha") (CP_2 "4daa") (CP_3 "4dba") ; disapear
- (CP_4 "4dhf") (CP_5 "4daf") (CP_6 "4dbf") ; flaming
- (CP_7 "4dae") (CP_8 "4dle") (CP_9 "4dbe") ; electrical
- (CP_10 "4dhn") (CP_11 "4dan") (CP_12 "4dbn")))) ; normal
- (do ((i 0 (setq i (+ i 1))))
- ((>= i 12) nil)
- (setq (aref cop_dead_parts i)
- (make_dead_part (car (aref cop_dead_parts i))
- (car (cdr (aref cop_dead_parts i))) 4 "art/cop.spe" 'dead_cop_part_draw)))
- (setf fast_image (def_image "art/misc.spe" "fast_image"))
- (setf fly_image (def_image "art/misc.spe" "fly_image"))
- (setf sneaky_image (def_image "art/misc.spe" "sneaky_image"))
- (setf health_image (def_image "art/misc.spe" "b_check_image"))
- (defun give_player_health (amount)
- (let ((h_amount (select difficulty
- ('easy amount)
- ('medium (/ (* amount 3) 4))
- ('hard (/ amount 2))
- ('extreme (/ amount 5))))
- (h_max (if (eq special_power HEALTH_POWER)
- 200
- 100)))
- (if (eq (hp) h_max)
- nil
- (progn
- (if (<= (+ (hp) h_amount) h_max)
- (add_hp h_amount)
- (add_hp (- h_max (hp))))
- (setq b_ramp (+ b_ramp (* h_amount 2)))
- T)))
- )
- (defun pressing_action_key ()
- (> (player_y_suggest) 0))
- ; signals for user function
- )
- ; states for cop
- (enum 'JUST_START
- (enum 'NO_POWER
- ; this is called by the engine when a level is loaded with no player_info in it
- ; i.e. not for savegames
- ; this function is called once for each player object
- (defun set_player_defaults ()
- (set_ambient_light (me) 35)
- (set_aistate 0)
- (set_fade_count 0)
- (setq in_climbing_area 0)
- (setq disable_top_draw 0)
- (setq just_hit 0)
- (setq used_special_power 0)
- (setq has_saved_this_level 0)
- (setq r_ramp 0)
- (setq g_ramp 0)
- (setq b_ramp 0)
- (setq is_teleporting 0)
- (setq just_fired 0)
- (setq has_compass 0)
- (setq special_power NO_POWER))
- (defun cop_ufun (signal value)
- (if (< (total_objects) 1) ; make sure upper body is there
- nil
- (select signal
- (progn
- (set_sneaky_time value)
- (with_obj0 (set_sneaky_time value))))
- (SET_VISOR_TIME (set_visor_time value))
- (progn
- (set_fast_time value)
- (with_obj0 (set_fast_time value))))
- (SET_FADE_COUNT (set_fade_count value)
- (with_obj0 (set_fade_count value)))
- )))
- (defun cop_adjust_top (return)
- (if (< (total_objects) 1) ;; should be here
- (let ((me (me)))
- (link_object (add_object_after MGUN_TOP (x) (y)))
- (with_obj0 (link_object me))
- ))
- return
- )
- (defun climb_off_handler ()
- (if (next_picture)
- (progn
- (view_push_down 4)
- 0)
- (progn
- (set_y (- (y) 28))
- (set_state stopped)
- 0)))
- (defun climb_handler (xm ym but)
- (let ((yd in_climbing_area))
- (setq in_climbing_area 0)
- (if (eq (state) climb_off)
- (climb_off_handler)
- (if (eq (state) climbing)
- (progn
- (if (> ym 0)
- (progn
- (if (eq (current_frame) 0) (set_current_frame 9)
- (set_current_frame (- (current_frame) 1)))
- (set_y (+ (y) 3)))
- (if (< ym 0)
- (progn
- (if (< yd 32)
- (set_state climb_off)
- (progn
- (if (not (next_picture)) (set_state climbing))
- (set_y (- (y) 3)))))))
- (if (not (eq xm 0))
- (if (can_see (x) (- (y) 20) (x) (y) nil)
- (if (eq ym 0)
- (progn
- (set_state run_jump_fall)
- (set_gravity 1))
- (progn
- (set_state run_jump)
- (set_yvel (get_ability jump_yvel))
- (set_gravity 1)
- ))))
- 0)
- (if (and (>= (yvel) 0) (or (> ym 0)
- (and (< ym 0) (> yd 8))))
- (progn
- (set_state climbing)
- (set_gravity 0)
- (set_xvel 0)
- (set_yvel 0)
- (set_xacel 0)
- (set_yacel 0)
- 0)
- (progn
- (next_picture)
- (cop_adjust_top (mover xm ym but))))
- ))))
- (defun undo_special_power (xm ym but)
- (select special_power
- (FAST_POWER (setq used_special_power 0))
- (SNEAKY_POWER (if (> used_special_power 0)
- (setq used_special_power (- used_special_power 1))))))
- (defun do_special_power (xm ym but)
- (select special_power
- (add_object CLOUD (+ (+ (x) (* (direction) -10)) (random 5)) (+ (y) (random 5)))
- (set_state run_jump)
- (set_gravity 1)
- (set_yacel 0)
- (if (> (yvel) 0) (set_yvel (/ (yvel) 2)))
- (set_yvel (- (yvel) 2))
- (if (< ym 0)
- (set_yvel (- (yvel) 1)))
- )
- (setq used_special_power 1)
- (setq last1_x (x))
- (setq last1_y (y))
- (if (> (total_objects) 0)
- (with_obj0
- (if (> fire_delay1 0)
- (setq fire_delay1 (- fire_delay1 1)))))
- (let ((in_area in_climbing_area)
- (old_yvel (yvel)))
- (player_move xm ym but)
- (setq in_climbing_area in_area)
- (if (and (< ym 0) (eq old_yvel 0) (< (yvel) 0))
- (set_yvel (+ (yvel) (/ (yvel) 3))))
- )
- (setq last2_x (x))
- (setq last2_y (y)))
- (SNEAKY_POWER (if (<= used_special_power 15)
- (setq used_special_power (+ used_special_power 1))))
- ))
- (defun player_move (xm ym but)
- (if (eq in_climbing_area 0)
- (progn
- (if (eq (state) climbing)
- (progn
- (set_gravity 1)
- (set_state run_jump_fall)))
- (next_picture)
- (cop_adjust_top (mover xm ym but)))
- (climb_handler xm ym but)))
- /*(defun cop_mover (xm ym but)
- (if (> (yvel) 10)
- (progn
- (set_yacel 0)
- (set_yvel (- (yvel) 1)))) ;; terminal velocity
- (select (aistate)
- (if (eq but 0) ; wait till user lets go of button before moving
- (progn
- (set_aistate NORMAL_PLAY)
- (mover xm ym but))
- (cop_adjust_top (tick))))
- (if (or (<= (hp) 0) (eq (state) dieing) (eq (state) dead)) ; are we dead?
- (progn
- (if (not (eq (state) dead))
- (if (not (eq (state) dieing))
- (progn
- (set_state dieing)
- (set_xvel 0)
- (set_yvel 0)
- (set_xacel 0)
- (set_yacel 0))
- (if (not (next_picture))
- (set_state dead) nil))
- (if (not (eq but 0)) ; wait till dead and pressing but, then reset
- (progn
- (restart_player)
- (set_aistate JUST_START))
- (cop_adjust_top (tick))))
- 0)
- ; normal play code
- (progn
- ; check to see if player is firing
- (if (equal (bit-and but 1) 1)
- (do_special_power xm ym but)
- (undo_special_power xm ym but))
- (let ((ret (player_move xm ym but))
- (other (me)))
- (with_obj0
- (progn
- (set_x (with_object other (x)))
- (set_y (- (- (with_object other (y)) -29)
- (with_object other (picture_height))))
- ))
- (if (and (equal (bit-and but 2) 2)
- (not (eq (state) dead)) (not (eq (state) dieing)))
- (let ((ammo (ammo_total (current_weapon_type))))
- (add_ammo (current_weapon_type) (with_obj0
- (user_fun 'FIRE ammo)))
- nil))
- ret)
- )))))
- )*/
- ;;(defun normal_bottom_mover () ;; just runs around
- (defun dead_cop_part_draw ()
- (if (eq (aitype) 0)
- (draw)
- (draw_tint (aref player_tints (aitype)))))
- (defun bottom_damage (amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel) ; transfer damage to lower half
- (if (eq is_teleporting 1)
- nil
- (let ((amount (select difficulty;; reduce damage according to difficulty
- ('easy (/ amount 2))
- ('medium (/ (* amount 3) 4))
- ('hard amount)
- ('extreme (* amount 3))
- )))
- (select (aistate)
- (NORMAL_PLAY (if (and (not (eq (state) dieing)) (not (eq (state) dead)))
- (progn
- (if (eq (random 2) 0)
- (set_state flinch_up)
- (set_state flinch_down))
- (if (local_player)
- (progn
- (setq r_ramp (+ r_ramp (* amount 7)))
- (setq g_ramp (- g_ramp (* amount 14)))
- (setq b_ramp (- b_ramp (* amount 14)))
- (if (> r_ramp 120) (setq r_ramp 120))
- (if (< g_ramp 0) (setq g_ramp 0))
- (if (< b_ramp 0) (setq b_ramp 0))))
- (damage_fun amount from hitx hity (/ push_xvel 2) (/ push_yvel 2))
- (if (eq (hp) 0)
- (progn
- (if (and (time_for_next_level) (nth current_net_level net_levels))
- (progn
- (show_kills)
- (reset_kills)
- (setq current_net_level (+ current_net_level 1))
- (if (not (nth current_net_level net_levels))
- (setq current_net_level 0))
- ;; save the level we are so joining clients know which one to load
- (if (not (am_a_client))
- (open_file "addon/deathmat/cur_lev.lsp" "wb"
- (print `(setq current_net_level ,current_net_level))))
- (request_level_load (nth current_net_level net_levels))))
- (create_dead_parts cop_dead_parts (* (get_dead_part from) 3) (player_number))
- (play_sound (aref PLAYER_DEATH (random 4)) 127 (x) (y)))
- (if (> amount 8)
- (play_sound (aref PLAYER_PAIN (random 4)) 127 (x) (y)))))))
- )))
- )
- (defun should_draw_top? (mode)
- (select mode
- (defun change_mode (new_mode)
- (setq disable_top_draw (if (should_draw_top? new_mode) 0 1))
- (set_aistate new_mode))
- (defun draw_fast ()
- (if (local_player)
- (put_image (- (view_x2) 20) (+ (view_y1) 5) fast_image))
- (if (eq used_special_power 1)
- (if (> (total_objects) 0)
- (let ((nowx (x))
- (nowy (y))
- (l2x last2_x)
- (l2y last2_y)
- (l1x last1_x)
- (l1y last1_y)
- (td (top_draw_state (state)))
- (h (picture_height)))
- (set_x l2x)
- (set_y l2y)
- (draw_transparent 5 16)
- (if td (with_obj0 (progn (set_x l2x)
- (set_y (- (- l2y -29) h))
- (draw_transparent 5 16))))
- (set_x last1_x)
- (set_y last1_y)
- (draw_transparent 10 16)
- (if td (with_obj0 (progn (set_x l1x)
- (set_y (- (- l1y -29) h))
- (draw_transparent 10 16)
- (set_x nowx)
- (set_y nowy)
- )))
- (set_x nowx)
- (set_y nowy)))))
- (defun sneaky_draw (count num)
- (print count)
- (if (eq count 0)
- (player_draw num)
- (if (> count 15)
- (draw_predator)
- (draw_transparent count 16))))
- (defun player_draw (num)
- (if (eq num 0)
- (if (eq just_fired 1) ;; if they just fired a weapon, draw them lite up.. use the bright tint
- (progn
- (draw_tint bright_tint)
- (setq just_fired 0)) ;; ok to change this in the draw function only if it is not accessed anywhere else!
- (draw)
- ; (draw_tint (aref player_tints (aitype)))
- )
- (if (eq just_fired 1)
- (progn
- (draw_double_tint (aref player_tints num) bright_tint)
- (setq just_fired 0)) ;; ok to change this in the draw function only if it is not accessed anywhere else!
- (draw_tint (aref player_tints num)))))
- /*(defun bottom_draw ()
- (if (not (and (eq r_ramp 0) ;; need to draw red palette
- (eq g_ramp 0)
- (eq b_ramp 0)))
- (progn
- (if (> r_ramp 7)
- (setq r_ramp (- r_ramp 7))
- (if (< r_ramp -7)
- (setq r_ramp (+ r_ramp 7))
- (setq r_ramp 0)))
- (if (> g_ramp 7)
- (setq g_ramp (- g_ramp 7))
- (if (< g_ramp -7)
- (setq g_ramp (+ g_ramp 7))
- (setq g_ramp 0)))
- (if (> b_ramp 7)
- (setq b_ramp (- b_ramp 7))
- (if (< b_ramp -7)
- (setq b_ramp (+ b_ramp 7))
- (setq b_ramp 0)))
- (if (local_player)
- (tint_palette r_ramp g_ramp b_ramp))))
- (select (aistate)
- (JUST_START (player_draw (player_number)))
- (select special_power
- (NO_POWER (player_draw (player_number)))
- (HEALTH_POWER (player_draw (player_number))
- (if (local_player)
- (put_image (- (view_x2) 20) (+ (view_y1) 5) health_image)))
- (FAST_POWER (draw_fast) (player_draw (player_number)))
- (FLY_POWER (player_draw (player_number))
- (if (local_player)
- (put_image (- (view_x2) 20) (+ (view_y1) 5) fly_image)))
- (if (local_player)
- (put_image (- (view_x2) 20) (+ (view_y1) 5) sneaky_image))
- (sneaky_draw used_special_power (player_number)))
- ))))*/
- (defun restart_player ()
- (setq special_power 0)
- (setq has_compass 0)
- (if (and (local_player) (not (and (eq r_ramp 0)
- (eq g_ramp 0)
- (eq b_ramp 0))))
- (progn
- (setq r_ramp 0)
- (setq g_ramp 0)
- (setq b_ramp 0)
- (tint_palette 0 0 0)))
- (if (eq (total_players) 1) ;; is this a single player game?
- (request_level_load (if (eq has_saved_this_level 0)
- (progn
- (set_hp 100)
- (level_name))
- (concatenate 'string "save" (digstr has_saved_this_level 4) ".spe")))
- (reset_player)
- ))
- (defun start_cache (type)
- `((,DARNEL) nil))
- (def_char START
- (funs (ai_fun do_nothing)
- (get_cache_list_fun start_cache)
- (draw_fun dev_draw))
- (range 0 0)
- (states "art/misc.spe" (stopped "start_image")))
- (defun cop_cache (type)
- `(() (,bright_tint)))
- (defun p_compass_draw (player)
- (if player
- (with_object player
- (if (or (not (eq special_power SNEAKY_POWER)) (local_player))
- (let ((spot (game_to_mouse (x) (y))))
- (draw_rect (- (first spot) 1)
- (- (second spot) 1)
- (+ (first spot) 1)
- (+ (second spot) 1)
- (aref player_text_color (player_number)))))
- (p_compass_draw (next_focus player)))))
- (defun compass_draw ()
- (if (and (local_player) (eq (mod (game_tick) 2) 0))
- (if (eq has_compass 1)
- (p_compass_draw (first_focus))
- (let ((spot (game_to_mouse (x) (y))))
- (draw_rect (- (first spot) 1)
- (- (second spot) 1)
- (+ (first spot) 1)
- (+ (second spot) 1)
- (aref player_text_color (player_number)))))))
- (def_char DARNEL
- (vars in_climbing_area
- disable_top_draw
- just_hit
- ship_pan_x
- special_power
- used_special_power
- last1_x last1_y
- last2_x last2_y
- has_saved_this_level
- r_ramp g_ramp b_ramp
- is_teleporting
- just_fired
- has_compass
- )
- (range 50 50)
- (abilities (walk_top_speed 3)
- (jump_yvel -15)
- (run_top_speed 9)
- (jump_top_speed 10)
- (jump_xvel 9)
- (stop_accel 9)
- (start_accel 8)
- (start_hp 100)
- (hamper_xrange 80)
- (push_xrange 9))
- (flags (hurtable T)
- (unlistable T))
- (funs (move_fun cop_mover)
- (damage_fun bottom_damage)
- (draw_fun bottom_draw)
- (map_draw_fun compass_draw)
- (get_cache_list_fun cop_cache)
- (user_fun cop_ufun))
- (states "art/cop.spe"
- (stopped (seq "stopped" 1 6))
- (running (seq "4wlk" 1 10))
- (fast_running (seq "4fst" 1 10))
- (fly_running (seq "4fly" 1 10))
- (fast_stopped (seq "bot2" 7 12))
- (fly_stopped (seq "bot2" 1 6))
- (dead "dead")
- (start_run_jump "jump_up")
- (run_jump "jump_up")
- (run_jump_fall "jump_down")
- (end_run_jump (seq "4jmp" 3 5))
- (fly_start_run_jump "4flj0002.pcx")
- (fly_run_jump "4flj0002.pcx")
- (fly_run_jump_fall "4flj0003.pcx")
- (fly_end_run_jump (seq "4flj" 4 6))
- (fast_start_run_jump "4fjp0002.pcx")
- (fast_run_jump "4fjp0002.pcx")
- (fast_run_jump_fall "4fjp0003.pcx")
- (fast_end_run_jump (seq "4fjp" 4 6))
- (flinch_up (rep "4flh0002.pcx" 4))
- (flinch_down (rep "4flh0003.pcx" 4))
- (climbing (seq "4lad" 1 10))
- (climb_off (seq "4off" 1 8))
- (climb_on (seq "4off" 8 1))
- ))
- (defun clone_ai ()
- (if (and (< (state_time) 200) (not (eq (state) dead)))
- (progn
- (select (direction)
- (1 (if (blocked_right (move 1 0 0))
- (set_direction -1)
- nil))
- (-1 (if (blocked_left (move -1 0 0))
- (set_direction 1)
- nil)))
- (if (or (> (state_time) 185) (eq (state) dieing))
- (set_fade_count (+ (fade_count) 1))
- nil)
- T)
- nil))
- (defun top_draw_state (state)
- (or (eq state stopped) (eq state running)
- (eq state run_jump) (eq state run_jump_fall)
- (eq state end_run_jump)))
- /*(defun top_draw ()
- (if (> (total_objects) 0)
- (let ((other (get_object 0)))
- (if (or (with_object other (morphing))
- (eq (with_object other disable_top_draw) 1)
- (not (top_draw_state (with_object other (state)))))
- nil
- (progn
- (if (eq (with_object other special_power) SNEAKY_POWER)
- (sneaky_draw (with_object other used_special_power)
- (with_object other (player_number)))
- (let ((nowx (x))
- (nowy (y)))
- (set_x (with_object other (if (> (direction) 0) (x) (+ (x) 2))))
- (set_y (- (- (with_object other (y)) -29) (with_object other (picture_height))))
- (player_draw (with_object other (player_number)))
- (set_x nowx)
- (set_y nowy))
- ))))))
- */
- (defun ammo_type ()
- (select (otype)
- (MGUN_TOP 10)
- (PGUN_TOP 4)
- ))
- (defun ammo_delay ()
- 0)
- (defun player_angle_suggestion ()
- (atan2 (- (y) (player_pointer_y) 16)
- (- (player_pointer_x) (x))))
- (defun player_fire_weapon (type target)
- (let ((angle (with_obj0 (player_angle_suggestion))))
- (let ((firex (+ (x) (* (cos angle) 17) (xvel)))
- (firey (+ (- (y) (* (sin angle) 16) 20) (yvel))))
- (if (can_see (x) (- (y) 16) firex firey nil)
- (progn
- (fire_object (get_object 0) type firex firey angle target)
- T)
- nil))))
- /* (defun top_ai ()
- (if (> (total_objects) 0)
- (let ((myself (get_object 0)))
- (set_state rotate)
- (let ((angle (with_object myself
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (player_angle_suggestion)
- (if (> (player_angle_suggestion) 180)
- (- (player_angle_suggestion) 180)
- (+ 180 (player_angle_suggestion)))))))
- (setq point_angle angle)
- (set_frame_angle 0 359 angle))
- (if (not (eq fire_delay1 0))
- (setq fire_delay1 (- fire_delay1 1)))
- (if (eq (with_object myself (weapon_to_type (current_weapon_type))) (otype))
- (select (aistate)
- (2 ; start fire up
- (progn
- (set_state rotate_fire)
- (set_frame_angle 0 359 (with_object myself
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (player_angle_suggestion)
- (if (> (player_angle_suggestion) 180)
- (- (player_angle_suggestion) 180)
- (+ 180 (player_angle_suggestion))))))
- ;; (set_state weapon_fire)
- ;; (set_fire_delay1 3)
- ;; (let ((otype (otype)))
- ;; (with_object myself (add_ammo otype -1)))
- ;; (with_object (add_object (ammo_type) (x) (- (y) 16) 1)
- ;; (user_fun myself))
- (set_aistate 3)))
- (1 ; special power
- (progn (set_state weapon_fire_up)
- (let ((otype (otype)))
- (with_object myself (add_ammo weapon_type -1)))
- (with_object (add_object (ammo_type) (x) (- (y) 20) 2)
- (user_fun myself))
- (set_aistate 3)))
- (3 (if (eq fire_delay1 0) ;; (user_fun 'RESET_FIRE_OK nil)
- (set_aistate 0)
- (progn
- (user_fun 'CONTINUE_FIRE nil)
- (setq fire_delay1 (- fire_delay1 1)))
- )))
- (set_otype (with_object myself (weapon_to_type (current_weapon_type)))))))
- (move 0 0 0)
- T)
- ;(defun top_damage (amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel) ; transfer damage to lower half
- ; (with_obj0 (damage_fun amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel)))
- (defun laser_ufun (signal value)
- (select signal
- ('FIRE (if (eq (aistate) 0) ;; not already firing
- (if (> value 0) ;; have ammo
- (progn
- (setq fire_delay1 3)
- (set_aistate 2)
- (if (player_fire_weapon (ammo_type) nil)
- -1
- 0))
- (progn
- (setq fire_delay1 7)
- (set_aistate 2)
- (player_fire_weapon (ammo_type) nil)
- 0))
- 0))
- ('RESET_FIRE_OK (>= (state_time) fire_delay1))))
- (defun top_ufun (signal value)
- (select signal
- ('FIRE (if (and (> value 0) (eq (aistate) 0)) ;; have ammo and not already firing
- (progn
- (setq fire_delay1 12)
- (set_aistate 2)
- (if (player_fire_weapon (ammo_type) nil)
- -1
- 0))
- 0))
- ('RESET_FIRE_OK (>= (state_time) fire_delay1))))
- (defun plaser_ufun (signal value)
- (select signal
- ('FIRE (if (and (> value 0) (eq (aistate) 0)) ;; have ammo and not already firing
- (progn
- (setq fire_delay1 2)
- (set_aistate 2)
- (if (player_fire_weapon (ammo_type) nil)
- -1 0))
- 0))
- ('RESET_FIRE_OK (>= (state_time) fire_delay1))))
- (defun player_rocket_ufun (signal value)
- (select signal
- ('FIRE (if (and (> value 0) (eq (aistate) 0)) ;; have ammo and not already firing
- (progn
- (setq fire_delay1 12)
- (set_aistate 2)
- (if (player_fire_weapon (ammo_type)
- (with_obj0 (find_object_in_area
- (- (x) 160) (- (y) 160)
- (+ (x) 160) (+ (y) 160)
- bad_guy_list)))
- -1 0))
- 0))
- ('RESET_FIRE_OK (>= (state_time) fire_delay1)))) */
- (defun top_cache (type)
- (list
- (select type
- nil)))
- (defun make_top_char (symbol base ufun dfun)
- (eval (list 'def_char symbol
- `(funs (ai_fun top_ai)
- (get_cache_list_fun top_cache)
- (draw_fun ,dfun)
- (user_fun ,ufun))
- '(flags (add_front T)
- (is_weapon T)
- (unlistable T))
- '(vars point_angle fire_delay1 just_fired)
- `(states "art/coptop.spe"
- (stopped (seq ,base 1 24))))))
- (make_top_char 'MGUN_TOP "4gma" 'laser_ufun 'top_draw)
- (make_top_char 'GRENADE_TOP "4gre" 'top_ufun 'top_draw)
- (make_top_char 'ROCKET_TOP "4gro" 'player_rocket_ufun 'top_draw)
- (make_top_char 'FIREBOMB_TOP "4gfi" 'top_ufun 'top_draw)
- (defun restart_ai ()
- (if (eq (total_players) 1) ;; only allow saving in single player games
- (select (aistate)
- (0 (next_picture)
- (if (and (touching_bg) (with_object (bg) (pressing_action_key)))
- (set_aistate 2)))
- (1 (next_picture);; wait for save (actived state)
- (if (and (touching_bg) (with_object (bg) (pressing_action_key)))
- (set_aistate 2)))
- (2 (set_state running)
- (set_aistate 3))
- (3 (set_aistate 4))
- (4
- (let ((spot (get_save_slot)))
- (set_state stopped)
- (set_aistate 1)
- (if (not (eq spot 0));; did they escape ?
- (progn
- (show_help (concatenate 'string Station (num2str (xvel)) secured))
- (with_object (bg)
- (progn
- (let ((old_hp (hp)))
- (if (not (eq difficulty 'extreme))
- (set_hp 100));; save the player with 100 health, unless on extreme
- (play_sound SAVE_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (setq has_saved_this_level spot)
- (save_game (concatenate 'string "save" (digstr spot 4) ".spe"))
- (set_hp old_hp)
- ))))))
- )))
- T)
- (funs (ai_fun restart_ai)
- (reload_fun lower_reload))
- (fields ("xvel" restart_station))
- (states "art/misc.spe"
- (stopped (app (rep "console" 3) (rep "console2" 3)))
- (running (rep "console_on" 2))))
- (defun next_level_ai ()
- (if (and (touching_bg) (with_object (bg) (pressing_action_key)))
- (if (eq (aistate) end_level)
- (request_end_game)
- (progn
- (show_stats)
- (request_level_load (concatenate 'string "levels/level" (digstr (aistate) 2) ".spe")))))
- T)
- (def_char NEXT_LEVEL
- (funs (ai_fun next_level_ai))
- (flags (can_block T))
- (fields ("aistate" next_level))
- (states "art/misc.spe"
- (stopped "end_port2")))
- (defun next_level_top_ai ()
- (shift_rand_table 80)
- (let ((oldy (y)))
- (try_move 0 100)
- (setq floor_yoff (- (y) oldy))
- (set_y oldy))
- T)
- (def_char NEXT_LEVEL_TOP
- (funs (ai_fun next_level_top_ai))
- (vars floor_yoff)
- (draw_range 50 100)
- (fields ("aistate" next_level))
- (states "art/misc.spe"
- (stopped "end_port1")))
- (defun tele_beam_ai ()
- (next_picture)
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (if (eq (fade_count) 12)
- (progn
- (play_sound APPEAR_SND 100 (x) (y))
- (set_direction -1))
- (set_fade_count (+ (fade_count) 1)))
- (if (eq (fade_count) 5)
- (progn
- (play_sound APPEAR_SND 100 (x) (y))
- (set_direction 1))
- (set_fade_count (- (fade_count) 1)))))
- (def_char TELE_BEAM
- (funs (ai_fun tele_beam_ai))
- (states "art/chars/teleport.spe" (stopped (seq "beam" 1 5))))
- (def_char END_OF_S
- (funs (ai_fun do_nothing))
- (states "art/misc.spe" (stopped "eos")))
- (setq load_warn nil)
- (if (load "register/people.lsp")
- (setq end_level 22)
- (setq end_level 4))
- (setq load_warn T)