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- ;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
- ;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
- (defun make_smart_plat (symbol off_frame on_frame snap_yoffset)
- (eval (list 'def_char symbol
- '(flags (can_block T))
- `(abilities (start_accel ,snap_yoffset))
- `(fields ("xacel" ,plat_speed)
- ("yacel" ,plat_2speed)
- ("xvel" ,plat_pos)
- ("yvel" ,plat_wait))
- '(funs (ai_fun platform_ai)
- (constructor platform_cons))
- '(range 50 500)
- '(draw_range 30 60)
- `(states "art/chars/platform.spe"
- (stopped ,off_frame)
- (running (list ,off_frame ,on_frame) )))))
- (make_smart_plat 'SMART_PLAT_BIG "big_off" "big_on" 26)
- (make_smart_plat 'SMART_PLAT_SMALL "small_off" "small_on" 22)
- (make_smart_plat 'SMART_PLAT_RED "rplat_off" "rplat_on" 72)
- (defun platform_cons () (set_xacel 20) (set_yvel 50))
- (defun plat_speed ()
- (if (eq (aistate) 0)
- (xacel)
- (if (eq (yacel) 0)
- (xacel)
- (yacel))))
- (defun platform_move (source dest)
- (let ((destx (with_object dest (x)))
- (desty (with_object dest (y)))
- (sourcex (with_object source (x)))
- (sourcey (with_object source (y))))
- (if (equal (xvel) 0) ;; no more steps
- (progn
- (platform_push (- destx (x)) (- desty (y)))
- (set_x destx)
- (set_y desty)
- (set_aistate 0)) ;; stop
- (let ((speed (plat_speed)))
- (let ((newx (- destx (/ (* (- destx sourcex) (xvel)) speed)))
- (newy (- desty (/ (* (- desty sourcey) (xvel)) speed))))
- (progn
- (platform_push (- newx (x)) (- newy (y)))
- (set_xvel (- (xvel) 1))
- (set_x newx)
- (set_y newy)))))))
- (defun platform_ai ()
- (if (or (eq (total_objects) 2) ;; no switch to listen to processed as normal
- (and (eq (total_objects) 3)
- (not (eq (with_object (get_object 2) (aistate)) 0)))) ;; see if switch is active
- (progn
- (if (eq (state) stopped)
- (set_state running)
- (next_picture))
- (select (aistate)
- (0 ;; look for a player
- (if (or (not (eq (with_object (get_object (aitype)) (aistate)) 0))
- (and (touching_bg) (with_object (bg) (pressing_action_key))))
- (progn
- (if (and (touching_bg) (with_object (bg) (pressing_action_key)))
- (let ((mex (x))
- (mey (- (y) (get_ability start_accel))))
- (with_object (bg) (progn (set_y mey)))))
- (go_state 2))))
- (2 ;; swap dest and source and go to new dest
- (play_sound PLAT_A_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (set_aitype (- 1 (aitype)))
- (set_xvel (plat_speed));; steps to go
- (go_state 3))
- (3 ;; go to dest
- (if (eq (xvel) 6)
- (play_sound PLAT_D_SND 127 (x) (y)))
- (platform_move (get_object (aitype)) (get_object (- 1 (aitype)))))
- ))
- (set_state stopped))
- T)