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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "mpmath.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- /* these need to be accessed elsewhere for saving data */
- double mxminfp = -.83;
- double myminfp = -.25;
- double mxmaxfp = -.83;
- double mymaxfp = .25;
- static long mxmin, mymin;
- static long x_per_inch, y_per_inch, inch_per_xdot, inch_per_ydot;
- static double x_per_inchfp, y_per_inchfp, inch_per_xdotfp, inch_per_ydotfp;
- static int bbase;
- static long xpixel, ypixel;
- static double xpixelfp, ypixelfp;
- static long initz, djx, djy, dmx, dmy;
- static double initzfp, djxfp, djyfp, dmxfp, dmyfp;
- static long jx, jy, mx, my, xoffset, yoffset;
- static double jxfp, jyfp, mxfp, myfp, xoffsetfp, yoffsetfp;
- struct Perspective
- {
- long x, y, zx, zy;
- };
- struct Perspectivefp
- {
- double x, y, zx, zy;
- };
- struct Perspective LeftEye, RightEye, *Per;
- struct Perspectivefp LeftEyefp, RightEyefp, *Perfp;
- _LCMPLX jbc;
- _CMPLX jbcfp;
- static double fg, fg16;
- int zdots = 128;
- float originfp = (float)8.0;
- float heightfp = (float)7.0;
- float widthfp = (float)10.0;
- float distfp = (float)24.0;
- float eyesfp = (float)2.5;
- float depthfp = (float)8.0;
- float brratiofp = (float)1.0;
- static long width, dist, eyes, depth, brratio;
- int juli3Dmode = 0;
- int neworbittype = JULIA;
- int
- JulibrotSetup(void)
- {
- long origin;
- int r = 0;
- char *mapname;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (colors < 255)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] =
- {"Sorry, but Julibrots require a 256-color video mode"};
- stopmsg(0, msg);
- return (0);
- }
- #endif
- xoffsetfp = (xxmax + xxmin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
- yoffsetfp = (yymax + yymin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
- dmxfp = (mxmaxfp - mxminfp) / zdots;
- dmyfp = (mymaxfp - myminfp) / zdots;
- floatparm = &jbcfp;
- x_per_inchfp = (xxmin - xxmax) / widthfp;
- y_per_inchfp = (yymax - yymin) / heightfp;
- inch_per_xdotfp = widthfp / xdots;
- inch_per_ydotfp = heightfp / ydots;
- initzfp = originfp - (depthfp / 2);
- if(juli3Dmode == 0)
- RightEyefp.x = 0.0;
- else
- RightEyefp.x = eyesfp / 2;
- LeftEyefp.x = -RightEyefp.x;
- LeftEyefp.y = RightEyefp.y = 0;
- LeftEyefp.zx = RightEyefp.zx = distfp;
- LeftEyefp.zy = RightEyefp.zy = distfp;
- bbase = 128;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (fractalspecific[fractype].isinteger > 0)
- {
- long jxmin, jxmax, jymin, jymax, mxmax, mymax;
- if (fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger == 0)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Julibrot orbit type isinteger mismatch"};
- stopmsg(0, (char far *)msg);
- }
- if (fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger > 1)
- bitshift = fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger;
- fg = (double) (1L << bitshift);
- fg16 = (double) (1L << 16);
- jxmin = (long) (xxmin * fg);
- jxmax = (long) (xxmax * fg);
- xoffset = (jxmax + jxmin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
- jymin = (long) (yymin * fg);
- jymax = (long) (yymax * fg);
- yoffset = (jymax + jymin) / 2; /* Calculate average */
- mxmin = (long) (mxminfp * fg);
- mxmax = (long) (mxmaxfp * fg);
- mymin = (long) (myminfp * fg);
- mymax = (long) (mymaxfp * fg);
- origin = (long) (originfp * fg16);
- depth = (long) (depthfp * fg16);
- width = (long) (widthfp * fg16);
- dist = (long) (distfp * fg16);
- eyes = (long) (eyesfp * fg16);
- brratio = (long) (brratiofp * fg16);
- dmx = (mxmax - mxmin) / zdots;
- dmy = (mymax - mymin) / zdots;
- longparm = &jbc;
- x_per_inch = (long) ((xxmin - xxmax) / widthfp * fg);
- y_per_inch = (long) ((yymax - yymin) / heightfp * fg);
- inch_per_xdot = (long) ((widthfp / xdots) * fg16);
- inch_per_ydot = (long) ((heightfp / ydots) * fg16);
- initz = origin - (depth / 2);
- if(juli3Dmode == 0)
- RightEye.x = 0l;
- else
- RightEye.x = eyes / 2;
- LeftEye.x = -RightEye.x;
- LeftEye.y = RightEye.y = 0l;
- LeftEye.zx = RightEye.zx = dist;
- LeftEye.zy = RightEye.zy = dist;
- bbase = (int) (128.0 * brratiofp);
- }
- #endif
- if (juli3Dmode == 3)
- {
- savedac = 0;
- mapname = Glasses1Map;
- }
- else
- mapname = GreyFile;
- if(savedac != 1)
- {
- if (ValidateLuts(mapname) != 0)
- return (0);
- spindac(0, 1); /* load it, but don't spin */
- if(savedac == 2)
- savedac = 1;
- }
- return (r >= 0);
- }
- int
- jb_per_pixel(void)
- {
- jx = multiply(Per->x - xpixel, initz, 16);
- jx = divide(jx, dist, 16) - xpixel;
- jx = multiply(jx << (bitshift - 16), x_per_inch, bitshift);
- jx += xoffset;
- djx = divide(depth, dist, 16);
- djx = multiply(djx, Per->x - xpixel, 16) << (bitshift - 16);
- djx = multiply(djx, x_per_inch, bitshift) / zdots;
- jy = multiply(Per->y - ypixel, initz, 16);
- jy = divide(jy, dist, 16) - ypixel;
- jy = multiply(jy << (bitshift - 16), y_per_inch, bitshift);
- jy += yoffset;
- djy = divide(depth, dist, 16);
- djy = multiply(djy, Per->y - ypixel, 16) << (bitshift - 16);
- djy = multiply(djy, y_per_inch, bitshift) / zdots;
- return (1);
- }
- int
- jbfp_per_pixel(void)
- {
- jxfp = ((Perfp->x - xpixelfp) * initzfp / distfp - xpixelfp) * x_per_inchfp;
- jxfp += xoffsetfp;
- djxfp = (depthfp / distfp) * (Perfp->x - xpixelfp) * x_per_inchfp / zdots;
- jyfp = ((Perfp->y - ypixelfp) * initzfp / distfp - ypixelfp) * y_per_inchfp;
- jyfp += yoffsetfp;
- djyfp = depthfp / distfp * (Perfp->y - ypixelfp) * y_per_inchfp / zdots;
- return (1);
- }
- static int zpixel, plotted;
- static long n;
- int
- zline(long x, long y)
- {
- xpixel = x;
- ypixel = y;
- mx = mxmin;
- my = mymin;
- switch(juli3Dmode)
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- Per = &LeftEye;
- break;
- case 2:
- Per = &RightEye;
- break;
- case 3:
- if ((row + col) & 1)
- Per = &LeftEye;
- else
- Per = &RightEye;
- break;
- }
- jb_per_pixel();
- for (zpixel = 0; zpixel < zdots; zpixel++)
- {
- lold.x = jx;
- lold.y = jy;
- jbc.x = mx;
- jbc.y = my;
- if (keypressed())
- return (-1);
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- for (n = 0; n < maxit; n++)
- if (fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc())
- break;
- if (n == maxit)
- {
- if (juli3Dmode==3)
- {
- color = (int) (128l * zpixel / zdots);
- if ((row + col) & 1)
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, 127 - color);
- }
- else
- {
- color = (int) (multiply((long) color << 16, brratio, 16) >> 16);
- if (color < 1)
- color = 1;
- if (color > 127)
- color = 127;
- (*plot) (col, row, 127 + bbase - color);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- color = (int) (254l * zpixel / zdots);
- (*plot) (col, row, color + 1);
- }
- plotted = 1;
- break;
- }
- mx += dmx;
- my += dmy;
- jx += djx;
- jy += djy;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- zlinefp(double x, double y)
- {
- #ifdef XFRACT
- static int keychk = 0;
- #endif
- xpixelfp = x;
- ypixelfp = y;
- mxfp = mxminfp;
- myfp = myminfp;
- switch(juli3Dmode)
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- Perfp = &LeftEyefp;
- break;
- case 2:
- Perfp = &RightEyefp;
- break;
- case 3:
- if ((row + col) & 1)
- Perfp = &LeftEyefp;
- else
- Perfp = &RightEyefp;
- break;
- }
- jbfp_per_pixel();
- for (zpixel = 0; zpixel < zdots; zpixel++)
- {
- old.x = jxfp;
- old.y = jyfp;
- jbcfp.x = mxfp;
- jbcfp.y = myfp;
- qc = param[0];
- qci = param[1];
- qcj = param[2];
- qck = param[3];
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (keychk++ > 500)
- {
- keychk = 0;
- if (keypressed())
- return (-1);
- }
- #else
- if (keypressed())
- return (-1);
- #endif
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x);
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- for (n = 0; n < maxit; n++)
- if (fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc())
- break;
- if (n == maxit)
- {
- if (juli3Dmode == 3)
- {
- color = (int) (128l * zpixel / zdots);
- if ((row + col) & 1)
- (*plot) (col, row, 127 - color);
- else
- {
- color = (int)(color * brratiofp);
- if (color < 1)
- color = 1;
- if (color > 127)
- color = 127;
- (*plot) (col, row, 127 + bbase - color);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- color = (int) (254l * zpixel / zdots);
- (*plot) (col, row, color + 1);
- }
- plotted = 1;
- break;
- }
- mxfp += dmxfp;
- myfp += dmyfp;
- jxfp += djxfp;
- jyfp += djyfp;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- Std4dFractal(void)
- {
- long x, y;
- int xdot, ydot;
- c_exp = (int)param[2];
- if(neworbittype == LJULIAZPOWER)
- {
- if(c_exp < 1)
- c_exp = 1;
- if(param[3] == 0.0 && debugflag != 6000 && (double)c_exp == param[2])
- fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc = longZpowerFractal;
- else
- fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc = longCmplxZpowerFractal;
- }
- for (y = 0, ydot = (ydots >> 1) - 1; ydot >= 0; ydot--, y -= inch_per_ydot)
- {
- plotted = 0;
- x = -(width >> 1);
- for (xdot = 0; xdot < xdots; xdot++, x += inch_per_xdot)
- {
- col = xdot;
- row = ydot;
- if (zline(x, y) < 0)
- return (-1);
- col = xdots - col - 1;
- row = ydots - row - 1;
- if (zline(-x, -y) < 0)
- return (-1);
- }
- if (plotted == 0)
- {
- if (y == 0)
- plotted = -1; /* no points first pass; don't give up */
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- Std4dfpFractal(void)
- {
- double x, y;
- int xdot, ydot;
- c_exp = (int)param[2];
- if(neworbittype == FPJULIAZPOWER)
- {
- if(param[3] == 0.0 && debugflag != 6000 && (double)c_exp == param[2])
- fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc = floatZpowerFractal;
- else
- fractalspecific[neworbittype].orbitcalc = floatCmplxZpowerFractal;
- get_julia_attractor (param[0], param[1]); /* another attractor? */
- }
- for (y = 0, ydot = (ydots >> 1) - 1; ydot >= 0; ydot--, y -= inch_per_ydotfp)
- {
- plotted = 0;
- x = -widthfp / 2;
- for (xdot = 0; xdot < xdots; xdot++, x += inch_per_xdotfp)
- {
- col = xdot;
- row = ydot;
- if (zlinefp(x, y) < 0)
- return (-1);
- col = xdots - col - 1;
- row = ydots - row - 1;
- if (zlinefp(-x, -y) < 0)
- return (-1);
- }
- if (plotted == 0)
- {
- if (y == 0)
- plotted = -1; /* no points first pass; don't give up */
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }