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- /*
- * JIIM.C
- *
- * Generates Inverse Julia in real time, lets move a cursor which determines
- * the J-set.
- *
- * The J-set is generated in a fixed-size window, a third of the screen.
- *
- * The routines used to set/move the cursor and to save/restore the
- * window were "borrowed" from editpal.c (TW - now we *use* the editpal code)
- * (if you don't know how to write good code, look for someone who does)
- *
- * JJB [jbuhler@gidef.edu.ar]
- * TIW Tim Wegner
- * MS Michael Snyder
- * KS Ken Shirriff
- * Revision History:
- *
- * 7-28-92 JJB Initial release out of editpal.c
- * 7-29-92 JJB Added SaveRect() & RestoreRect() - now the
- * screen is restored after leaving.
- * 7-30-92 JJB Now, if the cursor goes into the window, the
- * window is moved to the other side of the screen.
- * Worked from the first time!
- * 10-09-92 TIW A major rewrite that merged cut routines duplicated
- * in EDITPAL.C and added orbits feature.
- * 11-02-92 KS Made cursor blink
- * 11-18-92 MS Altered Inverse Julia to use MIIM method.
- * 11-25-92 MS Modified MIIM support routines to better be
- * shared with stand-alone inverse julia in
- * LORENZ.C, and to use DISKVID for swap space.
- * 05-05-93 TIW Boy this change file really got out of date.
- * Added orbits capability, various commands, some
- * of Dan Farmer's ideas like circles and lines
- * connecting orbits points.
- * 12-18-93 TIW Removed use of float only for orbits, fixed a
- * helpmode bug.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <dos.h> /* for FP_SEG & FP_OFF */
- #else
- #include <varargs.h>
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- # include <mem.h> /* to get mem...() declarations */
- #endif
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "fractint.h" /* for overlay stuff */
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #define FAR_RESERVE 8192L /* amount of far mem we will leave avail. */
- #define MAXRECT 1024 /* largest width of SaveRect/RestoreRect */
- #define newx(size) mem_alloc(size)
- #define delete(block)
- enum stored_at_values
- {
- } ;
- int show_numbers =0; /* toggle for display of coords */
- int stored_at;
- char far *memory = NULL; /* pointer to saved rectangle */
- FILE *file;
- int windows = 0; /* windows management system */
- static int xc, yc; /* corners of the window */
- static int xd, yd; /* dots in the window */
- double xcjul = BIG;
- double ycjul = BIG;
- void displays(int x, int y, int fg, int bg, char *str, int len)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<len; i++)
- displayc(x+i*8, y, fg, bg, str[i]);
- }
- /* circle routines from Dr. Dobbs June 1990 */
- int xbase, ybase;
- unsigned int xAspect, yAspect;
- void SetAspect(double aspect)
- {
- xAspect = 0;
- yAspect = 0;
- aspect = fabs(aspect);
- if (aspect != 1.0)
- if (aspect > 1.0)
- yAspect = (unsigned int)(65536.0 / aspect);
- else
- xAspect = (unsigned int)(65536.0 * aspect);
- }
- void _fastcall c_putcolor(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- /* avoid writing outside window */
- if ( x < xc || y < yc || x >= xc + xd || y >= yc + yd )
- return ;
- if(y >= sydots - show_numbers) /* avoid overwriting coords */
- return;
- if(windows == 2) /* avoid overwriting fractal */
- if (0 <= x && x < xdots && 0 <= y && y < ydots)
- return;
- putcolor(x, y, color);
- }
- int c_getcolor(int x, int y)
- {
- /* avoid reading outside window */
- if ( x < xc || y < yc || x >= xc + xd || y >= yc + yd )
- return 1000;
- if(y >= sydots - show_numbers) /* avoid overreading coords */
- return 1000;
- if(windows == 2) /* avoid overreading fractal */
- if (0 <= x && x < xdots && 0 <= y && y < ydots)
- return 1000;
- return getcolor(x, y);
- }
- void circleplot(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- if (xAspect == 0)
- if (yAspect == 0)
- c_putcolor(x+xbase, y+ybase,color);
- else
- c_putcolor(x+xbase, (short)(ybase + (((long) y * (long) yAspect) >> 16)),color);
- else
- c_putcolor((int)(xbase + (((long) x * (long) xAspect) >> 16)), y+ybase, color);
- }
- void plot8(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- circleplot(x,y,color);
- circleplot(-x,y,color);
- circleplot(x,-y,color);
- circleplot(-x,-y,color);
- circleplot(y,x,color);
- circleplot(-y,x,color);
- circleplot(y,-x,color);
- circleplot(-y,-x,color);
- }
- void circle(int radius, int color)
- {
- int x,y,sum;
- x = 0;
- y = radius << 1;
- sum = 0;
- while (x <= y)
- {
- if ( !(x & 1) ) /* plot if x is even */
- plot8( x >> 1, (y+1) >> 1, color);
- sum += (x << 1) + 1;
- x++;
- if (sum > 0)
- {
- sum -= (y << 1) - 1;
- y--;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * MIIM section:
- *
- * Global variables and service functions used for computing
- * MIIM Julias will be grouped here (and shared by code in LORENZ.C)
- *
- */
- long ListFront, ListBack, ListSize; /* head, tail, size of MIIM Queue */
- long lsize, lmax; /* how many in queue (now, ever) */
- int maxhits = 1;
- int OKtoMIIM;
- int SecretExperimentalMode;
- float luckyx = 0, luckyy = 0;
- static void fillrect(int x, int y, int width, int depth, int color)
- {
- /* fast version of fillrect */
- if(hasinverse == 0)
- return;
- memset(dstack, color % colors, width);
- while (depth-- > 0)
- {
- if(keypressed()) /* we could do this less often when in fast modes */
- return;
- putrow(x, y++, width, (char *)dstack);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Queue/Stack Section:
- *
- * Defines a buffer that can be used as a FIFO queue or LIFO stack.
- */
- int
- QueueEmpty() /* True if NO points remain in queue */
- {
- return (ListFront == ListBack);
- }
- #if 0 /* not used */
- int
- QueueFull() /* True if room for NO more points in queue */
- {
- return (((ListFront + 1) % ListSize) == ListBack);
- }
- #endif
- int
- QueueFullAlmost() /* True if room for ONE more point in queue */
- {
- return (((ListFront + 2) % ListSize) == ListBack);
- }
- void
- ClearQueue()
- {
- ListFront = ListBack = lsize = lmax = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Queue functions for MIIM julia:
- * move to JIIM.C when done
- */
- int Init_Queue(unsigned long request)
- {
- if (dotmode == 11)
- {
- static FCODE nono[] = "Don't try this in disk video mode, kids...\n";
- stopmsg(0, nono);
- ListSize = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- if (xmmquery() && debugflag != 420) /* use LARGEST extended mem */
- if ((largest = xmmlongest()) > request / 128)
- request = (unsigned long) largest * 128L;
- #endif
- for (ListSize = request; ListSize > 1024; ListSize -= 512)
- switch (common_startdisk(ListSize * 8, 1, 256))
- {
- case 0: /* success */
- ListFront = ListBack = 0;
- lsize = lmax = 0;
- return 1;
- case -1:
- continue; /* try smaller queue size */
- case -2:
- ListSize = 0; /* cancelled by user */
- return 0;
- }
- /* failed to get memory for MIIM Queue */
- ListSize = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Free_Queue()
- {
- enddisk();
- ListFront = ListBack = ListSize = lsize = lmax = 0;
- }
- int
- PushLong(long x, long y)
- {
- if (((ListFront + 1) % ListSize) != ListBack)
- {
- if (ToMemDisk(8*ListFront, sizeof(x), &x) &&
- ToMemDisk(8*ListFront +sizeof(x), sizeof(y), &y))
- {
- ListFront = (ListFront + 1) % ListSize;
- if (++lsize > lmax)
- {
- lmax = lsize;
- luckyx = (float)x;
- luckyy = (float)y;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0; /* fail */
- }
- int
- PushFloat(float x, float y)
- {
- if (((ListFront + 1) % ListSize) != ListBack)
- {
- if (ToMemDisk(8*ListFront, sizeof(x), &x) &&
- ToMemDisk(8*ListFront +sizeof(x), sizeof(y), &y))
- {
- ListFront = (ListFront + 1) % ListSize;
- if (++lsize > lmax)
- {
- lmax = lsize;
- luckyx = x;
- luckyy = y;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0; /* fail */
- }
- PopFloat()
- {
- _CMPLX pop;
- float popx, popy;
- if (!QueueEmpty())
- {
- ListFront--;
- if (ListFront < 0)
- ListFront = ListSize - 1;
- if (FromMemDisk(8*ListFront, sizeof(popx), &popx) &&
- FromMemDisk(8*ListFront +sizeof(popx), sizeof(popy), &popy))
- {
- pop.x = popx;
- pop.y = popy;
- --lsize;
- }
- return pop;
- }
- pop.x = 0;
- pop.y = 0;
- return pop;
- }
- PopLong()
- {
- LCMPLX pop;
- if (!QueueEmpty())
- {
- ListFront--;
- if (ListFront < 0)
- ListFront = ListSize - 1;
- if (FromMemDisk(8*ListFront, sizeof(pop.x), &pop.x) &&
- FromMemDisk(8*ListFront +sizeof(pop.x), sizeof(pop.y), &pop.y))
- --lsize;
- return pop;
- }
- pop.x = 0;
- pop.y = 0;
- return pop;
- }
- int
- EnQueueFloat(float x, float y)
- {
- return PushFloat(x, y);
- }
- int
- EnQueueLong(long x, long y)
- {
- return PushLong(x, y);
- }
- DeQueueFloat()
- {
- _CMPLX out;
- float outx, outy;
- if (ListBack != ListFront)
- {
- if (FromMemDisk(8*ListBack, sizeof(outx), &outx) &&
- FromMemDisk(8*ListBack +sizeof(outx), sizeof(outy), &outy))
- {
- ListBack = (ListBack + 1) % ListSize;
- out.x = outx;
- out.y = outy;
- lsize--;
- }
- return out;
- }
- out.x = 0;
- out.y = 0;
- return out;
- }
- DeQueueLong()
- {
- LCMPLX out;
- out.x = 0;
- out.y = 0;
- if (ListBack != ListFront)
- {
- if (FromMemDisk(8*ListBack, sizeof(out.x), &out.x) &&
- FromMemDisk(8*ListBack +sizeof(out.x), sizeof(out.y), &out.y))
- {
- ListBack = (ListBack + 1) % ListSize;
- lsize--;
- }
- return out;
- }
- out.x = 0;
- out.y = 0;
- return out;
- }
- /*
- * End MIIM section;
- */
- static BOOLEAN MemoryAlloc(long size)
- {
- char far *temp;
- if (debugflag == 420)
- return(FALSE);
- temp = (char far *)farmemalloc(FAR_RESERVE); /* minimum free space */
- if (temp == NULL)
- {
- stored_at = NOWHERE;
- return (FALSE); /* can't do it */
- }
- memory = (char far *)farmemalloc( size );
- farmemfree(temp);
- if ( memory == NULL )
- {
- stored_at = NOWHERE;
- return (FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- stored_at = MEMORY;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- }
- static void SaveRect(int x, int y, int width, int depth)
- {
- char buff[MAXRECT];
- int yoff;
- if(hasinverse == 0)
- return;
- /* first, do any de-allocationg */
- switch( stored_at )
- {
- case NOWHERE:
- break;
- case DISK:
- break;
- case MEMORY:
- if (memory != NULL)
- {
- farmemfree(memory);
- }
- memory = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /* allocate space and store the rect */
- memset(dstack, color_dark, width);
- if ( MemoryAlloc( (long)width*(long)depth) )
- {
- char far *ptr = memory;
- char far *bufptr = buff; /* MSC needs this indirection to get it right */
- Cursor_Hide();
- for (yoff=0; yoff<depth; yoff++)
- {
- getrow(x, y+yoff, width, buff);
- putrow(x, y+yoff, width, (char *)dstack);
- movedata(FP_SEG(bufptr), FP_OFF(bufptr), FP_SEG(ptr), FP_OFF(ptr), width);
- ptr = (char far *)normalize(ptr+width);
- }
- Cursor_Show();
- }
- else /* to disk */
- {
- stored_at = DISK;
- if ( file == NULL )
- {
- file = dir_fopen(tempdir,scrnfile, "w+b");
- if (file == NULL)
- {
- stored_at = NOWHERE;
- buzzer(3);
- return ;
- }
- }
- rewind(file);
- Cursor_Hide();
- for (yoff=0; yoff<depth; yoff++)
- {
- getrow(x, y+yoff, width, buff);
- putrow(x, y+yoff, width, (char *)dstack);
- if ( fwrite(buff, width, 1, file) != 1 )
- {
- buzzer(3);
- break;
- }
- }
- Cursor_Show();
- }
- }
- static void RestoreRect(int x, int y, int width, int depth)
- {
- char buff[MAXRECT];
- int yoff;
- if(hasinverse == 0)
- return;
- switch ( stored_at )
- {
- case DISK:
- rewind(file);
- Cursor_Hide();
- for (yoff=0; yoff<depth; yoff++)
- {
- if ( fread(buff, width, 1, file) != 1 )
- {
- buzzer(3);
- break;
- }
- putrow(x, y+yoff, width, buff);
- }
- Cursor_Show();
- break;
- case MEMORY:
- {
- char far *ptr = memory;
- char far *bufptr = buff; /* MSC needs this indirection to get it right */
- Cursor_Hide();
- for (yoff=0; yoff<depth; yoff++)
- {
- movedata(FP_SEG(ptr), FP_OFF(ptr), FP_SEG(bufptr), FP_OFF(bufptr), width);
- putrow(x, y+yoff, width, buff);
- ptr = (char far *)normalize(ptr+width);
- }
- Cursor_Show();
- break;
- }
- case NOWHERE:
- break;
- } /* switch */
- }
- /*
- * interface to FRACTINT
- */
- /* the following macros and function call the setup, per_pixel, and orbit
- routines and calculate an orbit at row 0 column 0. Have to save and
- restore the first elements of dx0 ... dy1 as well as row and col */
- #define PER_IMAGE (fractalspecific[fractype].per_image)
- #define PER_PIXEL (fractalspecific[fractype].per_pixel)
- #define ORBITCALC (fractalspecific[fractype].orbitcalc)
- int do_fractal_routines(double cr, double ci, int (*func)(void))
- {
- int ret;
- int old_row, old_col;
- old_row = row; old_col = col;
- row = col = 0;
- if(integerfractal)
- {
- long old_lx0, old_lx1, old_ly0, old_ly1;
- old_lx0 = *lx0; old_lx1 = *lx1;
- old_ly0 = *ly0; old_ly1 = *ly1;
- *lx0 = (long)(cr*fudge); *ly0 = (long)(ci*fudge); *lx1 = *ly1 = 0L;
- ret = func();
- *lx0 = old_lx0; *lx1 = old_lx1;
- *ly0 = old_ly0; *ly1 = old_ly1;
- old.x = lold.x; old.x /= fudge;
- old.y = lold.y; old.y /= fudge;
- init.x = linit.x; init.x /= fudge;
- init.y = linit.y; init.y /= fudge;
- }
- else
- {
- double old_dx0, old_dx1, old_dy0, old_dy1;
- old_dx0 = *dx0; old_dx1 = *dx1;
- old_dy0 = *dy0; old_dy1 = *dy1;
- *dx0 = cr; *dy0 = ci; *dx1 = *dy1 = 0.0;
- ret = func();
- *dx0 = old_dx0; *dx1 = old_dx1;
- *dy0 = old_dy0; *dy1 = old_dy1;
- }
- row = old_row; col = old_col;
- return(ret);
- }
- _CMPLX SaveC = {-3000.0, -3000.0};
- void Jiim(int which) /* called by fractint */
- {
- struct affine cvt;
- int exact = 0;
- int oldhelpmode;
- int count = 0; /* coloring julia */
- static int mode = 0; /* point, circle, ... */
- int oldlookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- double cr, ci, r;
- int xfactor, yfactor; /* aspect ratio */
- int xoff, yoff; /* center of the window */
- int x, y;
- int still, kbdchar= -1;
- int xcrsr,ycrsr; /* coords of the cursor / offsets to move it */
- long iter;
- int color;
- float zoom;
- int oldsxoffs, oldsyoffs;
- int savehasinverse;
- int (*oldcalctype)(void);
- int old_x, old_y;
- double aspect;
- static int randir = 0;
- static int rancnt = 0;
- int actively_computing = 1;
- int first_time = 1;
- int old_debugflag;
- old_debugflag = debugflag;
- /* must use standard fractal or be calcfroth */
- if(fractalspecific[fractype].calctype != StandardFractal
- && fractalspecific[fractype].calctype != calcfroth)
- return;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- if(which == JIIM)
- helpmode = HELP_JIIM;
- else
- {
- helpmode = HELP_ORBITS;
- hasinverse = 1;
- /* Earth to Chuck Ebbert - remove this code when your code supports
- my changes to PARSER.C */
- if(fractype == FFORMULA)
- {
- debugflag = 90;
- }
- }
- oldsxoffs = sxoffs;
- oldsyoffs = syoffs;
- oldcalctype = calctype;
- show_numbers = 0;
- using_jiim = 1;
- mem_init(strlocn, 10*1024);
- line_buff = newx(max(sxdots,sydots));
- aspect = ((double)xdots*3)/((double)ydots*4); /* assumes 4:3 */
- actively_computing = 1;
- SetAspect(aspect);
- lookatmouse = 3;
- Cursor_Construct();
- /*
- * MIIM code:
- * Grab far memory for Queue/Stack before SaveRect gets it.
- */
- OKtoMIIM = 0;
- if (which == JIIM && debugflag != 300)
- OKtoMIIM = Init_Queue((long)8*1024); /* Queue Set-up Successful? */
- maxhits = 1;
- if (which == ORBIT)
- plot = c_putcolor; /* for line with clipping */
- /*
- * end MIIM code.
- */
- if(sxoffs != 0 || syoffs != 0) /* we're in view windows */
- {
- savehasinverse = hasinverse;
- hasinverse = 1;
- SaveRect(0,0,xdots,ydots);
- sxoffs = 0;
- syoffs = 0;
- RestoreRect(0,0,xdots,ydots);
- hasinverse = savehasinverse;
- }
- if(which == ORBIT)
- (*PER_IMAGE)();
- else
- color = color_bright;
- if(xdots == sxdots || ydots == sydots ||
- sxdots-xdots < sxdots/3 ||
- sydots-ydots < sydots/3 ||
- xdots >= MAXRECT )
- {
- /* this mode puts orbit/julia in an overlapping window 1/3 the size of
- the physical screen */
- windows = 0; /* full screen or large view window */
- xd = sxdots / 3;
- yd = sydots / 3;
- xc = xd * 2;
- yc = yd * 2;
- xoff = xd * 5 / 2;
- yoff = yd * 5 / 2;
- }
- else if(xdots > sxdots/3 && ydots > sydots/3)
- {
- /* Julia/orbit and fractal don't overlap */
- windows = 1;
- xd = sxdots-xdots;
- yd = sydots-ydots;
- xc = xdots;
- yc = ydots;
- xoff = xc + xd/2;
- yoff = yc + yd/2;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Julia/orbit takes whole screen */
- windows = 2;
- xd = sxdots;
- yd = sydots;
- xc = 0;
- yc = 0;
- xoff = xd/2;
- yoff = yd/2;
- }
- xfactor = (int)(xd/5.33);
- yfactor = (int)(-yd/4);
- if(windows == 0)
- SaveRect(xc,yc,xd,yd);
- else if(windows == 2) /* leave the fractal */
- {
- fillrect(xdots, yc, xd-xdots, yd, color_dark);
- fillrect(xc , ydots, xdots, yd-ydots, color_dark);
- }
- else /* blank whole window */
- fillrect(xc, yc, xd, yd, color_dark);
- setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- /* reuse last location if inside window */
- xcrsr = (int)(cvt.a*SaveC.x + cvt.b*SaveC.y + cvt.e + .5);
- ycrsr = (int)(cvt.c*SaveC.x + cvt.d*SaveC.y + cvt.f + .5);
- if(xcrsr < 0 || xcrsr >= xdots ||
- ycrsr < 0 || ycrsr >= ydots)
- {
- cr = (xxmax + xxmin) / 2.0;
- ci = (yymax + yymin) / 2.0;
- }
- else
- {
- cr = SaveC.x;
- ci = SaveC.y;
- }
- old_x = old_y = -1;
- xcrsr = (int)(cvt.a*cr + cvt.b*ci + cvt.e + .5);
- ycrsr = (int)(cvt.c*cr + cvt.d*ci + cvt.f + .5);
- /* possible extraseg arrays have been trashed, so set up again */
- if(integerfractal)
- fill_lx_array();
- else
- fill_dx_array();
- Cursor_SetPos(xcrsr, ycrsr);
- Cursor_Show();
- color = color_bright;
- iter = 1;
- still = 1;
- zoom = 1;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- Cursor_StartMouseTracking();
- #endif
- while (still)
- {
- int dxcrsr, dycrsr;
- if (actively_computing) {
- Cursor_CheckBlink();
- } else {
- Cursor_WaitKey();
- }
- if(keypressed() || first_time) /* prevent burning up UNIX CPU */
- {
- first_time = 0;
- while(keypressed())
- {
- Cursor_WaitKey();
- kbdchar = getakey();
- dxcrsr = dycrsr = 0;
- xcjul = BIG;
- ycjul = BIG;
- switch (kbdchar)
- {
- case 1143: /* ctrl - keypad 5 */
- case 1076: /* keypad 5 */
- break; /* do nothing */
- case CTL_PAGE_UP:
- dxcrsr = 4;
- dycrsr = -4;
- break;
- dxcrsr = 4;
- dycrsr = 4;
- break;
- case CTL_HOME:
- dxcrsr = -4;
- dycrsr = -4;
- break;
- case CTL_END:
- dxcrsr = -4;
- dycrsr = 4;
- break;
- case PAGE_UP:
- dxcrsr = 1;
- dycrsr = -1;
- break;
- case PAGE_DOWN:
- dxcrsr = 1;
- dycrsr = 1;
- break;
- case HOME:
- dxcrsr = -1;
- dycrsr = -1;
- break;
- case END:
- dxcrsr = -1;
- dycrsr = 1;
- break;
- case UP_ARROW:
- dycrsr = -1;
- break;
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- dycrsr = 1;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- dxcrsr = -1;
- break;
- dxcrsr = 1;
- break;
- case UP_ARROW_2:
- dycrsr = -4;
- break;
- case DOWN_ARROW_2:
- dycrsr = 4;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW_2:
- dxcrsr = -4;
- break;
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2:
- dxcrsr = 4;
- break;
- case 'z':
- case 'Z':
- zoom = (float)1.0;
- break;
- case '<':
- case ',':
- zoom /= (float)1.15;
- break;
- case '>':
- case '.':
- zoom *= (float)1.15;
- break;
- case SPACE:
- xcjul = cr;
- ycjul = ci;
- goto finish;
- /* break; */
- case 'c': /* circle toggle */
- case 'C': /* circle toggle */
- mode = mode ^ 1;
- break;
- case 'l':
- case 'L':
- mode = mode ^ 2;
- break;
- case 'n':
- case 'N':
- show_numbers = 8 - show_numbers;
- if(windows == 0 && show_numbers == 0)
- {
- Cursor_Hide();
- cleartempmsg();
- Cursor_Show();
- }
- break;
- case 'p':
- case 'P':
- get_a_number(&cr,&ci);
- exact = 1;
- xcrsr = (int)(cvt.a*cr + cvt.b*ci + cvt.e + .5);
- ycrsr = (int)(cvt.c*cr + cvt.d*ci + cvt.f + .5);
- dxcrsr = dycrsr = 0;
- break;
- case 'h': /* hide fractal toggle */
- case 'H': /* hide fractal toggle */
- if(windows == 2)
- windows = 3;
- else if(windows == 3 && xd == sxdots)
- {
- RestoreRect(0, 0, xdots, ydots);
- windows = 2;
- }
- break;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- case ENTER:
- break;
- #endif
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- /* case '3': */ /* don't use '3', it's already meaningful */
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- if (which == JIIM)
- {
- SecretExperimentalMode = kbdchar - '0';
- break;
- }
- default:
- still = 0;
- } /* switch */
- if(kbdchar == 's' || kbdchar == 'S')
- goto finish;
- if(dxcrsr > 0 || dycrsr > 0)
- exact = 0;
- xcrsr += dxcrsr;
- ycrsr += dycrsr;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (kbdchar == ENTER) {
- /* We want to use the position of the cursor */
- exact=0;
- xcrsr = Cursor_GetX();
- ycrsr = Cursor_GetY();
- }
- #endif
- /* keep cursor in logical screen */
- if(xcrsr >= xdots)
- xcrsr = xdots -1, exact = 0;
- if(ycrsr >= ydots)
- ycrsr = ydots -1, exact = 0;
- if(xcrsr < 0)
- xcrsr = 0, exact = 0;
- if(ycrsr < 0)
- ycrsr = 0, exact = 0;
- Cursor_SetPos(xcrsr,ycrsr);
- } /* end while (keypressed) */
- if(exact == 0)
- {
- if(integerfractal)
- {
- cr = lx0[xcrsr]+lx1[ycrsr]; /* supports rotated zoom boxes! */
- ci = ly0[ycrsr]+ly1[xcrsr];
- cr /= (1L<<bitshift);
- ci /= (1L<<bitshift);
- }
- else
- {
- cr = dx0[xcrsr]+dx1[ycrsr];
- ci = dy0[ycrsr]+dy1[xcrsr];
- }
- }
- actively_computing = 1;
- if(show_numbers) /* write coordinates on screen */
- {
- char str[41];
- sprintf(str,"%16.14f %16.14f %3d",cr,ci,getcolor(xcrsr,ycrsr));
- if(windows == 0)
- {
- /* show temp msg will clear self if new msg is a
- different length - pad to length 40*/
- while(strlen(str) < 40)
- strcat(str," ");
- str[40] = 0;
- Cursor_Hide();
- actively_computing = 1;
- showtempmsg(str);
- Cursor_Show();
- }
- else
- displays(5, sydots-show_numbers, WHITE, BLACK, str,strlen(str));
- }
- iter = 1;
- old.x = old.y = lold.x = lold.y = 0;
- SaveC.x = init.x = cr;
- SaveC.y = init.y = ci;
- linit.x = (long)(init.x*fudge);
- linit.y = (long)(init.y*fudge);
- old_x = old_y = -1;
- /*
- * MIIM code:
- * compute fixed points and use them as starting points of JIIM
- */
- if (which == JIIM && OKtoMIIM)
- {
- _CMPLX f1, f2, Sqrt; /* Fixed points of Julia */
- Sqrt = ComplexSqrtFloat(1 - 4 * cr, -4 * ci);
- f1.x = (1 + Sqrt.x) / 2;
- f2.x = (1 - Sqrt.x) / 2;
- f1.y = Sqrt.y / 2;
- f2.y = -Sqrt.y / 2;
- ClearQueue();
- maxhits = 1;
- EnQueueFloat((float)f1.x, (float)f1.y);
- EnQueueFloat((float)f2.x, (float)f2.y);
- }
- /*
- * End MIIM code.
- */
- if(which == ORBIT)
- do_fractal_routines(cr, ci,PER_PIXEL);
- /* move window if bumped */
- if(windows==0 && xcrsr>xc && xcrsr < xc+xd && ycrsr>yc && ycrsr < yc+yd)
- {
- RestoreRect(xc,yc,xd,yd);
- if (xc == xd*2)
- xc = 2;
- else
- xc = xd*2;
- xoff = xc + xd / 2;
- SaveRect(xc,yc,xd,yd);
- }
- if(windows == 2)
- {
- fillrect(xdots, yc, xd-xdots, yd-show_numbers, color_dark);
- fillrect(xc , ydots, xdots, yd-ydots-show_numbers, color_dark);
- }
- else
- fillrect(xc, yc, xd, yd, color_dark);
- } /* end if (keypressed) */
- if(which == JIIM)
- {
- if(hasinverse == 0)
- continue;
- /*
- * MIIM code:
- * If we have MIIM queue allocated, then use MIIM method.
- */
- if (OKtoMIIM)
- {
- if (QueueEmpty())
- {
- if (maxhits < colors - 1 && maxhits < 5 &&
- (luckyx != 0.0 || luckyy != 0.0))
- {
- int i;
- lsize = lmax = 0;
- old.x = new.x = luckyx;
- old.y = new.y = luckyy;
- luckyx = luckyy = (float)0.0;
- for (i=0; i<199; i++)
- {
- old = ComplexSqrtFloat(old.x - cr, old.y - ci);
- new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - cr, new.y - ci);
- EnQueueFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- EnQueueFloat((float)-old.x, (float)-old.y);
- }
- maxhits++;
- }
- else
- continue; /* loop while (still) */
- }
- old = DeQueueFloat();
- #if 0 /* try a different new method */
- if (lsize < (lmax / 8) && maxhits < 5) /* NEW METHOD */
- if (maxhits < colors - 1)
- maxhits++;
- #endif
- x = (int)(old.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(old.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- color = c_getcolor(x, y);
- if (color < maxhits)
- {
- c_putcolor(x, y, color + 1);
- new = ComplexSqrtFloat(old.x - cr, old.y - ci);
- EnQueueFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- EnQueueFloat((float)-new.x, (float)-new.y);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * end Msnyder code, commence if not MIIM code.
- */
- old.x -= cr;
- old.y -= ci;
- r = old.x*old.x + old.y*old.y;
- if(r > 10.0)
- {
- old.x = old.y = 0.0; /* avoids math error */
- iter = 1;
- }
- iter++;
- color = ((count++)>>5)%colors; /* chg color every 32 pts */
- if(color==0)
- color = 1;
- r = sqrt(old.x*old.x + old.y*old.y);
- new.x = sqrt(fabs((r + old.x)/2));
- if (old.y < 0)
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = sqrt(fabs((r - old.x)/2));
- switch (SecretExperimentalMode) {
- case 0: /* unmodified random walk */
- default:
- if (rand() % 2)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- case 1: /* always go one direction */
- if (SaveC.y < 0)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- case 2: /* go one dir, draw the other */
- if (SaveC.y < 0)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- x = (int)(-new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(-new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- case 4: /* go negative if max color */
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- if (c_getcolor(x, y) == colors - 1)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* go positive if max color */
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- if (c_getcolor(x, y) == colors - 1)
- {
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- if (SaveC.y < 0)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- x = (int)(-new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(-new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- if(iter > 10)
- {
- if(mode == 0) /* pixels */
- c_putcolor(x, y, color);
- else if (mode & 1) /* circles */
- {
- xbase = x;
- ybase = y;
- circle((int)(zoom*(xd >> 1)/iter),color);
- }
- if ((mode & 2) && x > 0 && y > 0 && old_x > 0 && old_y > 0)
- {
- draw_line(x, y, old_x, old_y, color);
- }
- old_x = x;
- old_y = y;
- }
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- case 8: /* go in long zig zags */
- if (rancnt >= 300)
- rancnt = -300;
- if (rancnt < 0)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- case 9: /* "random run" */
- switch (randir) {
- case 0: /* go random direction for a while */
- if (rand() % 2)
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- if (++rancnt > 1024)
- {
- rancnt = 0;
- if (rand() % 2)
- randir = 1;
- else
- randir = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 1: /* now go negative dir for a while */
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- /* fall through */
- case -1: /* now go positive dir for a while */
- if (++rancnt > 512)
- randir = rancnt = 0;
- break;
- }
- x = (int)(new.x * xfactor * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)(new.y * yfactor * zoom + yoff);
- break;
- } /* end switch SecretMode (sorry about the indentation) */
- } /* end if not MIIM */
- }
- else /* orbits */
- {
- if(iter < maxit)
- {
- color = (int)iter%colors;
- if(integerfractal)
- {
- old.x = lold.x; old.x /= fudge;
- old.y = lold.y; old.y /= fudge;
- }
- x = (int)((old.x - init.x) * xfactor * 3 * zoom + xoff);
- y = (int)((old.y - init.y) * yfactor * 3 * zoom + yoff);
- if((*ORBITCALC)())
- iter = maxit;
- else
- iter++;
- }
- else
- {
- x = y = -1;
- actively_computing = 0;
- }
- }
- if(which == ORBIT || iter > 10)
- {
- if(mode == 0) /* pixels */
- c_putcolor(x, y, color);
- else if (mode & 1) /* circles */
- {
- xbase = x;
- ybase = y;
- circle((int)(zoom*(xd >> 1)/iter),color);
- }
- if ((mode & 2) && x > 0 && y > 0 && old_x > 0 && old_y > 0)
- {
- draw_line(x, y, old_x, old_y, color);
- }
- old_x = x;
- old_y = y;
- }
- old = new;
- lold = lnew;
- } /* end while(still) */
- finish:
- /*
- * Msnyder code:
- * free MIIM queue
- */
- Free_Queue();
- /*
- * end Msnyder code.
- */
- if(kbdchar != 's'&& kbdchar != 'S')
- {
- Cursor_Hide();
- if(windows == 0)
- RestoreRect(xc,yc,xd,yd);
- else if(windows >= 2 )
- {
- if(windows == 2)
- {
- fillrect(xdots, yc, xd-xdots, yd, color_dark);
- fillrect(xc , ydots, xdots, yd-ydots, color_dark);
- }
- else
- fillrect(xc, yc, xd, yd, color_dark);
- if(windows == 3 && xd == sxdots) /* unhide */
- {
- RestoreRect(0, 0, xdots, ydots);
- windows = 2;
- }
- Cursor_Hide();
- savehasinverse = hasinverse;
- hasinverse = 1;
- SaveRect(0,0,xdots,ydots);
- sxoffs = oldsxoffs;
- syoffs = oldsyoffs;
- RestoreRect(0,0,xdots,ydots);
- hasinverse = savehasinverse;
- }
- }
- Cursor_Destroy();
- #ifdef XFRACT
- Cursor_EndMouseTracking();
- #endif
- delete(line_buff);
- if (memory) /* done with memory, free it */
- {
- farmemfree(memory);
- memory = NULL;
- }
- lookatmouse = oldlookatmouse;
- using_jiim = 0;
- calctype = oldcalctype;
- debugflag = old_debugflag; /* yo Chuck! */
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if(kbdchar == 's' || kbdchar == 'S')
- {
- viewwindow = viewxdots = viewydots = 0;
- viewreduction = (float)4.2;
- viewcrop = 1;
- finalaspectratio = screenaspect;
- xdots = sxdots;
- ydots = sydots;
- dxsize = xdots - 1;
- dysize = ydots - 1;
- sxoffs = 0;
- syoffs = 0;
- freetempmsg();
- }
- else
- cleartempmsg();
- if (file != NULL)
- {
- fclose(file);
- file = NULL;
- dir_remove(tempdir,scrnfile);
- }
- show_numbers = 0;
- ungetakey(kbdchar);
- if (curfractalspecific->calctype == calcfroth)
- froth_cleanup();
- }