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- /*
- * intro.c
- *
- * FRACTINT intro screen (authors & credits)
- *
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <dos.h>
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* stuff from fractint */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- extern int slowdisplay;
- #endif
- void intro(void)
- {
- /* following overlayed data safe if "putstrings" are resident */
- static FCODE PRESS_ENTER[] = {"Press ENTER for main menu, F1 for help."};
- int toprow, botrow, i, j, delaymax;
- char oldchar;
- int authors[100]; /* this should be enough for awhile */
- char far *credits;
- char far *screen_text;
- int oldlookatmouse;
- int oldhelpmode;
- timer_start -= clock_ticks(); /* "time out" during help */
- oldlookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- lookatmouse = 0; /* de-activate full mouse checking */
- screen_text = MK_FP(extraseg, 0);
- i = 32767 + read_help_topic(INTRO_AUTHORS, 0, 32767, screen_text);
- screen_text[i++] = '\0';
- credits = screen_text + i;
- i = 32767 + read_help_topic(INTRO_CREDITS, 0, 32767, credits);
- credits[i++] = '\0';
- j = 0;
- authors[j] = 0; /* find the start of each credit-line */
- for (i = 0; credits[i] != 0; i++)
- if (credits[i] == 10)
- authors[++j] = i+1;
- authors[j+1] = i;
- helptitle();
- toprow = 8;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- botrow = 21;
- #else
- botrow = 20;
- putstringcenter(21,0,80,C_TITLE,
- "Unix/X port of fractint by Ken Shirriff [shirriff@cs.Berkeley.EDU]");
- #endif
- putstringcenter(1,0,80,C_TITLE, PRESS_ENTER);
- putstring(2,0,C_CONTRIB,screen_text);
- setattr(2,0,C_AUTHDIV1,80);
- setattr(7,0,C_AUTHDIV1,80);
- setattr(22,0,C_AUTHDIV2,80);
- setattr(3,0,C_PRIMARY,320);
- setattr(23,0,C_TITLE_LOW,160);
- for (i = 3; i < 7; ++i)
- setattr(i,18,C_CONTRIB,60);
- setattr(toprow,0,C_CONTRIB,14*80);
- i = botrow - toprow;
- srand((unsigned int)clock_ticks());
- j = rand15()%(j-(botrow-toprow)); /* first to use */
- i = j+botrow-toprow; /* last to use */
- oldchar = credits[authors[i+1]];
- credits[authors[i+1]] = 0;
- putstring(toprow,0,C_CONTRIB,credits+authors[j]);
- credits[authors[i+1]] = oldchar;
- delaymax = 10;
- movecursor(25,80); /* turn it off */
- helpmode = HELPMENU;
- while (! keypressed())
- {
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (slowdisplay) delaymax *= 15;
- #endif
- for (j = 0; j < delaymax && !(keypressed()); j++)
- delay(100);
- if (keypressed() == 32)
- { /* spacebar pauses */
- getakey();
- #ifndef XFRACT
- while (!keypressed()) ;
- #else
- waitkeypressed(0);
- #endif
- if (keypressed() == 32)
- getakey();
- }
- delaymax = 15;
- scrollup(toprow, botrow);
- i++;
- if (credits[authors[i]] == 0)
- i = 0;
- oldchar = credits[authors[i+1]];
- credits[authors[i+1]] = 0;
- putstring(botrow,0,C_CONTRIB,&credits[authors[i]]);
- setattr(botrow,0,C_CONTRIB,80);
- credits[authors[i+1]] = oldchar;
- movecursor(25,80); /* turn it off */
- }
- lookatmouse = oldlookatmouse; /* restore the mouse-checking */
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- return ;
- }