home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (*
- Interrupt List -> WinHelp converter (c) 1994 by Christian Müller-Planitz
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- e-mail address: see CONST "e_mail"
- The source and the compiled EXE-file can be freely distributed as long as
- no changes are made without my knowledge.
- --------------------------------
- Notes:
- The program was tested with INTLIST38 and INTLIST39 and its output
- was successfully compiled with the MS-Help-compiler "HC31.EXE" V3.10.445.
- The program needs the file "INTWHLP.DAT" in the 'source' directory.
- The program converted all sourcefiles (INTERRUP.* and *.LST) to
- 13 RTF files which needed 11MB on my harddrive.
- Compiling the RTF-files without compression took 13 minutes in
- a DOS-Window under Win/NT on a 486-50 (if you run it under DOS
- and if you have a fast hardrive cache, it might be faster).
- The (uncompressed) compiled HLP-File was approximately 7MB large.
- If you want to create a compressed HLP-file, you have to exchange the
- comments in the generated help-project file ("RB.HPJ"). Compressing
- reduces the size of the HLP-file to 3MB but it takes
- *more* (?? 28MB ??) space on your harddrive while compiling.
- In order to speed up compiling the compressed file, I've included a
- temporary file ("INTWIN.PH") of the helpcompiler in this archive.
- Copy this file into the directory containing all the RTF files
- before starting the compiler. This file is specific for INTERLIST39, so
- if you want to get maximal compression in future versions, remove it.
- After the compilation finishes, you will find the file "INTWIN.HLP".
- Start Windows, create an icon in the program manager and double-click on it.
- Version 1.11:
- The compressed INTWIN.HLP file compiled from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
- release 42 occupies appr. 4.6 MB.
- --------------------------------
- If you find this program usefull, if it does not work or if you have ideas
- how to expand its functionality, feel fee to write an e-mail to me.
- As usual, I do not take any responsibility for possible damages done by
- this program.
- Two questions and their answers :
- ---------------------------------
- WHY is the HLP-file so large ?
- In contrast to other programs that convert the interrupt list to
- DOS-based hypertext systems, this program generates a large
- index file that allows you to search for keywords.
- WHY did I wrote this program in Pascal and not in C ?
- I think Pascal is a pretty nice language for small projects.
- Another reason is the availability of efficient string handling under Pascal.
- *)
- {$A+,B-,D+,E-,F-,I+,L+,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-}
- {$M 16384,25000,200000}
- (* minimum heap estimate (1994): 60*(6+10)+(30+40)*(43+10)+50*256=16770 *)
- (* (average entry size times (number of entries + 10) for FLAGS, CATEGORIES,
- and CATEGORYKEYS entries) or times 256 for titles.
- Each string in the [*ALIASES] sections requires (length of string) + 5.
- *)
- Program INT2WHLP;
- uses DOS;
- { Version 1.00 - 1994
- v. 1.01 -
- v. 1.01a - 1994-02-16:
- published with Ralf Brown's Interrupt List release 40.
- v. 1.02 - 1994-04-07:
- Changed program name from RB2HLP/INTWHLP to INT2WHLP.
- Reduced the amount of RTF control codes.
- Introduced program parameter controlled behaviour.
- Improved flexibility by use of constants for parts of the control.
- Changed and added some windows.
- Extended search key facilities.
- v. 1.03 - 1994-04-17:
- Expanded/Compressed index switch.
- Multi columns compressed index.
- Interrupt titles OVERVIEW.LST.
- v. 1.04 - 1994-04-29:
- Configuration file including:
- Program parameters can be defined in the configuration file. Such
- definitions are overriden by program parameters.
- Several WINHELP parameters, like font and size, can be specified.
- Supplementary information "windows" can be included.
- An ALIAS list can be compiled and written to the HPJ file.
- A BUILDTAG list can be copied from the configuration to the HPJ file.
- v. 1.05 - 1994-05-07:
- Reconsidered default directories.
- v. 1.06 - 1994-05-26:
- Cross-references to tables.
- v. 1.07 - 1994-05-29:
- Edited procedure explain.
- Skip "Section" file break sections (from a "--------!-Section--.."
- divider line up to the next divider line).
- Executable code released with Interrupt List release 41.
- (ProgVers erroneously = '1.06').
- v. 1.08 - 1994-07-10:
- Tables as separate topics.
- v. 1.10 - 1994-07-20:
- Interrupt List release number dependent compilation.
- Published with Interrupt List release 42.
- v. 1.11 - 1994-09-20:
- [INTWINCONFIG] section in configuration file.
- v. 1.12 - 1994-11-04:
- Test for long graphics lines in ReadLine().
- Published with Interrupt List release 43.
- v. 1.13 - 1994-12-26:
- Transformation of DOS graphics in ReadLine().
- Check for duplicate keywords (from CATEGORYKEYS) in NewHlpPage().
- Secondary register references as keywords.
- Separate RTF files for interrupts and tables, check for direct/inderect
- references to tables from current interrupt.
- v. 1.14 - 1995-03-07:
- Return errorlevel 1 for warnings and >= 2 for errors.
- v. 1.15 - 1995-05-29:
- Avoid empty topic in the beginning of .RTF files.
- Made more tools-tolerant: RTF files for expanded and compressed
- indexes reversed. It is easier for some tools to digest the very
- long expanded index when it is compiled at a later state so all its
- phrases are already known.
- [BAGGAGE] section handling.
- Expanded list of registered warnings.
- Copyright message and credits window include Bent Lynggaard as
- coauthor.
- v. 1.16 - 1995-07-31:
- Christian's new e-mail address.
- }
- const
- progName = 'INT2WHLP';
- progVers = '1.16';
- hfName = 'INTWIN'; { helpfile name }
- copyright = 'Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Christian Müller-Planitz and Bent Lynggaard';
- e_mail = '"cmp@cs.utah.edu" or "cmueller@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de"';
- { e-mail address in Intro/Explain windows }
- e_mailCredits = '"cmp@cs.utah.edu" or "cmueller@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de"';
- { e-mail address in the Credits window }
- e_mailCredits2 = '"lynggaard@risoe.dk"';
- { e-mail address in the Credits window, coauthor }
- { the strings ack01 ... are displayed in the Credits window }
- { thanks to (excuse the format): }
- ack01 = '';
- (*
- '\par{\b Bent Lynggaard} for ideas, parts of the code, and the "Miscellaneous Information" entry.';
- *)
- ack02 = '';
- ack03 = '';
- ack04 = '';
- ack05 = '';
- {if extended, update procedure "Credits"}
- {"errorlevel" constants:}
- aliasErr = 241; (* alias not found, or table exceeded *)
- fileErr = 242; (* cannot open file *)
- formatErr = 243; (* table exceeded, or fatal error in input file *)
- paramErr = 244; (* error in program parameter *)
- rtfErr = 245; (* unable to open output file *)
- userErr = 240; (* terminated by user *)
- Procedure NewHlpPage(VAR F : Text; S, ID, BrowseID : String; Classification : Char);
- type
- intRec = record (* used for fast test and transfer of string *)
- ln: byte; (* string length *)
- l: longint; (* 'INT ' *)
- n: word; (* 'nn' *)
- c7: char; (* ' ' *)
- l2: longint; (* 'ahal' or 'List' *)
- c12: char; (* ' ' *)
- w: word; (* '- ' *)
- end; (* record intRec *)
- nnRec = record ln: byte; w: word; (* for 'nn' *) end;
- ahalRec = record ln: byte; l: longint; (* for 'ahal' *) end;
- const
- linebreak = #13#10'\par\tab';
- intC = ord('I')+ord('N')*$100+ord('T')*$10000+ord(' ')*$1000000;
- listC = ord('L')+ord('i')*$100+ord('s')*$10000+ord('t')*$1000000;
- sepC = ord('-')+ord(' ')*$100;
- int: string[3] = 'nn'; (* preset length to 2, never changed *)
- intR: nnRec absolute int; (* type cast *)
- p,q : Word;
- func: string[5];
- funcR: ahalRec absolute func; (* type cast *)
- ss: string;
- ssR: intRec absolute ss;
- Procedure FootNote(Note: Char; ID : String);
- begin
- writeln(F, Note,'{\footnote{',Note,'} ', ID, '}');
- end;
- procedure insertInt;
- begin
- insert('INT '+int+equStr+func+';'+int+' '+func+';',ss,11);
- (* "INT nn Ar = XXxx;nn XXxx;" (XXxx = ahal, ah, or --al) *)
- if equStr[3]='L' then delete(ss,21+equBlanks,2);
- (* "--" from AL = --al *)
- insert(copy(ss,18,6+equBlanks+2*ord(equStr[3]='X')),ss,11);
- (* "Ar = XXxx;" *)
- end; (* procedure insertInt in NewHlpPage *)
- procedure insertSecReg(p, l: word);
- (* duplicates part of SS and inserts secondary register *)
- begin
- insert(copy(ss,p,l),ss,p); (* duplicate *)
- insert(secReg,ss,p+l+l-1); (* SXnnnn *)
- insert(secReg,ss,p+l+p-5);
- insert(equStr2,ss,p+l+p-2); (* SX = nnnn *)
- insert(copy(secReg,2,7)+';',ss,p); (* SXnnnn; *)
- insert(equStr2,ss,p+2); (* SX = nnnn; *)
- end; (* procedure insertSecReg in NewHlpPage *)
- begin
- PageRTF(F); (* insert '\page' if appropriate *)
- writeln(F, '\pard\keepn\li'+indent+'\fi-'+indent);
- FootNote('#', ID);
- if S<>'' then FootNote('$', S);
- if BrowseID<>'' then FootNote('+', BrowseID);
- if (Classification <> nullClassification) then begin
- ss:=s;
- if (ssR.l=intC) AND (ssR.c7=' ') then begin
- if (length(ss)>14) AND (ssR.c12=' ') AND (ssR.w=sepC) then begin
- (* insert highlight in s *)
- insert('}}',s,7);
- insert('{'+highlightInt+'{',s,1);
- (* 2nd '{' terminates attribute, a ' ' distorts if attrib. is empty *)
- (* insert tiny, short, and full form of INT *)
- intR.w:=ssR.n; (* length of "int" is preset to 2 *)
- (* same as "int:=copy(ss,5,2);": nn from INT nn ahal - xxxx ... *)
- funcR.l:=ssR.l2;
- funcR.ln:=4; (* func = 'ahal' *)
- ss[7]:=';'; (* INT nn;ahal - xxxx ... *)
- ss[8]:=int[1];
- ss[9]:=int[2];
- ss[10]:=';'; (* INT nn;nn;l - xxxx ... *)
- delete(ss,11,4); (* INT nn;nn;xxxx ... *)
- if func<>'----' then begin
- if func[3]='-' then begin equStr[3]:='H'; func[0]:=#2; end
- else if func[1]='-' then equStr[3]:='L'
- else equStr[3]:='X';
- insertInt;
- (* INT nn;nn;AX = ahal;INT nn AX = ahal;nn ahal;xxxx ... or
- INT nn;nn;AH = ah;INT nn AH = ah;nn ah;xxxx ... or
- INT nn;nn;AL = al;INT nn AL = al;nn --al;xxxx ...
- *)
- if equStr[3]='H'then begin
- insert(copy(ss,29+equBlanks+equBlanks,6)+'--',
- ss,35+equBlanks+equBlanks);
- insert('AX'+equStr2+copy(ss,39+equBlanks+equBlanks,5),
- ss,17+equBlanks);
- (* INT nn;nn;AH = ah;AX = ah--;INT nn AH = ah;nn ah;nn ah--;xxxx ... *)
- end; (* equStr[3]='H' *)
- (* duplicate INT nn Ar = ... and insert secondary register
- if appropriate.
- *)
- if secReg<>'' then case equStr[3] of
- 'X': insertSecReg(19+equBlanks, 23+equBlanks);
- 'H': insertSecReg(17+equBlanks, 19+equBlanks);
- else insertSecReg(17+equBlanks, 21+equBlanks);
- end; (* if secReg<>'' then case equStr[3] of *)
- if equStr[3]='X' then begin (* insert also the AH values *)
- equStr[3]:='H';
- func[0]:=#2;
- insertInt;
- (* INT nn;nn;AH = ah;INT nn AH = ah;nn ah;AX = ahal;INT nn AX = ahal;nn ahal;xxxx ... *)
- end; (* if equStr[3]='X' *)
- end (* if func<>'----' *)
- else if secReg<>'' then insertSecReg(1, 10);
- end (* if length(ss)>14 ... *)
- else if (length(s)=11) and (ssR.l2=listC) then begin
- insert(copy(ss,1,6)+';',ss,1); (* INT nn;INT nn List *)
- insert(copy(ss,5,3),ss,8); (* INT nn;nn;INT nn List *)
- end; (* else if ... *)
- end; (* if (ssR.l=intC) ... *)
- if Classification=tableClassification then begin
- delete(ss,1,8); (* 'II SUBF ' *)
- insert('#'+currentTable+';',ss,1);
- end (* if Classification=tableClassification *)
- else repeat
- p := POS(' - ', ss);
- if p <> 0 then
- begin
- ss[p] := ';';
- delete(ss,succ(p),2);
- end;
- until p=0;
- if (Classification <> InvalidClassification)
- AND (Classification > ' ') then begin
- if categoryKeyStrings[Classification]^<>'' then begin
- (* check for duplicate before inserting *)
- p:=pos(categoryKeyStrings[Classification]^,ss);
- q:=length(categoryKeyStrings[Classification]^);
- if (p=0) OR ((p+q<>length(ss)) AND (ss[p+q]<>';')) then
- insert(categoryKeyStrings[Classification]^+';',ss,1);
- end; (* if categoryKeyStrings[Classification]^<>'' *)
- if (Classification<'A') OR (Classification>'Z') then
- insert(Classification+';',ss,1)
- else insert(Classification+'!;',ss,1);
- end; (* if (Classification<>InvalidClassification) ... *)
- FootNote('K', SS);
- end; (* if (Classification<>nullClassification) *)
- write(F, '{\f0'+headerAttrib,headerSize,' ');
- if classification=specialClassification then write(F, indexHeader);
- writeln(F, S,'}');
- writeln(F, '\par\pard\keep');
- end;
- Procedure AddTopic(VAR F: Text; ST, S, ID: String);
- { print: ST as a string (normally "\par " for new line), S as a hotspot,
- ID as the corresponding jump address or macro.
- }
- const sp: array[0..7] of string[7] =
- (' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','');
- var p: integer;
- begin
- repeat
- (* detab S, otherwise the string cannot be selected with the cursor
- in a tab position.
- *)
- p:=pos(#9,S);
- if p<>0 then begin S[p]:=' '; insert(sp[(p-1) AND 7],S,p); end;
- until p=0;
- writeln(F, ST,'{\uldb ', S, '}{\v ', ID, '}');
- end;
- Procedure CheckKeyWords(VAR s : STring);
- CONST KeyWords = 11;
- CONST Keys : Array[1..KeyWords] of String[10] = ('Desc:', 'Notes:',
- 'Note:', 'Warning:', 'Index:', 'SeeAlso:', 'Return:', 'BUG:', 'BUGS:',
- 'Program:', 'Range:');
- CONST IStr = '{\b ';
- VAR q,p : Integer;
- begin
- if length(s)<251 then for q:= 1 to KeyWords do
- begin
- p := POS(Keys[q], S);
- if p <> 0 then
- begin
- insert(IStr, S, p);
- insert('}', S, p+Length(Keys[q]) + Length(IStr));
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Function GetSpecialNote(Note : Char) : String;
- begin
- if flagStrings[Note]^='' then GetSpecialNote:='<unknown note in header>'
- else GetSpecialNote:=flagStrings[Note]^;
- end;
- procedure insertQueued;
- var i,j: word;
- begin
- if (indexColumns>1) OR (queuedEntry='') then exit;
- val('$'+lastSection,i,j);
- if singlesInMain AND (INTcounts[i]=1) then
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, queuedEntry, lastSection+'_1')
- else AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, title, lastSection+'_0');
- queuedEntry:='';
- end; (* procedure insertQueued *)
- function inArray(n: integer; var arr: tableArray; var top: integer): boolean;
- (* returns true if n is in arr, else false *)
- var i: integer;
- begin
- i:=1;
- while (i<=top) AND (arr[i]<>n) do inc(i);
- inArray:=i<=top;
- end; (* function inStack in function ProcessIntList *)
- procedure toArray(n: integer; var arr: tableArray; var top: integer);
- (* inserts n in arr if not already present *)
- begin
- if inArray(n, arr, top) then exit;
- if top=tableArraySize then errorExit('Table array exceeded',formatErr);
- inc(top);
- arr[top]:=n;
- end; (* procedure toStack in function ProcessIntList *)
- Function ProcessIntList(FName : PathStr) : Boolean;
- LABEL STOP, error_Exit, endOfLoop, table, fobi, noTable;
- type
- kind = (firstPart,inOverview,inFlags,inCategories,inKeys,
- inFileBreakSection,pastTest);
- tableId = array[1..4] of char;
- sRec = record
- l: byte; (* length *)
- w: word; (* with '(T' *)
- d: longint; (* with 'able' *)
- c1: char; (* ' ' *)
- ti: tableId;
- c2: char; (* ')' *)
- end; (* record sRec *)
- castRec = record
- l: byte;
- case byte of
- 1: (w: word);
- 2: (d: longint);
- 3: (c: char (* space *); r: word; rv: longint);
- end; (* record castRec *)
- dividerRec = record
- s: string[8]; (* '--------' *)
- cat: char; (* category *)
- c: char; (* '-' *)
- w: word; (* Interrupt number, 2 hex digits *)
- d: longint; (* sub function, 4 hex digits or '-' *)
- r: word; (* secondary register name, two letters or '--' *)
- rv: longint; (* sec. reg. value, 4 hex digits or '-' *)
- end; (* record dividerRec *)
- const
- INTno: integer = 0;
- bufferString: string = ''; (* transfers part of split string *)
- ta = ord('(')+ord('T')*$100; (* (Table nnnn) *)
- able = ord('a')+ord('b')*$100+ord('l')*$10000+ord('e')*$1000000;
- fo = ord('F')+ord('o')*$100; (* Format of ... *)
- bi = ord('B')+ord('i')*$100; (* Bitfields for ... *)
- Section: String[3] = '--'; (* initialize to length 2 *)
- SubFunc: String[5] = '----'; (* length 4 *)
- allMessages: boolean = false;
- tP: ^tableID;
- hLineP,tLineP : ^string; (* pointers to header and (Table) lines *)
- p,q : integer;
- curTab : integer;
- lineCount : word; (* for error report *)
- NewSection : Boolean;
- Classification,c : Char;
- current : kind;
- inTable : boolean;
- table_Id : String[7];
- tableTitle : String[119];
- s : String;
- SpecialNote : String;
- sR : sRec absolute s; (* for type cast *)
- sectionR : castRec absolute Section;
- subFuncR : castRec absolute SubFunc;
- secRegR : castRec absolute secReg;
- dR : dividerRec absolute s;
- F1 : Text;
- function isNumber(var ti: tableId): integer;
- (* returns the table number, or negative value if illegal number *)
- var i,res: integer;
- begin
- res:=0;
- for i:=1 to 4 do case ti[i] of
- '0'..'9': res:=res*10+ord(ti[i])-ord('0');
- else begin isNumber:=-1; exit; end;
- end; (* for ... do case ... *)
- isNumber:=res;
- end; (* function isNumber in function ProcessIntList *)
- procedure insertRef;
- begin
- if inTable then AddTopic(TabTopics,nl,'INT '+Section+' '+SubFunc, TopicStr+mainW)
- else if IntTopicStr<>'' then AddTopic(IntTopics,nl,copy(title,1,6),IntTopicStr);
- end; (* procedure insertRef in function ProcessIntList *)
- procedure wrSection; (* show progress *)
- begin write(Section,#13); end;
- begin
- {$I-}
- assign(F1, InPath + FName);
- reset(F1);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- ProcessIntList := FALSE;
- end;
- writeln('Processing : ', InPath + FName);
- write(LastSection,#13);
- readLine(F1, s); { ignore copyright in 1st two lines }
- readLine(F1, s);
- lineCount:=2;
- current:=firstPart;
- inTable:=false;
- SpecialNote := '';
- while not(EOF(F1)) do
- begin
- readLine(F1, s);
- inc(lineCount);
- NewSection := (s[1]= '-') and (Pos('--------', s) <> 0);
- if NewSection then
- begin
- if inTable then insertRef;
- for p:=1 to tabTop do begin
- q:=tabArray[p];
- if NOT inArray(q, refArray, refTop) then begin
- str(10000+q,table_Id); (* 1nnnn *)
- delete(table_Id,1,1); (* nnnn *)
- AddTopic(intTopics,nl,'Table #'+table_Id,'t'+table_Id+tableW);
- inc(insertCounter);
- end; (* if NOT inArray() *)
- end; (* for p:=1 *)
- inTable:=false;
- insertRef;
- if tabTop>maxTabTop then maxTabTop:=tabTop;
- tabTop:=0;
- if refTop>maxRefTop then maxRefTop:=refTop;
- refTop:=0;
- SectionR.w:=dR.w; (* chars 11..12 of divider line *)
- SubFuncR.d:=dR.d; (* chars 13..16 of divider line *)
- secRegR.r:=dR.r; (* chars 17..18 of divider line *)
- if secReg[2]='-' then secReg[0]:=#0
- else begin
- secRegR.rv:=dR.rv; (* chars 19..22 of divider line *)
- if secReg[6]='-' then secReg[0]:=#5 else secReg[0]:=#7;
- end; (* else *)
- Classification := s[9];
- if Classification = '!' then
- begin
- delete(s,1,12);
- q:=0;
- while (s[q] <> '-') and (q < Length(s)) do
- Inc(q);
- s[0] := chr(q-1); { remove '-' chars at the end }
- if s='OVERVIEW' then current:=inOverview
- else if s='FLAGS' then current:=inFlags
- else if s='CATEGORIES' then current:=inCategories
- else if s='CATEGORYKEYS' then current:=inKeys
- else if s='Section' then begin
- current:=inFileBreakSection;
- Section:=LastSection;
- IntTopicStr:='';
- goto endOfLoop; (* skip file break section *)
- end (* if s='Section' *)
- else current:=firstPart;
- (* Interrupt List release 41 does not include OVERVIEW
- and CATEGORYKEYS as sections, but as separate files.
- The program is prepared for this information being
- parts of the List.
- *)
- if s = '' then s:= 'Note'; { shit ! }
- if EOF(F1) then { last line of document ?}
- goto STOP;
- inc(TopicNo);
- str(TopicNo, TopicStr);
- end { if Classification = '!' }
- else
- begin
- if section<>lastSection then begin
- val('$'+section,INTno,q);
- if q<>0 then begin
- writeln('Cannot interpret interrupt number in line ',
- lineCount,': "',section,'".');
- goto error_Exit;
- end; (* if q<>0 *)
- end; (* if section<>lastSection *)
- current:=pastTest;
- readLine(F1, s);
- inc(lineCount);
- inc(INTcounts[INTno]);
- str(INTcounts[INTno], TopicStr);
- insert(section+'_',TopicStr,1);
- (* We could compare already here: "while aliasString=s do ..." if we want to
- use the orginal interrupt header line to find aliases. However,
- 1. it is easier to identify the original position of an alias line,
- 2. it is easier to determine the alias sequense in the config. file,
- 3. it is easier to track the reason for a "not found" error, and
- 4. the chance for an alias line to be unique is higher
- if we compare after the manipulation of the header line. Also, if we copy
- from the INTWIN index rather than from the original list, the lines are
- already manipulated.
- *)
- while (s[8] <> '-') do { special flags in titel-line ? }
- begin
- if s[8] <> ' ' then
- SpecialNote:=SpecialNote+#13#10'\par '+GetSpecialNote(s[8]);
- delete(s, 8, 1);
- end;
- Insert(subFunc+' ', S, 8);
- while aliasString=S do begin
- saveAlias(nextAliasPP,aliasId+TopicStr);
- getNextAlias(aliasP,aliasId,aliasString);
- end; (* while aliasString=S *)
- end; { else (Classification<>'!') }
- if LastSection <> Section then
- begin
- if Classification = '!' then begin
- if indexColumns=1 then insertQueued;
- IntTopicStr:='N_'+TopicStr;
- title:='Notes';
- if (notesCount MOD indexColumns)=0 then write(IndexFile,'\par ')
- else write(IndexFile,'\tab ');
- inc(notesCount);
- writeln(IndexFile,'{\uldb Notes}{\v ',IntTopicStr,'}');
- end (* if Classification = '!' *)
- else begin (* (Classification <> '!'*)
- if INTno<lastINTno then begin
- (* we cannot tolerate inconsistent sorting in a
- multi-column index.
- *)
- writeln('Inconsistent sorting in file ',FName,
- ' line ',lineCount);
- writeln('INT ',section,' appears after INT ',lastSection);
- if indexColumns>1 then begin
- wl('This can be tolerated only with a single column index.');
- error_Exit:
- errorExit('Please correct the file and try again.',fileErr);
- end; (* if indexColumns>1 *)
- wl(#7'It is recommended to correct the file.');
- inc(warnings);
- end; (* if INTno<lastINTno *)
- if INTno<>lastINTno then begin
- wrSection;
- IntTopicStr:=Section+'_0';
- if indexColumns=1 then begin
- insertQueued;
- queuedEntry:=s;
- end; (* if indexColumns=1 *)
- title:=INTtitles[INTno]^;
- if title='' then title:='INT '+Section;
- lastINTno:=INTno;
- end; (* if INTno<>lastINTno *)
- end; (* else (Classification <> '!') *)
- if backRef then AddTopic(SubIntFile,nl,'Interrupts','idInterrupts');
- (* don't insert a backward reference the very first time *)
- backRef:=true; (* but in all the rest *)
- NewHlpPage(SubIntFile, title, IntTopicStr,'i:0', specialClassification);
- if twoIndexes AND indexHeaders then
- OutLn(IntFile,'\par '+title);
- LastSection := Section;
- end; { if LastSection <> Section }
- if TopicNo=1 then c:=specialClassification
- (* The initial Interrupt List section should cary the
- indexHeader.
- *)
- else c:=Classification;
- NewHlpPage(IntTopics, s, TopicStr,'l:0', c);
- if SpecialNote <> '' then
- begin
- writeln(IntTopics, '{\cf0 ', SpecialNote, '}'#13#10'\par ');
- SpecialNote := '';
- end; { if SpecialNote <> '' }
- OutLN(IntTopics, '{\cf0 Category: '+ Classification +
- ' - ' + categoryStrings[Classification]^ + '}\par');
- if Classification='!' then setTabs(IntTopics, 8, deciPoints, 10)
- (* we will set tabs in the few Notes, but not in all the
- INT entries.
- *)
- else if markKeys then OutLN(IntTopics,'{\b Inp.:}');
- if twoIndexes then AddTopic(IntFile, indentIndex, s, TopicStr);
- AddTopic(SubIntFile, nl, s, TopicStr);
- end { if NewSection }
- else { no new section }
- begin
- case current of
- pastTest: begin
- { this paragraph is un-indented to gain space for code }
- if markKeys then CheckKeyWords(s);
- { check the first two characters and react on '(T'[able nnnn)],
- 'Fo'[rmat of ...] and 'Bi'[tfields for ...]
- }
- if tables then case sR.w of
- ta: if (length(s)>=12) AND (sR.d=able) AND (sR.c1=' ') AND (sR.c2=')')
- AND (isNumber(sR.ti)>=0) then begin
- hLineP:=@bufferString;
- tLineP:=@s;
- table:
- if eof(F1) then begin
- writeln('Unextected end of file in table at INT ',Section,
- ' Subfunc ',SubFunc);
- wrSection;
- goto Stop;
- end; (* if eof(F1) *)
- readln(F1, bufferString);
- inc(lineCount);
- p:=pos('(Table ',tLineP^);
- if (p=0) OR (length(tLineP^)<p+11) OR (tLineP^[p+11]<>')')then begin
- noTable:
- inc(missingTableCounter);
- if allMessages OR (missingTableCounter<=missingTableLimit) then begin
- writeln('Missing "(Table nnnn)" in INT ',Section,
- ' Subfunc ',SubFunc,' (line ',lineCount,'):');
- writeln(pred(lineCount):5,s:succ(length(s)));
- writeln(lineCount:5,bufferString:succ(length(bufferString)));
- if missingTableCounter=missingTableLimit then begin
- wl(#13#10'Several missing tables encountered. If '
- +progName+' is used on release 40 or lower');
- wl('of the List, it should be started with the program '
- +'parameter -r40, or with key');
- wl('releaseNo=40 in section [OPTIONS] of the configuration file.');
- write('s=stop; m=messages; else continue without messages: ');
- ProcessTime:=ProcessTime-memL[$40:$6C];
- p:=readKeyWd;
- ProcessTime:=ProcessTime+memL[$40:$6C];
- (* sets ProcessTime "pause" ticks later than original *)
- if word(p)<$100 then writeln (* function key *)
- else begin
- writeln(char(p));
- case upcase(char(p)) of
- 'S': errorExit('Terminated by user',userErr);
- 'M': allMessages:=true;
- end; (* if ... case ... of *)
- end; (* if word(p)>$ff *)
- end; (* if missingTableCounter=missingTableLimit *)
- wrSection;
- end; (* if allMessages ... *)
- insert(nl,bufferString,1); (* force newline *)
- end (* if (p=0) ... *)
- else begin
- tP:=@tLineP^[p+7];
- curTab:=isNumber(tP^);
- if curTab<0 then goto noTable;
- toArray(curTab, tabArray, tabTop);
- currentTable:=tP^;
- table_Id:='t'+currentTable;
- if inTable then insertRef;
- inTable:=true;
- tableTitle:=Section+' '+SubFunc+' '+hLineP^;
- while tableAliasString=tableTitle do begin
- saveAlias(nextAliasPP,tableAliasId+table_id);
- getNextAlias(tableAliasP,tableAliasId,tableAliasString);
- end; (* while ... *)
- NewHlpPage(TabTopics, tableTitle, table_Id,'t:0', tableClassification);
- if tableWindow then begin
- AddTopic(TabTopics,nl,'Copy to Main',table_Id+mainW);
- OutLn(TabTopics,'');
- end; (* if tableWindow *)
- if sR.w=ta then begin (* bold Table nnnn *)
- s[1]:='{'; (* substitutes '(' *)
- s[12]:='}'; (* and ')' *)
- insert('\b ',s,2);
- end (* if sR.w=ta *)
- else begin
- writeln(TabTopics,'\par {\b Table ',currentTable,'}');
- bufferString[0]:=char(pred(p)); (* delete '(Table nnnn)' *)
- end; (* else *)
- AddTopic(TableFile,nl+currentTable+' ',tableTitle,table_Id);
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* case ta *)
- fo: if pos('Format of ',s)=1 then begin
- fobi:
- hLineP:=@s;
- tLineP:=@bufferString;
- goto table;
- end; (* case fo *)
- bi: if pos('Bitfields for ',s)=1 then goto fobi;
- else begin
- p:=length(s)-4;
- for q:=p downto 1 do begin
- if (s[q]='#') AND ((q=p) OR (s[q+5]<'0') OR (s[q+5]>'9')) then begin
- tP:=@s[q+1];
- curTab:=isNumber(tP^);
- if curTab>=0 then begin
- toArray(curTab, refArray, refTop);
- insert('}{\v t'+tP^+tableW+'}', S, q+5);
- insert('{\uldb ', S, q);
- if (length(s)-q>150) AND (q>20) then begin
- (* we must ensure keeping length(S)<256 *)
- bufferString:=copy(S, q, 255);
- S[0]:=char(pred(q)); (* delete the copied part *)
- end; (* if (length(s)-q>150)... *)
- end; (* if isNumber *)
- end; (* if (s[q]='#')... *)
- end; (* for q=p *)
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* case sR.w of *)
- { indent again }
- end; (* case pastTest *)
- firstPart: check1st(s);
- inOverview: getINTtitle(s,INTtitles);
- inFlags: scan(s,flagStrings);
- inCategories: scan(s,categoryStrings);
- inKeys: scan(s,categoryKeyStrings);
- inFileBreakSection: goto endOfLoop;
- end; (* case current of *)
- if inTable then OutLN(TabTopics, s) else OutLN(IntTopics, s);
- if bufferString<>'' then begin
- if inTable then OutLn(TabTopics, bufferString) (* with "newline" *)
- else writeln(IntTopics, bufferString); (* no "newline" (\par ) *)
- bufferString:='';
- end; (* if bufferString<>'' *)
- end; { else (no new section) }
- endOfLoop:
- end; { while not(EOF(F1)) }
- if inTable then insertRef;
- inTable:=false;
- insertRef;
- close(F1);
- ProcessIntList := TRUE;
- end;
- Procedure NewPage(VAR F: Text; Title : String);
- VAR TopicStr : String;
- begin
- Inc(TopicNo);
- str(TopicNo, TopicStr);
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, Title, TopicStr);
- NewHlpPage(F, Title, TopicStr,'p:0', InvalidClassification);
- setTabs(F, 8, deciPoints, 10);
- end;
- Procedure ProcessPorts(FName : String);
- VAR i : integer;
- s : String;
- TopicStr : String;
- NewSection : Boolean;
- F1 : Text;
- begin
- defaultDir(FName,InPath);
- {$I-}
- assign(F1, FName);
- reset(F1);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Unable to open ', FName);
- end;
- writeln('Processing : ', FName);
- i:=length(FName);
- while FName[i]<>'\' do dec(i);
- NewPage(IntTopics, copy(FName,succ(i),255)+' Note');
- while not(EOF(F1)) do
- begin
- readLine(F1, s);
- NewSection := (s[1]= '-') and (Pos('---------', s) <> 0);
- if NewSection then
- begin
- readLine(F1, s);
- if EOF(F1) then { last line of document ?}
- goto STOP;
- if s <> '' then { why does this happend }
- NewPage(IntTopics, s);
- end
- else
- begin
- CheckKeyWords(s);
- OutLN(IntTopics, s);
- end;
- end;
- close(F1);
- end;
- Procedure ProcessFile(FName : String; Title : String);
- VAR s : String;
- F1, F2 : Text;
- begin
- defaultDir(FName,InPath);
- {$I-}
- assign(F1, FName);
- reset(F1);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Unable to open ', FName);
- end;
- writeln('Processing : ', FName);
- setTabs(IndexFile, 8, deciPoints, 10);
- while not(EOF(F1)) do
- begin
- readLine(F1, s);
- OutLN(IndexFile, s);
- end;
- close(F1);
- end;
- Procedure Credits;
- begin
- OutLn(IndexFile,'');
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Credits', 'idCredits');
- OutLn(IndexFile,'');
- OutLn(IndexFile,compilationStr);
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile, 'Credits', 'idCredits','m:1', InvalidClassification);
- OutLn(IndexFile,'\pard{\f0'+headerSize+
- '\qc\par Interrupt List (c) by {\b Ralf Brown}\par'); { \qc=centered }
- OutLn(IndexFile,'\par This list was converted from the released ASCII file'#13#10
- + '\par to the Windows Help-Format by \par\par'#13#10
- + '\par {\b Christian M\''81ller-Planitz}'
- + '{' + header2ndSize + '\par ' + e_mailCredits + '}'
- + '\par and'
- + '\par {\b Bent Lynggaard}'+header2ndSize);
- OutLn(IndexFile,e_mailCredits2);
- (* an alternative format of the last few lines:
- + '\par {\b Christian M\''81ller-Planitz}'
- + ' and {\b Bent Lynggaard}'+header2ndSize);
- OutLn(IndexFile,e_mailCredits + ' and ' + e_mailCredits2);}
- *)
- if ack01<>'' then begin
- writeIndex('\par\par Thanks to:');
- writeIndex(ack01);
- writeIndex(ack02);
- writeIndex(ack03);
- writeIndex(ack04);
- writeIndex(ack05);
- end; (* if ack01<>'' *)
- writeIndex('\par}');
- end;
- procedure processTopics(n: integer);
- (* inserts references to n topics in the CONTENTS main index *)
- var i: integer; w: string[13]; title,id: string[39];
- begin
- for i:=1 to n do begin
- str(i,w);
- insert('WINDOW ',w,1);
- title:='';
- profileString(w,'title',title,pred(sizeOf(title)));
- id:='';
- profileString(w,'id',id,pred(sizeOf(id)));
- if (title<>'') AND (id<>'') then AddTopic(IndexFile,nl,title,id);
- end; (* for i:=1 *)
- end; (* procedure processTopics *)
- procedure processPages(n: integer);
- (* processes n "windows" as defined in the configuration file *)
- var
- i,j,wType,files,fType: integer;
- w: string[13];
- f: string[17];
- id: string[17];
- fId,chain: string[21];
- title,fTitle: string[39];
- fileName: pathStr;
- begin
- for i:=1 to n do begin
- str(i,w);
- insert('WINDOW ',w,1);
- title:='';
- profileString(w,'title',title,pred(sizeOf(title)));
- id:='';
- profileString(w,'id',id,pred(sizeOf(id)));
- if (title<>'') AND (id<>'') then begin
- wType:=1;
- profileInt(w,'type',wType);
- files:=1;
- profileInt(w,'files',files);
- case wType of
- 1: NewHlpPage(IndexFile,title,id,'f:0',InvalidClassification);
- (* Single entry windows *)
- 2: NewHlpPage(IndexFile,title,id,'m:9',InvalidClassification);
- (* Multi entries windows *)
- 3: ; (* nop *) (* Windows with own contents list *)
- end; (* case wType of *)
- for j:=1 to files do begin
- str(j,f);
- insert('file ',f,1);
- fileName:='';
- profileString(w,f,fileName,pred(sizeOf(fileName)));
- if fileName<>'' then begin
- fType:=wType;
- profileInt(w,f+' type',fType);
- case fType of
- 1: ProcessFile(fileName,title);
- 2: ProcessPorts(fileName);
- 3: begin
- (* the RTF file is expecte to be in:
- a. the current directory.
- b. the program's home directory
- if no drive or root is specified.
- *)
- if ((length(fileName)<2) OR (fileName[2]<>':'))
- AND (fileName[1]<>'\') AND (fileName[1]<>'.') then begin
- if exist(filename) OR NOT exist(homeDir+filename) then
- insert(currentDir,filename,1)
- else insert(homeDir,filename,1);
- end; (* if (fileName[2]<':'... *)
- fileName:=fExpand(fileName);
- if NOT exist(fileName) then begin
- writeln(#7'File ',fileName,' not found, copy to ',currentDir);
- inc(warnings);
- end; (* if NOT exist(filename) *)
- writeln(HPJ,fileName); (* include the file name *)
- end;
- 4: begin (* ASCII file in multi file entry *)
- str(j,fTitle);
- str(j,fId);
- insert(title+' - ',fTitle,1);
- insert(id+'_',fId,1);
- chain:=id+':5';
- profileString(w,f+' title',fTitle,pred(sizeOf(fTitle)));
- profileString(w,f+' id',fId,pred(sizeOf(fId)));
- profileString(w,f+' chain',chain,pred(sizeOf(chain)));
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile,fTitle,fId,chain,InvalidClassification);
- defaultDir(fileName,currentDir);
- ProcessFile(fileName,fTitle);
- end; (* case 4 *)
- end; (* case fType of *)
- end (* if fileName<>'' *)
- else begin
- writeln(#7'Missing file name for [',w,'] ',f);
- inc(warnings);
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* for j:=1 *)
- end (* if (title<>'') ... *)
- else begin
- writeln(#7'Missing title or identifier in ',w);
- inc(warnings);
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* for i:=1 *)
- end; (* procedure processPages *)
- procedure processFilter;
- var d: dirStr;
- begin
- PageRTF(IndexFile); (* insert '\page' if appropriate *)
- writeIndex('\pard');
- writeIndex('#{\footnote{#} idPartComp}');
- writeIndex('{\f0'+header2ndSize+' This compilation of the Interrupt List does '+#13#10
- +'not contain all the information in the List, see the '#13#10
- +'{\uldb INTERRUP.1ST File}{\v id1st} for the availability of the ');
- writeIndex('complete list.\par\par');
- writeIndex('See {\uldb Filter Method}{\v idFlt_meth} and '#13#10
- +'{\uldb Filter File}{\v idFlt_file} for details.\par}');
- d:=currentDir;
- if NOT exist('FLT_METH.RTF') then begin
- if exist(homeDir+'FLT_METH.RTF') then d:=homeDir
- else begin
- writeln(#7'File FLT_METH.RTF not found, copy to ',d);
- inc(warnings);
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* if NOT exist() *)
- writeln(HPJ,d,'FLT_METH.RTF');
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile, 'Filter File', 'idFlt_file','flt:1', invalidClassification);
- processFile(filterFileName,'Filter File');
- end; (* procedure processFilter *)
- procedure readCategoryKeys;
- (* Opens file CATEGORY.KEY if available, and reads definitions to
- categoryKeyStrings. Definitions are of the type
- A - definition A, B - definition B,
- The definitions are inserted as search keys for the appropriate
- categories. Note that more than one keyword per entry is accepted,
- separated by a semicolon, e.g. " c - cachers;spoolers,".
- Reads also title file OVERVIEW.LST.
- CATEGORY.KEY and OVERVIEW.LST are separate files in Interrupt List
- release 41+.
- *)
- var t: text; s: string;
- begin
- (*$I-*)
- assign(t,InPath+'category.key');
- reset(t);
- (*$I+*)
- if IOresult<>0 then writeln('Unable to open ',InPath,'CATEGORY.KEY')
- else begin
- while NOT eof(t) do begin readln(t,s); scan(s,categoryKeyStrings); end;
- close(t);
- end; (* else *)
- (*$I-*)
- assign(t,InPath+'overview.lst');
- reset(t);
- (*$I+*)
- if IOresult<>0 then writeln('Unable to open ',InPath,'OVERVIEW.LST')
- else begin
- while NOT eof(t) do begin readln(t,s); getINTtitle(s,INTtitles); end;
- close(t);
- end; (* else *)
- end; (* procedure readCategoryKeys *)
- procedure INTsToIndex;
- var i,j,k,l: word; s: string[3];
- begin
- for k:=0 to pred(indexPages) do begin
- l:=k*indexRows*indexColumns;
- for i:=0 to pred(indexRows) do begin
- OutLn(IndexFile, '');
- for j:=0 to pred(indexColumns) do begin
- if INTcounts[l+i+j*16]<>0 then begin
- write(IndexFile,'{\uldb INT ',HEX(l+i+j*16));
- if indexColumns=4 then write(IndexFile,' List');
- write(IndexFile,'}{\v ',HEX(l+i+j*16),'_0}');
- end (* if INTcounts[]<>0 *)
- else if indexColumns=4 then write(IndexFile,'\tab ');
- if j<pred(indexColumns) then write(IndexFile,'\tab ');
- end; (* for j:=0 *)
- end; (* for i:=0 *)
- if k<pred(indexPages) then OutLn(IndexFile, '');
- end; (* for k:=0 *)
- end; (* procedure INTsToIndex *)
- const
- windows: integer = 0;
- var
- i: integer;
- ch: char;
- begin
- Intro;
- if (paramStr(1)='?') OR (paramStr(1)='-?') OR (paramStr(1)='/?')
- then Explain; (* and exit *)
- fSplit(paramStr(0),homeDir,currentDir,currentDir);
- (* works only with DOS 3.30+ - currentDir is used as a dummy *)
- currentDir:=fExpand('.');
- if length(currentDir)>3 then begin
- inc(currentDir[0]);
- currentDir[length(currentDir)]:='\';
- end; (* if length()... *)
- interpretParameters;
- initializeArrays;
- nextAliasPP:=@firstAliasP;
- if InPath='' then begin
- write('Source directory: ');
- readln(InPath);
- end; (* if InPath='' *)
- if InPath<>'' then begin
- ch:=InPath[length(InPath)];
- if (ch<>':') AND (ch<>'\') then
- begin inc(InPath[0]); InPath[length(InPath)]:='\'; end;
- end; (* if InPath<>'' *)
- if OutPath='' then begin
- write('Dest. directory (has to be created in advance) : ');
- readln(OutPath);
- end; (* if OutPath='' *)
- if OutPath<>'' then begin
- ch:=OutPath[length(OutPath)];
- if (ch<>':') AND (ch<>'\') then
- begin inc(OutPath[0]); OutPath[length(OutPath)]:='\'; end;
- end; (* if OutPath<>'' *)
- ProcessTime:=memL[$40:$6C]; { timer ticks since midnight }
- findDateAndCopyright;
- CreateHPJ;
- OpenRTF(IndexFile, 'INDEX.RTF');
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile, 'Contents:', 'CONTENTS','m:2', specialClassification);
- readCategoryKeys; (* reads also titles *)
- OpenRTF(SubIntFile,'SUBINT.RTF');
- OpenRTF(IntTopics, 'INTTOPIC.RTF');
- if twoIndexes then OpenRTF(IntFile, 'INT.RTF');
- if twoIndexes then
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Interrupt Index',
- '!IfThenElse(IsMark("Compressed_Index"), '
- +'`JumpId("","idInterrupts")'', `JumpId("","idIndex")'')')
- else AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Interrupts', 'idInterrupts');
- if tables then AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Tables', 'idTables');
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'FILELIST', '1');
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'INTERRUP.1ST File', 'id1st');
- if filtered then begin
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Filter Method', 'idFlt_meth');
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Filter File', 'idFlt_file');
- end; (* if filtered *)
- profileInt('WINDOWS','number',windows);
- processTopics(windows); (* insert Ports, Memory etc. in index *)
- Credits;
- if twoIndexes then begin
- NewHlpPage(IntFile, 'Interrupt Index', 'idIndex','m:3', specialClassification);
- AddTopic(IntFile, nl, 'Compress index',
- '!SaveMark("Compressed_Index");JumpId("","idInterrupts")');
- { the program adds all following entries }
- end; (* if twoIndexes *)
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile, 'Interrupts', 'idInterrupts','m:4', specialClassification);
- if twoIndexes then begin
- AddTopic(IndexFile, nl, 'Expand index','!IfThen(IsMark("Compressed_Index"),'
- +' `DeleteMark("Compressed_Index")'');JumpId("","idIndex")');
- OutLn(IndexFile, '');
- if indexColumns>1 then setTabs(IndexFile, succ(ord(indexColumns<=4))*8,
- deciPoints, pred(indexColumns));
- end; (* if twoIndexes *)
- if tables then begin
- OpenRTF(TableFile, 'TABLE.RTF');
- OpenRTF(TabTopics, 'TABTOPIC.RTF');
- NewHlpPage(TableFile,'Tables\f1'+fontSize+'\par\par Tab# INT Func Title',
- 'idTables','m:5', invalidClassification);
- (* "Tab# INT Func Title" in normal text font and size *)
- end; (* if tables *)
- profileList('ALIAS',aliasP); (* read [ALIAS] section from config. file *)
- getNextAlias(aliasP,aliasId,aliasString); (* get the first one (if any) *)
- profileList('TABLEALIAS',tableAliasP);
- getNextAlias(tableAliasP,tableAliasId,tableAliasString);
- (* process either "interrup.lst" or "interrup.a".."interrup.?" *)
- if NOT ProcessIntList('interrup.lst') then begin
- ch := 'a';
- while ProcessIntList('interrup.'+ch) do inc(ch);
- end; (* if NOT ProcessIntList() *)
- if aliasString<>'' then begin
- writeln(#7'Alias string not found:'#13#10+' "',aliasString,'"');
- inc(warnings);
- if aliasP<>NIL then
- wl('One or more alias strings not processed.');
- end; (* if aliasP<>NIL *)
- if tableAliasString<>'' then begin
- writeln(#7'Table alias string not found:'#13#10+' "',
- tableAliasString,'"');
- inc(warnings);
- if tableAliasP<>NIL then
- wl('One or more table alias strings not processed.');
- end; (* if tableAliasP<>NIL *)
- if indexColumns=1 then insertQueued
- else INTsToIndex;
- NewHlpPage(IndexFile, 'INTERRUP.1ST File', 'id1st','f:0', invalidClassification);
- { the program adds all following entries }
- ProcessFile('interrup.1st', 'INTERRUP.1ST File');
- if filtered then processFilter;
- processPages(windows); (* process Ports, Memory etc. *)
- if firstAliasP<>NIL then begin
- writeln(HPJ,#13#10'[ALIAS]');
- processAliasList(firstAliasP);
- end; (* if (firstAliasP<>NIL)... *)
- if twoIndexes then closeRTF(IntFile);
- closeRTF(SubIntFile);
- closeRTF(IntTopics);
- if tables then begin
- closeRTF(TableFile);
- closeRTF(TabTopics);
- end; (* if tables *)
- closeRTF(IndexFile);
- close(HPJ);
- if missingTableCounter>=missingTableLimit then
- writeln(missingTableCounter,' missing tables encountered.');
- ProcessTime:=memL[$40:$6C]-ProcessTime;
- writeln('The processing took ',(ProcessTime*10+91) DIV 182,' seconds.');
- (* 18.2 clock ticks per second, rounded *)
- i:=(maxTabTop*100) DIV tableArraySize;
- if i>60 then writeln(i,'% table array usage.');
- i:=(maxRefTop*100) DIV tableArraySize;
- if i>60 then writeln(i,'% reference array usage.');
- if insertCounter<>0 then writeln('Inserted ',insertCounter,' table references.');
- if warnings<>0 then begin
- writeln('Issued ',warnings,' warning(s).');
- halt(1);
- end; (* if warnings<>0 *)
- end.