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- Interrupt List -> WinHelp converter V1.01 (c) 1994 by Christian Müller-Planitz
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Author: cmuelle@eos.ncsu.edu, cmueller@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- The source and the compiled EXE-file can be freely distributed as long as
- no changes are made without my knowledge.
- --------------------------------
- Notes:
- The program was tested with INTLIST38 and INTLIST39 and its output
- was successfully compiled with the MS-Help-compiler "HC31.EXE" V3.10.445.
- The program needs the file "INTWHLP.DAT" in the 'source' directory.
- The program converted all sourcefiles (INTERRUP.* and *.LST) to
- 13 RTF files which needed 11MB on my harddrive.
- Compiling the RTF-files without compression took 13 minutes in
- a DOS-Window under Win/NT on a 486-50 (if you run it under DOS
- and if you have a fast hardrive cache, it might be faster).
- The (uncompressed) compiled HLP-File was approximately 7MB large.
- If you want to create a compressed HLP-file, you have to exchange the
- comments in the generated help-project file ("RB.HPJ"). Compressing
- reduces the size of the HLP-file to 3MB but it takes
- *more* (?? 28MB ??) space on your harddrive while compiling.
- In order to speed up compiling the compressed file, I've included a
- temporary file ("RB.PH") of the helpcompiler in this archive.
- Copy this file into the directory containing all the RTF files
- before starting the compiler. This file is specific for INTERLIST39, so
- if you want to get maximal compression in future versions, remove it.
- After the compilation finishes, you will find the file "RB.HLP".
- Start Windows, create an icon in the program manager and double-click on it.
- --------------------------------
- If you find this program usefull, if it does not work or if you have ideas
- how to expand its functionality, feel fee to write an e-mail to me.
- As usual, I do not take any responsibility for possible damages done by
- this program.
- Two questions and their answers :
- ---------------------------------
- WHY is the HLP-file so large ?
- In contrast to other programs that convert the interrupt list to
- DOS-based hypertext systems, this program generates a large
- index file that allows you to search for keywords.
- WHY did I wrote this program in Pascal and not in C ?
- I think Pascal is a pretty nice language for small projects.
- Another reason is the availability of efficient string handling under Pascal.