home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (* INT2WHLP Pascal Program Include File *)
- (*
- Interrupt List -> WinHelp converter (c) 1994 by Christian Müller-Planitz
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *)
- (* v. 1.15 *)
- const
- tableArraySize = 250; (* elements in table arrays *)
- type
- stringPtr = ^string;
- categoryStringPtrArr = array['!'..#126] of stringPtr;
- titleStringPtrArr = array[byte] of stringPtr;
- stringListPtr = ^stringList;
- stringList = record next: stringListPtr; s: string; end;
- (* NB! The program relies on "next" being the first field *)
- stringListPtrPtr = ^stringListPtr;
- aliasStringType = string[119];
- tableArray = array[1..tableArraySize] of integer;
- var
- flagStrings,categoryStrings,categoryKeyStrings: categoryStringPtrArr;
- INTtitles: titleStringPtrArr;
- CONST InPath : dirStr = '';
- OutPath : dirStr = '';
- TopicNo : Word = 0;
- LastSection : String[3] = ''; { stores number of last processed int }
- IntTopicStr : String[7] = ''; { stores handle to page with subfunctions of the int's}
- filterFileName: pathStr = '';
- filtered: boolean = false;
- compression: string[19] = 'NO';
- emptyString: string[1] = '';
- noteString: string[5] = 'note';
- noneString: string[7] = '(none)';
- buildExpr: string = '';
- secReg: string[9] = ' '; (* secReg[1] = ' ' *)
- equStr: string[7] = ' Ax = ';
- equStr2: string[3] = ' = ';
- equBlanks: byte = 2;
- (* These two variables can be changed to ' Ax=' and 0 by
- program parameter -Q-. They control the format of search
- strings as "INT nn AX = ahal" or "INT nn AX=ahal".
- equStr[3] is assigned 'L', 'H', or 'X' by the program.
- *)
- tables: boolean = true; (* enables table cross referencing *)
- backRef: boolean = false; (* disables the very first backward xref *)
- missingTableCounter: word = 0;
- missingTableLimit = 5; (* wait for user response when reached *)
- indexColumns: integer = 1;
- queuedEntry: string[127] = '';
- (* stores an entry for the index, inserted by a call to insertQueued *)
- notesCount: word = 0; (* counts "Notes" entries in index *)
- title: string[127] = ''; (* current "Notes" or "INT nn ... " *)
- lastINTno: integer = -1;
- firstAliasP: stringListPtr = NIL; (* aliases to be written to HPJ *)
- nl: string[5] = '\par '; (* global NewLine string for AddTopic *)
- indentIndex: string[7] = '\par '; (* or '\par ' *)
- insertCounter: integer = 0; (* counts inserted table references *)
- tabTop: integer = 0; (* current top of table array *)
- maxTabTop: integer = 0; (* highest value of currentTabTop *)
- refTop: integer = 0; (* current top of reference array *)
- maxRefTop: integer = 0; (* highest value of currentRefTop *)
- warnings: word = 0; (* counts issued warnings *)
- const
- (* The following typed constants controls some program behaviors. They
- can all be set under configuration file and program parameter control.
- The configuration section [OPTIONS] uses keys with the same names as
- the typed constants, and the program parameters are listed for each
- constant.
- *)
- singlesInMain: boolean = false;
- (* There are two levels in the Interrupts index: A main index
- with an entry for each interrupt, and a page for each interrupt
- number. If "singlesInMain" is true, the entry in the main index
- refers directly to the interrupt text if there is only one entry
- in the table for that interrupt, if "singlesInMain" is false, the
- entry in the main index refers to a page with only one field.
- Controlled by program parameter -1.
- *)
- twoIndexes: boolean = true;
- (* If "twoIndexes" is true, the program mantains two indexes,
- "Interrupt Index" with all the topics in the Interrupt List, and
- "Interrupts" as described above. If the flag is false, only the
- latter index is created.
- Controlled by program parameter -2.
- *)
- errorLog: boolean = false;
- (* controles whether HCxx error messages are written to a log file,
- or to the screen only.
- Controlled by program parameter -E.
- *)
- indexHeaders: boolean = true;
- (* controles whether or not a heading "INT nn" is inserted for every
- new interrupt number in the "Interrupt Index". Ignored if
- "twoIndexes" is false.
- Controlled by program parameter -H.
- *)
- markKeys: boolean = true;
- (* If true, keywords (like "See also:", "Notes:") are bolded, if
- false, they are not.
- Controlled by program parameter -M.
- *)
- releaseNo: integer = 41;
- (* This variable can be used to control program behavior and thus
- facilitate compilation of older releases of the Interrupt List.
- Currently it is used to:
- Inhibit table as separate topics and table cross references if
- releaseNo<41.
- Controlled by program parameter -R.
- *)
- scrollIndexTitle: boolean = true;
- (* Windows have a non-scroll area with the window title. Index
- windows have an initial title part describing List release
- number and help file compile date (inserted by specifying
- "specialClassification" in the call to procedure "NewHlpPage").
- If "scrollIndexTitle" is true, only the general part of the
- title is in the non-scroll region, thus opening more space for
- the scrolling part. If the flag is false, the whole title field
- is made non-scrolable.
- Controlled by program parameter -S.
- *)
- tableWindow: boolean = true;
- (* If true, tables activated from a "#nnnn" hotspot appear in a
- secondary window, if fase, in the main window.
- Controlled by program parameter -T.
- *)
- expandedIndex: boolean = true;
- (* controls whether the Interrupt Index initialy pops up in expanded
- or compressed format.
- Controlled by program parameter -X.
- *)
- (* Help windows topic titles and identifiers: *)
- (* The following text describes windows titles as defined by the "$"
- footnotes and topic identifiers (context strings) as defined by
- the "#" footnotes. The identifiers can be used to open the List
- at a given position by an external call to WINHELP.
- window title identifier text
- Contents: CONTENTS Main index.
- Interrupt Index idIndex Total list, only if "twoIndexes" is true.
- Interrupts idInterrupts Main interrupt index.
- INT NN List nn_0 Index for INT NN, nn are two hex digits.
- INT NN AHAL - <header> nn_1 First entry about INT NN, the following
- entries have consecutive identifiers
- ... nn_9, nn_10, ... . Aliases for
- Interrupt List topics can be compiled
- and written to the Help Project file.
- These aliases can be used to identify
- any (unique) topic.
- Tables idTables Table index.
- NN AHAL <table title> tnnnn Table No. nnnn, nnnn are the four
- decimal digits from the List. Aliases
- can be compiled based on table position
- and title.
- NN and AHAL in the title are the
- interrupt number and the register
- contents (sub function) where the table
- is defined.
- FILELIST 1 The initial part of the Interrrupt List.
- <notes> n Other notes have consecutive numbers as
- identifiers.
- INTERRUP.1ST File id1st INTERRUP.1ST file window.
- none idPartComp Partial compilation popup window if
- parameter -f<name>.
- Filter Method idFlt_meth Filter Method if parameter -f<name>.
- Filter File idFlt_file Filter File if parameter -f<name>.
- Credits idCredits The Credits window.
- none Compressed_Index This identifier is used as a marker.
- The identifiers mentioned above are reserved for program use. Titles and
- identifiers for other windows are defined in the configuration file.
- The program maintains 6 browse chains, as defined by the "+" footnotes:
- The "main" chain:
- m:1 the Credits window.
- m:2 the Contents window.
- m:3 the Interrupt Index window provided "twoIndexes" is true.
- m:4 the Interrupts window.
- m:5 the Tables window provided "releaseNo" >= 41.
- m:9 index windows included as window type 2.
- The "list" chain:
- l:0 the interrupt list sub index windows.
- The "interrupt" chain:
- i:0 the interrupt windows.
- The "file" chain:
- f:0 files included by the program or as window type 1.
- The "table" chain:
- t:0 the table windows provided "releaseNo" >= 41.
- The "ports" chain:
- p:0 the sub windows compiled from window type 2 inclusion.
- Window type 3 inclusions can link onto these chains or maintain their own
- chains under user control.
- *)
- (* Constants defining windows setup etc.
- All the typed constants can be changed by the configuration file, and
- some of them also by program parameters.
- *)
- (* definitions for the *.HPJ file: *)
- windowsTitle = '"Ralf Brown''s Interrupt List"';
- secWindowsTitle = '"Interrupt List Tables"';
- secWindow = 'ITW'; (* the name of the secondary window *)
- mainW: string[5] = '>main'; (* or '' *)
- tableW: string[((length(secWindow)+3) AND $FE) - 1] = '>'+secWindow;
- windowsPosSize: string[21] = '';
- (* or: '(xpos,ypos,width,heigth)' *)
- secWindowsPosSize: string[21] = '(43,0,980,1023)';
- (* values must be defined for a secondary window *)
- windowsMaximized = '0'; (* '0': no; '1': yes (overrides size) *)
- windowsBackgr: string[19] = ''; (* or: '(red,green,blue)' *)
- windowsHdrBackgr: string[19] = ''; (* or: '(red,green,blue)' *)
- (* definitions for fonts, attributes, and size: *)
- headerFont: string[31] = 'roman Times New Roman';
- (* or 'swiss Arial' *)
- textFont: string[31] = 'modern Courier New';
- deciPoints: word = 90;
- (* 10 times point size *)
- headerDeciPoints: word = 140;
- header2ndDeciPoints: word = 120;
- headerAttrib = ''; (*
- \b = bold
- \i = italics
- *)
- highlightInt = ''; (* this attribute highlights specificly
- the "INT nn" part of the header *)
- indent = '1060'; (* left indent of header after line one *)
- (* (in twips, twentieth of a point, 1/1440 of an inch) *)
- dateSep = '-'; (* for compile time YYYY-MM-DD string *)
- timeSep = ':'; (* for compile time H:MM string *)
- (*.$define m_dd_yy *) (* defines date format, default is yyyy-mm-dd *)
- (*.$define d_mm_yy *) (* defines date format if m_dd_yy is undefined *)
- (*.$define yy_mm_dd *) (* defines date format to yy-mm-dd instead of
- yyyy-mm-dd if both m_dd_yy and d_mm_yy
- are undefined *)
- Var
- ProcessTime : Longint;
- IndexFile : Text; { stores one entry per int-number }
- IntFile : Text; { stores *all* section names }
- { the function of these two files was reversed in version 1.15 }
- SubIntFile : Text; { stores all subfunctions of an int per page }
- TableFile : Text; { stores tables references (index) }
- IntTopics : Text;
- TabTopics : Text;
- HPJ : Text; { hlep compiler project file }
- indexHeader : string; { index and subindex header string }
- compilationStr : string[159]; { compilation information }
- TopicStr : String[15]; { used in CheckKeyWords and ProcessList }
- indexPages,indexRows: integer;
- dateString: string[19];
- fontSize, headerSize, header2ndSize: string[7];
- aliasP,tableAliasP: stringListPtr;
- (* aliases read from configuration file *)
- aliasId,tableAliasId: string[19];
- aliasString,tableAliasString: aliasStringType;
- nextAliasPP: stringListPtrPtr;
- (* stored aliases, to be written to the HPJ file *)
- INTcounts: array[byte] of word;
- currentDir,homeDir: dirStr;
- currentTable: string[5];
- lineCount : word; (* for error report *)
- tabArray: tableArray; (* tables found in current interrupt *)
- refArray: tableArray; (* tables referenced in current interrupt *)
- Const
- (* classification characters < '!' do not insert a classification string as
- a keyword.
- *)
- InvalidClassification = '-'; (* don't insert classification string as keyword *)
- nullClassification = #0; (* no title as keyword *)
- specialClassification = #1; (* use indexHeader in header *)
- tableClassification = #2; (* insert '#' + currentTable as keyword *)
- function readKeyWd: word;
- (* Calls BIOS to read the keyboard, returns scan code in hi and char. in lo *)
- inline($B4/$00/ {mov ah,0} $CD/$16 {int $16});
- procedure wl(s: string);
- (* a substitute for single-string "writeln" to screen (or "output") (saves
- 20 bytes of code per call).
- *)
- begin writeln(s) end;
- procedure errorExit(msg: string; err: byte);
- (* prints "msg" to screen and halts with errorlevel "err" *)
- begin wl(msg); halt(err); end;
- function exist(filename: pathStr): boolean;
- (* check the existance of "filename" *)
- var b: boolean; t: text;
- begin
- (*$I-*)
- assign(t,filename);
- reset(t);
- b:=IOresult=0;
- if b then close(t);
- exist:=b;
- (*$I+*)
- end; (* function exist *)
- procedure defaultDir(var fileName: pathStr; var default: dirStr);
- (* if fileName has no drive, root, or current specification, then insert the
- default directory.
- *)
- begin
- if (fileName[2]<>':') AND (fileName[1]<>'\') AND (fileName[1]<>'.') then
- insert(default,filename,1);
- fileName:=fExpand(fileName);
- end; (* procedure defaultDir *)
- (* Some of the following procedures are Windows getPrivateProfileXxx-like
- routines to search the configuration file. If INT2WHLP.CFG is not found
- in the current directory or in INT2WHLP.EXE's home directory, or if
- the section or entry is not found in the file, the "value" parameter is
- unchanged, otherwise the section/entry value is assigned to "value". A
- boolean value is considered false if it is 0, and true otherwise.
- *)
- function findProfile(var configFile: text; var section: dirStr): boolean;
- (* opens INT2WHLP.CFG on configFile and reads up to the specified section.
- findProfile returns true if the configuration file was located, false
- otherwise. If eof(configFile) returns true after a successful call
- to findProfile this indicates that the section was not found, or it was
- empty and last.
- *)
- var i,l: integer; s: string;
- begin
- (*$I-*)
- findProfile:=false; (* suggest configuration file absent *)
- if exist(progName+'.CFG') then assign(configFile,progName+'.CFG')
- else assign(configFile,homeDir+progName+'.CFG');
- reset(configFile);
- if IOresult<>0 then exit;
- findProfile:=true;
- i:=1;
- l:=length(section);
- if l=0 then exit; (* we will interpret section='' as "open only" *)
- while (i<=l) AND NOT eof(configFile) do begin
- readln(configFile,s);
- i:=1;
- if (length(s)>=l+2) AND (s[1]='[') AND (s[l+2]=']') then
- while (i<=l) AND (upcase(section[i])=upcase(s[succ(i)])) do inc(i);
- end; (* while i<=l ... *)
- (*$I+*)
- end; (* procedure findProfile *)
- procedure profileList(section: dirStr; var listP: stringListPtr);
- (* reads all the entries in the specified section to a linked list and
- assigns the beginning of the list to listP. Empty lines and lines
- starting with a semicolon (;) are ignored.
- *)
- label done,doneNC;
- var listPP: ^stringListPtr; s: string; configFile: text;
- begin
- listPP:=@listP;
- if NOT findProfile(configFile,section) then goto doneNC;
- (* no configuration file *)
- while NOT eof(configFile) do begin
- readln(configFile,s);
- if (s<>'') AND (s[1]<>';') then begin
- if s[1]='[' then goto done;
- getMem(listPP^,length(s)+1+sizeOf(pointer));
- listPP^^.s:=s;
- listPP:=@listPP^^.next;
- end; (* if (s<>'')... *)
- end; (* while NOT eof() *)
- done:
- close(configFile);
- doneNC:
- listPP^:=NIL;
- end; (* procedure profileList *)
- procedure freeStringRec(var p: stringListPtr);
- (* updates p to point to the next record, and frees the current one *)
- var p1: stringListPtr;
- begin
- if p=NIL then exit;
- p1:=p;
- p:=p1^.next;
- freeMem(p1,length(p1^.s)+1+sizeOf(pointer));
- end; (* procedure freeStringRec *)
- procedure profileString(section, entry: dirStr; var value: string;
- bufferLen: integer);
- label done;
- var i,l: integer; s: string; configFile: text;
- begin
- (*$I-*)
- if (section='') OR (entry='') then exit;
- if NOT findProfile(configFile,section) then exit;
- (* no configuration file *)
- i:=1;
- l:=length(entry);
- while (i<=l) AND NOT eof(configFile) do begin
- readln(configFile,s);
- if (s<>'') AND (s[1]='[') then goto done;
- i:=1;
- if (length(s)>l) AND (s[succ(l)]='=') then
- while (i<=l) AND (upcase(entry[i])=upcase(s[i])) do inc(i);
- end; (* while i<=l ... *)
- if i>l then value:=copy(s,succ(i),bufferLen);
- done:
- close(configFile);
- (*$I+*)
- end; (* procedure profileString *)
- procedure profileInt(section, entry: dirStr; var value: integer);
- var i,j: integer; s: string[19];
- begin
- s:='';
- profileString(section,entry,s,pred(sizeOf(s)));
- if s='' then exit;
- val(s,i,j);
- if j=0 then value:=i;
- end; (* procedure profileInt *)
- procedure profileBoolean(section, entry: dirStr; var value: boolean);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- i:=ord(value);
- profileInt(section,entry,i);
- value:=i<>0;
- end; (* procedure profileBoolean *)
- procedure scan(line: string; var spa: categoryStringPtrArr);
- (* scans lines with format "xxx a - definition a, A - definition A" and
- allocates memory and stores the definitions at appropriate index in spa.
- *)
- var
- p: integer;
- c: char;
- ok: boolean;
- begin
- repeat
- p:=pos(' - ',line);
- if p=0 then exit;
- if p>1 then c:=line[p-1];
- ok:=((p=2) OR ((p>2) AND (line[p-2]<=' '))) AND (c>' ') AND (c<#127);
- delete(line,1,p+2);
- if ok then begin
- p:=pos(' - ',line);
- if p=0 then p:=length(line)+1 else dec(p,2);
- while line[p-1]<=' ' do dec(p);
- if line[p-1]=',' then dec(p);
- getmem(spa[c],p);
- spa[c]^:=copy(line,1,p-1);
- delete(line,1,p);
- end; (* if ok *)
- until false; (* terminated by exit *)
- end; (* procedure scan *)
- procedure check1st(var s: string);
- (* scans s for the occurence of 'INTERRUP.1ST' and inserts xref to id1st.
- Letter case is ignored.
- *)
- var p: byte; s1: string[119];
- begin
- s1[0]:=s[0];
- for p:=1 to length(s) do s1[p]:=upcase(s[p]);
- p:=pos('INTERRUP.1ST',s1);
- if p<>0 then begin
- insert('}{\v id1st}',s,p+12);
- insert('{\uldb ',s,p);
- end; (* if p<>0 *)
- end; (* procedure check1st *)
- procedure getINTtitle(var line: string; var titles: titleStringPtrArr);
- (* allocates memory and copies a line starting with "INT nn " to titles[nn]^ *)
- type (* for type casts *)
- lineRec = record l: byte; INT: longint; nn: word; spc: char; end;
- hexRec = record l: byte; dollar: char; nn: word; end;
- const
- intC = ord('I')+ord('N')*$100+ord('T')*$10000+ord(' ')*$1000000;
- intNumber: string[3] = '$nn'; (* preset length to 3 and [1] to '$' *)
- var
- lineR: lineRec absolute line; (* for typecast *)
- intR: hexRec absolute intNumber; (* for typecast *)
- n,j: integer;
- begin
- if (length(line)<8) OR (lineR.spc<>' ') OR (lineR.INT<>intC) then exit;
- intR.nn:=lineR.nn; (* two characters typecasted to a word *)
- val(intNumber,n,j);
- if j<>0 then exit;
- getmem(titles[n],succ(length(line)));
- titles[n]^:=line;
- end; (* procedure getINTtitle *)
- procedure getNextAlias(var aliasP: stringListPtr;
- var aliasId, aliasString: string);
- (* extract an alias string from the heap and free the heap memory *)
- var n: integer;
- begin
- aliasString:='';
- if aliasP=NIL then exit;
- aliasString:=aliasP^.s;
- freeStringRec(aliasP); (* free memory and update aliasP *)
- n:=pos('=',aliasString);
- if n<2 then errorExit('Missing alias Id in '+aliasString,aliasErr);
- if n>pred(sizeOf(aliasId)) then errorExit('Alias Id too long in '
- +aliasString,aliasErr);
- aliasId:=copy(aliasString,1,n);
- delete(aliasString,1,n);
- end; (* procedure getNextAlias *)
- procedure saveAlias(var aPP: stringListPtrPtr; s: dirStr);
- (* allocates memory on the heap, stores information, and updates aPP *)
- begin
- getmem(aPP^,length(s)+1+sizeOf(pointer));
- aPP^^.next:=NIL;
- aPP^^.s:=s;
- aPP:=@aPP^^.next
- end; (* procedure saveAlias *)
- procedure processAliasList(aP: stringListPtr);
- begin
- while aP<>NIL do begin
- writeln(HPJ,aP^.s);
- aP:=aP^.next;
- end; (* while aP<>NIL *)
- end; (* procedure processAliasList *)
- procedure setTabs(var f: text; spaces, deciPoints, tabs: word);
- (* writes tab settings to file f, tabspacing approximately "spaces" character
- columns width New Courier font with size 1/10*"deciPoints". Number of tab
- settings = "tabs".
- The tabs are valid until the next "\pard".
- *)
- var i: integer; s: string[11];
- begin
- for i:=1 to tabs do begin
- str(longint(i*spaces*deciPoints)*1170 DIV 1000,s);
- (* tab spacing = (point size)*(column width)*11.70 *)
- (* at least, this seems to fit pretty well *)
- write(f,'\tx',s);
- end; (* for i:=1 *)
- writeln(f);
- end; (* procedure setTabs *)
- procedure writeIndex(s: string);
- begin writeln(indexFile, s); end;
- procedure CreateHPJ;
- var i,n: integer; bP: stringListPtr; s: dirStr;
- begin
- assign(HPJ, OutPath + hfName+'.HPJ');
- rewrite(HPJ);
- n:=0;
- profileList('BUILDTAGS',bP);
- if bP<>NIL then begin (* write [BuildTags] section *)
- writeln(HPJ,'[BUILDTAGS]');
- while bP<>NIL do begin
- writeln(HPJ,bP^.s);
- freeStringRec(bP); (* free memory and update bP *)
- end; (* while bP<>NIL *)
- writeln(HPJ);
- end; (* if i>0 *)
- profileList('BAGGAGE',bP);
- if bP<>NIL then begin (* write [Baggage] section *)
- writeln(HPJ,'[BAGGAGE]');
- while bP<>NIL do begin
- writeln(HPJ,bP^.s);
- freeStringRec(bP); (* free memory and update bP *)
- end; (* while bP<>NIL *)
- writeln(HPJ);
- end; (* if i>0 *)
- s:=fExpand(OutPath);
- if length(s)>3 then dec(s[0]); (* delete terminating '\' if not root *)
- writeln(HPJ, '[OPTIONS]'#13#10'CONTENTS=CONTENTS'#13#10'COMPRESS=',compression);
- writeln(HPJ,'REPORT=ON'#13#10'WARNING=2'#13#10'ROOT=',s);
- (* warning=2 avoids the "Using old *.ph file" warning *)
- if errorLog then writeln(HPJ,'ERRORLOG='+hfName+'.ERR');
- if buildExpr<>'' then writeln(HPJ,'BUILD=',buildExpr);
- writeln(HPJ, 'CITATION=Copied from Ralf Brown''s Interrupt List');
- writeln(HPJ, 'COPYRIGHT='+hfName+' Layout: Christian Müller-Planitz');
- writeln(HPJ, #13#10'[CONFIG]'#13#10'CreateButton(`id_print'',`&Print'',`Print()'')');
- writeln(HPJ, 'CreateButton(`id_copy'',`C&opy'',`CopyTopic()'')'#13#10'BrowseButtons()');
- writeln(HPJ, 'CreateButton(`id_exit'',`E&xit'',`Exit()'')');
- if twoindexes AND NOT expandedIndex then
- writeln(HPJ, 'SaveMark(`Compressed_Index'')');
- profileList('INTWINCONFIG',bP);
- while bP<>NIL do begin (* copy [INTWINCONFIG] entries *)
- writeln(HPJ,bP^.s);
- freeStringRec(bP); (* free memory and update bP *)
- end; (* while bP<>NIL *)
- writeln(HPJ, #13#10'[WINDOWS]'#13#10'main='+windowsTitle+',',windowsPosSize,
- ','+windowsMaximized+',',windowsBackgr,',',windowsHdrBackgr);
- if tableWindow then writeln(HPJ, secWindow+'='+secWindowsTitle+',',
- secWindowsPosSize,','+windowsMaximized+',',windowsBackgr,',',
- windowsHdrBackgr);
- writeln(HPJ, #13#10'[FILES]');
- end;
- Procedure OpenRTF(VAR F: Text; Name: String);
- begin
- {$I-}
- assign(F, OutPath + Name);
- rewrite(F);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult <> 0 then errorExit('Error craeting '+OutPath+Name,rtfErr);
- writeln(HPJ, Name);
- writeln(F, '{\rtf1\pc \deff1{\fonttbl{\f0\f',headerFont,';}');
- writeln(F, '{\f1\f',textFont,';}}');
- writeln(F, '{\colortbl \red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;');
- writeln(F, '\red0\green0\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;}');
- writeln(F, '\plain',fontSize,'\pard\keep');
- TextRec(F).UserData[1]:=ord(false); (* mark as unused *)
- end;
- Procedure CloseRTF(VAR F: Text);
- begin
- writeln(F, '}');
- close(F);
- end;
- Procedure PageRTF(VAR F: Text);
- begin
- if boolean(TextRec(F).UserData[1]) then write(F, '\page')
- else TextRec(F).UserData[1]:=ord(true);
- end;
- Function HEX(b:byte):string;
- Const h : array [0..15] of char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
- begin
- Hex[0]:=#2; Hex[1]:=h[b shr 4]; Hex[2]:=h[b and 15];
- end;
- Procedure ReadLine(VAR F: Text; VAR S: String);
- VAR q: Word;
- begin
- readln(F, S);
- q:= 1;
- while q <= Length(s) do { duplicate all '\' etc. }
- begin
- case s[q] of
- '\', '{', '}': begin insert('\', s, q); inc(q); end;
- (* v. 1.13: DOS framing characters are not transformed properly by
- selecting the "pc" character set. We will transform single and double
- horizontal frames to '-', vertical frames to '|', and all other
- framing characters to '+'. Please note that some codepage 850 extended
- characters are also transformed to '+'.
- *)
- #196, #205: s[q]:='-';
- #179, #186: s[q]:='|';
- #176..#223: s[q]:='+';
- #128..#255: begin
- insert(#39+HEX(ord(s[q])), s, q+1);
- s[q] := '\';
- Inc(q,3);
- end; (* case #128..#255 *)
- end; (* case s[q] of *)
- if q>=255 then begin
- writeln('Too many graphic characters in line ', lineCount);
- ErrorExit('Please edit the file and try again', formatErr);
- end; (* if q>255 *)
- Inc(q);
- end; (* while q>=length(s) *)
- end;
- Procedure OutLN(VAR F: Text; S : String);
- begin
- writeln(F, '\par ', S);
- end;
- Procedure Intro;
- begin
- wl(#10'Interrupt List-WinHelp preprocessor '+progname+' version '+progvers);
- wl(copyright);
- wl(e_mail+#13#10);
- wl('Use "'+progname+' ?" for help.'#13#10);
- end;
- Procedure Explain;
- begin
- wl('This program converts the Interrupt List written by Ralf Brown to a RTF-Format');
- wl('that is used as an input format by the Microsoft WinHelp compiler.'#10);
- wl('In order to generate a Windows 3.1 helpfile you need the WinHelp compiler');
- wl('"HC31.EXE", which is distributed with almost all Windows compilers and which');
- wl('is also available on many Internet sites and FIDO BBS systems.'#10);
- wl('Please note that you also need a fast computer and a *lot* of free space on');
- wl('your harddrive, see the file I2W-HINT.TXT. If you want to find out whether you');
- wl('are able to compile a RTF file, I recommend that you experiment with the files');
- wl('in the I2W-TEST.ZIP subpackage.'#10);
- wl('After this program finishes, you have to invoke the WinHelp compiler with');
- writeln('the command "HC31 ',hfName,'.HPJ".'#10);
- wl('For more information about '+progName+' program options and configuration file,');
- wl('read the I2W-OPT.TXT and I2W-CFG.TXT files.'#10);
- wl('Have fun ! --CMP'#10);
- wl('P.S. If you have problems building the helpfile or if you simply want to write');
- wl(' an e-mail to me, please write to:');
- wl(' '+e_mail);
- halt(0);
- end;
- procedure initializeArrays;
- var i: integer; ch: char;
- begin
- for ch:='!' to #126 do begin (* default to empty string *)
- flagStrings[ch]:=@emptyString;
- categoryStrings[ch]:=@emptyString;
- categoryKeyStrings[ch]:=@emptyString;
- end; (* for ch:='!' *)
- categoryStrings['!']:=@noteString;
- categoryStrings['-']:=@noneString;
- for i:=$00 to $FF do begin INTcounts[i]:=0; INTtitles[i]:=@emptyString; end;
- end; (* procedure initializeArrays *)
- procedure findDateAndCopyright;
- var a,b,c,d: word; s,ss: string[99]; t: text;
- begin
- getDate(a,b,c,d);
- (*$ifdef m_dd_yy *)
- str(b*1000000+(c*1000+a MOD 100),dateString);
- dateString[length(dateString)-5]:=dateSep;
- dateString[length(dateString)-2]:=dateSep;
- (*$else*)
- (*$ifdef d_mm_yy *)
- str(c*1000000+(b*1000+a MOD 100),dateString);
- dateString[length(dateString)-5]:=dateSep;
- dateString[length(dateString)-2]:=dateSep;
- (*$else*)
- str(a*1000000+(b*1000+c),dateString);
- dateString[5]:=dateSep;
- dateString[8]:=dateSep;
- (*$ifdef yy_mm_dd *) delete(dateString,1,2); (*$endif*)
- (*$endif*)
- (*$endif*)
- getTime(a,b,c,d);
- str((a*1000+b)+100000,s);
- s[4]:=timeSep;
- s[1]:=' ';
- if a<10 then delete(s,2,1);
- dateString:=dateString+' -'+s;
- (*$I-*)
- assign(t,InPath+'interrup.lst');
- reset(t);
- if IOresult<>0 then begin
- assign(t,InPath+'interrup.a');
- reset(t);
- if IOresult<>0 then
- errorExit('Unable to open INTERRUP file in directory '+InPath,fileErr);
- end; (* if IOresult<>0 *)
- (*$I+*)
- ReadLine(t,s);
- ReadLine(t,ss);
- close(t);
- for a:=1 to 2 do begin
- b:=pos(#9,s); (* remove two wide areas of whitespace *)
- if b<>0 then while s[b]=#9 do delete(s,b,1)
- else begin
- b:=pos(' ',s);
- if b<>0 then while s[b]=' ' do delete(s,b,1)
- end; (* else *)
- if b<>0 then insert(' ',s,b); (* insert 6 spaces instead *)
- end; (* for a:=1 *)
- indexHeader:='{\keep '+s+#13#10'\par{'+header2ndSize+' '+ss+'}'#13#10'\par';
- if scrollIndexTitle then indexHeader:=indexHeader+'\pard';
- indexHeader:=indexHeader+#13#10'\par}';
- compilationStr:=progName+' v. '+progVers+' compilation.'#13#10'\par '
- +hfName+'.HLP compiled '+dateString+'.';
- if filtered then compilationStr:=compilationStr
- +' {\ul Partial compilation.}{\v idPartComp}';
- end; (* procedure findDateAndCopyright *)
- procedure interpretParameters;
- (* interprets program parameters and parts of the configuration file *)
- var i,argVal: integer; s: string[79]; blanks: boolean;
- procedure copyParam(var dest: string; len: byte);
- begin dest:=copy(s,3+ord(s[3]=':'),len); end;
- procedure getArgVal;
- (* assigns value of argument, or $8000, to argVal *)
- var i: integer; st: string[9];
- begin
- copyParam(st,9);
- val(st,argVal,i);
- if i<>0 then argVal:=integer($8000);
- end; (* procedure getArgVal in interpretParameters *)
- function getBool: boolean;
- begin getBool:=(length(s)<3) OR (s[3]<>'-'); end;
- procedure setSize(var fs: string; dp: word);
- (* converts decipoints to an RTF halfpoint font size string *)
- begin
- str(dp DIV 5,fs);
- insert('\fs',fs,1);
- end; (* procedure setSize in interpretParameters *)
- begin
- blanks:=true;
- (* first, check configuration file *)
- profileString('OPTIONS','build',buildExpr,pred(sizeOf(buildExpr)));
- profileString('OPTIONS','compression',compression,pred(sizeOf(compression)));
- profileString('OPTIONS','filterFile',filterFileName,pred(sizeOf(filterFileName)));
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','singlesInMain',singlesInMain);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','twoIndexes',twoIndexes);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','errorLog',errorLog);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','indexHeaders',indexHeaders);
- profileInt('OPTIONS','indexColumns',indexColumns);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','markKeys',markKeys);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','equalBlanks',blanks);
- profileInt('OPTIONS','releaseNo',releaseNo);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','scrollIndexTitle',scrollIndexTitle);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','tableWindow',tableWindow);
- profileBoolean('OPTIONS','expandedIndex',expandedIndex);
- (* second, check parameters *)
- for i:=1 to paramCount do begin
- s:=paramStr(i);
- case s[1] of
- '/','-': begin
- if length(s)=1 then errorExit(
- 'Missing option after "'+s+'"',paramErr);
- case upcase(s[2]) of
- 'B': copyParam(buildExpr,pred(sizeOf(buildExpr)));
- (* legal: any .HPJ [OPTIONS] build= expression *)
- 'C': begin
- copyParam(compression,pred(sizeOf(compression)));
- (* legal: 0, 1, no, yes, low, medium, high. Not checked *)
- if compression='' then compression:='YES';
- (* default if "-c" or "-c:" is specified *)
- end; (* case 'C' *)
- 'F': begin
- copyParam(filterFileName,pred(sizeOf(filterFileName)));
- if filterFileName='' then errorExit(
- 'No filter file name specified after "'+s+'"',fileErr);
- filtered:=true;
- end; (* case 'F' *)
- '1': singlesInMain:=getBool;
- '2': twoIndexes:=getBool;
- 'E': errorLog:=getBool;
- 'H': indexHeaders:=getBool;
- 'I': begin getArgVal; indexColumns:=argVal; end;
- 'M': markKeys:=getBool;
- 'Q': blanks:=getBool;
- 'R': begin getArgVal; releaseNo:=argVal; end;
- 'S': scrollIndexTitle:=getBool;
- 'T': tableWindow:=getBool;
- 'X': expandedIndex:=getBool;
- else errorExit('Unknown option: '+s,paramErr);
- end; (* case upcase(s[2] of *)
- end; (* case '/','-' *)
- else begin
- if InPath='' then InPath:=s
- else if OutPath='' then OutPath:=s
- else errorExit('Too many parameters: '+s,paramErr);
- end; (* case else *)
- end; (* case s[1] of *)
- end; (* for i:=1 *)
- (* if file paths were not program parameters, try configuration file *)
- if InPath='' then profileString('FILES','InPath',InPath,pred(sizeOf(InPath)));
- if OutPath='' then profileString('FILES','OutPath',OutPath,pred(sizeOf(OutPath)));
- (* read windows settings from configuration file *)
- profileString('CONFIG','pos and size',windowsPosSize,pred(sizeOf(windowsPosSize)));
- profileString('CONFIG','secondary pos and size',
- secWindowsPosSize,pred(sizeOf(secWindowsPosSize)));
- profileString('CONFIG','background',windowsBackgr,pred(sizeOf(windowsBackgr)));
- profileString('CONFIG','header background',windowsHdrBackgr,pred(sizeOf(windowsHdrBackgr)));
- profileString('CONFIG','header font',headerFont,pred(sizeOf(headerFont)));
- profileString('CONFIG','text font',textFont,pred(sizeOf(textFont)));
- profileInt('CONFIG','deciPoints',integer(deciPoints));
- profileInt('CONFIG','header deciPoints',integer(headerDeciPoints));
- profileInt('CONFIG','header 2nd deciPoints',integer(header2ndDeciPoints));
- (* update other values *)
- indexRows:=16; (* in most cases *)
- indexPages:=1; (* in two cases *)
- case indexColumns of
- 1: indexRows:=256;
- 4: indexPages:=4;
- 8: indexPages:=2;
- 16: ; (* already ok *)
- else errorExit('Illegal index columns, only 1, 4, 8, or 16 accepted',
- paramErr);
- end; (* case indexColumns of *)
- if NOT blanks then begin
- equStr[4]:='=';
- equStr[0]:=#4; (* equStr = ' Ax=' *)
- equStr2[1]:='=';
- equStr2[0]:=#1; (* equStr2 = '=' *)
- equBlanks:=0;
- end; (* if NOT blanks *)
- setSize(fontSize,deciPoints);
- setSize(headerSize,headerDeciPoints);
- setSize(header2ndSize,header2ndDeciPoints);
- filtered:=filterFileName<>'';
- if NOT indexHeaders then indentIndex:=nl;
- if releaseNo<41 then begin tables:=false; tableWindow:=false; end;
- if NOT tableWindow then begin mainW:=''; tableW:=''; end;
- end; (* procedure interpretParameters *)