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- /* vcmd.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains the functions that handle VI commands */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "vi.h"
- #if MSDOS
- #include <process.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #if TOS
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #if OSK
- # include <stdio.h>
- #endif
- /* This function puts the editor in EX mode */
- MARK v_quit()
- {
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- mode = MODE_EX;
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function causes the screen to be redrawn */
- MARK v_redraw()
- {
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function executes a single EX command, and waits for a user keystroke
- * before returning to the VI screen. If that keystroke is another ':', then
- * another EX command is read and executed.
- */
- MARK v_1ex(m, text)
- MARK m; /* the current line */
- char *text; /* the first command to execute */
- {
- /* run the command. be careful about modes & output */
- exwrote = (mode == MODE_COLON);
- doexcmd(text);
- exrefresh();
- /* if mode is no longer MODE_VI, then we should quit right away! */
- if (mode != MODE_VI && mode != MODE_COLON)
- return cursor;
- /* The command did some output. Wait for a keystoke. */
- if (exwrote)
- {
- mode = MODE_VI;
- msg("[Hit <RETURN> to continue]");
- if (getkey(0) == ':')
- { mode = MODE_COLON;
- addch('\n');
- }
- else
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- }
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function undoes the last change */
- MARK v_undo(m)
- MARK m; /* (ignored) */
- {
- if (undo())
- {
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- }
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function deletes the character(s) that the cursor is on */
- MARK v_xchar(m, cnt, cmd)
- MARK m; /* where to start deletions */
- long cnt; /* number of chars to delete */
- int cmd; /* either 'x' or 'X' */
- {
- /* for 'X', adjust so chars are deleted *BEFORE* cursor */
- if (cmd == 'X')
- {
- if (markidx(m) < cnt)
- return MARK_UNSET;
- m -= cnt;
- }
- /* make sure we don't try to delete more thars than there are */
- pfetch(markline(m));
- if (markidx(m + cnt) > plen)
- {
- cnt = plen - markidx(m);
- }
- if (cnt == 0L)
- {
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- /* do it */
- ChangeText
- {
- cut(m, m + cnt);
- delete(m, m + cnt);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This function defines a mark */
- MARK v_mark(m, count, key)
- MARK m; /* where the mark will be */
- long count; /* (ignored) */
- int key; /* the ASCII label of the mark */
- {
- if (key < 'a' || key > 'z')
- {
- msg("Marks must be from a to z");
- }
- else
- {
- mark[key - 'a'] = m;
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This function toggles upper & lower case letters */
- MARK v_ulcase(m, cnt)
- MARK m; /* where to make the change */
- long cnt; /* number of chars to flip */
- {
- REG char *pos;
- REG int i, j;
- static char flip[] =
- "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ[](){}<>";
- /* fetch the current version of the line */
- pfetch(markline(m));
- /* for each position in the line */
- for (j = 0, i = markidx(m); j < cnt && ptext[i]; j++, i++)
- {
- tmpblk.c[j] = 0;
- /* one of the standard chars? */
- for (pos = flip; *pos && *pos != ptext[i]; pos++)
- {
- }
- if (*pos)
- {
- tmpblk.c[j] = flip[(int)(pos - flip) ^ 1];
- }
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- else /* one of the non-standard chars? */
- {
- for (pos = o_flipcase; *pos && *pos != ptext[i]; pos++)
- {
- }
- if (*pos)
- {
- tmpblk.c[j] = o_flipcase[(int)(pos - o_flipcase) ^ 1];
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* if nothing special, then don't change it */
- if (tmpblk.c[j] == 0)
- {
- tmpblk.c[j] = ptext[i];
- }
- }
- /* if the new text is different from the old, then change it */
- if (strncmp(tmpblk.c, &ptext[markidx(m)], j))
- {
- ChangeText
- {
- tmpblk.c[j] = '\0';
- change(m, m + j, tmpblk.c);
- }
- }
- return m + j;
- }
- MARK v_replace(m, cnt, key)
- MARK m; /* first char to be replaced */
- long cnt; /* number of chars to replace */
- int key; /* what to replace them with */
- {
- REG char *text;
- REG int i;
- /* map ^M to '\n' */
- if (key == '\r')
- {
- key = '\n';
- }
- /* make sure the resulting line isn't too long */
- if (cnt > BLKSIZE - 2 - markidx(m))
- {
- cnt = BLKSIZE - 2 - markidx(m);
- }
- /* build a string of the desired character with the desired length */
- for (text = tmpblk.c, i = cnt; i > 0; i--)
- {
- *text++ = key;
- }
- *text = '\0';
- /* make sure cnt doesn't extend past EOL */
- pfetch(markline(m));
- key = markidx(m);
- if (key + cnt > plen)
- {
- cnt = plen - key;
- }
- /* do the replacement */
- ChangeText
- {
- change(m, m + cnt, tmpblk.c);
- }
- if (*tmpblk.c == '\n')
- {
- return (m & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + cnt * BLKSIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- return m + cnt - 1;
- }
- }
- MARK v_overtype(m)
- MARK m; /* where to start overtyping */
- {
- MARK end; /* end of a substitution */
- static long width; /* width of a single-line replace */
- /* the "doingdot" version of replace is really a substitution */
- if (doingdot)
- {
- /* was the last one really repeatable? */
- if (width < 0)
- {
- msg("Can't repeat a multi-line overtype command");
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- /* replacing nothing by nothing? Don't bother */
- if (width == 0)
- {
- return m;
- }
- /* replace some chars by repeated text */
- return v_subst(m, width);
- }
- /* Normally, we input starting here, in replace mode */
- ChangeText
- {
- end = input(m, m, WHEN_VIREP);
- }
- /* if we ended on the same line we started on, then this
- * overtype is repeatable via the dot key.
- */
- if (markline(end) == markline(m) && end >= m - 1L)
- {
- width = end - m + 1L;
- }
- else /* it isn't repeatable */
- {
- width = -1L;
- }
- return end;
- }
- /* This function selects which cut buffer to use */
- MARK v_selcut(m, cnt, key)
- MARK m;
- long cnt;
- int key;
- {
- cutname(key);
- return m;
- }
- /* This function pastes text from a cut buffer */
- MARK v_paste(m, cnt, cmd)
- MARK m; /* where to paste the text */
- long cnt; /* (ignored) */
- int cmd; /* either 'p' or 'P' */
- {
- ChangeText
- {
- m = paste(m, cmd == 'p', FALSE);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This function yanks text into a cut buffer */
- MARK v_yank(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* range of text to yank */
- {
- cut(m, n);
- return m;
- }
- /* This function deletes a range of text */
- MARK v_delete(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* range of text to delete */
- {
- /* illegal to try and delete nothing */
- if (n <= m)
- {
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- /* Do it */
- ChangeText
- {
- cut(m, n);
- delete(m, n);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This starts input mode without deleting anything */
- MARK v_insert(m, cnt, key)
- MARK m; /* where to start (sort of) */
- long cnt; /* repeat how many times? */
- int key; /* what command is this for? {a,A,i,I,o,O} */
- {
- int wasdot;
- long reps;
- int after; /* are we appending or inserting? */
- ChangeText
- {
- /* tweak the insertion point, based on command key */
- switch (key)
- {
- case 'i':
- after = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'a':
- pfetch(markline(m));
- if (plen > 0)
- {
- m++;
- }
- after = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'I':
- m = m_front(m, 1L);
- after = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'A':
- pfetch(markline(m));
- m = (m & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + plen;
- after = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'O':
- m &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- add(m, "\n");
- after = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'o':
- m = (m & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + BLKSIZE;
- add(m, "\n");
- after = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- /* insert the same text once or more */
- for (reps = cnt, wasdot = doingdot; reps > 0; reps--, doingdot = TRUE)
- {
- m = input(m, m, WHEN_VIINP);
- if (after)
- {
- m++;
- }
- }
- if (after)
- {
- m--;
- }
- doingdot = wasdot;
- }
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- # ifndef NO_EXTENSIONS
- if (key == 'i' && *o_inputmode && mode == MODE_VI)
- {
- msg("Now in visual command mode! To return to input mode, hit <i>.");
- }
- # endif
- #endif
- return m;
- }
- /* This starts input mode with some text deleted */
- MARK v_change(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* the range of text to change */
- {
- int lnmode; /* is this a line-mode change? */
- /* swap them if they're in reverse order */
- if (m > n)
- {
- MARK tmp;
- tmp = m;
- m = n;
- n = tmp;
- }
- /* for line mode, retain the last newline char */
- lnmode = (markidx(m) == 0 && markidx(n) == 0 && m != n);
- if (lnmode)
- {
- n -= BLKSIZE;
- pfetch(markline(n));
- n = (n & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + plen;
- }
- ChangeText
- {
- cut(m, n);
- m = input(m, n, WHEN_VIINP);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This function replaces a given number of characters with input */
- MARK v_subst(m, cnt)
- MARK m; /* where substitutions start */
- long cnt; /* number of chars to replace */
- {
- /* make sure we don't try replacing past EOL */
- pfetch(markline(m));
- if (markidx(m) + cnt > plen)
- {
- cnt = plen - markidx(m);
- }
- /* Go for it! */
- ChangeText
- {
- cut(m, m + cnt);
- m = input(m, m + cnt, WHEN_VIINP);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /* This calls the ex "join" command to join some lines together */
- MARK v_join(m, cnt)
- MARK m; /* the first line to be joined */
- long cnt; /* number of other lines to join */
- {
- MARK joint; /* where the lines were joined */
- /* figure out where the joint will be */
- pfetch(markline(m));
- joint = (m & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + plen;
- /* join the lines */
- cmd_join(m, m + MARK_AT_LINE(cnt), CMD_JOIN, 0, "");
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- /* the cursor should be left at the joint */
- return joint;
- }
- /* This calls the ex shifter command to shift some lines */
- static MARK shift_help(m, n, excmd)
- MARK m, n; /* range of lines to shift */
- CMD excmd; /* which way do we shift? */
- {
- /* adjust for inclusive endmarks in ex */
- n -= BLKSIZE;
- cmd_shift(m, n, excmd, 0, "");
- return m;
- }
- /* This calls the ex "<" command to shift some lines left */
- MARK v_lshift(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* range of lines to shift */
- {
- return shift_help(m, n, CMD_SHIFTL);
- }
- /* This calls the ex ">" command to shift some lines right */
- MARK v_rshift(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* range of lines to shift */
- {
- return shift_help(m, n, CMD_SHIFTR);
- }
- /* This runs some lines through a filter program */
- MARK v_filter(m, n)
- MARK m, n; /* range of lines to shift */
- {
- char cmdln[100]; /* a shell command line */
- /* adjust for inclusive endmarks in ex */
- n -= BLKSIZE;
- if (vgets('!', cmdln, sizeof(cmdln)) > 0)
- {
- filter(m, n, cmdln);
- }
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- return m;
- }
- /* This function runs the ex "file" command to show the file's status */
- MARK v_status()
- {
- cmd_file(cursor, cursor, CMD_FILE, 0, "");
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function runs the ":&" command to repeat the previous :s// */
- MARK v_again(m, n)
- MARK m, n;
- {
- cmd_substitute(m, n - BLKSIZE, CMD_SUBAGAIN, TRUE, "");
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function switches to the previous file, if possible */
- MARK v_switch()
- {
- if (!*prevorig)
- msg("No previous file");
- else
- { strcpy(tmpblk.c, prevorig);
- cmd_edit(cursor, cursor, CMD_EDIT, 0, tmpblk.c);
- }
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function does a tag search on a keyword */
- MARK v_tag(keyword, m, cnt)
- char *keyword;
- MARK m;
- long cnt;
- {
- /* move the cursor to the start of the tag name, where m is */
- cursor = m;
- /* perform the tag search */
- cmd_tag(cursor, cursor, CMD_TAG, 0, keyword);
- return cursor;
- }
- /* This function looks up a keyword by calling the helpprog program */
- MARK v_keyword(keyword, m, cnt)
- char *keyword;
- MARK m;
- long cnt;
- {
- int waswarn;
- char cmdline[130];
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- addstr("---------------------------------------------------------\n");
- clrtoeol();
- refresh();
- sprintf(cmdline, "%s %s", o_keywordprg, keyword);
- waswarn = *o_warn;
- *o_warn = FALSE;
- suspend_curses();
- if (system(cmdline))
- {
- addstr("<<< failed >>>\n");
- }
- resume_curses(FALSE);
- mode = MODE_VI;
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- *o_warn = waswarn;
- return m;
- }
- MARK v_increment(keyword, m, cnt)
- char *keyword;
- MARK m;
- long cnt;
- {
- static sign;
- char newval[12];
- long atol();
- /* get one more keystroke, unless doingdot */
- if (!doingdot)
- {
- sign = getkey(0);
- }
- /* adjust the number, based on that second keystroke */
- switch (sign)
- {
- case '+':
- case '#':
- cnt = atol(keyword) + cnt;
- break;
- case '-':
- cnt = atol(keyword) - cnt;
- break;
- case '=':
- break;
- default:
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- sprintf(newval, "%ld", cnt);
- ChangeText
- {
- change(m, m + strlen(keyword), newval);
- }
- return m;
- }
- #endif
- /* This function acts like the EX command "xit" */
- MARK v_xit(m, cnt, key)
- MARK m; /* ignored */
- long cnt; /* ignored */
- int key; /* must be a second 'Z' */
- {
- /* if second char wasn't 'Z', fail */
- if (key != 'Z')
- {
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- /* move the cursor to the bottom of the screen */
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- /* do the xit command */
- cmd_xit(m, m, CMD_XIT, FALSE, "");
- /* return the cursor */
- return m;
- }
- /* This function undoes changes to a single line, if possible */
- MARK v_undoline(m)
- MARK m; /* where we hope to undo the change */
- {
- /* make sure we have the right line in the buffer */
- if (markline(m) != U_line)
- {
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- /* fix it */
- ChangeText
- {
- strcat(U_text, "\n");
- change(MARK_AT_LINE(U_line), MARK_AT_LINE(U_line + 1), U_text);
- }
- /* nothing in the buffer anymore */
- U_line = -1L;
- /* return, with the cursor at the front of the line */
- return m & ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- }
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- MARK v_errlist(m)
- MARK m;
- {
- cmd_errlist(m, m, CMD_ERRLIST, FALSE, "");
- return cursor;
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_AT
- MARK v_at(m, cnt, key)
- MARK m;
- long cnt;
- int key;
- {
- if (!fromcutbuf(key))
- {
- return MARK_UNSET;
- }
- return cursor;
- }
- #endif