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- /* vars.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains variables which weren't happy anyplace else */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "vi.h"
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* used to remember whether the file has been modified */
- struct _viflags viflags;
- /* used to access the tmp file */
- long lnum[MAXBLKS];
- long nlines;
- int tmpfd = -1;
- /* used to keep track of the current file & alternate file */
- long origtime;
- char origname[256];
- char prevorig[256];
- long prevline = 1;
- /* used to track various places in the text */
- MARK mark[NMARKS]; /* marks 'a through 'z, plus mark '' */
- MARK cursor; /* the cursor position within the file */
- /* which mode of the editor we're in */
- int mode; /* vi mode? ex mode? quitting? */
- /* used to manage the args list */
- char args[BLKSIZE]; /* list of filenames to edit */
- int argno; /* index of current file in args list */
- int nargs; /* number of filenames in args[] */
- /* dummy var, never explicitly referenced */
- int bavar; /* used only in BeforeAfter macros */
- /* have we made a multi-line change? */
- int mustredraw; /* must we redraw the whole screen? */
- /* used to detect changes that invalidate cached text/blocks */
- long changes; /* incremented when file is changed */
- int significant; /* boolean: was a *REAL* change made? */
- /* used to support the pfetch() macro */
- int plen; /* length of the line */
- long pline; /* line number that len refers to */
- long pchgs; /* "changes" level that len refers to */
- char *ptext; /* text of previous line, if valid */
- /* misc temporary storage - mostly for strings */
- BLK tmpblk; /* a block used to accumulate changes */
- /* screen oriented stuff */
- long topline; /* file line number of top line */
- int leftcol; /* column number of left col */
- int physcol; /* physical column number that cursor is on */
- int physrow; /* physical row number that cursor is on */
- /* used to help minimize that "[Hit a key to continue]" message */
- int exwrote; /* Boolean: was the last ex command wordy? */
- /* This variable affects the behaviour of certain functions -- most importantly
- * the input function.
- */
- int doingdot; /* boolean: are we doing the "." command? */
- /* This variable affects the behaviour of the ":s" command, and it is also
- * used to detect & prohibit nesting of ":g" commands
- */
- int doingglobal; /* boolean: are doing a ":g" command? */
- /* These are used for reporting multi-line changes to the user */
- long rptlines; /* number of lines affected by a command */
- char *rptlabel; /* description of how lines were affected */
- /* These store info that pertains to the shift-U command */
- long U_line; /* line# of the undoable line, or 0l for none */
- char U_text[BLKSIZE]; /* contents of the undoable line */
- /* Bigger stack req'ed for TOS */
- #if TOS
- long _stksize = 16384;
- #endif