home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "vi.h"
- /* This array describes what each key does */
- #define NO_FUNC (MARK (*)())0
- #define NO_ARGS 0
- #define CURSOR_COUNT 1
- #define CURSOR 2
- #define CURSOR_CNT_KEY 3
- #define CURSOR_MOVED 4
- #define CURSOR_EOL 5
- #define ZERO 6
- #define DIGIT 7
- #define CURSOR_TEXT 8
- #define CURSOR_CNT_CMD 9
- #define KEYWORD 10
- #define NO_FLAGS 0x00
- #define MVMT 0x01 /* this is a movement command */
- #define PTMV 0x02 /* this can be *part* of a movement command */
- #define FRNT 0x04 /* after move, go to front of line */
- #define INCL 0x08 /* include last char when used with c/d/y */
- #define LNMD 0x10 /* use line mode of c/d/y */
- #define NCOL 0x20 /* this command can't change the column# */
- #define NREL 0x40 /* this is "non-relative" -- set the '' mark */
- #define SDOT 0x80 /* set the "dot" variables, for the "." cmd */
- static struct keystru
- {
- MARK (*func)(); /* the function to run */
- uchar args; /* description of the args needed */
- uchar flags; /* other stuff */
- }
- vikeys[] =
- {
- /* NUL not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^A not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^B page backward */ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, FRNT},
- /* ^C not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^D scroll dn 1/2page*/ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NCOL},
- /* ^E scroll up */ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NCOL},
- /* ^F page forward */ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, FRNT},
- /* ^G show file status */ {v_status, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^H move left, like h*/ {m_left, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- /* ^I not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^J move down */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|LNMD},
- /* ^K not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^L redraw screen */ {v_redraw, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^M mv front next ln */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT|LNMD},
- /* ^N move down */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|LNMD},
- /* ^O not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^P move up */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|LNMD},
- /* ^Q not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^R redraw screen */ {v_redraw, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^S not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^T not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^U scroll up 1/2page*/ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NCOL},
- /* ^V not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^W not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^X not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^Y scroll down */ {m_scroll, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NCOL},
- /* ^Z not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ESC not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^\ not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^] keyword is tag */ {v_tag, KEYWORD, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^^ previous file */ {v_switch, CURSOR, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ^_ not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* SPC move right,like l*/ {m_right, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- /* ! run thru filter */ {v_filter, CURSOR_MOVED, FRNT|LNMD|INCL},
- /* " select cut buffer*/ {v_selcut, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, PTMV},
- /* # increment number */ {v_increment, KEYWORD, SDOT},
- #else
- /* # not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* $ move to rear */ {m_rear, CURSOR, MVMT|INCL},
- /* % move to match */ {m_match, CURSOR, MVMT|INCL},
- /* & repeat subst */ {v_again, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT|NCOL|LNMD|INCL},
- /* ' move to a mark */ {m_tomark, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|FRNT|NREL|LNMD|INCL},
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- /* ( mv back sentence */ {m_bsentence, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- /* ) mv fwd sentence */ {m_fsentence, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- #else
- /* ( not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ) not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- /* * errlist */ {v_errlist, CURSOR, FRNT|NREL},
- #else
- /* * not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* + mv front next ln */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT|LNMD},
- /* , reverse [fFtT] cmd*/ {m__ch, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* , not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* - mv front prev ln */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT|LNMD},
- /* . special... */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* / forward search */ {m_fsrch, CURSOR_TEXT, MVMT|NREL},
- /* 0 part of count? */ {NO_FUNC, ZERO, MVMT|PTMV},
- /* 1 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 2 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 3 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 4 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 5 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 6 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 7 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 8 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* 9 part of count */ {NO_FUNC, DIGIT, PTMV},
- /* : run single EX cmd*/ {v_1ex, CURSOR_TEXT, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ; repeat [fFtT] cmd*/ {m__ch, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* ; not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* < shift text left */ {v_lshift, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT|FRNT|LNMD|INCL},
- /* = not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* > shift text right */ {v_rshift, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT|FRNT|LNMD|INCL},
- /* ? backward search */ {m_bsrch, CURSOR_TEXT, MVMT|NREL},
- #ifndef NO_AT
- /* @ execute a cutbuf */ {v_at, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, NO_FLAGS},
- #else
- /* @ undefined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* A append at EOL */ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* B move back Word */ {m_bword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT},
- /* C change to EOL */ {v_change, CURSOR_EOL, SDOT},
- /* D delete to EOL */ {v_delete, CURSOR_EOL, SDOT},
- /* E move end of Word */ {m_eword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|INCL},
- /* F move bk to char */ {m_Fch, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* F not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* G move to line # */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|NREL|LNMD|FRNT|INCL},
- /* H move to row */ {m_row, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT},
- /* I insert at front */ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* J join lines */ {v_join, CURSOR_COUNT, SDOT},
- /* K look up keyword */ {v_keyword, KEYWORD, NO_FLAGS},
- #else
- /* K not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* L move to last row */ {m_row, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT},
- /* M move to mid row */ {m_row, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|FRNT},
- /* N reverse prev srch*/ {m_Nsrch, CURSOR, MVMT},
- /* O insert above line*/ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* P paste before */ {v_paste, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NO_FLAGS},
- /* Q quit to EX mode */ {v_quit, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* R overtype */ {v_overtype, CURSOR, SDOT},
- /* S change line */ {v_change, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT},
- /* T move bk to char */ {m_Tch, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* T not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* U undo whole line */ {v_undoline, CURSOR, FRNT},
- /* V not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* W move forward Word*/ {m_fword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT},
- /* X delete to left */ {v_xchar, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* Y yank text */ {v_yank, CURSOR_MOVED, NCOL},
- /* Z save file & exit */ {v_xit, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, NO_FLAGS},
- /* [ move back section*/ {m_bsection, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|LNMD|NREL},
- /* \ not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ] move fwd section */ {m_fsection, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|LNMD|NREL},
- /* ^ move to front */ {m_front, CURSOR, MVMT},
- /* _ not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* ` move to mark */ {m_tomark, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|NREL},
- /* a append at cursor */ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* b move back word */ {m_bword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT},
- /* c change text */ {v_change, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT},
- /* d delete op */ {v_delete, CURSOR_MOVED, SDOT|NCOL},
- /* e move end word */ {m_eword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|INCL},
- /* f move fwd for char*/ {m_fch, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* f not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* g not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* h move left */ {m_left, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- /* i insert at cursor */ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* j move down */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|NCOL|LNMD},
- /* k move up */ {m_updnto, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT|NCOL|LNMD},
- /* l move right */ {m_right, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT},
- /* m define a mark */ {v_mark, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, NO_FLAGS},
- /* n repeat prev srch */ {m_nsrch, CURSOR, MVMT},
- /* o insert below line*/ {v_insert, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* p paste after */ {v_paste, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, NO_FLAGS},
- /* q not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* r replace chars */ {v_replace, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, SDOT},
- /* s subst N chars */ {v_subst, CURSOR_COUNT, SDOT},
- /* t move fwd to char */ {m_tch, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, MVMT|INCL},
- #else
- /* t not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- #endif
- /* u undo */ {v_undo, CURSOR, NO_FLAGS},
- /* v not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS},
- /* w move fwd word */ {m_fword, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, MVMT},
- /* x delete character */ {v_xchar, CURSOR_CNT_CMD, SDOT},
- /* y yank text */ {v_yank, CURSOR_MOVED, NCOL},
- /* z adjust scrn row */ {m_z, CURSOR_CNT_KEY, NCOL},
- /* { back paragraph */ {m_bparagraph, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT|LNMD},
- /* | move to column */ {m_tocol, CURSOR_COUNT, NREL},
- /* } fwd paragraph */ {m_fparagraph, CURSOR_COUNT, MVMT|LNMD},
- /* ~ upper/lowercase */ {v_ulcase, CURSOR_COUNT, SDOT},
- /* DEL not defined */ {NO_FUNC, NO_ARGS, NO_FLAGS}
- };
- void vi()
- {
- REG int key; /* keystroke from user */
- long count; /* numeric argument to some functions */
- REG struct keystru *keyptr;/* pointer to vikeys[] element */
- MARK tcurs; /* temporary cursor */
- int prevkey;/* previous key, if d/c/y/</>/! */
- MARK range; /* start of range for d/c/y/</>/! */
- char text[100];
- int dotkey; /* last "key" of a change */
- int dotpkey;/* last "prevkey" of a change */
- int dotkey2;/* last extra "getkey()" of a change */
- int dotcnt; /* last "count" of a change */
- int firstkey;
- REG int i;
- /* tell the redraw() function to start from scratch */
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- #ifdef lint
- /* lint says that "range" might be used before it is set. This
- * can't really happen due to the way "range" and "prevkey" are used,
- * but lint doesn't know that. This line is here ONLY to keep lint
- * happy.
- */
- range = 0L;
- #endif
- /* safeguard against '.' with no previous command */
- dotkey = 0;
- /* go immediately into insert mode, if ":set inputmode" */
- firstkey = 0;
- if (*o_inputmode)
- {
- firstkey = 'i';
- }
- #endif
- /* Repeatedly handle VI commands */
- for (count = 0, prevkey = '\0'; mode == MODE_VI; )
- {
- /* if we've moved off the undoable line, then we can't undo it at all */
- if (markline(cursor) != U_line)
- {
- U_line = 0L;
- }
- /* report any changes from the previous command */
- if (rptlines >= *o_report)
- {
- redraw(cursor, FALSE);
- msg("%ld lines %s", rptlines, rptlabel);
- }
- rptlines = 0L;
- /* get the next command key. It must be ASCII */
- if (firstkey)
- {
- key = firstkey;
- firstkey = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- key = getkey(WHEN_VICMD);
- } while (key < 0 || key > 127);
- }
- /* change cw and cW commands to ce and cE, respectively */
- /* (Why? because the real vi does it that way!) */
- if (prevkey == 'c')
- {
- if (key == 'w')
- key = 'e';
- else if (key == 'W')
- key = 'E';
- /* wouldn't work right at the end of a word unless we
- * backspace one character before doing the move. This
- * will fix most cases. !!! but not all.
- */
- if (markidx(cursor) > 0 && (key == 'e' || key == 'E'))
- {
- cursor--;
- }
- }
- /* look up the structure describing this command */
- keyptr = &vikeys[key];
- /* if we're in the middle of a d/c/y/</>/! command, reject
- * anything but movement or a doubled version like "dd".
- */
- if (prevkey && key != prevkey && !(keyptr->flags & (MVMT|PTMV)))
- {
- beep();
- prevkey = 0;
- count = 0;
- continue;
- }
- /* set the "dot" variables, if we're supposed to */
- if ((keyptr->flags & SDOT)
- || (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
- {
- dotkey = key;
- dotpkey = prevkey;
- dotkey2 = '\0';
- dotcnt = count;
- /* remember the line before any changes are made */
- if (U_line != markline(cursor))
- {
- U_line = markline(cursor);
- strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));
- }
- }
- /* if this is "." then set other vars from the "dot" vars */
- if (key == '.')
- {
- key = dotkey;
- keyptr = &vikeys[key];
- prevkey = dotpkey;
- if (prevkey)
- {
- range = cursor;
- }
- if (count == 0)
- {
- count = dotcnt;
- }
- doingdot = TRUE;
- /* remember the line before any changes are made */
- if (U_line != markline(cursor))
- {
- U_line = markline(cursor);
- strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- doingdot = FALSE;
- }
- /* process the key as a command */
- tcurs = cursor;
- switch (keyptr->args)
- {
- case ZERO:
- if (count == 0)
- {
- tcurs = cursor & ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- break;
- }
- /* else fall through & treat like other digits... */
- case DIGIT:
- count = count * 10 + key - '0';
- break;
- case KEYWORD:
- /* if not on a keyword, fail */
- pfetch(markline(cursor));
- key = markidx(cursor);
- if (isascii(ptext[key])
- && !isalnum(ptext[key]) && ptext[key] != '_')
- {
- tcurs = MARK_UNSET;
- break;
- }
- /* find the start of the keyword */
- while (key > 0 && (!isascii(ptext[key-1]) ||
- isalnum(ptext[key - 1]) || ptext[key - 1] == '_'))
- {
- key--;
- }
- tcurs = (cursor & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + key;
- /* copy it into a buffer, and NUL-terminate it */
- i = 0;
- do
- {
- text[i++] = ptext[key++];
- } while (!isascii(ptext[key]) || isalnum(ptext[key]) || ptext[key] == '_');
- text[i] = '\0';
- /* call the function */
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(text, tcurs, count);
- count = 0L;
- break;
- case NO_ARGS:
- if (keyptr->func)
- {
- (*keyptr->func)();
- }
- else
- {
- beep();
- }
- count = 0L;
- break;
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count);
- count = 0L;
- break;
- case CURSOR:
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor);
- count = 0L;
- break;
- if (doingdot)
- {
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, dotkey2);
- }
- else
- {
- /* get a key */
- i = getkey(0);
- if (i == '\033') /* ESC */
- {
- count = 0;
- tcurs = MARK_UNSET;
- break; /* exit from "case CURSOR_CNT_KEY" */
- }
- else if (i == ('V' & 0x1f))
- {
- i = getkey(0);
- }
- /* if part of an SDOT command, remember it */
- if (keyptr->flags & SDOT
- || (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
- {
- dotkey2 = i;
- }
- /* do it */
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, i);
- }
- count = 0L;
- break;
- /* '&' and uppercase keys always act like doubled */
- if (key == '&' || isascii(key) && isupper(key))
- {
- prevkey = key;
- }
- if (prevkey)
- {
- /* doubling up a command */
- if (!count) count = 1L;
- range = cursor;
- tcurs = range + MARK_AT_LINE(count - 1L);
- count = 0L;
- }
- else
- {
- prevkey = key;
- range = cursor;
- key = -1; /* so we don't think we doubled yet */
- }
- break;
- case CURSOR_EOL:
- prevkey = key;
- /* a zero-length line needs special treatment */
- pfetch(markline(cursor));
- if (plen == 0)
- {
- /* act on a zero-length section of text */
- range = tcurs = cursor;
- key = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- /* act like CURSOR_MOVED with '$' movement */
- range = cursor;
- tcurs = m_rear(cursor, 1L);
- key = '$';
- }
- count = 0L;
- keyptr = &vikeys[key];
- break;
- do
- {
- text[0] = key;
- if (vgets(key, text + 1, sizeof text - 1) >= 0)
- {
- /* reassure user that <CR> was hit */
- qaddch('\r');
- refresh();
- /* call the function with the text */
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, text);
- }
- else
- {
- if (exwrote || mode == MODE_COLON)
- {
- redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
- }
- mode = MODE_VI;
- }
- } while (mode == MODE_COLON);
- count = 0L;
- break;
- tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, key);
- count = 0L;
- break;
- }
- /* if that command took us out of vi mode, then exit the loop
- * NOW, without tweaking the cursor or anything. This is very
- * important when mode == MODE_QUIT.
- */
- if (mode != MODE_VI)
- {
- break;
- }
- /* now move the cursor, as appropriate */
- if (keyptr->args == CURSOR_MOVED)
- {
- /* the < and > keys have FRNT,
- * but it shouldn't be applied yet
- */
- tcurs = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- tcurs = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, (int)keyptr->flags);
- }
- /* was that the end of a d/c/y/</>/! command? */
- if (prevkey && (prevkey == key || (keyptr->flags & MVMT)) && count == 0L)
- {
- /* if the movement command failed, cancel operation */
- if (tcurs == MARK_UNSET)
- {
- prevkey = 0;
- count = 0;
- continue;
- }
- /* make sure range=front and tcurs=rear. Either way,
- * leave cursor=range since that's where we started.
- */
- cursor = range;
- if (tcurs < range)
- {
- range = tcurs;
- tcurs = cursor;
- }
- /* adjust for line mode & inclusion of last char/line */
- i = (keyptr->flags | vikeys[prevkey].flags);
- if (key == prevkey)
- {
- i |= (INCL|LNMD);
- }
- switch (i & (INCL|LNMD))
- {
- case INCL:
- tcurs++;
- break;
- case INCL|LNMD:
- tcurs += BLKSIZE;
- /* fall through... */
- case LNMD:
- range &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- tcurs &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- break;
- }
- /* run the function */
- tcurs = (*vikeys[prevkey].func)(range, tcurs);
- (void)adjmove(cursor, cursor, 0);
- cursor = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, (int)vikeys[prevkey].flags);
- /* cleanup */
- prevkey = 0;
- }
- else if (!prevkey)
- {
- cursor = tcurs;
- }
- }
- }
- /* This function adjusts the MARK value that they return; here we make sure
- * it isn't past the end of the line, and that the column hasn't been
- * *accidentally* changed.
- */
- MARK adjmove(old, new, flags)
- MARK old; /* the cursor position before the command */
- REG MARK new; /* the cursor position after the command */
- int flags; /* various flags regarding cursor mvmt */
- {
- static int colno; /* the column number that we want */
- REG char *text; /* used to scan through the line's text */
- REG int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- watch();
- #endif
- /* if the command failed, bag it! */
- if (new == MARK_UNSET)
- {
- beep();
- return old;
- }
- /* if this is a non-relative movement, set the '' mark */
- if (flags & NREL)
- {
- mark[26] = old;
- }
- /* make sure it isn't past the end of the file */
- if (markline(new) < 1)
- {
- new = MARK_FIRST;
- }
- else if (markline(new) > nlines)
- {
- new = MARK_LAST;
- }
- /* fetch the new line */
- pfetch(markline(new));
- /* move to the front, if we're supposed to */
- if (flags & FRNT)
- {
- new = m_front(new, 1L);
- }
- /* change the column#, or change the mark to suit the column# */
- if (!(flags & NCOL))
- {
- /* change the column# */
- i = markidx(new);
- if (i == BLKSIZE - 1)
- {
- new &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- if (plen > 0)
- {
- new += plen - 1;
- }
- colno = BLKSIZE * 8; /* one heck of a big colno */
- }
- else if (plen > 0)
- {
- if (i >= plen)
- {
- new = (new & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + plen - 1;
- }
- colno = idx2col(new, ptext, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- new &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- colno = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* adjust the mark to get as close as possible to column# */
- for (i = 0, text = ptext; i <= colno && *text; text++)
- {
- if (*text == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- i += *o_tabstop - (i % *o_tabstop);
- }
- else if (UCHAR(*text) < ' ' || *text == 127)
- {
- i += 2;
- }
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- else if (*o_charattr && text[0] == '\\' && text[1] == 'f' && text[2])
- {
- text += 2; /* plus one more in "for()" stmt */
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- i++;
- }
- }
- if (text > ptext)
- {
- text--;
- }
- new = (new & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + (int)(text - ptext);
- }
- return new;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- watch()
- {
- static wasset;
- if (*origname)
- {
- wasset = TRUE;
- }
- else if (wasset)
- {
- msg("origname was clobbered");
- endwin();
- abort();
- }
- if (nlines == 0)
- {
- msg("nlines=0");
- endwin();
- abort();
- }
- }
- #endif