"VidomiMessage24" = "RGB32 encode mode requires that the left and right crop settings be a multiple of 2 (0,2,4,...). The crop settings have been adjusted."
"VidomiMessage26" = "YV12 encode mode requires that the left and right crop settings be a multiple of 8 (0,8,16,...). The crop settings have been adjusted."
"VidomiMessage27" = "YV12 encode mode requires that the top and bottom crop settings be a multiple of 8 (0,8,16,...). The crop settings have been adjusted."
"VidomiMessage29" = "The DivX Networks encode settings are incorrect or have not been set. Please set the DivX Networks encode settings."
"VidomiAudioOptionsText7" = "Please Note: Playback of video files with multiple audio channels requires the use of Vidomi Player or a video player capable of multiple audio channel playback."
"VidomiMessage13Title" = "Failure in Video Write"
"VidomiMessage13" = "Vidomi Ran out of Memory to Store Index Data. Both Malloc and Realloc Failed. Unable to Continue."
"VidomiMessage14Title" = "Failure in Video Write"
"VidomiMessage14" = "Vidomi Ran out of Memory to Store Index Data. Both Malloc and Realloc Failed. Unable to Continue."
"VidomiMessage15Title" = "Failure in Video Write"
"VidomiMessage33Title" = "Abort Encode Operation"
"VidomiMessage33" = "You are Currently Encoding Video on this machine! Are you sure you want to abort this machines encode and Quit?"
"VidomiMessage36Title" = "Abort Encode Operation"
"VidomiMessage36" = "Should all network encodes started by this machine be aborted ?"
"VidomiNetworkOptionsHyperEncodeText2" = "When an encode job has a target of 2 CD's or more, the job will be subdivided into multiple jobs of equal encode size (one job per CD being generated)."
"VidomiSlaveOptionsDisplayIconText" = "Don't display the Vidomi icon in the tray when the slave is running. WARNING - You must edit the registry or uninstall && reinstall to reverse this change."
"Close" = "Close"
"VidomiStatisticsText18" = "Connection Status :"
"NETNotConnected" = "Not Connected"
"NETConnecting" = "Connecting"
"NETConnected" = "Connected"
"NETShortDelay" = "Delaying 10 Seconds Before Retry"
"NETLongDelay" = "Delaying 60 Seconds Before Retry"
"NETPermDown" = "Connection Permanently Down"
"VidomiRangeTotal" = "Total :"
"VidomiRangeSound" = "Sound"
"VidomiRangeCutNumberAdd" = "CutNr+"
"VidomiRangeCutNumberSub" = "CutNr-"
"VidomiRangeCutNumberClearCurrent" = "ClrCurr"
"VidomiRangeCutNumberClearAll" = "ClrAll"
"VidomiRangeCropTopAdd" = "Top+"
"VidomiRangeCropTopSub" = "Top-"
"VidomiRangeCropBotAdd" = "Bottom+"
"VidomiRangeCropBotSub" = "Bottom-"
"VidomiRangeCropLeftAdd" = "Left+"
"VidomiRangeCropLeftSub" = "Left-"
"VidomiRangeCropRightAdd" = "Right+"
"VidomiRangeCropRightSub" = "Right-"
"JobList" = "Job List"
"LoadJobList" = "Load Job List"
"SaveJobList" = "Save Job List"
"ClearJobList" = "Clear Job List"
"AppendJobList" = "Append Job List"
"VidomiMessage37Title" = "Load Job List"
"VidomiMessage37" = "The file doesn't appear to be a Vidomi Job List, or is a job list from a previous Version of Vidomi."
"VidomiMessage38Title" = "Load Job List"
"VidomiMessage38" = "Vidomi failed to load the entire job list"
"VidomiMessage39Title" = "Save Job List"
"VidomiMessage39" = "Vidomi wasn't able to save the entire job list file. Aborting Job List Save"
"VidomiRangeHyperCropLetters" = "HC"
##New Or Modified ##
"VidomiGeneralOptionsText17" = "Ignore All Settings and use MPEG Copy Code"
"EncodeModeNormal2pass" = "Normal Two Pass Codec (Two Pass)"
"VidomiOptionsSelectVideoCodec2P1" = "Select Video Codec Pass 1 Defaults"
"VidomiOptionsSelectVideoCodec2P2" = "Select Video Codec Pass 2 Defaults"
"EncodeModeNormal" = "Normal One Pass Codec (One Pass)"
"EncodeModeXvidHybrid" = "XVID Hybrid (One Pass)"
"EncodeServer" = "Encode Server"
"SubmitJobListToEncodeServer" = "Submit Job List To Encode Server"
"VidomiMessage40Title" = "Submit Job List To Encode Server"
"VidomiMessage40" = "Vidomi wasn't able to connect to the Encode Server or the Encode Server command failed"
"VidomiMessage41Title" = "Submit Job List To Encode Server"
"VidomiMessage41" = "Vidomi Sucessfully submitted all jobs"
"VidomiMessage42Title" = "Submit Job List To Encode Server"
"VidomiMessage42" = "One or more of the jobs failed to be submitted"
"VidomiMessage43Title" = "Submit Job List To Encode Server"
"VidomiMessage43" = "No valid jobs in job list to be submitted"