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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cLog;
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- { }
- { Log unit v3.02 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cLog.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 2002/02/07 v2.01 Added TLog component from cDebug to cSysUtils. }
- { 2002/09/04 v3.02 Moved TLog component to cLog unit. }
- { }
- { }
- { Log Component }
- { }
- type
- TLogClass = (lcInfo, lcError, lcWarning, lcDebug, lcEndRepeat,
- lcUserEventBegin, lcUserEventEnd);
- TLogEvent = Procedure (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass;
- const LogMsg : String) of object;
- TLogEditMessageEvent = Procedure (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass;
- var LogMsg : String) of object;
- TLogFileEvent = Procedure (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass;
- var LogMsg : String; var LogToFile : Boolean) of object;
- TLogOptions = Set of (loLogToFile, // Output log to a file
- loKeepFileOpen, // Keep log file open between messages
- loLogToDebugLog, // Log to system debug log (IDE)
- loNoLogEvent, // Don't generate log event
- loLogDate, // Include date in log message
- loLogTime, // Include time in log message
- loLogMilliSecDiff, // Include milliseconds since last log in message
- loIgnoreLogFailure, // Ignore log failures
- loCheckRepeats, // Log first and last of repeated messages
- loIgnoreClassDebug, // Ignore messages of class Debug
- loIgnoreClassError, // Ignore messages of class Error
- loIgnoreClassWarning, // Ignore messages of class Warning
- loIgnoreClassInfo); // Ignore messages of class Info
- TLog = class (TComponent)
- protected
- FOnLog : TLogEvent;
- FOnEditMessage : TLogEditMessageEvent;
- FOnLogFile : TLogFileEvent;
- FLogFile : TFileStream;
- FLogFileName : String;
- FLogOptions : TLogOptions;
- FLastLog : Cardinal;
- FLastLogMsg : String;
- FLogRepeatCount : Integer;
- FLogTo : TLog;
- Procedure SetLogFileName (const LogFileName : String);
- Procedure SetLogOptions (const LogOptions : TLogOptions);
- Procedure SetLogTo (const LogTo : TLog);
- Procedure Init; virtual;
- Procedure RaiseError (const Msg : String);
- Procedure Notification (AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation); override;
- Procedure TriggerLogMsg (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass;
- const LogMsg : String); virtual;
- Procedure Log (const LogClass : TLogClass; const LogMsg : String); overload;
- Procedure Log (const LogMsg : String); overload;
- Procedure LogDebug (const LogMsg : String);
- Procedure LogError (const LogMsg : String);
- Procedure LogWarning (const LogMsg : String);
- public
- Constructor Create (AOwner : TComponent); override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Procedure Log (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass;
- const LogMsg : String); overload; virtual;
- Procedure DeleteLogFile;
- Procedure LoadLogFileInto (const Destination : TStrings; const Size : Integer = -1);
- Property OnLog : TLogEvent read FOnLog write FOnLog;
- Property OnEditMessage : TLogEditMessageEvent read FOnEditMessage write FOnEditMessage;
- Property OnLogFile : TLogFileEvent read FOnLogFile write FOnLogFile;
- Property LogFileName : String read FLogFileName write SetLogFileName;
- Property LogOptions : TLogOptions read FLogOptions write SetLogOptions;
- Property LogTo : TLog read FLogTo write SetLogTo;
- end;
- ELog = class (Exception);
- { }
- { Application Log }
- { }
- Function AppLog : TLog;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- Windows,
- // Fundamentals
- cUtils,
- cStrings;
- { }
- { Log Component }
- { }
- Constructor TLog.Create (AOwner : TComponent);
- Begin
- inherited Create (AOwner);
- Init;
- End;
- Destructor TLog.Destroy;
- Begin
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Procedure TLog.Init;
- Begin
- FLogFileName := WithoutPrefix (ObjectClassName (self) + '.log', 'T');
- FLogOptions := [{$IFDEF DEBUG}loLogToDebugLog{$ENDIF}];
- FLastLog := GetTickCount;
- {$ENDIF}
- End;
- Procedure TLog.RaiseError (const Msg : String);
- Begin
- raise ELog.Create (Msg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.Notification (AComponent : TComponent; Operation : TOperation);
- Begin
- inherited Notification (AComponent, Operation);
- if Operation = opRemove then
- if AComponent = FLogTo then
- FLogTo := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TLog.SetLogFileName (const LogFileName : String);
- Begin
- if LogFileName = FLogFileName then
- exit;
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- FLogFileName := LogFileName;
- End;
- Procedure TLog.SetLogOptions (const LogOptions : TLogOptions);
- Begin
- if LogOptions = FLogOptions then
- exit;
- FLogOptions := LogOptions;
- if not (loLogToFile in LogOptions) or not (loKeepFileOpen in LogOptions) then
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.SetLogTo (const LogTo : TLog);
- var L : TLog;
- Begin
- if LogTo = FLogTo then
- exit;
- if LogTo = nil then
- begin
- FLogTo := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- L := LogTo;
- Repeat
- if L = self then
- RaiseError ('Circular LogTo reference');
- L := L.FLogTo;
- Until not Assigned (L);
- FLogTo := LogTo;
- End;
- Procedure TLog.TriggerLogMsg (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass; const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- End;
- Procedure TLog.Log (const Sender : TObject; const LogClass : TLogClass; const LogMsg : String);
- var S : String;
- N : TDateTime;
- I : Integer;
- T : Cardinal;
- R, F : Boolean;
- Begin
- try
- if Assigned (FLogTo) then
- FLogTo.Log (Sender, LogClass, LogMsg);
- except
- if not (loIgnoreLogFailure in FLogOptions) then
- raise;
- end;
- Case LogClass of
- lcDebug : if loIgnoreClassDebug in FLogOptions then exit;
- lcInfo : if loIgnoreClassInfo in FLogOptions then exit;
- lcError : if loIgnoreClassError in FLogOptions then exit;
- lcWarning : if loIgnoreClassWarning in FLogOptions then exit;
- end;
- try
- if loCheckRepeats in FLogOptions then
- begin
- if LogMsg = FLastLogMsg then
- begin
- Inc (FLogRepeatCount);
- exit;
- end;
- if FLogRepeatCount > 0 then
- begin
- I := FLogRepeatCount + 1;
- FLogRepeatCount := 0;
- Log (self, lcEndRepeat, IntToStr (I) + ' times');
- end;
- FLastLogMsg := LogMsg;
- end;
- S := LogMsg;
- if Assigned (FOnEditMessage) then
- FOnEditMessage (Sender, LogClass, S);
- if not (loNoLogEvent in FLogOptions) and Assigned (FOnLog) then
- FOnLog (Sender, LogClass, S);
- if loLogMilliSecDiff in FLogOptions then
- begin
- T := GetTickCount;
- S := PadLeft (IntToStr (T - FLastLog), ' ', 4, False) + ' ' + S;
- FLastLog := T;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if [loLogDate, loLogTime] * FLogOptions <> [] then
- begin
- N := Now;
- if loLogTime in FLogOptions then
- S := FormatDateTime ('hhnnss', N) + ' ' + S;
- if loLogDate in FLogOptions then
- S := FormatDateTime ('yymmdd', N) + ' ' + S;
- end;
- TriggerLogMsg (Sender, LogClass, S);
- if loLogToDebugLog in FLogOptions then
- OutputDebugString (PChar (S));
- {$ENDIF}
- if loLogToFile in FLogOptions then
- begin
- if FLogFileName = '' then
- exit;
- F := True;
- if Assigned (FOnLogFile) then
- FOnLogFile (Sender, LogClass, S, F);
- if not F then
- exit;
- R := False;
- if not Assigned (FLogFile) then
- try
- FLogFile := TFileStream.Create (FLogFileName, fmOpenReadWrite);
- R := True;
- except
- FLogFile := TFileStream.Create (FLogFileName, fmCreate);
- end;
- if R then
- FLogFile.Seek (0, soFromEnd);
- try
- if S <> '' then
- FLogFile.Write (Pointer (S)^, Length (S));
- FLogFile.Write (CRLF, Length (CRLF));
- finally
- if not (loKeepFileOpen in FLogOptions) then
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- end;
- end;
- except
- if not (loIgnoreLogFailure in FLogOptions) then
- raise;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TLog.Log (const LogClass : TLogClass; const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- Log (self, LogClass, LogMsg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.Log (const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- Log (lcInfo, LogMsg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.LogDebug (const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- Log (lcDebug, LogMsg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.LogError (const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- Log (lcError, LogMsg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.LogWarning (const LogMsg : String);
- Begin
- Log (lcWarning, LogMsg);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.DeleteLogFile;
- Begin
- if FLogFileName = '' then
- exit;
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- SysUtils.DeleteFile (FLogFileName);
- End;
- Procedure TLog.LoadLogFileInto (const Destination : TStrings; const Size : Integer);
- var S : Int64;
- C : Integer;
- L : String;
- Begin
- Destination.Clear;
- if Size = 0 then
- exit;
- FreeAndNil (FLogFile);
- try
- FLogFile := TFileStream.Create (FLogFileName, fmOpenReadWrite);
- except
- exit;
- end;
- S := FLogFile.Size;
- if S = 0 then
- exit;
- if Size < 0 then
- C := S else
- C := MinI (Size, S);
- FLogFile.Position := S - C;
- SetLength (L, C);
- FLogFile.Read (Pointer (L)^, C);
- // Remove incomplete first line
- TrimLeftInPlace (L, cs_AllChars - [#13, #10]);
- TrimLeftInPlace (L, [#13, #10]);
- Destination.Text := L;
- End;
- { }
- { Application Log }
- { }
- var
- FAppLog : TLog = nil;
- Function AppLog : TLog;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FAppLog) then
- begin
- FAppLog := TLog.Create (nil);
- FAppLog.LogFileName := ChangeFileExt (ParamStr (0), '.log');
- FAppLog.LogOptions := [
- loLogToFile,
- loLogDate, loLogTime
- {$IFNDEF DEBUG}, loIgnoreLogFailure, loIgnoreClassDebug{$ENDIF}
- ];
- end;
- Result := FAppLog;
- End;
- initialization
- finalization
- FreeAndNil (FAppLog);
- end.