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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cRegistry;
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- Windows,
- // Fundamentals
- cUtils;
- { }
- { Windows Registry functions v3.01 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cWindows.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { Description: }
- { Windows Registry functions. }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 2002/09/22 v3.01 Created cRegistry unit from cWindows. }
- { }
- { }
- { Registry }
- { }
- Procedure SplitRegName (const Name : String; var Key, ValueName : String);
- Function RegKeyExists (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String) : Boolean;
- Function RegValueExists (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : Boolean;
- Function RegSetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; const Value : Pointer;
- const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean; overload;
- Function RegSetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; const Value : Pointer;
- const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean; overload;
- Function SetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String;
- const Name : String; const Value : String) : Boolean; overload;
- Function SetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const Value : String) : Boolean; overload;
- Function SetRegistryDWord (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Function SetRegistryBinary (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name: String;
- const Value; const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- Function RegGetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; var RegValueType : Cardinal;
- var ValueBuf : Pointer; var ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean; overload;
- Function RegGetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; var RegValueType : Cardinal;
- var ValueBuf : Pointer; var ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean; overload;
- Function GetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : String; overload;
- Function GetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String) : String; overload;
- Function GetRegistryDWord (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : LongWord;
- Function DeleteRegistryValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : Boolean;
- Function DeleteRegistryKey (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String) : Boolean;
- Function ConnectRegistry (const MachineName : String; const RootKey : HKEY;
- var RemoteKey : HKEY) : Boolean;
- Function DisconnectRegistry (const RemoteKey : HKEY) : Boolean;
- Function EnumRegistryValues (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- var ValueList : StringArray) : Boolean;
- Function EnumRegistryKeys (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- var KeyList : StringArray) : Boolean;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils,
- // Fundamentals
- cStrings;
- { }
- { Registry }
- { }
- Procedure SplitRegName (const Name : String; var Key, ValueName : String);
- var S : String;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- S := WithoutSuffix (WithoutPrefix (Name, '\'), '\');
- I := Pos ('\', S, [foReverse]);
- if I <= 0 then
- begin
- Key := S;
- ValueName := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Key := CopyLeft (S, I - 1);
- ValueName := CopyFrom (S, I + 1);
- End;
- { Exists }
- Function RegKeyExists (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String) : Boolean;
- var Handle : HKEY;
- Begin
- if RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (Key), 0, KEY_READ, Handle) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- Result := True;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- end else
- Result := False;
- End;
- Function RegValueExists (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : Boolean;
- var Handle : HKEY;
- Begin
- if RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (Key), 0, KEY_READ, Handle) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- Result := RegQueryValueEx (Handle, Pointer (Name), nil, nil, nil, nil) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- end else
- Result := False;
- End;
- { Set }
- Function RegSetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; const Value : Pointer;
- const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- var D : DWORD;
- Handle : HKEY;
- Begin
- Result := False;
- if ValueSize < 0 then
- exit;
- if RegCreateKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (Key), 0, nil, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_WRITE, nil, Handle, @D) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then
- exit;
- Result := RegSetValueEx (Handle, Pointer (Name), 0, ValueType, Value, ValueSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- End;
- Function RegSetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; const Value : Pointer;
- const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- var K, N : String;
- Begin
- SplitRegName (Name, K, N);
- Result := RegSetValue (RootKey, K, N, ValueType, Value, ValueSize);
- End;
- Function SetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String; const Name : String; const Value : String) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegSetValue (RootKey, Key, Name, REG_SZ, PChar (Value), Length (Value) + 1);
- End;
- Function SetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String; const Value : String) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegSetValue (RootKey, Name, REG_SZ, PChar (Value), Length (Value) + 1);
- End;
- Function SetRegistryDWord (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String; const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegSetValue (RootKey, Name, REG_DWORD, @Value, Sizeof (LongWord));
- End;
- Function SetRegistryBinary (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name: String; const Value; const ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegSetValue (RootKey, Name, REG_BINARY, @Value, ValueSize);
- End;
- { Get }
- Function RegGetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; var RegValueType : Cardinal;
- var ValueBuf : Pointer; var ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- var Handle : HKEY;
- Buf : Pointer;
- BufSize : Cardinal;
- Begin
- Result := False;
- ValueSize := 0;
- ValueBuf := nil;
- if RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (Key), 0, KEY_READ, Handle) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then
- exit;
- BufSize := 0;
- RegQueryValueEx (Handle, Pointer (Name), nil, @RegValueType, nil, @BufSize);
- if BufSize <= 0 then
- exit;
- GetMem (Buf, BufSize);
- if RegQueryValueEx (Handle, Pointer (Name), nil, @RegValueType, Buf, @BufSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- ValueBuf := Buf;
- ValueSize := Integer (BufSize);
- Result := True;
- end;
- if not Result then
- FreeMem (Buf);
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- End;
- Function RegGetValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- const ValueType : Cardinal; var RegValueType : Cardinal;
- var ValueBuf : Pointer; var ValueSize : Integer) : Boolean;
- var K, N : String;
- Begin
- SplitRegName (Name, K, N);
- Result := RegGetValue (RootKey, K, N, ValueType, RegValueType, ValueBuf, ValueSize);
- End;
- Function GetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : String;
- var Buf : Pointer;
- Size : Integer;
- VType : Cardinal;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- if not RegGetValue (RootKey, Key, Name, REG_SZ, VType, Buf, Size) then
- exit;
- if (VType = REG_DWORD) and (Size >= Sizeof (LongWord)) then
- Result := IntToStr (PLongWord (Buf)^) else
- begin
- SetLength (Result, Size);
- MoveMem (Buf^, Pointer (Result)^, Size);
- end;
- FreeMem (Buf);
- End;
- Function GetRegistryString (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String) : String;
- var K, N : String;
- Begin
- SplitRegName (Name, K, N);
- Result := GetRegistryString (RootKey, K, N);
- End;
- Function GetRegistryDWord (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : LongWord;
- var Buf : Pointer;
- Size : Integer;
- VType : Cardinal;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- if not RegGetValue (RootKey, Key, Name, REG_DWORD, VType, Buf, Size) then
- exit;
- if (VType = REG_DWORD) and (Size >= Sizeof (LongWord)) then
- Result := PLongWord (Buf)^;
- FreeMem (Buf);
- End;
- { Delete }
- Function DeleteRegistryValue (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name : String) : Boolean;
- var Handle : HKEY;
- Begin
- if RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (Key), 0, KEY_WRITE, Handle) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- Result := RegDeleteValue (Handle, Pointer (Name)) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- end else
- Result := False;
- End;
- Function DeleteRegistryKey (const RootKey : HKEY; const Key : String) : Boolean;
- var Handle : HKEY;
- K, N : String;
- Begin
- SplitRegName (Key, K, N);
- if RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar (K), 0, KEY_WRITE, Handle) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- Result := RegDeleteKey (Handle, Pointer (N)) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- end else
- Result := False;
- End;
- { Remote Registries }
- Function ConnectRegistry (const MachineName : String; const RootKey : HKEY;
- var RemoteKey : HKEY) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegConnectRegistry (PChar (MachineName), RootKey, RemoteKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- End;
- Function DisconnectRegistry (const RemoteKey : HKEY) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegCloseKey (RemoteKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- End;
- { Enumerate }
- Function RegEnum (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String;
- var ResultList : StringArray; const DoKeys : Boolean) : Boolean;
- var Buf : Array [0..2047] of Char;
- BufSize : Cardinal;
- I : Integer;
- Res : Integer;
- S : String;
- Handle : HKEY;
- Begin
- ResultList := nil;
- Result := RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, PChar(Name), 0, KEY_READ, Handle) = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- I := 0;
- Repeat
- BufSize := Sizeof (Buf);
- if DoKeys then
- Res := RegEnumKeyEx (Handle, I, @Buf [0], BufSize, nil, nil, nil, nil)
- else
- Res := RegEnumValue (Handle, I, @Buf [0], BufSize, nil, nil, nil, nil);
- if Res = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- SetLength (S, BufSize);
- if BufSize > 0 then
- MoveMem (Buf [0], Pointer (S)^, BufSize);
- Append (ResultList, S);
- Inc (I);
- end;
- Until Res <> ERROR_SUCCESS;
- RegCloseKey (Handle);
- End;
- Function EnumRegistryValues (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String; var ValueList : StringArray) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegEnum (RootKey, Name, ValueList, False);
- End;
- Function EnumRegistryKeys (const RootKey : HKEY; const Name : String; var KeyList : StringArray) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RegEnum (RootKey, Name, KeyList, True);
- End;
- end.