home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cFileUtils;
- { }
- { File utility functions v3.01 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cFileUtils.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 01/06/2002 3.01 Created cFileUtils from cSysUtils. }
- { }
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils;
- { }
- { Path functions }
- { }
- const
- PathSeparator = '/';
- {$ENDIF}
- PathSeparator = '\';
- {$ENDIF}
- Function UnixPathToWindowsPath (const Path : String) : String;
- Function WindowsPathToUnixPath (const Path : String) : String;
- Function StringToValidFileName (const S : String) : String;
- Function PathWithSlashSuffix (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function PathWithoutSlashSuffix (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function PathLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function PathRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function PathWithoutLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function PathWithoutRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Procedure PathSplitLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char;
- var LeftElement, RightElement : String);
- Procedure PathSplitRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char;
- var LeftElement, RightElement : String);
- Function MergeFilePath (const Path : String; const FileName : String;
- const PathSep : Char = PathSeparator) : String;
- Function IsAbsolutePath (const Path : String) : Boolean;
- Function ExpandPath (const Path, DefaultPath : String) : String;
- { }
- { File operations }
- { MoveFile will first attempt a rename, then a copy&delete. }
- { }
- type
- EFileError = class (Exception);
- Function GetFileSize (const FileName : String) : Int64;
- Function GetFileDateTime (const FileName : String) : TDateTime;
- Function GetFirstFileNameMatching (const FileMask : String) : String;
- Function FileHasAttr (const FileName : String; const Attr : Word) : Boolean;
- Procedure CopyFile (const FileName, DestName : String);
- Procedure MoveFile (const FileName, DestName : String);
- Function DeleteFiles (const FileMask : String) : Boolean;
- implementation
- uses
- // Fundamentals
- cStrings;
- { }
- { Path functions }
- { }
- Function UnixPathToWindowsPath (const Path : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := Replace ('/', '\', Replace (['\', ':', '"', '<', '>', '|'], '_', Path));
- End;
- { Network path: \\ ---> / }
- { Device path: \\.\ ---> / }
- { Drive letter: X: ---> X/ }
- Function WindowsPathToUnixPath (const Path : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := Path;
- if Length (Result) >= 2 then
- if Result [2] = ':' then // drive letter
- Result [2] := '/' else
- if (Result [1] = '\') and (Result [2] = '\') then
- if (Length (Result) >= 3) and (Result [3] = '.') then
- Delete (Result, 1, 3) else // device path
- Delete (Result, 1, 1); // network path
- Result := Replace ('\', '/', Replace (['/', ':', '"', '<', '>', '|'], '_', Path));
- End;
- Function StringToValidFileName (const S : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := Replace (['\', '/', ':', '>', '<', '*', '?'], '_', S);
- End;
- Function PathWithSlashSuffix (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := Path;
- if Result = '' then
- exit;
- EnsureSuffix (Result, PathSep);
- End;
- Function PathWithoutSlashSuffix (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := Path;
- EnsureNoSuffix (Result, PathSep);
- End;
- Function PathLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := CopyBefore (Path, PathSep, True);
- End;
- Function PathRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := CopyFrom (Path, Pos (PathSep, Path, [foReverse]) + 1);
- End;
- Function PathWithoutLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := CopyAfter (Path, PathSep, False);
- End;
- Function PathWithoutRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- Result := CopyBefore (Path, PathSep, False, [foReverse]);
- End;
- Procedure PathSplitLeftElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char; var LeftElement, RightElement : String);
- Begin
- Split (Path, PathSep, LeftElement, RightElement, True, splitCenter, []);
- End;
- Procedure PathSplitRightElement (const Path : String; const PathSep : Char; var LeftElement, RightElement : String);
- Begin
- Split (Path, PathSep, LeftElement, RightElement, False, splitCenter, [foReverse]);
- if (LeftElement = '') and (RightElement = '') then
- RightElement := Path;
- End;
- Function MergeFilePath (const Path : String; const FileName : String; const PathSep : Char) : String;
- Begin
- if Path = '' then
- Result := FileName else
- begin
- Result := Path;
- EnsureSuffix (Result, PathSep);
- Result := Result + FileName;
- end;
- End;
- Function ExpandPath (const Path, DefaultPath : String) : String;
- Begin
- if Path = '' then
- Result := DefaultPath else
- Result := PathWithSlashSuffix (Path);
- if Result <> '' then
- Result := ExpandFileName (Result);
- End;
- Function IsAbsolutePath (const Path : String) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Path);
- if L = 0 then
- Result := False else
- if Path [1] = '\' then
- Result := True else
- if L = 1 then
- Result := False else
- if Path [2] = ':' then
- Result := True else // c:xxx considered absolute
- Result := False;
- End;
- { }
- { File operations }
- { }
- Function GetFileSize (const FileName : String) : Int64;
- var SRec : TSearchRec;
- Begin
- if FindFirst (FileName, faAnyFile, SRec) <> 0 then
- Result := -1 else
- begin
- Int64Rec (Result).Lo := SRec.FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- Int64Rec (Result).Hi := SRec.FindData.nFileSizeHigh;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := SRec.Size;
- {$ENDIF}
- FindClose (SRec);
- end;
- End;
- Function GetFileDateTime (const FileName : String) : TDateTime;
- var Age : LongInt;
- Begin
- Age := FileAge (FileName);
- if Age = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- Result := FileDateToDateTime (Age);
- End;
- Function GetFirstFileNameMatching (const FileMask : String) : String;
- var SRec : TSearchRec;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- if FindFirst (FileMask, faAnyFile, SRec) = 0 then
- try
- Repeat
- if SRec.Attr and faDirectory = 0 then
- begin
- Result := ExtractFilePath (FileMask) + SRec.Name;
- exit;
- end;
- Until FindNext (SRec) <> 0;
- finally
- FindClose (SRec);
- end;
- End;
- Function FileHasAttr (const FileName : String; const Attr : Word) : Boolean;
- var A : Integer;
- Begin
- A := FileGetAttr (FileName);
- Result := (A >= 0) and (A and Attr <> 0);
- End;
- Procedure CopyFile (const FileName, DestName : String);
- var
- CopyBuffer : Pointer;
- BytesCopied : Longint;
- Source, Dest : Integer;
- Destination : TFileName;
- const
- ChunkSize = 8192;
- Begin
- Destination := ExpandFileName (DestName);
- if FileHasAttr (Destination, faDirectory) then // if destination is a directory, append file name
- Destination := Destination + '\' + ExtractFileName (FileName);
- GetMem (CopyBuffer, ChunkSize);
- try
- Source := FileOpen (FileName, fmShareDenyWrite);
- if Source < 0 then
- raise EFileError.CreateFmt ('Can not open file %s', [FileName]);
- try
- Dest := FileCreate (Destination);
- if Dest < 0 then
- raise EFileError.CreateFmt('Can not create file %s', [Destination]);
- try
- Repeat
- BytesCopied := FileRead (Source, CopyBuffer^, ChunkSize);
- if BytesCopied > 0 then
- FileWrite (Dest, CopyBuffer^, BytesCopied);
- Until BytesCopied < ChunkSize;
- finally
- FileClose (Dest);
- end;
- finally
- FileClose (Source);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem (CopyBuffer, ChunkSize);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure MoveFile (const FileName, DestName : String);
- var Destination : String;
- Attr : Integer;
- Begin
- Destination := ExpandFileName (DestName);
- if not RenameFile (FileName, Destination) then
- begin
- Attr := FileGetAttr (FileName);
- if (Attr < 0) or (Attr and faReadOnly <> 0) then
- raise EFileError.Create (Format ('Can not move file %s', [FileName]));
- CopyFile (FileName, Destination);
- DeleteFile (FileName);
- end;
- End;
- Function DeleteFiles (const FileMask : String) : Boolean;
- var SRec : TSearchRec;
- Path : String;
- Begin
- Result := FindFirst (FileMask, faAnyFile, SRec) = 0;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- try
- Path := ExtractFilePath (FileMask);
- Repeat
- if (SRec.Name <> '') and (SRec.Name <> '.') and (SRec.Name <> '..') and
- (SRec.Attr and (faVolumeID + faDirectory) = 0) then
- begin
- Result := DeleteFile (Path + SRec.Name);
- if not Result then
- break;
- end;
- Until FindNext (SRec) <> 0;
- finally
- FindClose (SRec);
- end;
- End;
- end.