home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;
- ; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
- ; $Revision: 1.3 $
- ; $Date: 08 Dec 2001 18:04:38 $
- ; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/MultiOs/PPWIZARD/w32setup.rex.pvcs $
- ;
- ; DESCRIPTION: Gets renamed to SETUP.REX and is called after unpacking
- ; of the Windows self extracting EXE to start install.
- ;
- ; If the zip is downloaded the user must execute this
- ; command:
- ;
- ; regina.exe setup.rex
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--- If the directory is not valid then stop -------------------------------*/
- trace off;
- if stream("SETUP.REX", 'c', 'query exists') = '' then
- do
- say 'The current directory is "' || directory() || '" which does not';
- say 'appear to be correct. You will need to change to the directory'
- say 'where you installed ppwizard and type "W32SETUP"!'
- say '';
- address system '%COMSPEC% /K ver';
- exit(255);
- end;
- /*--- Which operating system are we on --------------------------------------*/
- parse value uname() with OpSys .
- say 'This is the "' || OpSys || '" operating system.'
- /*--- Now load the setup option file ----------------------------------------*/
- DoSetup = 'Y';
- DebugSu = 'N';
- OptFile = 'W32SETUP.TXT'
- CloseRc = stream(OptFile, 'c', 'close');
- do while lines(OptFile) <> 0
- ThisLine = strip(linein(OptFile));
- if ThisLine <> '' & left(ThisLine, 1) <> ';' then
- do
- say 'USEROPT(1): ' || ThisLine;
- interpret ThisLine;
- end;
- end;
- CloseRc = stream(OptFile, 'c', 'close');
- call DebugPause 'Finished loading user options from "' || OptFile || '"'
- /*--- Exit if user does not wish to do any setup ----------------------------*/
- DoSetup = translate(DoSetup);
- if DoSetup = 'N' | DoSetup = 'NO' then
- do
- /*--- User does not wish to do any setup ---------------------------------*/
- say ''
- say '***'
- say '*** You have indicated that you do not wish setup performed!'
- say '***'
- say ''
- address system 'pause';
- exit(0);
- end;
- /*--- Where are we? ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- say 'Installing into the "' || directory() || '" directory.'
- say ''
- /*--- Take appropriate action -----------------------------------------------*/
- if OpSys <> 'WIN95' & OpSys <> 'WIN98' & OpSys <> 'WINME' then
- do
- /*--- Simply let REGIT do all the work -----------------------------------*/
- say 'Processing "PPW_NT.RIT"'
- address system 'regina.exe RegIt.REX PPW_NT.RIT'
- end;
- else
- do
- /*--- We can do some work via REGIT --------------------------------------*/
- say 'Processing "PPW_95.RIT"'
- address system 'regina.exe RegIt.REX ppw_95.RIT' /* Win95 can't load "W32UTIL.DLL" */
- /*--- The rest involves updating autoexec.bat ----------------------------*/
- call DebugPause 'Updating "AUTOEXEC.BAT" if required'
- call UpdateWin98AutoexecBat;
- end;
- /*--- Generate the test html ------------------------------------------------*/
- call DebugPause 'Testing PPWIZARD by generating "TRYME.HTM"'
- address system 'regina.exe ppwizard.rex TRYME.IT'
- call DebugPause 'Displaying the generated "TRYME.HTM"'
- address system 'start tryme.htm'
- call DebugPause 'Done';
- exit(0);
- /*===========================================================================*/
- DebugPause:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- say '@' || SIGL || ': ' || arg(1);
- if DebugSu = 'Y' then
- address system 'pause';
- return;
- /*===========================================================================*/
- UpdateWin98AutoexecBat:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- /*
- * Note Microsoft Windows 95/98 have a MAJOR bug in the command processor
- * which prevents you from determining whether a command works or not!
- */
- /*--- Initialization -----------------------------------------------------*/
- ConfigFile = "c:\autoexec.bat";
- BackupFile = "c:\autoexec.ppw";
- TmpNewFile = "c:\ea_bat.new";
- LogFile = "c:\ppwizard.log";
- CloseRc = stream(LogFile, 'c', 'close');
- if stream(LogFile, 'c', 'query exists') <> '' then
- address system 'del ' || LogFile;
- call LogIt ""
- call LogIt "Starting at: " || date() || ', ' || time();
- call SayIt "Installing PPWIZARD onto Windows 95 or 98 machine";
- /*--- Make sure we have a backup of the original "autoexec.bat" ----------*/
- if stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'query exists') <> '' then
- do
- /*--- There is a config file to backup, have a backup already? -------*/
- if stream(BackupFile, 'c', 'query exists') = '' then
- do
- /*--- No backup, so make one (at least do our best) --------------*/
- call SayIt 'Creating backup of "' || ConfigFile || '" called "' || BackupFile || '"'
- address system 'attrib -H -R ' || ConfigFile;
- address system 'type ' || ConfigFile || ' > ' || BackupFile; /* type should always work... (Thanks again MS) */
- end;
- end;
- /*--- Work out where we are ----------------------------------------------*/
- parse source . . SourceFileName;
- SlashPos = lastpos('\', SourceFileName);
- if SlashPos = 0 then
- Die("Bug in regina? Could not determine current path.");
- ThisDir = translate(left(SourceFileName, SlashPos-1));
- NeedInPath = '"' || ThisDir || '"';
- /*--- Simple if not config file currently exists -------------------------*/
- StartReginaLine = "SET REGINA_MACROS=";
- ReginaNeeds = StartReginaLine || ThisDir;
- if stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'query exists') = '' then
- do
- /*--- No config file exists so just create one -----------------------*/
- call SayIt 'Creating a new "' || ConfigFile || '" files as none currently exists'
- call lineout ConfigFile, "PATH=" || NeedInPath;
- call lineout ConfigFile, ReginaNeeds;
- CloseRc = stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'close');
- end;
- else
- do
- /*--- File exists so need to update it -------------------------------*/
- call SayIt 'Scanning existing "' || ConfigFile || '" file'
- CloseRc = stream(TmpNewFile, 'c', 'close');
- if stream(TmpNewFile, 'c', 'query exists') <> '' then
- address system 'del ' || TmpNewFile;
- /*--- Read configuration line by line --------------------------------*/
- FoundReginaLine = 'N';
- FoundPathLine = 'N';
- MadeChanges = 'N';
- LineNumber = 0;
- CloseRc = stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'close');
- do while lines(ConfigFile) <> 0
- /*--- Read the current line --------------------------------------*/
- CurrentLine = linein(ConfigFile);
- CurrentLineU = translate(CurrentLine);
- LineNumber = LineNumber + 1;
- call LogIt ' * Line #' || LineNumber || ': ' || CurrentLine;
- /*--- Process the file -------------------------------------------*/
- select
- /**************************************************/
- when pos(StartReginaLine, CurrentLineU) <> 0 then
- /**************************************************/
- do
- /*--- Found existing regina line -------------------------*/
- FoundReginaLine = 'Y';
- if pos(ThisDir, CurrentLineU) = 0 then
- do
- /*--- Dir not yet in REGINA_MACROS -------------------*/
- do while right(CurrentLine, 1) = ';'
- CurrentLine = left(CurrentLine, length(CurrentLine)-1);
- end;
- CurrentLine = CurrentLine || ';' || ThisDir;
- MadeChanges = 'Y';
- call LogIt ' ===> #' || LineNumber || ': ' || CurrentLine;
- end;
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--- Found existing regina line -------------------------*/
- /*
- FoundReginaLine = 'Y';
- if CurrentLine <> ReginaNeeds then
- do
- CurrentLine = ReginaNeeds;
- MadeChanges = 'Y';
- call LogIt ' ===> #' || LineNumber || ': ' || CurrentLine;
- end;
- */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- end;
- /**************************************************/
- when pos("PATH=", CurrentLineU) <> 0 | pos("PATH ", CurrentLineU) <> 0 then
- /**************************************************/
- do
- /*--- Lets make sure not "INCLUDE_PATH=" or similar ------*/
- PathPos = pos("PATH", CurrentLineU);
- if PathPos = 1 then
- OK = 'Y' /* PATH begins the line */
- else
- do
- /*--- Must be space before "PATH" --------------------*/
- if substr(CurrentLineU, PathPos-1, 1) = ' ' then
- OK = 'Y'
- else
- OK = 'N' /*Something else...*/
- end;
- /*--- Valid PATH line? -----------------------------------*/
- if OK = 'Y' then
- do
- /*--- Found one --------------------------------------*/
- FoundPathLine = 'Y';
- if pos(NeedInPath, CurrentLineU) = 0 then
- do
- /*--- Dir not yet in path ----------------------------*/
- do while right(CurrentLine, 1) = ';'
- CurrentLine = left(CurrentLine, length(CurrentLine)-1);
- end;
- CurrentLine = CurrentLine || ';' || NeedInPath;
- MadeChanges = 'Y';
- call LogIt ' ===> #' || LineNumber || ': ' || CurrentLine;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- /**************************************************/
- otherwise
- /**************************************************/
- do
- /*--- Ignore other lines ---------------------------------*/
- end;
- end;
- /*--- Line should never contain EOF char -------------------------*/
- CurrentLine = translate(CurrentLine, ' ', '1A'x)
- /*--- Output to the temporary file -------------------------------*/
- call lineout TmpNewFile, CurrentLine;
- end;
- CloseRc = stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'close');
- /*--- Add any required lines -----------------------------------------*/
- if FoundPathLine = 'N' then
- call AddNewLine "PATH=" || NeedInPath;
- if FoundReginaLine = 'N' then
- call AddNewLine ReginaNeeds;
- CloseRc = stream(TmpNewFile, 'c', 'close');
- /*--- If any changes were required then update autoexec.bat ----------*/
- if MadeChanges = 'N' then
- call SayIt '"' || ConfigFile || '" did not need to be changed'
- else
- do
- call SayIt '"' || ConfigFile || '" is being updated'
- address system 'copy ' || TmpNewFile || ' ' || ConfigFile;
- /*--- Double Check OK --------------------------------------------*/
- if stream(ConfigFile, 'c', 'query size') <> stream(TmpNewFile, 'c', 'query size') then
- Die("Did not successfully update configuration file!");
- end;
- end;
- return(0);
- /*===========================================================================*/
- AddNewLine:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- MadeChanges = 'Y';
- LineNumber = LineNumber + 1;
- NewLine = "PATH=" || NeedInPath;
- call LogIt ' ===> #' || LineNumber || ': ' || arg(1);
- call lineout TmpNewFile, arg(1);
- return;
- /*===========================================================================*/
- SayIt:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- say arg(1);
- call LogIt arg(1);
- return;
- /*===========================================================================*/
- LogIt:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- call lineout LogFile, arg(1);
- CloseRc = stream(LogFile, 'c', 'close');
- return;
- /*===========================================================================*/
- Die:
- /*===========================================================================*/
- ExitRc = SIGL;
- call Sayit ''
- call Sayit 'ERROR'
- call Sayit '~~~~~'
- call Sayit arg(1);
- exit(ExitRc);