home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Generator : PPWIZARD version 01.340
- * : FREE tool for Windows, OS/2, DOS and UNIX by Dennis Bareis (dbareis@labyrinth.net.au)
- * : http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/ppwizard.htm
- * Time : Saturday, 8 Dec 2001 4:54:35pm
- * Input File : C:\DBAREIS\Projects\Win32\RegIt\REGIT.x
- * Output File : C:\DBAREIS\Projects\Win32\RegIt\out\REGIT.rex
- */
- if arg(1)="!CheckSyntax!" then exit(21924)
- /*
- * REGIT: Makes associations (including Right-Click on objects) easier
- *
- * Note ppwizard makes a good front end for this and gives you
- * more programability, conditional inclusion as well as file
- * inclusion.
- *
- * Get the latest version from:
- *
- * http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/index.htm
- *
- */
- /* Need to add:
- *
- * add standard trap handlers etc
- *
- * Add debug code/mode
- *
- */
- LineNum = ''
- PgmVersion = '01.342'
- ShownHeader = 'N'
- trace off
- call MakeSureRequiredDllsAreAvailable
- VarStart = '$['
- VarEnd = ']'
- VarStartL = length(VarStart)
- VarEndL = length(VarEnd)
- IncludeLvl = 1
- LineNum.IncludeLvl = 0
- signal on NOVALUE name RexxTrapUninitializedVariable
- signal on SYNTAX name RexxTrapSyntaxError
- /*
- * REPLSTR.XH Version 99.134 By Dennis Bareis
- * http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/index.htm (db0@anz.com)
- */
- ReplaceCount = 0
- signal EndREPLSTR
- ReplaceString:
- parse arg rs?TheString, rs?ChangeFrom
- rs?FoundPosn = pos(rs?ChangeFrom, rs?TheString)
- if rs?FoundPosn = 0 then
- return(rs?TheString)
- rs?ChangeTo = arg(3)
- rs?ChangeFromLength = length(rs?ChangeFrom)
- rs?LeftPart = ''
- do until rs?FoundPosn = 0
- rs?LeftPart = rs?LeftPart || left(rs?TheString, rs?FoundPosn-1) || rs?ChangeTo
- rs?TheString = substr(rs?TheString, rs?FoundPosn+rs?ChangeFromLength)
- ReplaceCount = ReplaceCount + 1
- rs?FoundPosn = pos(rs?ChangeFrom, rs?TheString)
- end
- return(rs?LeftPart || rs?TheString)
- RitFile = strip(arg(1))
- RitFileF = stream(RitFile, 'c', 'query exists')
- if RitFileF <> '' then
- RitFile = RitFileF
- else
- do
- RitFileE = RitFile || '.rit'
- RitFileF = stream(RitFileE, 'c', 'query exists')
- if RitFileF <> '' then
- RitFile = RitFileF
- else
- do
- call ShowSyntax
- Die('The ASSOCIATE file "' || RitFile || '" does not exist!')
- end
- end
- Colon2 = ';' || ';'
- EofChar = '1A'x
- LineBuffer = ''
- WithinRexx = ''
- InFile.IncludeLvl = RitFile
- CloseRc = stream(InFile.IncludeLvl, 'c', 'close')
- do while IncludeLvl >= 1 | LineBuffer <> ''
- if LineBuffer <> '' then
- do
- CurrentLine = LineBuffer
- LineBuffer = ''
- end
- else
- do
- if lines(InFile.IncludeLvl) = 0 then
- do
- CloseRc = stream(InFile.IncludeLvl, 'c', 'close')
- IncludeLvl = IncludeLvl - 1
- iterate
- end
- CurrentLine = strip(linein(InFile.IncludeLvl))
- LineNum.IncludeLvl = LineNum.IncludeLvl + 1
- end
- ScriptLine = CurrentLine
- CurrentLine = strip(translate(CurrentLine, ' ', EofChar))
- if CurrentLine = '' then
- iterate
- if left(CurrentLine, 1) = ';' then
- iterate
- InLinePos = lastpos(Colon2, CurrentLine)
- if InLinePos <> 0 then
- CurrentLine = strip(left(CurrentLine, InLinePos-1))
- parse var CurrentLine Word1 .
- Word1 = translate(Word1)
- if Word1 <> 'IF' then
- CurrentLine = ExpandVariables(CurrentLine)
- if WithinRexx <> '' then
- do
- if CurrentLine = '}' then
- do
- call ExecuteRexx RexxBlock
- WithinRexx = ''
- end
- else
- do
- if RexxBlock <> '' then
- RexxBlock = RexxBlock || '0A'x
- RexxBlock = RexxBlock || CurrentLine
- end
- iterate
- end
- parse var CurrentLine Word1 AfterWord1Ws
- Word1 = translate(Word1)
- AfterWord1 = strip(AfterWord1Ws)
- select
- when translate(CurrentLine) = 'EOF' then
- leave
- when CurrentLine = '{' then
- do
- RexxBlock = ''
- WithinRexx = LineNum.IncludeLvl
- end
- when Word1 = 'VERSION' then
- do
- if FixVersion(AfterWord1) > FixVersion(PgmVersion) then
- Die('This script requires REGIT.REX to be at least version "' || AfterWord1 || '" but it is "' || PgmVersion || '".')
- end
- when Word1 = 'SAY' then
- say strip(AfterWord1Ws, 'T')
- when Word1 = 'PATH' | Word1 = 'PATHEXT' then
- call HandlePathTypeRegEnvVar Word1
- when Word1 = 'PATHTYPE' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 Word1 AfterWord1Ws
- AfterWord1 = strip(AfterWord1Ws)
- call HandlePathTypeRegEnvVar Word1
- end
- when Word1 = 'ENVVAR' then
- call HandleEnvironmentVariable
- when Word1 = 'REQUIRED' then
- call RequiredFile(AfterWord1)
- when Word1 = 'REXX' then
- do
- call ExecuteRexx AfterWord1
- end
- when Word1 = 'IF' then
- do
- LookFor = ' THEN '
- AfterWord1U = translate(AfterWord1)
- ThenPos = pos(LookFor, AfterWord1U)
- if ThenPos = 0 then
- Die('"THEN" missing')
- IfResult = 0
- IfTest = 'IfResult = ( ' || strip(left(AfterWord1, ThenPos-1)) || ' )'
- call ExecuteRexx IfTest
- if IfResult = 1 then
- LineBuffer = strip(substr(AfterWord1, ThenPos+length(LookFor)))
- end
- when Word1 = 'DEFINE' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 VarName '=' VarContents
- Alias = 'VAR_' || c2x(strip(VarName))
- call value Alias, VarContents
- end
- when Word1 = 'INCLUDE' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 '"' FileParm '"' .
- FileParmFull = stream(FileParm, 'c', 'query exists')
- if FileParmFull = '' then
- do
- Die('Could not find the include file "' || FileParm || '"')
- end
- IncludeLvl = IncludeLvl + 1
- LineNum.IncludeLvl = 0
- InFile.IncludeLvl = FileParmFull
- end
- when Word1 = 'ASSOC' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssExtn '=' AssName
- AssExtn = strip(AssExtn)
- AssName = strip(AssName)
- if AssName = '' then
- do
- hRoot = w32RegOpenKey("CLASSES_ROOT")
- if hRoot <> 0 then
- call w32RegDeleteKey hRoot, AssExtn
- end
- else
- do
- hAss = w32RegCreateKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssExtn)
- call w32RegSetValue hAss, '', 'REG_SZ', AssName
- end
- end
- when Word1 = 'ASSOCMIME' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssExtn '=' AssMimeType
- AssExtn = strip(AssExtn)
- AssMimeType = strip(AssMimeType)
- if AssMimeType = '' then
- do
- hExtn = w32RegOpenKey("CLASSES_ROOT", AssExtn)
- if hExtn <> 0 then
- call w32RegDeleteKey hExtn, 'Content Type'
- Die('ASSOCMIME does not yet support deletion')
- end
- else
- do
- hAss = w32RegOpenKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssExtn)
- call w32RegSetValue hAss, 'Content Type', 'REG_SZ', AssMimeType
- end
- end
- when Word1 = 'FTYPE' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssName '/' AssOpenTitle '/' AssCommand
- AssName = strip(AssName)
- AssOpenTitle = strip(AssOpenTitle)
- if AssCommand = '' then
- do
- hRoot = w32RegOpenKey("CLASSES_ROOT")
- if hRoot <> 0 then
- call w32RegUnloadKey hRoot, AssName
- Die('FTYPE does not yet support deletion')
- end
- else
- do
- hAss = w32RegCreateKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssName)
- hShell = w32RegCreateKey(hAss, 'Shell')
- hOpen = w32RegCreateKey(hShell, 'Open')
- hCmd = w32RegCreateKey(hOpen, 'Command')
- call w32RegSetValue hOpen, '', 'REG_SZ', AssOpenTitle
- call w32RegSetValue hCmd, '', 'REG_SZ', AssCommand
- end
- end
- when Word1 = 'FTYPEICON' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssName '/' AssIcon
- AssName = strip(AssName)
- AssIcon = strip(AssIcon)
- if AssIcon = '' then
- do
- hRoot = w32RegOpenKey("CLASSES_ROOT")
- if hRoot <> 0 then
- call w32RegDeleteKey hRoot, AssName || '\DefaultIcon'
- end
- else
- do
- hAss = w32RegCreateKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssName)
- hIcon = w32RegCreateKey(hAss, 'DefaultIcon')
- call w32RegSetValue hIcon, '', 'REG_SZ', AssIcon
- end
- end
- when Word1 = 'FTYPEDESC' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssName '/' AssDescription
- AssName = strip(AssName)
- AssDescription = strip(AssDescription)
- hAss = w32RegCreateKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssName)
- call w32RegSetValue hAss, '', 'REG_SZ', AssDescription
- end
- when Word1 = 'RCLICK' then
- do
- parse var AfterWord1 AssName '/' AssTitle '/' AssCommand
- if AssCommand = '' then
- Die('Command to execute missing')
- AssTitle = strip(AssTitle)
- if left(AssTitle, 1) <> '(' then
- AssAlias = MakeAlias(AssTitle)
- else
- do
- parse var AssTitle '(' AssAlias ')' AssTitle
- AssAlias = strip(AssAlias)
- AssTitle = strip(AssTitle)
- end
- hAss = w32RegCreateKey('CLASSES_ROOT', AssName)
- hShell = w32RegCreateKey(hAss, 'Shell')
- hTitle = w32RegCreateKey(hShell, AssAlias)
- hCmd = w32RegCreateKey(hTitle, 'Command')
- call w32RegSetValue hTitle, '', 'REG_SZ', AssTitle
- call w32RegSetValue hCmd, '', 'REG_SZ', AssCommand
- end
- when left(CurrentLine, 1) = '(' then
- do
- parse var CurrentLine '(' Test4Ok ')' WinCmd
- if WinCmd = '' then
- Die('Missing operating system command')
- say 'Executing: ' || WinCmd
- address system WinCmd
- if Test4Ok <> '' then
- do
- CmdRc = Rc
- interpret 'TestOk = ' || Test4Ok
- if TestOk <> 1 then
- Die('Command failed with Return code of ' || CmdRc)
- end
- end
- otherwise
- do
- if left(CurrentLine, 1) <> '#' then
- Die('Command unknown: ' || CurrentLine)
- else
- do
- say 'You may need to run this through ppwizard...'
- Die('Command unknown: ' || CurrentLine)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if WithinRexx <> '' then
- Die('Incomplete rexx block found, block started on line ' || WithinRexx)
- exit(0)
- FixVersion:
- parse value strip(arg(1)) with VerYY '.' VerDDD
- if translate(VerYY) = '2K' then
- VerYY = '00'
- return(VerYY || '.' || VerDDD)
- HandleEnvironmentVariable:
- parse var AfterWord1 ChangeLevel '/' VarName '/' VarContents
- ChangeLevel = translate(strip(ChangeLevel))
- VarName = strip(VarName)
- if VarName = '' then
- Die('No environment variable specified!')
- select
- when ChangeLevel = 'SYSTEM' then
- hEnv = w32RegOpenKey('LOCAL_MACHINE', 'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment')
- when ChangeLevel = 'USER' then
- hEnv = w32RegCreateKey('CURRENT_USER', 'Environment')
- otherwise
- Die('Unknown update level of "' || ChangeLevel || '"')
- end
- Failed = w32RegSetValue(hEnv, VarName, 'REG_SZ', VarContents)
- if Failed then
- Die('Failed updating "' || ChangeLevel || '" registry for "' || VarName || '"')
- return
- HandlePathTypeRegEnvVar:
- RegEnvVar = arg(1)
- if RegEnvVar = 'PATHEXT' then
- RegAdding = 'extension'
- else
- RegAdding = 'directory'
- parse var AfterWord1 ChangeLevel '/' BeingAdded '/' Positioning
- ChangeLevel = translate(ChangeLevel)
- if ChangeLevel <> 'USER' & ChangeLevel <> 'SYSTEM' & ChangeLevel <> 'SYSTEM?' then
- Die('Change level of "' || ChangeLevel || '" unknown expected "SYSTEM" or "USER"')
- if BeingAdded = '' then
- Die('Missing ' || RegAdding || ' on "' || RegEnvVar || '" command')
- if RegEnvVar = 'PATHEXT' then
- do
- if left(BeingAdded, 1) <> '.' then
- Die('The ' || RegAdding || ' of "' || BeingAdded || '" does not start with a dot')
- end
- if Positioning <> '' then
- do
- Positioning1 = left(Positioning, 1)
- if Positioning1 <> '<' & Positioning1 <> '>' then
- Die('The positioning command "' || Positioning || '" does not start with "<" or ">"')
- if length(Positioning) <> 1 then
- Die('Sorry currently only support "<" or ">" for positioning')
- end
- hSystem = w32RegOpenKey('LOCAL_MACHINE', 'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment')
- SystemValue = w32RegQueryValue(hSystem, RegEnvVar)
- if SystemValue = '' then
- do
- if RegEnvVar = 'PATHEXT' then
- SystemValue = GetEnv(RegEnvVar)
- if SystemValue = '' then
- Die('"' || RegEnvVar || '" not found in system''s configuration!')
- end
- if ChangeLevel <> 'USER' then
- do
- NewSystemValue = Add2PathLikeVariable(SystemValue, Positioning, BeingAdded)
- Failed = w32RegSetValue(hSystem, RegEnvVar, 'REG_SZ', NewSystemValue)
- if Failed then
- Die('Failed updating system registry for "' || RegEnvVar || '"')
- if ChangeLevel = 'SYSTEM' then
- return
- end
- UserVersionExists = 'N'
- if ChangeLevel = 'SYSTEM' then
- PathExt = SystemValue
- else
- do
- hUser = w32RegOpenKey('CURRENT_USER', 'Environment')
- if hUser = 0 then
- UserValue = SystemValue
- else
- do
- UserValue = w32RegQueryValue(hUser, RegEnvVar)
- if UserValue = '' then
- UserValue = SystemValue
- else
- UserVersionExists = 'Y'
- end
- end
- if UserVersionExists = 'N' & ChangeLevel = 'SYSTEM?' then
- return
- UserValue = Add2PathLikeVariable(UserValue, Positioning, BeingAdded)
- Failed = w32RegSetValue(hUser, RegEnvVar, 'REG_SZ', UserValue)
- if Failed then
- Die('Failed updating registry for "' || RegEnvVar || '"')
- return
- Add2PathLikeVariable: procedure expose LineNum ScriptLine
- parse arg UserValue, Positioning, BeingAdded
- UserValue = translate(UserValue) || ';'
- BeingAdded = translate(BeingAdded)
- Positioning1 = left(Positioning, 1)
- ExtPos = pos(BeingAdded || ';', UserValue)
- if ExtPos <> 0 then
- do
- UserValue = left(UserValue, ExtPos-1) || substr(UserValue, ExtPos + length(BeingAdded)+1)
- end
- if Positioning <> '' then
- do
- if Positioning1 = '<' then
- UserValue = BeingAdded || ';' || UserValue
- else
- UserValue = UserValue || BeingAdded || ';'
- end
- UserValue = FixPathExt(UserValue)
- return(UserValue)
- RequiredFile: procedure expose LineNum ScriptLine
- FullName = stream(arg(1), 'c', 'query exists')
- if FullName = '' then
- Die('Required file "' || arg(1) || '" could not be found')
- return(FullName)
- ExpandVariables:
- RightBit = arg(1)
- LeftBit = ''
- VarPos = pos(VarStart, RightBit)
- do while VarPos <> 0
- LeftBit = LeftBit || left(RightBit, VarPos-1)
- RightBit = substr(RightBit, VarPos+VarStartL)
- EndPos = pos(VarEnd, RightBit)
- if EndPos = 0 then
- Die('Could not find end of variable in: ' || RightBit)
- VarName = left(RightBit, EndPos-1)
- RightBit = substr(RightBit, EndPos+VarEndL)
- select
- when VarName = "STD:VERSION" then
- VarContents = Pgmversion
- when VarName = "STD:VARSTART" then
- VarContents = VarStart
- when VarName = "STD:VAREND" then
- VarContents = VarEnd
- when VarName = "STD:CDIR" then
- VarContents = directory()
- when VarName = "STD:RitFile" then
- VarContents = RitFile
- when VarName = "STD:RITPATH" then
- do
- SlashPos = lastpos('\', RitFile)
- if SlashPos = 0 then
- VarContents = ''
- else
- VarContents = left(RitFile, SlashPos)
- end
- when abbrev(VarName, "FULLNAME:") then
- do
- ShortName = substr(VarName, 10)
- VarContents = RequiredFile(ShortName)
- end
- when abbrev(VarName, "GETENV:") then
- do
- EnvVar = substr(VarName, 8)
- VarContents = GetEnv(EnvVar)
- if VarContents = '' then
- Die('The environment variable "' || EnvVar || '" does not exist')
- end
- when abbrev(VarName, "REG:") then
- do
- Stuff = substr(VarName, 5)
- parse var Stuff RegRoot '/' RegKey '/' RegValue
- hUser = w32RegOpenKey(RegRoot, RegKey)
- VarContents = w32RegQueryValue(hUser, RegValue)
- QueryRc = Rc
- call w32regclosekey hUser
- if QueryRc <> 0 then
- Die('Registry value "' || Stuff || '" unknown' )
- end
- when abbrev(VarName, "?") then
- do
- RexVar = substr(VarName, 2)
- if symbol(RexVar) <> 'VAR' then
- Die('The rexx variable "' || RexVar || '" does not exist')
- VarContents = value(RexVar)
- end
- otherwise
- do
- Alias = 'VAR_' || c2x(VarName)
- if symbol(Alias) = 'VAR' then
- VarContents = value(Alias)
- else
- Die('The user defined variable "' || VarName || '" does not exist')
- end
- end
- LeftBit = LeftBit || VarContents
- VarPos = pos(VarStart, RightBit)
- end
- return(LeftBit || RightBit)
- _w32RegSetValue:
- if w32RegSetValue(arg(1), arg(2), arg(3), arg(4)) then
- Die('Failed to set "' || arg(2) || '" in key "' || arg(1) || '"')
- return
- MakeSureRequiredDllsAreAvailable:
- signal ON SYNTAX NAME SysIniMissing
- call rxfuncadd 'w32loadfuncs', 'w32util', 'w32loadfuncs'
- call w32loadfuncs
- return
- SysIniMissing:
- Reason = ''
- signal ON SYNTAX NAME NoErrMsgCall
- Reason = RxFuncErrMsg()
- NoErrMsgCall:
- CrLf = d2c(13) || d2c(10)
- if Reason = '' then
- Die("Can't load W32UTIL.DLL.' || CrLf || 'If on WIN95 'C' runtime must be available!")
- else
- Die('Can''t load "W32UTIL.DLL" (' || Reason || ').' || CrLf || 'If on WIN95 'C' runtime probably needs installation!')
- ExecuteRexx:
- interpret arg(1)
- return
- FixPathExt: procedure expose LineNum ScriptLine
- PathExt = arg(1)
- do while left(PathExt, 1) = ';'
- PathExt = substr(PathExt, 2)
- end
- do while right(PathExt, 1) = ';'
- PathExt = left(PathExt, length(PathExt)-1)
- end
- Colon2 = ';' || ';'
- FixPos = pos(Colon2, PathExt)
- Colon2 = ';' || ';'
- do while FixPos <> 0
- PathExt = left(PathExt, FixPos-1) || substr(PathExt, FixPos+1)
- FixPos = pos(Colon2, PathExt)
- end
- return(PathExt)
- MakeAlias: procedure expose LineNum ScriptLine
- New = ''
- From = arg(1)
- do Index = 1 to length(From)
- ThisChar = substr(From, Index, 1)
- if ThisChar == ' ' | datatype(ThisChar, 'A') then
- New = New || ThisChar
- end
- New = translate(space(New), '_', ' ')
- return(New)
- ShowHeader:
- if ShownHeader = 'N' then
- do
- say '[]------------------------------------[]'
- say '| REGIT.REX v' || PgmVersion || ', "Super" associate |'
- say '[]------------------------------------[]'
- say ''
- ShownHeader = 'Y'
- end
- return
- ShowSyntax:
- call ShowHeader
- say 'SYNTAX'
- say '~~~~~~'
- say 'REGIT[.REX] RitFile[.RIT]'
- say ''
- say 'This program replaces Windows "ASSOC" and "FTYPE" commands with much more'
- say 'powerful facilities and creates other associations such as updating icons,'
- say 'descriptions and right click menus or extensions or file types. No registry'
- say 'knowledge is required.'
- return
- GetEnv:
- return( value(arg(1),,'ENVIRONMENT') )
- Die:
- ExitCode = SIGL
- if LineNum.IncludeLvl <> '' then
- LineNum.IncludeLvl = '(' || LineNum.IncludeLvl || ')'
- say ''
- say 'ERROR' || LineNum.IncludeLvl || ': ' || arg(1) || d2c(7)
- call ExitingWithErrorCode ExitCode
- CommonTrapHandler:
- FailingLine = arg(1)
- TrapHeading = 'BUG: ' || arg(2)
- TextDescription = arg(3)
- Text = arg(4)
- parse source . . SourceFileName
- say copies('=+', 39)
- say TrapHeading
- say copies('~', length(TrapHeading))
- say substr(TextDescription, 1 , 16) || ': ' || Text
- say 'Failing Module : ' || SourceFileName
- say 'Failing Line # : ' || FailingLine
- say 'Failing Command : ' || strip(SourceLine(FailingLine))
- say 'Script Line # : ' || LineNum.IncludeLvl
- say 'Script Line : ' || ScriptLine
- say copies('=+', 39)
- call ExitingWithErrorCode FailingLine
- RexxTrapUninitializedVariable:
- FatalLine = SIGL
- call CommonTrapHandler FatalLine, 'NoValue Abort!', 'Unknown Variable', condition('D')
- RexxTrapSyntaxError:
- FatalLine = SIGL
- call CommonTrapHandler FatalLine, 'Syntax Error!', 'Reason', errortext(Rc)
- ExitingWithErrorCode:
- call charout , d2c(7)
- call sleep 1
- address system 'pause'
- exit( arg(1) )