home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;
- ; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
- ; $Revision: 1.0 $
- ; $Date: 30 Mar 2001 18:05:38 $
- ; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/MultiOs/PPWIZARD/tryme.it.pvcs $
- ;
- ; DESCRIPTION: This input file is packaged with PPWIZARD to allow it
- ; to be used as a simple test by the person doing the
- ; install.
- ;
- ; To test the install on OS/2, execute the command (note
- ; rename "ppwizard.rex" to "ppwizard.cmd" first!!!):
- ;
- ; ppwizard.cmd tryme.it
- ;
- ; To test the install on other operating systems (PPWIZARD
- ; executes under REGINA), execute the command:
- ;
- ; (1) rexx ppwizard.rex tryme.it OR
- ; (2) regina ppwizard.rex tryme.it
- ;
- ; This should create "tryme.htm", view it in your
- ; browser if you wish.
- ;
- ;
- ; You might notice that by DEFAULT ppwizard comment lines begin with
- ; ";". You might also notice that the table is indented to make it easier
- ; to read, by default PPWIZARD will remove this indenting when generating
- ; the html.
- ;
- ; So basically you can comment as much as you like, indent as much as you
- ; like and not worry about the download time or the fact that you might be
- ; making it very easy for someone to examine the generated html.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #require 99.120
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;--- The definitions below are normally in their own header files -----------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;--- Define some "constants" that are used on many pages --------------------
- #define MyEmailAddress dbareis@labyrinth.net.au
- #define MyHomeDirectory http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/
- #define PpwizardDocoDirectory <$MyHomeDirectory>ppwizard/
- #define PPwizardWebAddress <$MyHomeDirectory>ppwizard.htm
- ;--- Define a "STYLE" of text (who says you need style sheet support?) ------
- #define Red <FONT COLOR=RED>{$Text}</FONT>
- ;--- Get some environmental type information --------------------------------
- #evaluate DateTime @date('WeekDay') || ' ' || date('Month') || ' ' || substr(date('Sorted'), 7, 2) || ' ' || left(date('Sorted'), 4) || ' at ' || time('Civil')@
- #evaluate ShortNameHtml "_filespec('name', '<?OutputFile>')"
- #evaluate ShortNameHtmlLowerCase "ToLowerCase('<$ShortNameHtml>')"
- ;--- To include definitions like the above you put all the definitions in
- ;--- one or more files (called header files) and then use a command similar
- ;--- to:
- ;--- #include "header.ih"
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;--- The definitions above are normally in their own header files -----------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;--- Start HTML (Header) ----------------------------------------------------
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- ;--- Paragraph 1 ------------------------------------------------------------
- <P>This html page was created at <$DateTime> by ppwizard as a simple test of
- the installed code and so as to provide a simple example to get you started,
- the source code is named "<?InputFile>".
- For a simple example of macro replacement, my email address
- is "<$MyEmailAddress>".
- ;--- Paragraph 2 ------------------------------------------------------------
- <P>I will display the email address again but in the style "red" to
- demonstrate how a parameter is passed. My email address is
- "<$RED Text='<$MyEmailAddress>'>".
- ;--- Paragraph 3 ------------------------------------------------------------
- <P>The PPWIZARD documentation provides many larger examples that you could
- cut and paste into a file and try yourself.
- ;--- Can we show any examples? ----------------------------------------------
- #if FindFile("htmlpre.ih") <> ''
- ;--- Include "PRE" example support ---------------------------------------
- #include "htmlpre.ih" ;;PPWIZARD addon from download page
- ;--- Lets do some (not all) example autotagging (for demo purposes) ------
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>include" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashinclude.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>define" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashdefine.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>evaluate" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashevaluate.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>if " ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashif.htm">{$AT}</A> ^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>ifndef" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashifndef.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>elseif" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashelseif.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- #AutoTag "<?xHASH>endif" ^<A HREF="<$PpwizardDocoDirectory>hashendif.htm">{$AT}</A>^
- ;--- Show a small inline example -----------------------------------------
- <P>This is an example on inline inclusion of code (note that the html comes
- out OK and the automatic hypertext links that were created):
- <P>The machine used to compile this header file does
- #if GetEnv('VACPP_SHARED') = ''
- not
- #endif
- have visual age C++ installed.
- <$eExample>
- ;--- Can now have recursive #include -------------------------------------
- <$ExampleFile FILE="<?InputFile>" STATE="REMEMBER">
- #endif
- ;--- Simple End of HTML (footer) --------------------------------------------
- <P><HR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT><CENTER><A HREF="<$PpwizardWebAddress>">Made<BR>with<BR>PPWIZARD<BR>and<BR><?OpSys></A></CENTER>
- <TD ALIGN=MIDDLE><$ShortNameHtmlLowerCase>
- #ifndef NO_TIME_WANTED
- ;--- user did not use "/define" or similar to indicate that a time is not desired ---
- <HR>
- Built at<BR><$DateTime>
- #endif
- <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF="mailto:<$MyEmailAddress>"><$MyEmailAddress></A>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY></HTML>