home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //******************************************************************************
- // TCapture - Capturing from VFW, WDM or DV compatible devices
- //
- // Compiled with Delphi6 Personal Edition
- // You need DirectX 8 or above installed!
- //
- // based on:
- // - Microsoft's AMCap & StillCap
- // - DirectX Jedi Compilation
- // - DScapture by orthkon * www.mp3.com/orthkon * orthkon@mail.com
- // - TVideoCapture by E. Averchekov e_g_o_r@mail.ru
- //
- // new attempt by orthkon / orthkon@mail.com
- //
- // history log:
- // 01-09-11 - v1.00
- // America under Attack!!! i'm so sorry 8(
- // 01-09-16 - v1.01
- // - i'm happy about Averchekov's nice work
- // - i removed the bitmap routines, sorry :)
- // - optimized capture callback class
- // - added audio capturing
- // 01-09-17 - v1.02
- // - added device owned option dialogs ( TDeviceOptions )
- // - added audio + video format settings
- // 01-09-18 - v1.03
- // - the image routines are back :)
- // - to save an image call SaveAsBitmap or SaveAsJpeg
- // - removed some bugs
- //
- // you can use this code under GNU license, found at www.gnu.org
- // if you make changed source or components public, please inform us
- //******************************************************************************
- unit DXCapture;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- extctrls, DirectShow, ActiveX, DirectSound, Menus, MMSystem, jpeg;
- const
- SAMPLE_RATE : array[0..3] of Cardinal = ( 8000, 11025, 22050, 44100 );
- type
- EVideoCaptureError = class(Exception);
- type
- TFProcessBuffer = procedure( Frame : Cardinal; Buffer : Pointer; Size : Integer ) of object;
- TSampleGrabberCB = class(TObject, ISampleGrabberCB)
- protected
- FOwner : HWND;
- FEnabled : boolean;
- FProcessBuffer : TFProcessBuffer;
- FFrame : Cardinal;
- public
- { IUnknown }
- function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
- function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
- { ISampleGrabberCB }
- function SampleCB(SampleTime: Double; pSample: IMediaSample): HResult; stdcall;
- function BufferCB(SampleTime: Double; pBuffer: PByte; BufferLen: longint): HResult; stdcall;
- public
- property Owner: HWND read FOwner write FOwner;
- property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled;
- property ProcessBuffer : TFProcessBuffer read FProcessBuffer write FProcessBuffer;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- type
- TBitmapCapturedEvent = procedure(CapturedImage: TBitmap) of object;
- type
- TDVSize = (dvsDontWorry, dvsFull, dvsHalf, dvsQuater, dvsDC);
- const
- DVSizeName: array [TDVSize] of string =
- ('═σ Φ∞σσ≥ τφα≈σφΦ ', '╧εδφ√Θ ≡ατ∞σ≡', '╧εδεΓΦφα', '╫σ≥Γσ≡≥ⁿ', '1/8 Φ±⌡εΣφεπε');
- // device option dialog identifier constants
- const
- type
- TCapture = class;
- TDeviceOption = record
- szCaption : String;
- iType : Integer;
- bVideo : Boolean; // true = video, false = audio
- end;
- TDeviceOptions = class
- private
- FOptions : array of TDeviceOption;
- FCount : Integer;
- FOwner : TCapture;
- function GetCaption( Index : Integer ) : String;
- procedure SetCaption( Index : Integer; const szCaption : String );
- function Call( Index : Integer ) : HRESULT;
- function GetVideo( Index : Integer ) : Boolean;
- public
- procedure Add( iType : Integer; const szCaption : String; bVideo : Boolean );
- procedure Clear;
- constructor Create( Owner : TCapture ); overload;
- function Dialog( const szCaption : String ) : HRESULT;
- public
- property Count : Integer read FCount;
- property Captions[Index: Integer] : String read GetCaption write SetCaption;
- property Dialogs[Index: Integer] : HRESULT read Call;
- property IsVideo[Index: Integer] : Boolean read GetVideo;
- end;
- TCapture = class(TCustomControl)
- private
- Graph: IGraphBuilder;
- Builder: ICaptureGraphBuilder2;
- VideoWindow: IVideoWindow;
- MediaEvent: IMediaEventEx;
- DroppedFrames: IAMDroppedFrames;
- VideoCompression: IAMVideoCompression;
- CaptureDialogs: IAMVfwCaptureDialogs;
- AStreamConf: IAMStreamConfig; // for audio capture
- VStreamConf: IAMStreamConfig; // for video capture
- Render: IBaseFilter;
- VCap: IBaseFilter;
- ACap: IBaseFilter;
- Sink: IFileSinkFilter;
- ConfigAviMux: IConfigAviMux;
- Grabber: ISampleGrabber;
- VGrabberCB: TSampleGrabberCB;
- AGrabberCB: TSampleGrabberCB;
- FDeviceOptions : TDeviceOptions;
- FAudioFormat : TWaveFormatEx;
- mVideo, mAudio: IMoniker;
- p_mtVideo, p_mtAudio : PAM_Media_Type;
- fCapAudioIsRelevant: boolean;
- fCapAudio: boolean;
- fCCAvail: boolean;
- fCapCC: boolean;
- fCaptureGraphBuilt: boolean;
- fPreviewGraphBuilt: boolean;
- fPreviewFaked: boolean;
- FVCapFriendlyName: string;
- FCapturing: boolean;
- FPreviewing: boolean;
- FUseFrameRate: boolean;
- FUseTimeLimit: boolean;
- FWantPreview: boolean;
- FCapStartTime: DWORD;
- FCapStopTime: DWORD;
- FMasterStream: integer;
- FVideoWidth: integer;
- FVideoHeight: integer;
- FVideoFrameRate: double;
- FVideoBitCount: integer;
- FAudioSampleRate : Cardinal;
- FAudioBitRate : Integer;
- FAudioChannels : Integer;
- FNotDropped: integer;
- FDroppedFrames: integer;
- FNotDroppedBase: integer;
- FDroppedBase: integer;
- FCapTime: DWORD;
- FCaptureTimer: TTimer;
- FTempCaptureFileName: string;
- FCaptureFileName: string;
- // to save the old function
- FProcessBuffer : TFProcessBuffer;
- FStillImage : Boolean;
- FImageFile : String;
- FImageType : Integer;
- FImageQuality : Integer;
- FTimeLimit: integer;
- FUseTempFile: boolean;
- FPreallocFileSize: Cardinal;
- FDVSize: TDVSize;
- FCaptureFile: WideString;
- FOnStopPreview: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnStartPreview: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnStopCapture: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnStartCapture: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnChangeDevice: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnCaptureProgress: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnVideoFormatChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnAudioFormatChange: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetMasterStream(const Value: integer);
- property MasterStream: integer read FMasterStream write SetMasterStream;
- procedure SetTempCaptureFileName(const Value: string);
- procedure SetCaptureFileName(const Value: string);
- function AllocCaptureFile(const SizeMb: integer): boolean;
- function SaveCaptureFile(const FileName: string): boolean;
- private
- procedure SetSize(var msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZE; // Changing size of cap window
- procedure GraphEvent(var msg: TMessage); message WM_FGNOTIFY;
- procedure CaptureProgress(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ResizeWindow;
- procedure ChooseDevices(nmVideo, nmAudio: IMoniker); overload;
- procedure UpdateStatus;
- function InitCapFilters: boolean;
- procedure CleanUp;
- procedure FreeCapFilters;
- function MakeBuilder: boolean;
- function MakeGraph: boolean;
- procedure NukeDownstream(pf: IBaseFilter);
- procedure TearDownGraph;
- function RenderPreviewPin: boolean;
- function FindVideoWindow: boolean;
- function AdjustVideoGrabber: boolean;
- function AdjustAudioGrabber: boolean;
- function BuildPreviewGraph: boolean;
- function BuildCaptureGraph: boolean;
- procedure GetDeviceOptions;
- function OptionDialog( iType : Integer ) : HRESULT;
- function CreateBitmap( Buffer : Pointer; Size : Integer ) : TBitmap;
- procedure OnVideoFrame( Frame : Cardinal; Buffer : Pointer; Size : Integer );
- public
- // state properties
- property Capturing: boolean read FCapturing;
- property Previewing: boolean read FPreviewing;
- property VCapFriendlyName: string read FVCapFriendlyName;
- property VideoWidth: Integer read FVideoWidth;
- property VideoHeight: Integer read FVideoHeight;
- property VideoFrameRate: Double read FVideoFrameRate;
- property VideoBitCount: Integer read FVideoBitCount;
- property AudioSampleRate : Cardinal read FAudioSampleRate;
- property AudioBitRate : Integer read FAudioBitRate;
- property AudioChannels : Integer read FAudioChannels;
- property ImageFile : String read FImageFile write FImageFile;
- property FramesDropped: integer read FDroppedFrames;
- property NotDropped: integer read FNotDropped;
- property CapStartTime: DWORD read FCapStartTime;
- property CapStopTime: DWORD read FCapStopTime;
- property CapTime: DWORD read FCapTime;
- property DeviceOptions : TDeviceOptions read FDeviceOptions;
- procedure ChooseDevices(szVideo, szAudio: string); overload;
- function Init: boolean;
- function StartPreview: boolean;
- function StopPreview: boolean;
- function StartCapture(const Dialog: boolean = false): boolean;
- function StopCapture: boolean;
- procedure SetAudioFormat( SamplesPerSec : Cardinal; Channels, BitsPerSec : Word );
- procedure SetVideoFormat( Width, Height : Integer; BitCount : Word; FrameRate : Double );
- procedure SaveAsBitmap;
- procedure SaveAsJpeg( Quality : TJPEGQualityRange ); // 0 - 100 %
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property DVPreviewSize: TDVSize read FDVSize write FDVSize;
- // set to true if you want to capture single frames during preview
- property WantPreview: boolean read FWantPreview write FWantPreview;
- property UseFrameRate: boolean read FUseFrameRate write FUseFrameRate;
- property CaptureFileName: string read FCaptureFileName write SetCaptureFileName;
- property UseTimeLimit: boolean read FUseTimeLimit write FUseTimeLimit;
- property TimeLimit: integer read FTimeLimit write FTimeLimit;
- property UseTempFile: boolean read FUseTempFile write FUseTempFile;
- property PreallocFileSize: Cardinal read FPreallocFileSize write FPreallocFileSize default 10;
- property TempCaptureFileName: string read FTempCaptureFileName write SetTempCaptureFileName;
- property OnChangeDevice: TNotifyEvent read FOnChangeDevice write FOnChangeDevice;
- property OnCaptureProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnCaptureProgress write FOnCaptureProgress;
- property OnStopCapture: TNotifyEvent read FOnStopCapture write FOnStopCapture;
- property OnStopPreview: TNotifyEvent read FOnStopPreview write FOnStopPreview;
- property OnStartCapture: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartCapture write FOnStartCapture;
- property OnStartPreview: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartPreview write FOnStartPreview;
- property OnVideoFormatChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnVideoFormatChange write FOnVideoFormatChange;
- property OnAudioFormatChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnAudioFormatChange write FOnAudioFormatChange;
- // grabber classes
- property VideoGrabber: TSampleGrabberCB read VGrabberCB;
- property AudioGrabber: TSampleGrabberCB read AGrabberCB;
- published
- property Align;
- property Color;
- property Visible;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- end;
- // device enum functions
- // caller have to free aquired list!!!
- function GetVideoDevicesList(const Refresh: boolean = false): TStringList;
- function GetAudioDevicesList(const Refresh: boolean = false): TStringList;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses contnrs;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- resourcestring
- rsDShowCapture = 'DirectShow - Capture';
- rsGraphCantPreview = 'This graph can''t preview!';
- rsCantRenderCC = 'Cannot render closed captioning!';
- rsGraphCantBePreviewedProperly = 'This graph cannot be previewwd properly!';
- rsCantSetPreviewFrameRate = '%x: can''t set preview frame rate!';
- rsSetMasterStreamFailed = 'SetMasterStream failed!';
- rsCantSetCaptureFile = 'Can''t set capture file!';
- rsCantRenderVCaptureStream = 'Can''t render video capture stream!';
- rsCantRenderPreviewStream = 'Can''t render preview stream!';
- rsCantRenderACaptureStream = 'Can''t render audio preview stream!';
- rsThisGraphCantPreview = 'This graph cannot preview!';
- rsCantSetCaptureFrameRate = 'Cannot set frame rate for capture!';
- rsCantMakeGraphBuilder = 'Can''t init graph builder. Probably DirectShow is not installed!';
- rsCantCreateVCaptureFilter = 'Error %x.'#13#10'Can''t create video capture filter - propably you havn''t video capture device!';
- rsCantMakeGraph = 'Can''t init graph. Probably DirectShow is not installed!';
- rsCantSetFilterGraph = 'Can''t set filter graph!';
- rsCantAddVFilterToGraph = 'Error %x: Can''t add video capture filter into graph!';
- rsCantFindVStreamConfig = 'Error %x: Can''t find VCapture:IAMStreamConfig!';
- rsCantMakeACapFilter = 'Can''t create audio capture filter!';
- rsCantAddAFilterToGraph = 'Error %x: Can''t add audio capture filter into graph!';
- rsCantFindAStreamConfig = 'Can''t find ACapture:IAMStreamConfig!';
- rsCantRunPreviewGraph = 'Error %x: Cannot run preview graph!';
- rsCantStopPreviewGraph = 'Error %x: Cannot stop preview graph!';
- rsCantGetMediaControl = 'Error %x: Can''t get IMediaControl!';
- rsCantRunGraph = 'Error %x: Cannot run graph!';
- rsStartCapture = 'Starting capture!';
- rsCantStopGraph = 'Error %x: Cannot stop graph!';
- rsEmptyFileName = 'Capture filename required!';
- rsFailedToAllocFileSize = 'Can''t allocate space for capture file! Disk full?';
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- IID_IPropertyBag: TGUID = '{55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}';
- IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages : TGUID = '{B196B28B-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}';
- type
- rcSource: TRECT; // The bit we really want to use
- rcTarget: TRECT; // Where the video should go
- dwBitRate: Cardinal; // Approximate bit data rate
- dwBitErrorRate: Cardinal; // Bit error rate for this stream
- AvgTimePerFrame: Int64; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
- end;
- const
- DVSizes: array [TDVSize] of integer = ( 0,
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- function MyMsg(szMsg: string; hr: HRESULT): string;
- begin
- Result:= Format(szMsg, [hr]);
- MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow, PChar(Result), PChar(rsDShowCapture), MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP);
- end;
- procedure ErrMsg(szMsg: string; hr: HRESULT = 0);
- begin
- MyMsg(szMsg, hr);
- end;
- procedure ErrMsgException(szMsg: string; hr: HRESULT = 0);
- begin
- raise EVideoCaptureError.Create(MyMsg(szMsg, hr));
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- function CheckGUID(p1, p2: TGUID): boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:= 0 to 7 do if p1.D4[i] <> p2.D4[i] then begin
- Result:= false;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result:= (p1.D1 = p2.D1) and (p1.D2 = p2.D2) and (p1.D3 = p2.D3);
- end;
- // Free an existing media type (ie free resources it holds)
- procedure FreeMediaType(mt: TAM_MEDIA_TYPE);
- begin
- if mt.cbFormat <> 0 then begin
- CoTaskMemFree(mt.pbFormat);
- // Strictly unnecessary but tidier
- mt.cbFormat:= 0;
- mt.pbFormat:= nil;
- end;
- mt.pUnk:= nil;
- end;
- procedure DeleteMediaType(pmt: PAM_MEDIA_TYPE);
- begin
- // allow NULL pointers for coding simplicity
- if pmt <> nil then begin
- FreeMediaType(pmt^);
- CoTaskMemFree(pmt);
- end;
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- { TCapDeviceInfo }
- type
- TCapDeviceInfo = class
- DeviceName: string;
- Moniker: IMoniker;
- constructor Create(const aDeviceName: string; const aMoniker: IMoniker);
- end;
- constructor TCapDeviceInfo.Create(const aDeviceName: string; const aMoniker: IMoniker);
- begin
- DeviceName:= aDeviceName;
- Moniker:= aMoniker;
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- var
- VideoDevicesList,
- AudioDevicesList: TObjectList;
- procedure BuildDeviceList;
- var
- SysDevEnum: ICreateDevEnum;
- EnumCat: IEnumMoniker;
- Moniker: IMoniker;
- cFetched: Longint;
- PropBag: IPropertyBag;
- varName: OleVariant;
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- VideoDevicesList.Clear;
- AudioDevicesList.Clear;
- SysDevEnum:= nil;
- hr:= CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_ICreateDevEnum, SysDevEnum);
- if (hr = S_OK) then begin
- // enum available video capture devices
- EnumCat:= nil;
- if (SysDevEnum.CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, EnumCat, 0)= S_OK) then
- while EnumCat.Next(1, Moniker, @cFetched) = S_OK do begin
- Moniker.BindToStorage(nil, nil, IID_IPropertyBag, PropBag);
- PropBag.Read('FriendlyName', varName, nil);
- VideoDevicesList.Add(TCapDeviceInfo.Create(varName, Moniker) );
- PropBag:= nil;
- Moniker:= nil;
- end;
- EnumCat:= nil;
- // enum available audio capture devices
- if (SysDevEnum.CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, EnumCat, 0)= S_OK) then
- while EnumCat.Next(1, Moniker, @cFetched) = S_OK do begin
- Moniker.BindToStorage(nil, nil, IID_IPropertyBag, PropBag);
- PropBag.Read('FriendlyName', varName, nil);
- AudioDevicesList.Add(TCapDeviceInfo.Create(varName, Moniker));
- PropBag:= nil;
- Moniker:= nil;
- end;
- EnumCat:= nil;
- SysDevEnum:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- function GetVideoDevicesList(const Refresh: boolean): TStringList;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- Result:= TStringList.Create;
- if Refresh or (VideoDevicesList.Count=0) then BuildDeviceList;
- for i:= 0 to VideoDevicesList.Count-1 do
- Result.Add(TCapDeviceInfo(VideoDevicesList[i]).DeviceName);
- end;
- function GetAudioDevicesList(const Refresh: boolean): TStringList;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- Result:= TStringList.Create;
- if Refresh or (AudioDevicesList.Count=0) then BuildDeviceList;
- for i:= 0 to AudioDevicesList.Count-1 do
- Result.Add(TCapDeviceInfo(AudioDevicesList[i]).DeviceName);
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- { IUnknown }
- function TSampleGrabberCB._AddRef: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= 2;
- end;
- function TSampleGrabberCB._Release: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= 1;
- end;
- function TSampleGrabberCB.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT;
- begin
- // We need to return the two event interfaces when they're asked for
- if CheckGUID(IID, ISampleGrabberCB) or CheckGUID(IID, IUnknown) then begin
- if GetInterface(IID,Obj) then Result := S_OK;
- end;
- end;
- { TSampleGrabberCB }
- constructor TSampleGrabberCB.Create;
- begin
- FEnabled := True;
- FFrame := 0;
- end;
- destructor TSampleGrabberCB.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- { TSampleGrabberCB - ISampleGrabberCB }
- function TSampleGrabberCB.BufferCB(SampleTime: Double; pBuffer: PByte; BufferLen: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- if FEnabled then begin
- Inc( FFrame );
- if Assigned( FProcessBuffer ) then FProcessBuffer( FFrame, pBuffer, BufferLen );
- end;
- Result:= S_OK;
- end;
- function TSampleGrabberCB.SampleCB(SampleTime: Double; pSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- begin // not implemented
- Result:= S_OK;
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- { TDeviceOptions }
- function TDeviceOptions.Call( Index : Integer ) : HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := E_FAIL;
- if ( Index < 0 ) or ( Index >= FCount ) then Exit;
- if FOwner = nil then Exit;
- Result := FOwner.OptionDialog( FOptions[Index].iType );
- end;
- function TDeviceOptions.Dialog( const szCaption : String ) : HRESULT;
- var
- i : Integer;
- begin
- Result := E_FAIL;
- if FOwner = nil then Exit;
- i := 0;
- while i < FCount do begin
- if FOptions[i].szCaption = szCaption then begin
- Result := FOwner.OptionDialog( FOptions[i].iType );
- Break;
- end;
- Inc( i );
- end;
- end;
- function TDeviceOptions.GetVideo( Index : Integer ) : Boolean;
- begin
- if ( Index >= 0 ) and ( Index < FCount ) then Result := FOptions[Index].bVideo else Result := False;
- end;
- function TDeviceOptions.GetCaption( Index : Integer ) : String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if ( Index < 0 ) or ( Index >= FCount ) then Exit;
- Result := FOptions[Index].szCaption;
- end;
- procedure TDeviceOptions.SetCaption( Index : Integer; const szCaption : String );
- begin
- if ( Index < 0 ) or ( Index >= FCount ) then Exit;
- FOptions[Index].szCaption := szCaption;
- end;
- procedure TDeviceOptions.Add( iType : Integer; const szCaption : String; bVideo : Boolean );
- begin
- SetLength( FOptions, FCount + 1 );
- FOptions[FCount].szCaption := szCaption;
- FOptions[FCount].iType := iType;
- FOptions[FCount].bVideo := bVideo;
- Inc( FCount );
- end;
- procedure TDeviceOptions.Clear;
- begin
- FCount := 0;
- end;
- constructor TDeviceOptions.Create( Owner : TCapture );
- begin
- FOwner := Owner;
- FCount := 0;
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- { TCapture }
- constructor TCapture.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- fUseFrameRate:= false;
- fWantPreview:= true;
- Color:= clBlue;
- Width:= 320;
- Height:= 240;
- FPreallocFileSize:= 100;
- VGrabberCB:= TSampleGrabberCB.Create;
- AGrabberCB:= TSampleGrabberCB.Create;
- FDeviceOptions := TDeviceOptions.Create( Self );
- SetVideoFormat( 320, 240, 24, 15 );
- SetAudioFormat( 22000, 1, 16 );
- CleanUp;
- FCaptureTimer:= TTimer.Create(Self);
- FCaptureTimer.Interval:= 100;
- FCaptureTimer.OnTimer:= CaptureProgress;
- end;
- destructor TCapture.Destroy;
- begin
- VGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- AGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- StopPreview;
- StopCapture;
- TearDownGraph;
- CleanUp;
- FCaptureTimer.Enabled:= false;
- FCaptureTimer.Free;
- VGrabberCB.Free;
- AGrabberCB.Free;
- FDeviceOptions.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.ChooseDevices(nmVideo, nmAudio: IMoniker);
- begin
- VGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- AGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- mVideo:= nmVideo;
- mAudio:= nmAudio;
- StopCapture;
- StopPreview;
- if fCaptureGraphBuilt or fPreviewGraphBuilt then TearDownGraph;
- FreeCapFilters;
- InitCapFilters;
- if FWantPreview then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph;
- StartPreview;
- end;
- GetDeviceOptions;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeDevice) then FOnChangeDevice(Self);
- VGrabberCB.Enabled := True;
- AGrabberCB.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.ChooseDevices(szVideo, szAudio: string);
- var
- nmVideo, nmAudio: IMoniker;
- i: integer;
- begin
- nmVideo:= nil;
- nmAudio:= nil;
- for i:= 0 to VideoDevicesList.Count-1 do
- with VideoDevicesList[i] as TCapDeviceInfo do
- if DeviceName = szVideo then begin
- nmVideo:= Moniker;
- break;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to AudioDevicesList.Count-1 do
- with AudioDevicesList[i] as TCapDeviceInfo do
- if DeviceName = szAudio then begin
- nmAudio:= Moniker;
- break;
- end;
- ChooseDevices(nmVideo, nmAudio);
- nmVideo:= nil;
- nmAudio:= nil;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.CleanUp;
- begin
- FreeCapFilters;
- VideoWindow:= nil;
- MediaEvent:= nil;
- DroppedFrames:= nil;
- Render:= nil;
- Sink:= nil;
- ConfigAviMux:= nil;
- p_mtVideo := nil;
- p_mtAudio := nil;
- fCapAudioIsRelevant:= true;
- fCapAudio:= true;
- fCCAvail:= false;
- fCapCC:= false;
- fCaptureGraphBuilt:= false;
- fPreviewGraphBuilt:= false;
- fPreviewFaked:= false;
- fCapturing:= false;
- fPreviewing:= false;
- FMasterStream:= -1;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.FreeCapFilters;
- begin
- Graph:= nil;
- Builder:= nil;
- VCap:= nil;
- ACap:= nil;
- AStreamConf:= nil;
- VStreamConf:= nil;
- VideoCompression:= nil;
- CaptureDialogs:= nil;
- Grabber:= nil;
- end;
- function TCapture.MakeBuilder: boolean;
- begin
- Result:= (Builder <> nil) or
- (CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC,
- IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, Builder) = NOERROR);
- end;
- function TCapture.MakeGraph: boolean;
- begin
- Result:= (Graph <> nil) or
- (CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FilterGraph, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC,
- IID_IGraphBuilder, Graph) = NOERROR);
- end;
- function TCapture.Init: boolean;
- begin
- // Create the filter graph and create the capture graph builder.
- Result:= MakeGraph and MakeBuilder;
- if not Result then Exit;
- Builder.SetFiltergraph(Graph);
- BuildDeviceList;
- Result:= (VideoDevicesList.Count>0) or (AudioDevicesList.Count>0);
- end;
- function TCapture.InitCapFilters: boolean;
- var
- PropBag: IPropertyBag;
- hr: HRESULT;
- varOle: OleVariant;
- Pin: IPin;
- pins: IEnumPins;
- n: Cardinal;
- pinInfo: TPIN_INFO;
- Found: boolean;
- Ks: IKsPropertySet;
- guid: TGUID;
- dw: DWORD;
- begin
- hr:= 0;
- Result:= MakeBuilder;
- if not Result then begin
- ErrMsg(rsCantMakeGraphBuilder);
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- VCap:= nil;
- if mVideo <> nil then begin
- hr:= mVideo.BindToStorage(nil, nil, IID_IPropertyBag, PropBag);
- if Succeeded(hr) then begin
- hr:= PropBag.Read('FriendlyName', varOle, nil);
- if hr = NOERROR then FVCapFriendlyName:= varOle;
- PropBag:= nil;
- end;
- hr:= mVideo.BindToObject(nil, nil, IID_IBaseFilter, VCap);
- end;
- if VCap = nil then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantCreateVCaptureFilter, hr);
- // make a filtergraph, give it to the graph builder and put the video
- // capture filter in the graph
- if not MakeGraph then ErrMsgException(rsCantMakeGraph);
- if Builder.SetFiltergraph(Graph) <> NOERROR then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantSetFilterGraph);
- if Graph.AddFilter(VCap, nil) <> NOERROR then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantAddVFilterToGraph, hr);
- // Calling FindInterface below will result in building the upstream
- // section of the capture graph (any WDM TVTuners or Crossbars we might need).
- // we use this interface to get the name of the driver
- // Don't worry if it doesn't work: This interface may not be available
- // until the pin is connected, or it may not be available at all.
- // (eg: interface may not be available for some DV capture)
- hr:= Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,
- VCap, IID_IAMVideoCompression, VideoCompression);
- if hr <> S_OK then
- Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video,
- VCap, IID_IAMVideoCompression, VideoCompression);
- // !!! What if this interface isn't supported?
- // we use this interface to set the frame rate and get the capture size
- hr:= Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,
- VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, VStreamConf);
- if hr <> NOERROR then begin
- hr:= Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video,
- VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, VStreamConf);
- if hr <> NOERROR then // this means we can't set frame rate (non-DV only)
- ErrMsg(rsCantFindVStreamConfig, hr);
- end;
- fCapAudioIsRelevant:= true;
- // default capture format
- if (VStreamConf <> nil) and (VStreamConf.GetFormat(pmt)=S_OK) then
- try
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if CheckGUID(pmt^.formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo) then begin
- p_mtVideo := pmt;
- if Assigned( FOnVideoFormatChange ) then begin
- FOnVideoFormatChange( Self );
- pmt^.pbFormat := @FVideoFormat;
- VStreamConf.SetFormat( pmt^ );
- end;
- p_mtVideo := nil;
- // resize our window to the default capture size
- FVideoWidth := PVIDEOINFOHEADER(pmt^.pbFormat)^.bmiHeader.biWidth;
- FVideoHeight := ABS(PVIDEOINFOHEADER(pmt^.pbFormat)^.bmiHeader.biHeight);
- ResizeWindow;
- end;
- if not CheckGUID(pmt^.majortype, MEDIATYPE_Video) then begin
- // This capture filter captures something other that pure video.
- // Maybe it's DV or something? Anyway, chances are we shouldn't
- // allow capturing audio separately, since our video capture
- // filter may have audio combined in it already!
- fCapAudioIsRelevant:= false;
- fCapAudio:= false;
- end;
- finally
- DeleteMediaType( pmt );
- end;
- // we use this interface to bring up the 3 dialogs
- // NOTE: Only the VfW capture filter supports this. This app only brings
- // up dialogs for legacy VfW capture drivers, since only those have dialogs
- Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video,
- VCap, IID_IAMVfwCaptureDialogs, CaptureDialogs);
- Found:= false;
- Pin:= nil;
- if Succeeded(VCap.EnumPins(pins)) then begin
- while (not Found) and (pins.Next(1, pin, n) = S_OK) do begin
- if S_OK = pin.QueryPinInfo(pinInfo) then begin
- if pinInfo.dir = PINDIR_INPUT then begin
- // is this pin an ANALOGVIDEOIN input pin?
- if pin.QueryInterface(IID_IKsPropertySet, Ks) = S_OK then begin
- Found:= (Ks.Get(AMPROPSETID_Pin, 0, nil, 0, @guid, sizeof(guid), dw) = S_OK) and
- Ks:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- pinInfo.pFilter:= nil;
- end;
- pin:= nil;
- end;
- pins:= nil;
- end;
- // there's no point making an audio capture filter
- if (fCapAudioIsRelevant) then begin
- // create the audio capture filter, even if we are not capturing audio right
- // now, so we have all the filters around all the time.
- //
- // We want an audio capture filter and some interfaces
- if mAudio = nil then begin
- // there are no audio capture devices. We'll only allow video capture
- fCapAudio:= false;
- end
- else begin
- ACap:= nil;
- mAudio.BindToObject(nil, nil, IID_IBaseFilter, ACap);
- if ACap = nil then begin
- // there are no audio capture devices. We'll only allow video capture
- fCapAudio:= false;
- ErrMsg(rsCantMakeACapFilter);
- end
- else begin
- // put the audio capture filter in the graph
- // We'll need this in the graph to get audio property pages
- if Graph.AddFilter(ACap, nil) <> NOERROR then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantAddAFilterToGraph, hr);
- // Calling FindInterface below will result in building the upstream
- // section of the capture graph (any WDM TVAudio's or Crossbars we might need).
- // !!! What if this interface isn't supported?
- // we use this interface to set the captured wave format
- hr:= Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio,
- ACap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, AStreamConf );
- if hr <> NOERROR then ErrMsg(rsCantFindAStreamConfig);
- end;
- end;
- // default capture format
- if (AStreamConf <> nil) and (AStreamConf.GetFormat(pmt)=S_OK) then
- try
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if CheckGUID(pmt^.formattype, FORMAT_WaveFormatEx) then begin
- p_mtAudio := pmt;
- p_mtAudio.pbFormat := @FAudioFormat;
- if Assigned( FOnAudioFormatChange ) then begin
- FOnAudioFormatChange( Self );
- AStreamConf.SetFormat( pmt^ );
- end;
- p_mtAudio := nil;
- end;
- finally
- DeleteMediaType(pmt);
- end;
- end;
- // Can this filter do closed captioning?
- hr:= Builder.FindPin( VCap, PINDIR_OUTPUT, PIN_CATEGORY_VBI, TGUID(nil^),
- false, 0, Pin);
- if hr <> S_OK then
- hr:= Builder.FindPin( VCap, PINDIR_OUTPUT, PIN_CATEGORY_CC, TGUID(nil^),
- false, 0, Pin);
- fCCAvail:= (hr = S_OK); // can't capture it, then
- if fCapCC then Pin:= nil;
- Result:= true;
- except
- FreeCapFilters;
- Result:= false;
- end;
- end;
- // Tear down everything downstream of a given filter
- procedure TCapture.NukeDownstream(pf: IBaseFilter);
- var
- pP, pTo: IPin;
- u: Cardinal;
- pins: IEnumPins;
- pininfo: TPIN_INFO;
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- pins:= nil;
- hr:= pf.EnumPins(pins);
- pins.Reset;
- while hr = NOERROR do begin
- hr:= pins.Next(1, pP, u);
- if (hr = S_OK) and (pP <> nil) then begin
- pP.ConnectedTo(pTo);
- if pTo <> nil then begin
- hr:= pTo.QueryPinInfo(pininfo);
- if hr = NOERROR then begin
- if pininfo.dir = PINDIR_INPUT then begin
- NukeDownstream(pininfo.pFilter);
- Graph.Disconnect(pTo);
- Graph.Disconnect(pP);
- Graph.RemoveFilter(pininfo.pFilter);
- end;
- pininfo.pFilter:= nil;
- end;
- pTo:= nil;
- end;
- pP:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- pins:= nil;
- end;
- // make sure the preview window inside our window is as big as the
- // dimensions of captured video, or some capture cards won't show a preview.
- // (Also, it helps people tell what size video they're capturing)
- // We will resize our app's window big enough so that once the status bar
- // is positioned at the bottom there will be enough room for the preview
- // window to be w x h
- //
- procedure TCapture.ResizeWindow;
- begin
- if Assigned(VideoWindow) then
- VideoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetSize(var msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- ResizeWindow;
- end;
- // graph event occured
- // get events
- procedure TCapture.GraphEvent(var msg: TMessage);
- var
- Event, l1, l2: integer;
- wasCapturing, wasPreviewing: boolean;
- begin
- wasCapturing:= Capturing;
- wasPreviewing:= Previewing;
- if (MediaEvent <> nil) then begin
- while MediaEvent.GetEvent(Event, l1, l2, 0) = S_OK do
- try
- case Event of
- EC_ERRORABORT: StopCapture;
- StopCapture;
- StopPreview;
- end;
- EC_REPAINT : begin
- end;
- end;
- finally
- MediaEvent.FreeEventParams(Event, l1, l2);
- end;
- // we have stopped capture need to restore preview
- if ((Capturing<>wasCapturing) or (wasPreviewing<>Previewing)) and (FWantPreview) then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph;
- StartPreview;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.RenderPreviewPin: boolean;
- var
- hr: HRESULT;
- DVDec: IBaseFilter;
- DVDecProp: IIPDVDec;
- begin
- Result:= true;
- fPreviewFaked:= false;
- // Render the preview pin - even if there is not preview pin, the capture
- // graph builder will use a smart tee filter and provide a preview.
- // !!! what about latency/buffer issues?
- // NOTE that we try to render the interleaved pin before the video pin, because
- // if BOTH exist, it's a DV filter and the only way to get the audio is to use
- // the interleaved pin. Using the Video pin on a DV filter is only useful if
- // you don't want the audio.
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, nil, nil);
- if hr = VFW_S_NOPREVIEWPIN then begin
- // preview was faked up for us using the (only) capture pin
- fPreviewFaked:= true;
- end
- else if hr <> S_OK then begin
- // maybe it's DV?
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, nil, nil);
- if hr = VFW_S_NOPREVIEWPIN then begin
- // preview was faked up for us using the (only) capture pin
- fPreviewFaked:= true;
- end
- else
- Result:= hr = S_OK;
- end;
- if Result then begin
- if (FDVSize<>dvsDontWorry) and
- (Graph.FindFilterByName('DV Video Decoder', DVDec) =S_OK) and
- (DVDec.QueryInterface(IIPDVDec, DVDecProp)=S_OK) then
- begin
- DVDecProp.put_IPDisplay(DVSizes[FDVSize]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function FindPin(pins: IEnumPins; PinDir: TPin_Direction): IPin;
- var
- pin: IPin;
- pininfo: TPin_Direction;
- hr: HRESULT;
- u: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= nil;
- if pins=nil then Exit;
- pins.Reset;
- repeat
- hr:= pins.Next(1, pin, u);
- if (hr = S_OK) then begin
- hr:= pin.QueryDirection(pininfo);
- if (hr = S_OK) and (pininfo = PinDir) then begin
- Result:= pin;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- until hr<>NOERROR;
- end;
- function TCapture.AdjustVideoGrabber: boolean;
- var
- FGrabber, FRenderer: IBaseFilter;
- GrabIn, GrabOut, RenderIn, DecoderOut: IPin;
- pins: IEnumPins;
- mt: TAM_Media_Type;
- begin
- // find video renderer to put grabber just before it
- // I dont know how to find it another way except by Name(((((((
- Result:= Graph.FindFilterByName('Video Renderer', FRenderer) = S_OK;
- if Result then begin
- Result:= (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, FGrabber) = NOERROR) and
- (FGrabber.QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, Grabber) = S_OK) and
- (Graph.AddFilter(FGrabber, 'Video Grabber') = S_OK) and
- (FGrabber.EnumPins(pins)=S_OK);
- if (Result) then begin
- GrabIn:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_INPUT);
- GrabOut:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_OUTPUT);
- pins:= nil;
- if (FRenderer.EnumPins(pins)=S_OK) then begin
- RenderIn:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_INPUT);
- RenderIn.ConnectedTo(DecoderOut);
- pins:= nil;
- Result:= (Graph.RemoveFilter(FRenderer) = S_OK);
- FillChar(mt, sizeof(mt), 0);
- mt.majortype:= MEDIATYPE_Video;
- mt.formattype:= FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- case FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount of
- 1 : mt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB1;
- 4 : mt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4;
- 8 : mt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8;
- 16 : mt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555;
- 32 : mt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32;
- else mt.subtype:= MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
- end;
- mt.bFixedSizeSamples := True;
- mt.pbFormat := @FVideoFormat;
- mt.cbFormat := sizeof( TVIDEOINFOHEADER );
- Grabber.SetMediaType( mt );
- Result:= Result and (DecoderOut<>nil) and (GrabIn<>nil) and
- (DecoderOut.Connect(GrabIn, nil)=S_OK);
- if Result then begin
- Grabber.SetBufferSamples(false);
- Grabber.SetOneShot(false);
- VGrabberCB.Owner:= Handle;
- Grabber.SetCallback( VGrabberCB, 1 );
- Result:= ( Graph.Render( GrabOut ) = S_OK );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.AdjustAudioGrabber: boolean;
- var
- FGrabber, FRenderer: IBaseFilter;
- GrabIn, GrabOut, RenderIn, DecoderOut: IPin;
- pins: IEnumPins;
- mt: TAM_Media_Type;
- begin
- // find audio renderer to put grabber just before it
- // I dont know how to find it another way except by Name(((((((
- Result:= Graph.FindFilterByName('Audio Renderer', FRenderer) = S_OK;
- if Result then begin
- Result:= (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, FGrabber) = NOERROR) and
- (FGrabber.QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, Grabber) = S_OK) and
- (Graph.AddFilter(FGrabber, 'Audio Grabber') = S_OK) and
- (FGrabber.EnumPins(pins)=S_OK);
- if (Result) then begin
- GrabIn:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_INPUT);
- GrabOut:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_OUTPUT);
- pins:= nil;
- if (FRenderer.EnumPins(pins)=S_OK) then begin
- RenderIn:= FindPin(pins, PINDIR_INPUT);
- RenderIn.ConnectedTo(DecoderOut);
- pins:= nil;
- Result:= (Graph.RemoveFilter(FRenderer) = S_OK);
- FillChar(mt, sizeof(mt), 0);
- mt.majortype:= MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- mt.formattype:= FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
- mt.subtype:= MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM;
- mt.bFixedSizeSamples := True;
- mt.pbFormat := @FAudioFormat;
- mt.cbFormat := sizeof( TVIDEOINFOHEADER );
- Grabber.SetMediaType(mt);
- Result:= Result and (DecoderOut<>nil) and (GrabIn<>nil) and
- (DecoderOut.Connect(GrabIn, nil)=S_OK);
- if Result then begin
- Grabber.SetBufferSamples(false);
- Grabber.SetOneShot(false);
- AGrabberCB.Owner:= Handle;
- Grabber.SetCallback( AGrabberCB, 1 );
- Result:= ( Graph.Render( GrabOut ) = S_OK );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.FindVideoWindow: boolean;
- begin
- // Get the preview window to be a child of our app's window
- // This will find the IVideoWindow interface on the renderer. It is
- // important to ask the filtergraph for this interface... do NOT use
- // ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface, because the filtergraph needs to
- // know we own the window so it can give us display changed messages, etc.
- Result:= (Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, VideoWindow)=S_OK);
- if Result then begin
- VideoWindow.put_Owner(Handle); // We own the window now
- VideoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); // you are now a child
- // give the preview window all our space
- ResizeWindow;
- VideoWindow.put_Visible(true);
- end;
- end;
- // build the preview graph!
- // !!! PLEASE NOTE !!! Some new WDM devices have totally separate capture
- // and preview settings. An application that wishes to preview and then
- // capture may have to set the preview pin format using IAMStreamConfig on the
- // preview pin, and then again on the capture pin to capture with that format.
- // In this sample app, there is a separate page to set the settings on the
- // capture pin and one for the preview pin. To avoid the user
- // having to enter the same settings in 2 dialog boxes, an app can have its own
- // UI for choosing a format (the possible formats can be enumerated using
- // IAMStreamConfig) and then the app can programmatically call IAMStreamConfig
- // to set the format on both pins.
- function TCapture.BuildPreviewGraph: boolean;
- var
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- // we have one already
- Result:= fPreviewGraphBuilt;
- if Result then Exit;
- // No rebuilding while we're running
- if fCapturing or fPreviewing then Exit;
- // We don't have the necessary capture filters
- if VCap = nil then Exit;
- if (ACap = nil) and fCapAudio then Exit;
- // we already have another graph built... tear down the old one
- if fCaptureGraphBuilt then TearDownGraph;
- if RenderPreviewPin then
- AdjustVideoGrabber
- else
- ErrMsg(rsGraphCantPreview);
- if fCapAudio then fCapAudio := Builder.RenderStream( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio, ACap, nil, nil ) = S_OK;
- if fCapAudio then AdjustAudioGrabber;
- // Render the closed captioning pin? It could be a CC or a VBI category pin,
- // depending on the capture driver
- if fCapCC then begin
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_CC, nil, VCap, nil, nil);
- if hr <> NOERROR then begin
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_VBI, nil, VCap, nil, nil);
- if hr <> NOERROR then ErrMsg(rsCantRenderCC);
- end;
- end;
- if not FindVideoWindow then ErrMsg(rsGraphCantBePreviewedProperly);
- // now tell it what frame rate to capture at. Just find the format it
- // is capturing with, and leave everything alone but change the frame rate
- // No big deal if it fails. It's just for preview
- // !!! Should we then talk to the preview pin?
- if VStreamConf <> nil then begin
- hr:= VStreamConf.GetFormat(pmt);
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if hr = NOERROR then begin
- DeleteMediaType(pmt);
- end;
- end;
- // make sure we process events while we're previewing!
- if (Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, MediaEvent) = NOERROR) then
- MediaEvent.SetNotifyWindow(Handle, WM_FGNOTIFY, 0);
- // All done.
- fPreviewGraphBuilt:= true;
- Result:= true;
- end;
- // build the capture graph!
- function TCapture.BuildCaptureGraph: boolean;
- var
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- // we have one already
- Result:= fCaptureGraphBuilt;
- if Result then Exit;
- // No rebuilding while we're running
- Result:= false;
- if (fCapturing or fPreviewing) then Exit;
- // We don't have the necessary capture filters
- if (VCap = nil) then Exit;
- if (ACap = nil) and (fCapAudio) then Exit;
- // no capture file name yet... we need one first
- if UseTempFile then
- FCaptureFile:= TempCaptureFileName
- else
- FCaptureFile:= CaptureFileName;
- if (FCaptureFile = '') then begin
- ErrMsg(rsEmptyFileName);
- Result:= false;
- Exit;
- end;
- if not AllocCaptureFile(PreallocFileSize) then begin
- ErrMsg(rsFailedToAllocFileSize);
- Result:= false;
- Exit;
- end;
- // we already have another graph built... tear down the old one
- try
- if (fPreviewGraphBuilt) then TearDownGraph();
- // We need a rendering section that will write the capture file out in AVI file format
- hr:= Builder.SetOutputFileName(MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, PWCHAR(FCaptureFile), Render, Sink);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then ErrMsgException(rsCantSetCaptureFile);
- // Now tell the AVIMUX to write out AVI files that old apps can read properly.
- // If we don't, most apps won't be able to tell where the keyframes are, slowing down editing considerably
- // Doing this will cause one seek (over the area the index will go) when
- // you capture past 1 Gig, but that's no big deal.
- // NOTE: This is on by default, so it's not necessary to turn it on
- hr:= Render.QueryInterface(IID_IConfigAviMux, ConfigAviMux);
- if (hr = NOERROR) and (ConfigAviMux<>nil) then begin
- ConfigAviMux.SetOutputCompatibilityIndex(true);
- if (fCapAudio) then // Also, set the proper MASTER STREAM
- MasterStream:= FMasterStream;
- end;
- // Render the video capture and preview pins - even if the capture filter only
- // has a capture pin (and no preview pin) this should work... because the
- // capture graph builder will use a smart tee filter to provide both capture
- // and preview. We don't have to worry. It will just work.
- // NOTE that we try to render the interleaved pin before the video pin, because
- // if BOTH exist, it's a DV filter and the only way to get the audio is to use
- // the interleaved pin. Using the Video pin on a DV filter is only useful if
- // you don't want the audio.
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,
- VCap, nil, Render);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then begin
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video,
- VCap, nil, Render);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then ErrMsgException(rsCantRenderVCaptureStream);
- end;
- // Rendering preview pin
- if (fWantPreview) and not RenderPreviewPin then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantRenderPreviewStream);
- if (fCapAudio) then begin // Render the audio capture pin?
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio,
- ACap, nil, Render);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then
- ErrMsgException(rsCantRenderACaptureStream);
- end;
- // Render the closed captioning pin? It could be a CC or a VBI category pin,
- // depending on the capture driver
- if (fCapCC) then begin
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_CC, nil, VCap, nil, Render);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then begin
- hr:= Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_VBI, nil, VCap, nil, Render);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then ErrMsg(rsCantRenderCC);
- end;
- // To preview and capture VBI at the same time, we can call this twice
- if (fWantPreview) then
- Builder.RenderStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_VBI, nil, VCap, nil, nil);
- end;
- // NOTE: We do this even if we didn't ask for a preview, because rendering
- // the capture pin may have rendered the preview pin too (WDM overlay
- // devices) because they must have a preview going. So we better always
- // put the preview window in our app, or we may get a top level window
- // appearing out of nowhere!
- if not FindVideoWindow and (fWantPreview) then ErrMsg(rsThisGraphCantPreview);
- // now tell it what frame rate to capture at. Just find the format it
- // is capturing with, and leave everything alone but change the frame rate
- if fUseFrameRate then
- hr:= E_FAIL
- else
- hr:= NOERROR;
- if VStreamConf <> nil then begin
- hr:= VStreamConf.GetFormat(pmt);
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if hr = NOERROR then begin
- if CheckGuid(pmt^.formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo) then begin
- p_mtVideo := pmt;
- if Assigned( FOnVideoFormatChange ) then begin
- FOnVideoFormatChange( Self );
- pmt^.pbFormat := @FVideoFormat;
- hr:= VStreamConf.SetFormat( pmt^ );
- if hr <> NOERROR then ErrMsg(rsCantSetPreviewFrameRate, hr);
- end;
- p_mtVideo := nil;
- // resize our window to the default capture size
- FVideoWidth := PVIDEOINFOHEADER(pmt^.pbFormat)^.bmiHeader.biWidth;
- FVideoHeight := ABS(PVIDEOINFOHEADER(pmt^.pbFormat)^.bmiHeader.biHeight);
- ResizeWindow;
- end;
- DeleteMediaType(pmt);
- end;
- end;
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then ErrMsg(rsCantSetCaptureFrameRate);
- // now ask the filtergraph to tell us when something is completed or aborted
- // (EC_COMPLETE, EC_USERABORT, EC_ERRORABORT). This is how we will find out
- // if the disk gets full while capturing
- if (Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, MediaEvent) = NOERROR) then
- MediaEvent.SetNotifyWindow(Handle, WM_FGNOTIFY, 0);
- // All done.
- fCaptureGraphBuilt:= true;
- Result:= true;
- except
- TearDownGraph;
- Result:= false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.GetDeviceOptions;
- var
- Spec : ISpecifyPropertyPages;
- StreamConf : IAMStreamConfig;
- auuid : CAUUID;
- hr : HRESULT;
- TVTuner : IAMTVTuner;
- TVAudio : IAMTVAudio;
- bVFormat : Boolean;
- begin
- FDeviceOptions.Clear;
- bVFormat := False;
- if CaptureDialogs <> nil then begin
- // If this device supports the old legacy UI dialogs, offer them
- if CaptureDialogs.HasDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Format ) = S_OK then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VFORMAT, 'Video Format', True );
- bVFormat := True;
- end;
- if CaptureDialogs.HasDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Source ) = S_OK then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VSOURCE, 'Video Source', True );
- end;
- if CaptureDialogs.HasDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Display ) = S_OK then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VDISPLAY, 'Video Display', True );
- end;
- end;
- // Also check the audio capture filter at this point, since even non wdm devices
- // may support an IAMAudioInputMixer property page (we'll also get any wdm filter
- // properties here as well). We'll get any audio capture pin property pages just
- // a bit later.
- if ACap <> nil then begin
- hr := ACap.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_ACAPTURE, 'Audio Capture Filter', False );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- end;
- // don't bother looking for new property pages if the old ones are supported
- // or if we don't have a capture filter
- if ( VCap = nil ) or ( bVFormat ) then Exit;
- // New WDM devices support new UI and new interfaces.
- // Your app can use some default property
- // pages for UI if you'd like (like we do here) or if you don't like our
- // dialog boxes, feel free to make your own and programmatically set
- // the capture options through interfaces like IAMCrossbar, IAMCameraControl
- // etc.
- // There are 9 objects that might support property pages. Let's go through
- // them.
- // 1. the video capture filter itself
- hr := VCap.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VCAPTURE, 'Video Capture Filter', True );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- // 2. The video capture capture pin
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr <> S_OK then hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VCAPTURE_PIN, 'Video Capture Pin', True );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- end;
- // 3. The video capture preview pin.
- // This basically sets the format being previewed. Typically, you
- // want to capture and preview using the SAME format, instead of having to
- // enter the same value in 2 dialog boxes. For a discussion on this, see
- // the comment above the MakePreviewGraph function.
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr <> NOERROR then hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_VPREVIEW_PIN, 'Video Preview Pin', True );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- end;
- // 6. The TVTuner
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMTVTuner, TVTuner );
- if hr <> S_OK then hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMTVTuner, TVTuner );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := TVTuner.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_TVTUNER, 'TV Tuner', True );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- TVTuner := nil;
- end;
- // no audio capture, we're done
- if ACap = nil then Exit;
- // 7. The Audio capture filter itself... Thanks anyway, but we got these already
- // 8. The Audio capture pin
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio, ACap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_ACAPTURE_PIN, 'Audio Capture Pin', False );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- end;
- // 9. The TV Audio filter
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio, ACap, IID_IAMTVAudio, TVAudio );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := TVAudio.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- hr := Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- if ( hr = S_OK ) and ( auuid.cElems > 0 ) then begin
- FDeviceOptions.Add( DEVOPT_TVAUDIO, 'TV Audio', False );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- end;
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- TVAudio := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.OptionDialog( iType : Integer ) : HRESULT;
- var
- Spec : ISpecifyPropertyPages;
- auuid : CAUUID;
- hr : HRESULT;
- hrD : Cardinal;
- StreamConf : IAMStreamConfig;
- TVTuner : IAMTVTuner;
- begin
- // they want the VfW format dialog
- if iType = DEVOPT_VFORMAT then begin
- // this dialog will not work while previewing
- if fWantPreview then StopPreview;
- hrD := CaptureDialogs.ShowDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Format, Handle );
- // Oh uh! Sometimes bringing up the FORMAT dialog can result
- // in changing to a capture format that the current graph
- // can't handle. It looks like that has happened and we'll
- // have to rebuild the graph.
- if hrD = VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT then begin
- TearDownGraph; // now we need to rebuild
- // !!! This won't work if we've left a stranded h/w codec
- end;
- // Resize our window to be the same size that we're capturing
- if VStreamConf <> nil then begin
- // get format being used NOW
- hr := VStreamConf.GetFormat( pmt );
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if hr = NOERROR then begin
- if CheckGuid( pmt^.formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo ) then begin
- // resize our window to the new capture size
- //p_mtVideo := pmt;
- //pVideoFormat := pmt^.pbFormat;
- //FProcessMessage( CAPM_VIDEOINFOHEADER, Integer( pVideoFormat ) );
- //ResizeWindow( pVideoFormat^.bmiHeader.biWidth, Abs( pVideoFormat^.bmiHeader.biHeight ) );
- end;
- DeleteMediaType( pmt );
- end;
- end;
- if fWantPreview then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph;
- StartPreview;
- end;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_VSOURCE then begin
- // this dialog will not work while previewing
- if fWantPreview then StopPreview;
- CaptureDialogs.ShowDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Source, Handle );
- if fWantPreview then StartPreview;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_VDISPLAY then begin
- // this dialog will not work while previewing
- if fWantPreview then StopPreview;
- CaptureDialogs.ShowDialog( VfwCaptureDialog_Display, Handle );
- if fWantPreview then StartPreview;
- // now the code for the new dialogs
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_VCAPTURE then begin
- hr := VCap.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @VCap, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_VCAPTURE_PIN then begin
- // You can change this pin's output format in these dialogs.
- // If the capture pin is already connected to somebody who's
- // fussy about the connection type, that may prevent using
- // this dialog(!) because the filter it's connected to might not
- // allow reconnecting to a new format. (EG: you switch from RGB
- // to some compressed type, and need to pull in a decoder)
- // I need to tear down the graph downstream of the
- // capture filter before bringing up these dialogs.
- // In any case, the graph must be STOPPED when calling them.
- if fWantPreview then StopPreview; // make sure graph is stopped
- // The capture pin that we are trying to set the format on is connected if
- // one of these variable is set to TRUE. The pin should be disconnected for
- // the dialog to work properly.
- if fPreviewGraphBuilt then begin
- //DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,1,TEXT("Tear down graph for dialog")));
- TearDownGraph; // graph could prevent dialog working
- end;
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr <> NOERROR then Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @StreamConf, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- // !!! What if changing output formats couldn't reconnect
- // and the graph is broken? Shouldn't be possible...
- if VStreamConf <> nil then begin
- // get format being used NOW
- hr := VStreamConf.GetFormat( pmt );
- // DV capture does not use a VIDEOINFOHEADER
- if hr = NOERROR then begin
- if CheckGuid( pmt^.formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo ) then begin
- // resize our window to the new capture size
- //pVideoFormat := pmt^.pbFormat;
- //FProcessMessage( CAPM_VIDEOINFOHEADER, Integer( pVideoFormat ) );
- //ResizeWindow( pVideoFormat^.bmiHeader.biWidth, Abs( pVideoFormat^.bmiHeader.biHeight ) );
- end;
- DeleteMediaType( pmt );
- end;
- end;
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- if fWantPreview then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph;
- StartPreview;
- end;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_VPREVIEW_PIN then begin
- // this dialog may not work if the preview pin is connected
- // already, because the downstream filter may reject a format
- // change, so we better kill the graph. (EG: We switch from
- // capturing RGB to some compressed fmt, and need to pull in
- // a decompressor)
- if fWantPreview then begin
- StopPreview;
- TearDownGraph;
- end;
- // This dialog changes the preview format, so it might affect
- // the format being drawn. Our app's window size is taken
- // from the size of the capture pin's video, not the preview
- // pin, so changing that here won't have any effect. All in all,
- // this probably won't be a terribly useful dialog in this app.
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- if hr <> NOERROR then Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @StreamConf, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- if fWantPreview then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph;
- StartPreview;
- end;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_TVTUNER then begin
- hr := Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, VCap, IID_IAMTVTuner, TVTuner );
- if hr <> NOERROR then Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video, VCap, IID_IAMTVTuner, TVTuner );
- hr := TVTuner.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @TVTuner, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- TVTuner := nil;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_ACAPTURE then begin
- hr := ACap.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @ACap, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- end
- else if iType = DEVOPT_ACAPTURE_PIN then begin
- // this dialog will not work while previewing - it might change
- // the output format!
- if fWantPreview then StopPreview;
- Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Audio, ACap, IID_IAMStreamConfig, StreamConf );
- hr := StreamConf.QueryInterface( IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, Spec );
- if hr = S_OK then begin
- Spec.GetPages( auuid );
- OleCreatePropertyFrame( Handle, 30, 30, nil, 1, @StreamConf, auuid.cElems, auuid.pElems, 0, 0, nil );
- CoTaskMemFree( auuid.pElems );
- Spec := nil;
- end;
- StreamConf := nil;
- if fWantPreview then StartPreview;
- end;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetMasterStream(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if (ConfigAviMux<>nil) and (ConfigAviMux.SetMasterStream(Value) = NOERROR) then
- FMasterStream:= Value
- else
- ErrMsg(rsSetMasterStreamFailed);
- end;
- function TCapture.StartPreview: boolean;
- var
- MC: IMediaControl;
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- // way ahead of you
- Result:= fPreviewing or not fPreviewGraphBuilt;
- if Result then Exit;
- // enable grabber classes
- VGrabberCB.Enabled := True;
- AGrabberCB.Enabled := True;
- // run the graph
- hr:= Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, MC);
- if Succeeded(hr) then begin
- hr:= MC.Run;
- if Failed(hr) then MC.Stop; // stop parts that ran
- MC:= nil;
- end;
- if Failed(hr) then begin
- ErrMsg(rsCantRunPreviewGraph, hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnStartPreview) then FOnStartPreview(Self);
- fPreviewing:= true;
- Result:= true;
- end;
- function TCapture.StopPreview: boolean;
- var
- MC: IMediaControl;
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result:= false;
- // way ahead of you
- if not fPreviewing then Exit;
- // disable grabber classes
- VGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- AGrabberCB.Enabled := False;
- // stop the graph
- MC:= nil;
- if Graph <> nil then begin
- hr:= Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, MC);
- if Succeeded(hr) then begin
- hr:= MC.Stop;
- MC:= nil;
- end;
- if Failed(hr) then begin
- ErrMsg(rsCantStopPreviewGraph, hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Invalidate; // !!! get rid of garbage
- if Assigned(FOnStopPreview) then FOnStopPreview(Self);
- fPreviewing:= false;
- Result:= true;
- end;
- // Tear down everything downstream of the capture filters, so we can build
- // a different capture graph. Notice that we never destroy the capture filters
- // and WDM filters upstream of them, because then all the capture settings
- // we've set would be lost.
- procedure TCapture.TearDownGraph;
- begin
- Sink:= nil;
- ConfigAviMux:= nil;
- Render:= nil;
- if VideoWindow <> nil then begin
- // stop drawing in our window, or we may get wierd repaint effects
- VideoWindow.put_Visible(false);
- VideoWindow.put_Owner(0);
- end;
- VideoWindow:= nil;
- MediaEvent:= nil;
- DroppedFrames:= nil;
- // destroy the graph downstream of our capture filters
- if VCap <> nil then NukeDownstream(VCap);
- if ACap <> nil then NukeDownstream(ACap);
- fCaptureGraphBuilt:= false;
- fPreviewGraphBuilt:= false;
- fPreviewFaked:= false;
- end;
- // capture AVI
- function TCapture.StartCapture(const Dialog: boolean): boolean;
- const
- var
- fHasStreamControl: boolean;
- hr: HRESULT;
- start, stop: TREFERENCE_TIME;
- MC: IMediaControl;
- begin
- // way ahead of you
- Result:= fCapturing;
- if Result then Exit;
- FCaptureTimer.Enabled:= false;
- if (fPreviewing) then StopPreview(); // or we'll get confused
- if (fPreviewGraphBuilt) then TearDownGraph();
- // or we'll crash
- Result:= false;
- if not BuildCaptureGraph and fCaptureGraphBuilt then Exit;
- // This amount will be subtracted from the number of dropped and not
- // dropped frames reported by the filter. Since we might be having the
- // filter running while the pin is turned off, we don't want any of the
- // frame statistics from the time the pin is off interfering with the
- // statistics we gather while the pin is on
- FDroppedFrames:= 0; FNotDropped:= 0;
- start:= MAX_TIME; stop:= MAX_TIME;
- // don't capture quite yet...
- hr:= Builder.ControlStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, nil, nil, @start, nil, 0, 0);
- // Do we have the ability to control capture and preview separately?
- fHasStreamControl:= SUCCEEDED(hr);
- // prepare to run the graph
- MC:= nil;
- hr:= Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, MC);
- if (FAILED(hr)) then begin
- ErrMsg(rsCantGetMediaControl, hr);
- Result:= false;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- try
- // If we were able to keep capture off, then we can
- // run the graph now for frame accurate start later yet still showing a
- // preview. Otherwise, we can't run the graph yet without capture
- // starting too, so we'll pause it so the latency between when they
- // press a key and when capture begins is still small (but they won't have
- // a preview while they wait to press a key)
- if (fHasStreamControl) then hr:= MC.Run()
- else hr:= MC.Pause();
- if (FAILED(hr)) then // stop parts that started
- ErrMsgException(rsCantRunGraph, hr);
- // press a key to start capture
- if ( Dialog and ( MessageDlg(rsStartCapture, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbCancel], 0) <> mrYes)) then begin
- // kill all fucking stuff :)
- ChooseDevices( mVideo, mAudio );
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Start capture NOW!
- if (fHasStreamControl) then begin
- // we may not have this yet
- if (DroppedFrames=nil) then begin
- hr:= Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,
- VCap, IID_IAMDroppedFrames, DroppedFrames);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then
- Builder.FindInterface( @PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, @MEDIATYPE_Video,
- VCap, IID_IAMDroppedFrames, DroppedFrames);
- end;
- // turn the capture pin on now!
- Builder.ControlStream(@PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, nil, nil, nil, @stop, 0, 0);
- // make note of the current dropped frame counts
- if (DroppedFrames<>nil) then begin
- DroppedFrames.GetNumDropped(FDroppedBase);
- DroppedFrames.GetNumNotDropped(FNotDroppedBase);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- hr:= MC.Run();
- if (FAILED(hr)) then // stop parts that started
- ErrMsgException(rsCantRunGraph, hr);
- end;
- // when did we start capture?
- FCapStartTime:= timeGetTime();
- FCaptureTimer.Enabled:= true;
- fCapturing:= true;
- Result:= true;
- if Assigned(FOnStartCapture) then FOnStartCapture(Self);
- except
- MC.Stop();
- Result:= false;
- end
- finally
- MC:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.StopCapture: boolean;
- var
- MC: IMediaControl;
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- // way ahead of you
- Result:= false;
- if not fCaptureGraphBuilt then Exit;
- FCaptureTimer.Enabled:= false;
- // stop the graph
- MC:= nil;
- hr:= Graph.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, MC);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) then begin
- hr:= MC.Stop();
- MC:= nil;
- end;
- if (FAILED(hr)) then begin
- ErrMsg(rsCantStopGraph, hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- if not fCapturing then Exit;
- // when the graph was stopped
- FCapStopTime:= timeGetTime();
- FCapturing:= false;
- if UseTempFile and SaveCaptureFile(CaptureFileName) then begin
- DeleteFile(TempCaptureFileName);
- end;
- // one last time for the final count and all the stats
- try
- if Assigned(FOnCaptureProgress) then FOnCaptureProgress(Self);
- except
- end;
- // !!! get rid of garbage
- Invalidate;
- if Assigned(FOnStopCapture) then FOnStopCapture(Self);
- Result:= true;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.CaptureProgress(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FCapTime:= timeGetTime() - FCapStartTime;
- UpdateStatus;
- if not Capturing then Exit;
- if (UseTimeLimit) and (FCapTime div 1000 >= DWORD(TimeLimit)) then begin
- StopCapture();
- if (FWantPreview) then begin
- BuildPreviewGraph();
- StartPreview();
- end;
- end
- else if Assigned(FOnCaptureProgress) then FOnCaptureProgress(Self);
- end;
- procedure TCapture.UpdateStatus;
- begin
- // this filter can't tell us dropped frame info.
- if (DroppedFrames<>nil) and FCapturing then begin
- if (DroppedFrames.GetNumDropped(FDroppedFrames)=S_OK) and
- (DroppedFrames.GetNumNotDropped(FNotDropped)=S_OK) then
- begin
- FDroppedFrames:= FDroppedFrames - FDroppedBase;
- FNotDropped:= FNotDropped - FNotDroppedBase;
- end;
- {
- // we want all possible stats, including capture time and actual acheived
- // frame rate and data rate (as opposed to what we tried to get). These
- // numbers are an indication that though we dropped frames just now, if we
- // chose a data rate and frame rate equal to the numbers I'm about to
- // print, we probably wouldn't drop any frames.
- // average size of frame captured
- if (DroppedFrames.GetAverageFrameSize(&lAvgFrameSize) = S_OK) then begin
- end;
- }
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetTempCaptureFileName(const Value: string);
- begin
- FTempCaptureFileName:= Value;
- if (Sink<>nil) then begin
- Sink.SetFileName(PWCHAR(WideString(FTempCaptureFileName)), TAM_Media_Type(nil^));
- end;
- end;
- function TCapture.AllocCaptureFile(const SizeMb: integer): boolean;
- begin
- DeleteFile(FCaptureFile);
- Result:= MakeBuilder and (Builder.AllocCapFile(PWCHAR(FCaptureFile),
- SizeMb*1024*1024) = NOERROR);
- end;
- function TCapture.SaveCaptureFile(const FileName: string): boolean;
- var
- tempBuilder: ICaptureGraphBuilder2;
- begin
- Result:= FCaptureFile <> '';
- if Result then
- try
- // we need our own graph builder because the main one might not exist
- Result:= (CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC,
- IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, tempBuilder ) = NOERROR);
- if (Result) then begin
- // allow the user to press ESC to abort... don't ask for progress
- Result:= tempBuilder.CopyCaptureFile( PWCHAR(FCaptureFile),
- PWCHAR(WideString(FileName)),
- -1, nil) = S_OK;
- tempBuilder:= nil;
- end;
- except
- Result:= false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetCaptureFileName(const Value: string);
- begin
- FCaptureFileName:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetAudioFormat( SamplesPerSec : Cardinal; Channels, BitsPerSec : Word );
- var
- c1 : Integer;
- begin
- ZeroMemory( @FAudioFormat, sizeof( TWaveFormatEx ) );
- FAudioFormat.wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
- if Channels in [1..2] then FAudioFormat.nChannels := Channels else FAudioFormat.nChannels := 1;
- FAudioFormat.nSamplesPerSec := SAMPLE_RATE[0];
- for c1 := 0 to 3 do if SamplesPerSec = SAMPLE_RATE[c1] then FAudioFormat.nSamplesPerSec := SAMPLE_RATE[c1];
- if ( BitsPerSec = 8 ) or ( BitsPerSec = 16 ) then FAudioFormat.wBitsPerSample := BitsPerSec else FAudioFormat.wBitsPerSample := 8;
- FAudioFormat.nBlockAlign := FAudioFormat.nChannels * FAudioFormat.wBitsPerSample div 8;
- FAudioFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec := FAudioFormat.nSamplesPerSec * FAudioFormat.nBlockAlign;
- FAudioBitRate := FAudioFormat.wBitsPerSample;
- FAudioSampleRate := FAudioFormat.nSamplesPerSec;
- FAudioChannels := FAudioFormat.nChannels;
- if p_mtAudio = nil then Exit;
- p_mtAudio^.majortype := MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- p_mtAudio^.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM;
- p_mtAudio^.formattype := FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
- p_mtAudio^.pbFormat := @FAudioFormat;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SetVideoFormat( Width, Height : Integer; BitCount : Word; FrameRate : Double );
- begin
- if Width > 0 then FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biWidth := Width;
- if Height > 0 then FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biHeight := Height;
- FVideoWidth := FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biWidth;
- FVideoHeight := FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biHeight;
- case BitCount of
- 1 : FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 1;
- 4 : FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 4;
- 8 : FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 8;
- 16 : FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 16;
- 32 : FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32;
- else FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 24;
- end;
- FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biSize := Width * Height * ( FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biBitCount div 8 );
- FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1;
- FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB;
- if FrameRate > 0 then FVideoFrameRate := FrameRate else FVideoFrameRate := 15;
- FVideoFormat.AvgTimePerFrame := Round( 1 / FrameRate * 10000000 );
- if p_mtVideo = nil then Exit;
- p_mtVideo^.pbFormat := @FVideoFormat;
- p_mtVideo^.cbFormat := sizeof( TVIDEOINFOHEADER );
- p_mtVideo^.majortype:= MEDIATYPE_Video;
- p_mtVideo^.formattype:= FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- //p_mtVideo^.lSampleSize := FVideoFormat.bmiHeader.biSize * 2;
- p_mtVideo^.bFixedSizeSamples := True;
- end;
- // this function is not optimized. but readable :)
- function TCapture.CreateBitmap( Buffer : Pointer; Size : Integer ) : TBitmap;
- var
- iByteCount : Integer;
- SrcScanLine, DstScanLine : PByteArray;
- SrcX, SrcY, DstY : Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- // oh no, go out
- if ( Buffer = nil ) or ( Size <= 0 ) then Exit;
- // read the bytecount
- iByteCount := Size div ( FVideoWidth * FVideoHeight );
- // wrong frame size??
- if not iByteCount in [1..4] then Exit;
- Result := TBitmap.Create;
- // set bitmap dimensions
- Result.Width := FVideoWidth;
- Result.Height := FVideoHeight;
- // set right pixelformat
- case iByteCount of
- 1 : Result.PixelFormat := pf8Bit;
- 2 : Result.PixelFormat := pf16Bit;
- 3 : Result.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- 4 : Result.PixelFormat := pf32Bit;
- end;
- // copy the bytes
- SrcY := 0;
- DstY := FVideoHeight - 1; // flip destination vertical
- while SrcY < FVideoHeight do begin
- DstScanLine := Result.ScanLine[DstY];
- SrcScanLine := Pointer( Integer( Buffer ) + ( SrcY * FVideoWidth * iByteCount ) );
- SrcX := 0;
- while SrcX < FVideoWidth * iByteCount do begin
- DstScanLine[SrcX] := SrcScanLine[SrcX];
- Inc( SrcX );
- end;
- Inc( SrcY );
- Dec( DstY );
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.OnVideoFrame( Frame : Cardinal; Buffer : Pointer; Size : Integer );
- var
- Bitmap : TBitmap;
- imgJPEG : TJpegImage;
- begin
- if FStillImage then begin
- Bitmap := CreateBitmap( Buffer, Size );
- if not Bitmap.Empty then begin
- if FImageType = 0 then begin
- if FImageFile = '' then FImageFile := 'capture.bmp';
- Bitmap.SaveToFile( FImageFile );
- end
- else if FImageType = 1 then begin
- if FImageFile = '' then FImageFile := 'capture.jpg';
- if ( FImageQuality < 0 ) or ( FImageQuality > 100 ) then FImageQuality := 100;
- imgJPEG := TJpegImage.Create;
- imgJPEG.Assign( Bitmap );
- imgJPEG.CompressionQuality := FImageQuality;
- imgJPEG.SaveToFile( FImageFile );
- imgJPEG.Free;
- end;
- end;
- Bitmap.Free;
- // kill us!
- VGrabberCB.FProcessBuffer := FProcessBuffer;
- FStillImage := False;
- end;
- // call another handler
- if Assigned( FProcessBuffer ) then FProcessBuffer( Frame, Buffer, Size );
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SaveAsBitmap;
- begin
- if not VGrabberCB.Enabled then Exit;
- FStillImage := True;
- FImageType := 0;
- // save the current handler
- FProcessBuffer := VGrabberCB.FProcessBuffer;
- // set our handler
- VGrabberCB.FProcessBuffer := OnVideoFrame;
- end;
- procedure TCapture.SaveAsJpeg( Quality : TJPEGQualityRange );
- begin
- if not VGrabberCB.Enabled then Exit;
- FStillImage := True;
- FImageType := 1;
- if ( Quality >= 0 ) and ( Quality <= 100 ) then FImageQuality := Quality;
- // save the current handler
- FProcessBuffer := VGrabberCB.FProcessBuffer;
- // set our handler
- VGrabberCB.FProcessBuffer := OnVideoFrame;
- end;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents( 'Samples', [TCapture] );
- end;
- initialization
- VideoDevicesList := TObjectList.Create;
- AudioDevicesList := TObjectList.Create;
- finalization
- VideoDevicesList.Free;
- AudioDevicesList.Free;
- end.