home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit DXCommon;
- interface
- uses
- Windows;
- const
- UnrecognizedError = 'Unrecognized Error';
- type
- PCharAW = PWideChar;
- {$ELSE}
- PCharAW = PAnsiChar;
- {$ENDIF}
- function IsNTandDelphiRunning : boolean;
- function RegGetStringValue(Hive: HKEY; const KeyName, ValueName: string): string;
- function ExistFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- function DXErrorString(Error: HResult): string;
- function DXErrorMessage(Error: HResult): boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- implementation
- uses DirectInput8, DirectInput, DirectSound, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectPlay8,
- Direct3D, Direct3DRM, DirectDraw, DirectShow, DirectXGraphics,
- Dialogs, SysUtils;
- function DXErrorMessage(Error: HResult): boolean;
- begin
- Result := FAILED(Error);
- if Result then
- MessageDlg(DXErrorString(Error), mtError, [mbAbort], 0);
- end;
- function DXErrorString(Error: HResult): string;
- var Facility: DWORD;
- begin
- Facility := (Error shr 16) and $7FFF;
- case Facility of
- // Direct3D, DirectDraw
- then Result := DirectXGraphics.DXGErrorString(Error)
- else Result := DirectDraw.DDErrorString(Error);
- // DirectMusic, DirectSound
- _FACDS : if (Error and $FFFF) > DMUS_ERRBASE
- then Result := DirectMusic.DMErrorString(Error)
- else Result := DirectSound.DSErrorString(Error);
- // DirectPlay
- _FACDPV : Result := DirectPlay8.DPErrorString(Error);
- _FACDPV7: Result := DirectPlay.DPErrorString(Error);
- //Definitions still to come
- else case Error of
- S_OK : Result := '';
- S_FALSE : Result := '';
- E_INVALIDARG : Result := '';
- E_NOINTERFACE : Result := '';
- E_FAIL : Result := '';
- E_OUTOFMEMORY : Result := '';
- E_NOTIMPL : Result := '';
- E_ACCESSDENIED : Result := '';
- else Result := DirectInput.DIErrorString(Error);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function RegGetStringValue(Hive: HKEY; const KeyName, ValueName: string): string;
- var EnvKey : HKEY;
- Buf : array[0..255] of char;
- BufSize : DWord;
- RegType : DWord;
- rc : DWord;
- begin
- Result := '';
- BufSize := Sizeof(Buf);
- ZeroMemory(@Buf, BufSize);
- RegType := REG_SZ;
- try
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(Hive, PChar(KeyName), 0, KEY_READ, EnvKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS) then
- begin
- try
- if (ValueName = '') then rc := RegQueryValueEx(EnvKey, nil, nil, @RegType, @Buf, @BufSize)
- else rc := RegQueryValueEx(EnvKey, PChar(ValueName), nil, @RegType, @Buf, @BufSize);
- if rc = ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := string(Buf);
- finally
- RegCloseKey(EnvKey);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- RegCloseKey(Hive);
- end;
- end;
- function ExistFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var hFile: THandle;
- begin
- hFile := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), 0, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
- Result := hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- if Result = true then CloseHandle(hFile);
- end;
- function IsNTandDelphiRunning : boolean;
- var
- OSVersion : TOSVersionInfo;
- AppName : array[0..255] of char;
- begin
- OSVersion.dwOsVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVersion);
- GetVersionEx(OSVersion);
- // Not running in NT or program is not Delphi itself ?
- AppName[0] := #0;
- lstrcat(AppName, PChar(ParamStr(0))); // ParamStr(0) = Application.ExeName
- CharUpperBuff(AppName, SizeOf(AppName));
- result := ( (OSVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and
- (Pos('DELPHI32.EXE', AppName) = Length(AppName) - Length('DELPHI32.EXE') + 1) );
- end;
- end.