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(*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Files : d3d8types.h d3d8caps.h d3d8.h * * DirectX 8.0 Delphi adaptation by Tim Baumgarten * * Modified: 14-Mar-2001 (032WE2001 Edition) * * E-Mail : Ampaze@gmx.net * ***************************************************************************) (*==========================================================================; * History : * * 14-Mar-2001 (Tim Baumgarten) : Changed CreateVertexShader as pFunction can be nil * 28-Jan-2001 (Tim Baumgarten) : Added TD3DMultiSampleType = TD3DMultiSample_Type; * 23-Dec-2000 (Tim Baumgarten) : Changed all types that are declared as UInt in C to be Cardinal in Delphi * : Changed all types that are declared as DWord in C to be LongWord in Delphi * 14-Dec-2000 (Tim Baumgarten) : Changed some parameters of IDirect3DDevice8.DrawRectPatch and IDirect3DDevice8.DrawTriPatch to Pointers. * : Added versions without underlines of some structures * : Added "Pointer to Structure" (PStructure = ^TStructure) to all structures. * 26-Nov-2000 (Tim Baumgarten) : Returncodes are now typecasted with HResult * ***************************************************************************) unit DirectXGraphics; {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$ALIGN ON} interface uses Windows; var D3D8DLL : HMODULE; (*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: d3d8types.h * Content: Direct3D capabilities include file * ***************************************************************************) const DIRECT3D_VERSION = $0800; type TD3DColor = type LongWord; // maps unsigned 8 bits/channel to D3DCOLOR function D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; // ((D3DCOLOR)((((a)&= $ff)<<24)|(((r)&= $ff)<<16)|(((g)&= $ff)<<8)|((b)&= $ff))) function D3DCOLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; // D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a;r;g;b) function D3DCOLOR_XRGB(r, g, b : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; // D3DCOLOR_ARGB(= $ff;r;g;b) // maps floating point channels (0.f to 1.f range) to D3DCOLOR function D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(r, g, b, a : Single) : TD3DColor; // D3DCOLOR_RGBA((DWORD)((r)*255.f);(DWORD)((g)*255.f);(DWORD)((b)*255.f);(DWORD)((a)*255.f)) type PD3DVector = ^TD3DVector; TD3DVector = packed record x : Single; y : Single; z : Single; end; PD3DColorValue = ^TD3DColorValue; TD3DColorValue = packed record r : Single; g : Single; b : Single; a : Single; end; PD3DRect = ^TD3DRect; TD3DRect = packed record x1 : LongInt; y1 : LongInt; x2 : LongInt; y2 : LongInt; end; PD3DMatrix = ^TD3DMatrix; TD3DMatrix = packed record case Integer of 0 : (_11, _12, _13, _14 : Single; _21, _22, _23, _24 : Single; _31, _32, _33, _34 : Single; _41, _42, _43, _44 : Single); 1 : (m : array [0..3, 0..3] of Single); end; PD3DViewport8 = ^TD3DViewport8; TD3DViewport8 = packed record X : LongWord; Y : LongWord; (* Viewport Top left *) Width : LongWord; Height : LongWord; (* Viewport Dimensions *) MinZ : Single; (* Min/max of clip Volume *) MaxZ : Single end; (* * Values for clip fields. *) // Max number of user clipping planes; supported in D3D. const D3DMAXUSERCLIPPLANES = 32; // These bits could be ORed together to use with D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE // shl D3DCLIPPLANE0 = 1; // (1 << 0) D3DCLIPPLANE1 = 2; // (1 << 1) D3DCLIPPLANE2 = 4; // (1 << 2) D3DCLIPPLANE3 = 8; // (1 << 3) D3DCLIPPLANE4 = 16; // (1 << 4) D3DCLIPPLANE5 = 32; // (1 << 5) // The following bits are used in the ClipUnion and ClipIntersection // members of the D3DCLIPSTATUS8 // D3DCS_LEFT = $00000001; D3DCS_RIGHT = $00000002; D3DCS_TOP = $00000004; D3DCS_BOTTOM = $00000008; D3DCS_FRONT = $00000010; D3DCS_BACK = $00000020; D3DCS_PLANE0 = $00000040; D3DCS_PLANE1 = $00000080; D3DCS_PLANE2 = $00000100; D3DCS_PLANE3 = $00000200; D3DCS_PLANE4 = $00000400; D3DCS_PLANE5 = $00000800; D3DCS_ALL = D3DCS_LEFT or D3DCS_RIGHT or D3DCS_TOP or D3DCS_BOTTOM or D3DCS_FRONT or D3DCS_BACK or D3DCS_PLANE0 or D3DCS_PLANE1 or D3DCS_PLANE2 or D3DCS_PLANE3 or D3DCS_PLANE4 or D3DCS_PLANE5; type PD3DClipStatus8 = ^TD3DClipStatus8; TD3DClipStatus8 = packed record ClipUnion : LongWord; ClipIntersection : LongWord; end; PD3DMaterial8 = ^TD3DMaterial8; TD3DMaterial8 = packed record Diffuse : TD3DColorValue; (* Diffuse color RGBA *) Ambient : TD3DColorValue; (* Ambient color RGB *) Specular : TD3DColorValue; (* Specular 'shininess' *) Emissive : TD3DColorValue; (* Emissive color RGB *) Power : Single; (* Sharpness if specular highlight *) end; type TD3DLightType = LongWord; const D3DLIGHT_POINT = 1; D3DLIGHT_SPOT = 2; D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL = 3; D3DLIGHT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type PD3DLight8 = ^TD3DLight8; TD3DLight8 = packed record _Type : LongWord; (* Type of light source *) //D3DLIGHTTYPE Diffuse : TD3DColorValue; (* Diffuse color of light *) Specular : TD3DColorValue; (* Specular color of light *) Ambient : TD3DColorValue; (* Ambient color of light *) Position : TD3DVector; (* Position in world space *) Direction : TD3DVector; (* Direction in world space *) Range : Single; (* Cutoff range *) Falloff : Single; (* Falloff *) Attenuation0 : Single; (* Constant attenuation *) Attenuation1 : Single; (* Linear attenuation *) Attenuation2 : Single; (* Quadratic attenuation *) Theta : Single; (* Inner angle of spotlight cone *) Phi : Single; (* Outer angle of spotlight cone *) end; (* * Options for clearing *) const D3DCLEAR_TARGET = $00000001; (* Clear target surface *) D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER = $00000002; (* Clear target z buffer *) D3DCLEAR_STENCIL = $00000004; (* Clear stencil planes *) (* * The following defines the rendering states *) type TD3DShadeMode = LongWord; const D3DSHADE_FLAT = 1; D3DSHADE_GOURAUD = 2; D3DSHADE_PHONG = 3; D3DSHADE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DFillMode = LongWord; const D3DFILL_POINT = 1; D3DFILL_WIREFRAME = 2; D3DFILL_SOLID = 3; D3DFILL_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type PD3DLinePattern = ^TD3DLinePattern; TD3DLinePattern = packed record wRepeatFactor : Word; wLinePattern : Word; end; type TD3DBlend = LongWord; const D3DBLEND_ZERO = 1; D3DBLEND_ONE = 2; D3DBLEND_SRCCOLOR = 3; D3DBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR = 4; D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA = 5; D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA = 6; D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA = 7; D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA = 8; D3DBLEND_DESTCOLOR = 9; D3DBLEND_INVDESTCOLOR = 10; D3DBLEND_SRCALPHASAT = 11; D3DBLEND_BOTHSRCALPHA = 12; D3DBLEND_BOTHINVSRCALPHA = 13; D3DBLEND_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DBLendOp = LongWord; const D3DBLENDOP_ADD = 1; D3DBLENDOP_SUBTRACT = 2; D3DBLENDOP_REVSUBTRACT = 3; D3DBLENDOP_MIN = 4; D3DBLENDOP_MAX = 5; D3DBLENDOP_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DTextureAddress = LongWord; const D3DTADDRESS_WRAP = 1; D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR = 2; D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP = 3; D3DTADDRESS_BORDER = 4; D3DTADDRESS_MIRRORONCE = 5; D3DTADDRESS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DCull = LongWord; const D3DCULL_NONE = 1; D3DCULL_CW = 2; D3DCULL_CCW = 3; D3DCULL_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DCmpFunc = LongWord; const D3DCMP_NEVER = 1; D3DCMP_LESS = 2; D3DCMP_EQUAL = 3; D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL = 4; D3DCMP_GREATER = 5; D3DCMP_NOTEQUAL = 6; D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL = 7; D3DCMP_ALWAYS = 8; D3DCMP_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DStencilOp = LongWord; const D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP = 1; D3DSTENCILOP_ZERO = 2; D3DSTENCILOP_REPLACE = 3; D3DSTENCILOP_INCRSAT = 4; D3DSTENCILOP_DECRSAT = 5; D3DSTENCILOP_INVERT = 6; D3DSTENCILOP_INCR = 7; D3DSTENCILOP_DECR = 8; D3DSTENCILOP_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DFogMode = LongWord; const D3DFOG_NONE = 0; D3DFOG_EXP = 1; D3DFOG_EXP2 = 2; D3DFOG_LINEAR = 3; D3DFOG_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DZBufferType = LongWord; const D3DZB_FALSE = 0; D3DZB_TRUE = 1; // Z buffering D3DZB_USEW = 2; // W buffering D3DZB_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) // Primitives supported by draw-primitive API type TD3DPrimitiveType = LongWord; const D3DPT_POINTLIST = 1; D3DPT_LINELIST = 2; D3DPT_LINESTRIP = 3; D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST = 4; D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP = 5; D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN = 6; D3DPT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) type TD3DTransformStateType = LongWord; const D3DTS_VIEW = 2; D3DTS_PROJECTION = 3; D3DTS_TEXTURE0 = 16; D3DTS_TEXTURE1 = 17; D3DTS_TEXTURE2 = 18; D3DTS_TEXTURE3 = 19; D3DTS_TEXTURE4 = 20; D3DTS_TEXTURE5 = 21; D3DTS_TEXTURE6 = 22; D3DTS_TEXTURE7 = 23; D3DTS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) function D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(index : LongWord) : LongWord; // (D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE)(index + 256) const D3DTS_WORLD = 0 + 256; // D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(0) D3DTS_WORLD1 = 1 + 256; // D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(1) D3DTS_WORLD2 = 2 + 256; // D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(2) D3DTS_WORLD3 = 3 + 256; // D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(3) type TD3DRenderStateType = LongWord; const D3DRS_ZENABLE = 7; (* D3DZBUFFERTYPE (or TRUE/FALSE for legacy) *) D3DRS_FILLMODE = 8; (* D3DFILL_MODE *) D3DRS_SHADEMODE = 9; (* D3DSHADEMODE *) D3DRS_LINEPATTERN = 10; (* D3DLINEPATTERN *) D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE = 14; (* TRUE to enable z writes *) D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE = 15; (* TRUE to enable alpha tests *) D3DRS_LASTPIXEL = 16; (* TRUE for last-pixel on lines *) D3DRS_SRCBLEND = 19; (* D3DBLEND *) D3DRS_DESTBLEND = 20; (* D3DBLEND *) D3DRS_CULLMODE = 22; (* D3DCULL *) D3DRS_ZFUNC = 23; (* D3DCMPFUNC *) D3DRS_ALPHAREF = 24; (* D3DFIXED *) D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC = 25; (* D3DCMPFUNC *) D3DRS_DITHERENABLE = 26; (* TRUE to enable dithering *) D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE = 27; (* TRUE to enable alpha blending *) D3DRS_FOGENABLE = 28; (* TRUE to enable fog blending *) D3DRS_SPECULARENABLE = 29; (* TRUE to enable specular *) D3DRS_ZVISIBLE = 30; (* TRUE to enable z checking *) D3DRS_FOGCOLOR = 34; (* D3DCOLOR *) D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE = 35; (* D3DFOGMODE *) D3DRS_FOGSTART = 36; (* Fog start (for both vertex and pixel fog) *) D3DRS_FOGEND = 37; (* Fog end *) D3DRS_FOGDENSITY = 38; (* Fog density *) D3DRS_EDGEANTIALIAS = 40; (* TRUE to enable edge antialiasing *) D3DRS_ZBIAS = 47; (* LONG Z bias *) D3DRS_RANGEFOGENABLE = 48; (* Enables range-based fog *) D3DRS_STENCILENABLE = 52; (* BOOL enable/disable stenciling *) D3DRS_STENCILFAIL = 53; (* D3DSTENCILOP to do if stencil test fails *) D3DRS_STENCILZFAIL = 54; (* D3DSTENCILOP to do if stencil test passes and Z test fails *) D3DRS_STENCILPASS = 55; (* D3DSTENCILOP to do if both stencil and Z tests pass *) D3DRS_STENCILFUNC = 56; (* D3DCMPFUNC fn. Stencil Test passes if ((ref & mask) stencilfn (stencil & mask)) is true *) D3DRS_STENCILREF = 57; (* Reference value used in stencil test *) D3DRS_STENCILMASK = 58; (* Mask value used in stencil test *) D3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK = 59; (* Write mask applied to values written to stencil buffer *) D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR = 60; (* D3DCOLOR used for multi-texture blend *) D3DRS_WRAP0 = 128; (* wrap for 1st texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP1 = 129; (* wrap for 2nd texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP2 = 130; (* wrap for 3rd texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP3 = 131; (* wrap for 4th texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP4 = 132; (* wrap for 5th texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP5 = 133; (* wrap for 6th texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP6 = 134; (* wrap for 7th texture coord. set *) D3DRS_WRAP7 = 135; (* wrap for 8th texture coord. set *) D3DRS_CLIPPING = 136; D3DRS_LIGHTING = 137; D3DRS_AMBIENT = 139; D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE = 140; D3DRS_COLORVERTEX = 141; D3DRS_LOCALVIEWER = 142; D3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS = 143; D3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE = 145; D3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE = 146; D3DRS_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE = 147; D3DRS_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE = 148; D3DRS_VERTEXBLEND = 151; D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE = 152; D3DRS_SOFTWAREVERTEXPROCESSING = 153; D3DRS_POINTSIZE = 154; (* float point size *) D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MIN = 155; (* float point size min threshold *) D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE = 156; (* BOOL point texture coord control *) D3DRS_POINTSCALEENABLE = 157; (* BOOL point size scale enable *) D3DRS_POINTSCALE_A = 158; (* float point attenuation A value *) D3DRS_POINTSCALE_B = 159; (* float point attenuation B value *) D3DRS_POINTSCALE_C = 160; (* float point attenuation C value *) D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS = 161; // BOOL - set to do FSAA with multisample buffer *) D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEMASK = 162; // DWORD - per-sample enable/disable D3DRS_PATCHEDGESTYLE = 163; // Sets whether patch edges will use float style tessellation D3DRS_PATCHSEGMENTS = 164; // Number of segments per edge when drawing patches D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN = 165; // DEBUG ONLY - token to debug monitor D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MAX = 166; (* float point size max threshold *) D3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE = 167; D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE = 168; // per-channel write enable D3DRS_TWEENFACTOR = 170; // float tween factor D3DRS_BLENDOP = 171; // D3DBLENDOP setting D3DRS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) // Values for material source type TD3DMaterialColorSource = LongWord; const D3DMCS_MATERIAL = 0; // Color from material is used D3DMCS_COLOR1 = 1; // Diffuse vertex color is used D3DMCS_COLOR2 = 2; // Specular vertex color is used D3DMCS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // Bias to apply to the texture coordinate set to apply a wrap to. D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS = 128; (* Flags to construct the WRAP render states *) D3DWRAP_U = $00000001; D3DWRAP_V = $00000002; D3DWRAP_W = $00000004; (* Flags to construct the WRAP render states for 1D thru 4D texture coordinates *) D3DWRAPCOORD_0 = $00000001; // same as D3DWRAP_U D3DWRAPCOORD_1 = $00000002; // same as D3DWRAP_V D3DWRAPCOORD_2 = $00000004; // same as D3DWRAP_W D3DWRAPCOORD_3 = $00000008; (* Flags to construct D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE *) D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED = 1; // (1L<<0) D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN = 2; // (1L<<1) D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE = 4; // (1L<<2) D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA = 8; // (1L<<3) (* * State enumerants for per-stage texture processing. *) type TD3DTextureStageStateType = LongWord; const D3DTSS_COLOROP = 1; (* D3DTEXTUREOP - per-stage blending controls for color channels *) D3DTSS_COLORARG1 = 2; (* D3DTA_* (texture arg) *) D3DTSS_COLORARG2 = 3; (* D3DTA_* (texture arg) *) D3DTSS_ALPHAOP = 4; (* D3DTEXTUREOP - per-stage blending controls for alpha channel *) D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1 = 5; (* D3DTA_* (texture arg) *) D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2 = 6; (* D3DTA_* (texture arg) *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT00 = 7; (* float (bump mapping matrix) *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT01 = 8; (* float (bump mapping matrix) *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT10 = 9; (* float (bump mapping matrix) *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT11 = 10; (* float (bump mapping matrix) *) D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX = 11; (* identifies which set of texture coordinates index this texture *) D3DTSS_ADDRESSU = 13; (* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for U coordinate *) D3DTSS_ADDRESSV = 14; (* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for V coordinate *) D3DTSS_BORDERCOLOR = 15; (* D3DCOLOR *) D3DTSS_MAGFILTER = 16; (* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use for magnification *) D3DTSS_MINFILTER = 17; (* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use for minification *) D3DTSS_MIPFILTER = 18; (* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use between mipmaps during minification *) D3DTSS_MIPMAPLODBIAS = 19; (* float Mipmap LOD bias *) D3DTSS_MAXMIPLEVEL = 20; (* DWORD 0..(n-1) LOD index of largest map to use (0 == largest) *) D3DTSS_MAXANISOTROPY = 21; (* DWORD maximum anisotropy *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVLSCALE = 22; (* float scale for bump map luminance *) D3DTSS_BUMPENVLOFFSET = 23; (* float offset for bump map luminance *) D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS = 24; (* D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS controls texture transform *) D3DTSS_ADDRESSW = 25; (* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for W coordinate *) D3DTSS_COLORARG0 = 26; (* D3DTA_* third arg for triadic ops *) D3DTSS_ALPHAARG0 = 27; (* D3DTA_* third arg for triadic ops *) D3DTSS_RESULTARG = 28; (* D3DTA_* arg for result (CURRENT or TEMP) *) D3DTSS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* force 32-bit size enum *) // Values; used with D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX; to specify that the vertex data(position // and normal in the camera space) should be taken as texture coordinates // Low 16 bits are used to specify texture coordinate index; to take the WRAP mode from // D3DTSS_TCI_PASSTHRU = $00000000; D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACENORMAL = $00010000; D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACEPOSITION = $00020000; D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR = $00030000; (* * Enumerations for COLOROP and ALPHAOP texture blending operations set in * texture processing stage controls in D3DRENDERSTATE. *) type TD3DTextureOp = LongWord; const // Control D3DTOP_DISABLE = 1; // disables stage D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 = 2; // the default D3DTOP_SELECTARG2 = 3; // Modulate D3DTOP_MODULATE = 4; // multiply args together D3DTOP_MODULATE2X = 5; // multiply and 1 bit D3DTOP_MODULATE4X = 6; // multiply and 2 bits // Add D3DTOP_ADD = 7; // add arguments together D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED = 8; // add with -0.5 bias D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X = 9; // as above but left 1 bit D3DTOP_SUBTRACT = 10; // Arg1 - Arg2; with no saturation D3DTOP_ADDSMOOTH = 11; // add 2 args; subtract product // Arg1 + Arg2 - Arg1*Arg2 // = Arg1 + (1-Arg1)*Arg2 // Linear alpha blend: Arg1*(Alpha) + Arg2*(1-Alpha) D3DTOP_BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA = 12; // iterated alpha D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHA = 13; // texture alpha D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA = 14; // alpha from D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR // Linear alpha blend with pre-multiplied arg1 input: Arg1 + Arg2*(1-Alpha) D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHAPM = 15; // texture alpha D3DTOP_BLENDCURRENTALPHA = 16; // by alpha of current color // Specular mapping D3DTOP_PREMODULATE = 17; // modulate with next texture before use D3DTOP_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR = 18; // Arg1.RGB + Arg1.A*Arg2.RGB // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA = 19; // Arg1.RGB*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.A // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATEINVALPHA_ADDCOLOR = 20; // (1-Arg1.A)*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.RGB // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATEINVCOLOR_ADDALPHA = 21; // (1-Arg1.RGB)*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.A // COLOROP only // Bump mapping D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP = 22; // per pixel env map perturbation D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE = 23; // with luminance channel // This can do either diffuse or specular bump mapping with correct input. // Performs the function (Arg1.R*Arg2.R + Arg1.G*Arg2.G + Arg1.B*Arg2.B) // where each component has been scaled and offset to make it signed. // The result is replicated into all four (including alpha) channels. // This is a valid COLOROP only. D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3 = 24; // Triadic ops D3DTOP_MULTIPLYADD = 25; // Arg0 + Arg1*Arg2 D3DTOP_LERP = 26; // (Arg0)*Arg1 + (1-Arg0)*Arg2 D3DTOP_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* * Values for COLORARG0;1;2; ALPHAARG0;1;2; and RESULTARG texture blending * operations set in texture processing stage controls in D3DRENDERSTATE. *) D3DTA_SELECTMASK = $0000000f; // mask for arg selector D3DTA_DIFFUSE = $00000000; // select diffuse color (read only) D3DTA_CURRENT = $00000001; // select stage destination register (read/write) D3DTA_TEXTURE = $00000002; // select texture color (read only) D3DTA_TFACTOR = $00000003; // select RENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR (read only) D3DTA_SPECULAR = $00000004; // select specular color (read only) D3DTA_TEMP = $00000005; // select temporary register color (read/write) D3DTA_COMPLEMENT = $00000010; // take 1.0 - x (read modifier) D3DTA_ALPHAREPLICATE = $00000020; // replicate alpha to color components (read modifier) // // Values for D3DTSS_***FILTER texture stage states // type TD3DTextureFilterType = LongWord; const D3DTEXF_NONE = 0; // filtering disabled (valid for mip filter only) D3DTEXF_POINT = 1; // nearest D3DTEXF_LINEAR = 2; // linear interpolation D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC = 3; // anisotropic D3DTEXF_FLATCUBIC = 4; // cubic D3DTEXF_GAUSSIANCUBIC = 5; // different cubic kernel D3DTEXF_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum (* Bits for Flags in ProcessVertices call *) D3DPV_DONOTCOPYDATA = 1 shl 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flexible vertex format bits // D3DFVF_RESERVED0 = $001; D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK = $00E; D3DFVF_XYZ = $002; D3DFVF_XYZRHW = $004; D3DFVF_XYZB1 = $006; D3DFVF_XYZB2 = $008; D3DFVF_XYZB3 = $00a; D3DFVF_XYZB4 = $00c; D3DFVF_XYZB5 = $00e; D3DFVF_NORMAL = $010; D3DFVF_PSIZE = $020; D3DFVF_DIFFUSE = $040; D3DFVF_SPECULAR = $080; D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK = $f00; D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT = 8; D3DFVF_TEX0 = $000; D3DFVF_TEX1 = $100; D3DFVF_TEX2 = $200; D3DFVF_TEX3 = $300; D3DFVF_TEX4 = $400; D3DFVF_TEX5 = $500; D3DFVF_TEX6 = $600; D3DFVF_TEX7 = $700; D3DFVF_TEX8 = $800; D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4 = $1000; D3DFVF_RESERVED2 = $E000; // 4 reserved bits //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex Shaders // (* Vertex Shader Declaration The declaration portion of a vertex shader defines the static external interface of the shader. The information in the declaration includes: - Assignments of vertex shader input registers to data streams. These assignments bind a specific vertex register to a single component within a vertex stream. A vertex stream element is identified by a byte offset within the stream and a type. The type specifies the arithmetic data type plus the dimensionality (1; 2; 3; or 4 values). Stream data which is less than 4 values are always expanded out to 4 values with zero or more 0.F values and one 1.F value. - Assignment of vertex shader input registers to implicit data from the primitive tessellator. This controls the loading of vertex data which is not loaded from a stream; but rather is generated during primitive tessellation prior to the vertex shader. - Loading data into the constant memory at the time a shader is set as the current shader. Each token specifies values for one or more contiguous 4 DWORD constant registers. This allows the shader to update an arbitrary subset of the constant memory; overwriting the device state (which contains the current values of the constant memory). Note that these values can be subsequently overwritten (between DrawPrimitive calls) during the time a shader is bound to a device via the SetVertexShaderConstant method. Declaration arrays are single-dimensional arrays of DWORDs composed of multiple tokens each of which is one or more DWORDs. The single-DWORD token value = $FFFFFFFF is a special token used to indicate the end of the declaration array. The single DWORD token value = $00000000 is a NOP token with is ignored during the declaration parsing. Note that = $00000000 is a valid value for DWORDs following the first DWORD for multiple word tokens. [31:29] TokenType = $0 - NOP (requires all DWORD bits to be zero) = $1 - stream selector = $2 - stream data definition (map to vertex input memory) = $3 - vertex input memory from tessellator = $4 - constant memory from shader = $5 - extension = $6 - reserved = $7 - end-of-array (requires all DWORD bits to be 1) NOP Token (single DWORD token) [31:29] = $0 [28:00] = $0 Stream Selector (single DWORD token) [31:29] = $1 [28] indicates whether this is a tessellator stream [27:04] = $0 [03:00] stream selector (0..15) Stream Data Definition (single DWORD token) Vertex Input Register Load [31:29] = $2 [28] = $0 [27:20] = $0 [19:16] type (dimensionality and data type) [15:04] = $0 [03:00] vertex register address (0..15) Data Skip (no register load) [31:29] = $2 [28] = $1 [27:20] = $0 [19:16] count of DWORDS to skip over (0..15) [15:00] = $0 Vertex Input Memory from Tessellator Data (single DWORD token) [31:29] = $3 [28] indicates whether data is normals or u/v [27:24] = $0 [23:20] vertex register address (0..15) [19:16] type (dimensionality) [15:04] = $0 [03:00] vertex register address (0..15) Constant Memory from Shader (multiple DWORD token) [31:29] = $4 [28:25] count of 4*DWORD constants to load (0..15) [24:07] = $0 [06:00] constant memory address (0..95) Extension Token (single or multiple DWORD token) [31:29] = $5 [28:24] count of additional DWORDs in token (0..31) [23:00] extension-specific information End-of-array token (single DWORD token) [31:29] = $7 [28:00] = $1fffffff The stream selector token must be immediately followed by a contiguous set of stream data definition tokens. This token sequence fully defines that stream; including the set of elements within the stream; the order in which the elements appear; the type of each element; and the vertex register into which to load an element. Streams are allowed to include data which is not loaded into a vertex register; thus allowing data which is not used for this shader to exist in the vertex stream. This skipped data is defined only by a count of DWORDs to skip over; since the type information is irrelevant. The token sequence: Stream Select: stream=0 Stream Data Definition (Load): type=FLOAT3; register=3 Stream Data Definition (Load): type=FLOAT3; register=4 Stream Data Definition (Skip): count=2 Stream Data Definition (Load): type=FLOAT2; register=7 defines stream zero to consist of 4 elements; 3 of which are loaded into registers and the fourth skipped over. Register 3 is loaded with the first three DWORDs in each vertex interpreted as FLOAT data. Register 4 is loaded with the 4th; 5th; and 6th DWORDs interpreted as FLOAT data. The next two DWORDs (7th and 8th) are skipped over and not loaded into any vertex input register. Register 7 is loaded with the 9th and 10th DWORDS interpreted as FLOAT data. Placing of tokens other than NOPs between the Stream Selector and Stream Data Definition tokens is disallowed. *) type TD3DVSD_TokenType = LongWord; const D3DVSD_TOKEN_NOP = 0; // NOP or extension D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAM = 1; // stream selector D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAMDATA = 2; // stream data definition (map to vertex input memory) D3DVSD_TOKEN_TESSELLATOR = 3; // vertex input memory from tessellator D3DVSD_TOKEN_CONSTMEM = 4; // constant memory from shader D3DVSD_TOKEN_EXT = 5; // extension D3DVSD_TOKEN_END = 7; // end-of-array (requires all DWORD bits to be 1) D3DVSD_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum D3DVSD_TOKENTYPESHIFT = 29; D3DVSD_TOKENTYPEMASK = 7 shl D3DVSD_TOKENTYPESHIFT; D3DVSD_STREAMNUMBERSHIFT = 0; D3DVSD_STREAMNUMBERMASK = $F shl D3DVSD_STREAMNUMBERSHIFT; D3DVSD_DATALOADTYPESHIFT = 28; D3DVSD_DATALOADTYPEMASK = $1 shl D3DVSD_DATALOADTYPESHIFT; D3DVSD_DATATYPESHIFT = 16; D3DVSD_DATATYPEMASK = $F shl D3DVSD_DATATYPESHIFT; D3DVSD_SKIPCOUNTSHIFT = 16; D3DVSD_SKIPCOUNTMASK = $F shl D3DVSD_SKIPCOUNTSHIFT; D3DVSD_VERTEXREGSHIFT = 0; D3DVSD_VERTEXREGMASK = $1F shl D3DVSD_VERTEXREGSHIFT; D3DVSD_VERTEXREGINSHIFT = 20; D3DVSD_VERTEXREGINMASK = $F shl D3DVSD_VERTEXREGINSHIFT; D3DVSD_CONSTCOUNTSHIFT = 25; D3DVSD_CONSTCOUNTMASK = $F shl D3DVSD_CONSTCOUNTSHIFT; D3DVSD_CONSTADDRESSSHIFT = 0; D3DVSD_CONSTADDRESSMASK = $7F shl D3DVSD_CONSTADDRESSSHIFT; D3DVSD_CONSTRSSHIFT = 16; D3DVSD_CONSTRSMASK = $1FFF shl D3DVSD_CONSTRSSHIFT; D3DVSD_EXTCOUNTSHIFT = 24; D3DVSD_EXTCOUNTMASK = $1F shl D3DVSD_EXTCOUNTSHIFT; D3DVSD_EXTINFOSHIFT = 0; D3DVSD_EXTINFOMASK = $FFFFFF shl D3DVSD_EXTINFOSHIFT; function D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(tokenType : LongWord) : LongWord; // macros for generation of CreateVertexShader Declaration token array // Set current stream // _StreamNumber [0..(MaxStreams-1)] stream to get data from // function D3DVSD_STREAM(_StreamNumber : LongWord) : LongWord; // Set tessellator stream // const D3DVSD_STREAMTESSSHIFT = 28; D3DVSD_STREAMTESSMASK = 1 shl D3DVSD_STREAMTESSSHIFT; D3DVSD_STREAM_TESS = ((D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAM shl D3DVSD_TOKENTYPESHIFT) and D3DVSD_TOKENTYPEMASK) or D3DVSD_STREAMTESSMASK; // bind single vertex register to vertex element from vertex stream // // _VertexRegister [0..15] address of the vertex register // _Type [D3DVSDT_*] dimensionality and arithmetic data type function D3DVSD_REG( _VertexRegister, _Type : LongWord) : LongWord; // Skip _DWORDCount DWORDs in vertex // function D3DVSD_SKIP(_DWORDCount : LongWord) : LongWord; // load data into vertex shader constant memory // // _ConstantAddress [0..95] - address of constant array to begin filling data // _Count [0..15] - number of constant vectors to load (4 DWORDs each) // followed by 4*_Count DWORDS of data // function D3DVSD_CONST( _ConstantAddress, _Count : LongWord) : LongWord; // enable tessellator generated normals // // _VertexRegisterIn [0..15] address of vertex register whose input stream // will be used in normal computation // _VertexRegisterOut [0..15] address of vertex register to output the normal to // function D3DVSD_TESSNORMAL( _VertexRegisterIn, _VertexRegisterOut : LongWord) : LongWord; // enable tessellator generated surface parameters // // _VertexRegister [0..15] address of vertex register to output parameters // function D3DVSD_TESSUV( _VertexRegister : LongWord) : LongWord; // Generates END token // const D3DVSD_END = $FFFFFFFF; // Generates NOP token D3DVSD_NOP = $00000000; // bit declarations for _Type fields D3DVSDT_FLOAT1 = $00; // 1D float expanded to (value; 0.; 0.; 1.) D3DVSDT_FLOAT2 = $01; // 2D float expanded to (value; value; 0.; 1.) D3DVSDT_FLOAT3 = $02; // 3D float expanded to (value; value; value; 1.) D3DVSDT_FLOAT4 = $03; // 4D float D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR = $04; // 4D packed unsigned bytes mapped to 0. to 1. range // Input is in D3DCOLOR format (ARGB) expanded to (R; G; B; A) D3DVSDT_UBYTE4 = $05; // 4D unsigned byte D3DVSDT_SHORT2 = $06; // 2D signed short expanded to (value; value; 0.; 1.) D3DVSDT_SHORT4 = $07; // 4D signed short // assignments of vertex input registers for fixed function vertex shader // D3DVSDE_POSITION = 0; D3DVSDE_BLENDWEIGHT = 1; D3DVSDE_BLENDINDICES = 2; D3DVSDE_NORMAL = 3; D3DVSDE_PSIZE = 4; D3DVSDE_DIFFUSE = 5; D3DVSDE_SPECULAR = 6; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD0 = 7; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD1 = 8; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD2 = 9; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD3 = 10; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD4 = 11; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD5 = 12; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD6 = 13; D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD7 = 14; D3DVSDE_POSITION2 = 15; D3DVSDE_NORMAL2 = 16; // Maximum supported number of texture coordinate sets D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD = 8; // // Instruction Token Bit Definitions // D3DSI_OPCODE_MASK = $0000FFFF; type TD3DShader_Instruction_Opcode_Type = LongWord; TD3DShaderInstructionOpcodeType = LongWord; const D3DSIO_NOP = 0; // PS/VS D3DSIO_MOV = 1; // PS/VS D3DSIO_ADD = 2; // PS/VS D3DSIO_SUB = 3; // PS D3DSIO_MAD = 4; // PS/VS D3DSIO_MUL = 5; // PS/VS D3DSIO_RCP = 6; // VS D3DSIO_RSQ = 7; // VS D3DSIO_DP3 = 8; // PS/VS D3DSIO_DP4 = 9; // PS/VS D3DSIO_MIN = 10; // VS D3DSIO_MAX = 11; // VS D3DSIO_SLT = 12; // VS D3DSIO_SGE = 13; // VS D3DSIO_EXP = 14; // VS D3DSIO_LOG = 15; // VS D3DSIO_LIT = 16; // VS D3DSIO_DST = 17; // VS D3DSIO_LRP = 18; // PS D3DSIO_FRC = 19; // VS D3DSIO_M4x4 = 20; // VS D3DSIO_M4x3 = 21; // VS D3DSIO_M3x4 = 22; // VS D3DSIO_M3x3 = 23; // VS D3DSIO_M3x2 = 24; // VS D3DSIO_TEXCOORD = 64; // PS D3DSIO_TEXKILL = 65; // PS D3DSIO_TEX = 66; // PS D3DSIO_TEXBEM = 67; // PS D3DSIO_TEXBEML = 68; // PS D3DSIO_TEXREG2AR = 69; // PS D3DSIO_TEXREG2GB = 70; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x2PAD = 71; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x2TEX = 72; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x3PAD = 73; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x3TEX = 74; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x3DIFF = 75; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x3SPEC = 76; // PS D3DSIO_TEXM3x3VSPEC = 77; // PS D3DSIO_EXPP = 78; // VS D3DSIO_LOGP = 79; // VS D3DSIO_CND = 80; // PS D3DSIO_DEF = 81; // PS D3DSIO_COMMENT = $FFFE; D3DSIO_END = $FFFF; D3DSIO_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // // Co-Issue Instruction Modifier - if set then this instruction is to be // issued in parallel with the previous instruction(s) for which this bit // is not set. // D3DSI_COISSUE = $40000000; // // Parameter Token Bit Definitions // D3DSP_REGNUM_MASK = $00000FFF; // destination parameter write mask D3DSP_WRITEMASK_0 = $00010000; // Component 0 (X;Red) D3DSP_WRITEMASK_1 = $00020000; // Component 1 (Y;Green) D3DSP_WRITEMASK_2 = $00040000; // Component 2 (Z;Blue) D3DSP_WRITEMASK_3 = $00080000; // Component 3 (W;Alpha) D3DSP_WRITEMASK_ALL = $000F0000; // All Components // destination parameter modifiers D3DSP_DSTMOD_SHIFT = 20; D3DSP_DSTMOD_MASK = $00F00000; type TD3DShader_Param_DSTMod_Type = LongWord; TD3DShaderParamDSTModType = LongWord; const D3DSPDM_NONE = 0 shl D3DSP_DSTMOD_SHIFT; // nop D3DSPDM_SATURATE = 1 shl D3DSP_DSTMOD_SHIFT; // clamp to 0. to 1. range D3DSPDM_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // destination parameter D3DSP_DSTSHIFT_SHIFT = 24; D3DSP_DSTSHIFT_MASK = $0F000000; // destination/source parameter register type D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT = 28; D3DSP_REGTYPE_MASK = $70000000; type TD3DShader_Param_Register_Type = LongWord; const D3DSPR_TEMP = 0 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Temporary Register File D3DSPR_INPUT = 1 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Input Register File D3DSPR_CONST = 2 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Constant Register File D3DSPR_ADDR = 3 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Address Register (VS) D3DSPR_TEXTURE = 3 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Texture Register File (PS) D3DSPR_RASTOUT = 4 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Rasterizer Register File D3DSPR_ATTROUT = 5 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Attribute Output Register File D3DSPR_TEXCRDOUT = 6 shl D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT; // Texture Coordinate Output Register File D3DSPR_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // Register offsets in the Rasterizer Register File // type TD3DVS_RastOut_Offsets = LongWord; const D3DSRO_POSITION = 0; D3DSRO_FOG = 1; D3DSRO_POINT_SIZE = 2; D3DSRO_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // Source operand addressing modes D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_SHIFT = 13; D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_MASK = 1 shl D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_SHIFT; type TD3DVS_AddressMode_Type = LongWord; TD3DVSAddressModeType = LongWord; const D3DVS_ADDRMODE_ABSOLUTE = 0 shl D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_SHIFT; D3DVS_ADDRMODE_RELATIVE = 1 shl D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_SHIFT; // Relative to register A0 D3DVS_ADDRMODE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // Source operand swizzle definitions // D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT = 16; D3DVS_SWIZZLE_MASK = $00FF0000; // The following bits define where to take component X: D3DVS_X_X = 0 shl D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT; D3DVS_X_Y = 1 shl D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT; D3DVS_X_Z = 2 shl D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT; D3DVS_X_W = 3 shl D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT; // The following bits define where to take component Y: D3DVS_Y_X = 0 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2); D3DVS_Y_Y = 1 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2); D3DVS_Y_Z = 2 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2); D3DVS_Y_W = 3 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2); // The following bits define where to take component Z: D3DVS_Z_X = 0 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4); D3DVS_Z_Y = 1 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4); D3DVS_Z_Z = 2 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4); D3DVS_Z_W = 3 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4); // The following bits define where to take component W: D3DVS_W_X = 0 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6); D3DVS_W_Y = 1 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6); D3DVS_W_Z = 2 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6); D3DVS_W_W = 3 shl (D3DVS_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6); // Value when there is no swizzle (X is taken from X; Y is taken from Y; // Z is taken from Z; W is taken from W // D3DVS_NOSWIZZLE = D3DVS_X_X or D3DVS_Y_Y or D3DVS_Z_Z or D3DVS_W_W; // source parameter swizzle D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT = 16; D3DSP_SWIZZLE_MASK = $00FF0000; D3DSP_NOSWIZZLE = (0 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 0)) or (1 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2)) or (2 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4)) or (3 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6)); // pixel-shader swizzle ops D3DSP_REPLICATEALPHA = (3 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 0)) or (3 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 2)) or (3 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 4)) or (3 shl (D3DSP_SWIZZLE_SHIFT + 6)); // source parameter modifiers D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT = 24; D3DSP_SRCMOD_MASK = $0F000000; type TD3DShader_Param_SRCMod_Type = LongWord; const D3DSPSM_NONE = 0 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // nop D3DSPSM_NEG = 1 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // negate D3DSPSM_BIAS = 2 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // bias D3DSPSM_BIASNEG = 3 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // bias and negate D3DSPSM_SIGN = 4 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // sign D3DSPSM_SIGNNEG = 5 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // sign and negate D3DSPSM_COMP = 6 shl D3DSP_SRCMOD_SHIFT; // complement D3DSPSM_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum // pixel shader version token function D3DPS_VERSION(_Major, _Minor : LongWord) : LongWord; // vertex shader version token function D3DVS_VERSION(_Major, _Minor : LongWord) : LongWord; // extract major/minor from version cap function D3DSHADER_VERSION_MAJOR(_Version : LongWord) : LongWord; function D3DSHADER_VERSION_MINOR(_Version : LongWord) : LongWord; // destination/source parameter register type const D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_SHIFT = 16; D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_MASK = $7FFF0000; function D3DSHADER_COMMENT(_DWordSize : LongWord) : LongWord; // pixel/vertex shader end token const D3DPS_END = $0000FFFF; D3DVS_END = $0000FFFF; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // High order surfaces // type TD3DBasisType = LongWord; const D3DBASIS_BEZIER = 0; D3DBASIS_BSPLINE = 1; D3DBASIS_INTERPOLATE = 2; D3DBASIS_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; type TD3DOrderType = LongWord; const D3DORDER_LINEAR = 1; D3DORDER_CUBIC = 3; D3DORDER_QUINTIC = 5; D3DORDER_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; type TD3DPatchEdgeStyle = LongWord; const D3DPATCHEDGE_DISCRETE = 0; D3DPATCHEDGE_CONTINUOUS = 1; D3DPATCHEDGE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; type TD3DStateBlockType = LongWord; const D3DSBT_ALL = 1; // capture all state D3DSBT_PIXELSTATE = 2; // capture pixel state D3DSBT_VERTEXSTATE = 3; // capture vertex state D3DSBT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // The D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS type is used with D3DRS_VERTEXBLEND state. // type TD3DVertexBlendFlags = LongWord; const D3DVBF_DISABLE = 0; // Disable vertex blending D3DVBF_1WEIGHTS = 1; // 2 matrix blending D3DVBF_2WEIGHTS = 2; // 3 matrix blending D3DVBF_3WEIGHTS = 3; // 4 matrix blending D3DVBF_TWEENING = 255; // blending using D3DRS_TWEENFACTOR D3DVBF_0WEIGHTS = 256; // one matrix is used with weight 1.0 D3DVBF_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // force 32-bit size enum type TD3DTextureTransformFlags = LongWord; const D3DTTFF_DISABLE = 0; // texture coordinates are passed directly D3DTTFF_COUNT1 = 1; // rasterizer should expect 1-D texture coords D3DTTFF_COUNT2 = 2; // rasterizer should expect 2-D texture coords D3DTTFF_COUNT3 = 3; // rasterizer should expect 3-D texture coords D3DTTFF_COUNT4 = 4; // rasterizer should expect 4-D texture coords D3DTTFF_PROJECTED = 256; // texcoords to be divided by COUNTth element D3DTTFF_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; // Macros to set texture coordinate format bits in the FVF id D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2 = 0; // Two floating point values D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1 = 3; // One floating point value D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3 = 1; // Three floating point values D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT4 = 2; // Four floating point values function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE3(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE2(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE4(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE1(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- (* Direct3D8 Device types *) type TD3DDevType = LongWord; const D3DDEVTYPE_HAL = 1; D3DDEVTYPE_REF = 2; D3DDEVTYPE_SW = 3; D3DDEVTYPE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Multi-Sample buffer types *) type TD3DMultiSample_Type = LongWord; TD3DMultiSampleType = TD3DMultiSample_Type; const D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE = 0; D3DMULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLES = 2; D3DMULTISAMPLE_3_SAMPLES = 3; D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES = 4; D3DMULTISAMPLE_5_SAMPLES = 5; D3DMULTISAMPLE_6_SAMPLES = 6; D3DMULTISAMPLE_7_SAMPLES = 7; D3DMULTISAMPLE_8_SAMPLES = 8; D3DMULTISAMPLE_9_SAMPLES = 9; D3DMULTISAMPLE_10_SAMPLES = 10; D3DMULTISAMPLE_11_SAMPLES = 11; D3DMULTISAMPLE_12_SAMPLES = 12; D3DMULTISAMPLE_13_SAMPLES = 13; D3DMULTISAMPLE_14_SAMPLES = 14; D3DMULTISAMPLE_15_SAMPLES = 15; D3DMULTISAMPLE_16_SAMPLES = 16; D3DMULTISAMPLE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Formats * Most of these names have the following convention: * A = Alpha * R = Red * G = Green * B = Blue * X = Unused Bits * P = Palette * L = Luminance * U = dU coordinate for BumpMap * V = dV coordinate for BumpMap * S = Stencil * D = Depth (e.g. Z or W buffer) * * Further; the order of the pieces are from MSB first; hence * D3DFMT_A8L8 indicates that the high byte of this two byte * format is alpha. * * D16 indicates: * - An integer 16-bit value. * - An app-lockable surface. * * All Depth/Stencil formats except D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE indicate: * - no particular bit ordering per pixel; and * - are not app lockable; and * - the driver is allowed to consume more than the indicated * number of bits per Depth channel (but not Stencil channel). *) function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3 : Char) : LongWord; type PD3DFormat = ^TD3DFormat; TD3DFormat = LongWord; const D3DFMT_UNKNOWN = 0; D3DFMT_R8G8B8 = 20; D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 = 21; D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 = 22; D3DFMT_R5G6B5 = 23; D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5 = 24; D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5 = 25; D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 = 26; D3DFMT_R3G3B2 = 27; D3DFMT_A8 = 28; D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2 = 29; D3DFMT_X4R4G4B4 = 30; D3DFMT_A8P8 = 40; D3DFMT_P8 = 41; D3DFMT_L8 = 50; D3DFMT_A8L8 = 51; D3DFMT_A4L4 = 52; D3DFMT_V8U8 = 60; D3DFMT_L6V5U5 = 61; D3DFMT_X8L8V8U8 = 62; D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8 = 63; D3DFMT_V16U16 = 64; D3DFMT_W11V11U10 = 65; D3DFMT_UYVY = Byte('U') or (Byte('Y') shl 8) or (Byte('V') shl 16) or (Byte('Y') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_YUY2 = Byte('Y') or (Byte('U') shl 8) or (Byte('Y') shl 16) or (Byte('2') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_DXT1 = Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('1') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_DXT2 = Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('2') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_DXT3 = Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('3') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_DXT4 = Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('4') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_DXT5 = Byte('D') or (Byte('X') shl 8) or (Byte('T') shl 16) or (Byte('5') shl 24 ); D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE = 70; D3DFMT_D32 = 71; D3DFMT_D15S1 = 73; D3DFMT_D24S8 = 75; D3DFMT_D16 = 80; D3DFMT_D24X8 = 77; D3DFMT_D24X4S4 = 79; D3DFMT_VERTEXDATA = 100; D3DFMT_INDEX16 = 101; D3DFMT_INDEX32 = 102; D3DFMT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Display Modes *) type PD3DDisplayMode = ^TD3DDisplayMode; TD3DDisplayMode = packed record Width : Cardinal; Height : Cardinal; RefreshRate : Cardinal; Format : TD3DFormat; end; (* Creation Parameters *) PD3DDevice_Creation_Parameters = ^TD3DDevice_Creation_Parameters; TD3DDevice_Creation_Parameters = packed record AdapterOrdinal : Cardinal; DeviceType : TD3DDevType; hFocusWindow : HWND; BehaviorFlags : LongWord; end; PD3DDeviceCreationParameters = ^TD3DDeviceCreationParameters; TD3DDeviceCreationParameters = TD3DDevice_Creation_Parameters; (* SwapEffects *) type TD3DSwapEffect = LongWord; const D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD = 1; D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP = 2; D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY = 3; D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC = 4; D3DSWAPEFFECT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Pool types *) type TD3DPool = LongWord; const D3DPOOL_DEFAULT = 0; D3DPOOL_MANAGED = 1; D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM = 2; D3DPOOL_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* RefreshRate pre-defines *) D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT = $00000000; D3DPRESENT_RATE_UNLIMITED = $7fffffff; (* Resize Optional Parameters *) type PD3DPresent_Parameters = ^TD3DPresent_Parameters; TD3DPresent_Parameters = packed record BackBufferWidth : Cardinal; BackBufferHeight : Cardinal; BackBufferFormat : TD3DFormat; BackBufferCount : Cardinal; MultiSampleType : TD3DMultiSample_Type; SwapEffect : TD3DSwapEffect; hDeviceWindow : HWND; Windowed : BOOL; EnableAutoDepthStencil : BOOL; AutoDepthStencilFormat : TD3DFormat; Flags : LongWord; (* Following elements must be zero for Windowed mode *) FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz : Cardinal; FullScreen_PresentationInterval : Cardinal; end; PD3DPresentParameters = ^TD3DPresentParameters; TD3DPresentParameters = TD3DPresent_Parameters; // Values for D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS.Flags const D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER = $00000001; (* Gamma Ramp: Same as DX7 *) type PD3DGammaRamp = ^TD3DGammaRamp; TD3DGammaRamp = packed record red : array [0..255] of Word; green : array [0..255] of Word; blue : array [0..255] of Word; end; (* Back buffer types *) type TD3DBackBuffer_Type = LongWord; TD3DBackBufferType = LongWord; const D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO = 0; D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_LEFT = 1; D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_RIGHT = 2; D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Types *) type TD3DResourceType = LongWord; const D3DRTYPE_SURFACE = 1; D3DRTYPE_VOLUME = 2; D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE = 3; D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE = 4; D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE = 5; D3DRTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER = 6; D3DRTYPE_INDEXBUFFER = 7; D3DRTYPE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Usages *) D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET = $00000001; D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL = $00000002; (* Usages for Vertex/Index buffers *) D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY = $00000008; D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING = $00000010; D3DUSAGE_DONOTCLIP = $00000020; D3DUSAGE_POINTS = $00000040; D3DUSAGE_RTPATCHES = $00000080; D3DUSAGE_NPATCHES = $00000100; D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC = $00000200; (* CubeMap Face identifiers *) type TD3DCubeMap_Faces = LongWord; TD3DCubeMapFaces = TD3DCubeMap_Faces; const D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X = 0; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_X = 1; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Y = 2; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Y = 3; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Z = 4; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Z = 5; D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (* Lock flags *) D3DLOCK_READONLY = $00000010; D3DLOCK_DISCARD = $00002000; D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE = $00001000; D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK = $00000800; D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE = $00008000; (* Vertex Buffer Description *) type PD3DVertexBuffer_Desc = ^TD3DVertexBuffer_Desc; TD3DVertexBuffer_Desc = packed record Format : TD3DFormat; _Type : TD3DResourceType; Usage : LongWord; Pool : TD3DPool; Size : Cardinal; FVF : LongWord; end; PD3DVertexBufferDesc = ^TD3DVertexBufferDesc; TD3DVertexBufferDesc = TD3DVertexBuffer_Desc; (* Index Buffer Description *) PTD3DIndexBuffer_Desc = ^TD3DIndexBuffer_Desc; TD3DIndexBuffer_Desc = packed record Format : TD3DFormat; _Type : TD3DResourceType; Usage : LongWord; Pool : TD3DPool; Size : Cardinal; end; PTD3DIndexBufferDesc = ^TD3DIndexBufferDesc; TD3DIndexBufferDesc = TD3DIndexBuffer_Desc; (* Surface Description *) PD3DSurface_Desc = ^TD3DSurface_Desc; TD3DSurface_Desc = packed record Format : TD3DFormat; _Type : TD3DResourceType; Usage : LongWord; Pool : TD3DPool; Size : Cardinal; MultiSampleType : TD3DMultiSample_Type; Width : Cardinal; Height : Cardinal; end; PD3DSurfaceDesc = ^TD3DSurfaceDesc; TD3DSurfaceDesc = TD3DSurface_Desc; PD3DVolume_Desc = ^TD3DVolume_Desc; TD3DVolume_Desc = packed record Format : TD3DFormat; _Type : TD3DResourceType; Usage : LongWord; Pool : TD3DPool; Size : Cardinal; Width : Cardinal; Height : Cardinal; Depth : Cardinal; end; PD3DVolumeDesc = ^TD3DVolumeDesc; TD3DVolumeDesc = TD3DVolume_Desc; (* Structure for LockRect *) PD3DLocked_Rect = ^TD3DLocked_Rect; TD3DLocked_Rect = packed record Pitch : Integer; pBits : Pointer;//void* end; PD3DLockedRect = ^TD3DLockedRect; TD3DLockedRect = TD3DLocked_Rect; (* Structures for LockBox *) PD3DBox = ^TD3DBox; TD3DBox = packed record Left : Cardinal; Top : Cardinal; Right : Cardinal; Bottom : Cardinal; Front : Cardinal; Back : Cardinal; end; PD3DLocked_Box = ^TD3DLocked_Box; TD3DLocked_Box = packed record RowPitch : Integer; SlicePitch : Integer; pBits : Pointer; end; PD3DLockedBox = ^TD3DLockedBox; TD3DLockedBox = TD3DLocked_Box; (* Structures for LockRange *) PD3DRange = ^TD3DRange; TD3DRange = packed record Offset : Cardinal; Size : Cardinal; end; (* Structures for high order primitives *) PD3DRectPatch_Info = ^TD3DRectPatch_Info; TD3DRectPatch_Info = packed record StartVertexOffsetWidth : Cardinal; StartVertexOffsetHeight : Cardinal; Width : Cardinal; Height : Cardinal; Stride : Cardinal; Basis : TD3DBasisType; Order : TD3DOrderType; end; PD3DRectPatchInfo = ^TD3DRectPatchInfo; TD3DRectPatchInfo = TD3DRectPatch_Info; PD3DTriPatch_Info = ^TD3DTriPatch_Info; TD3DTriPatch_Info = packed record StartVertexOffset : Cardinal; NumVertices : Cardinal; Basis : TD3DBasisType; Order : TD3DOrderType; end; PD3DTriPatchInfo = ^TD3DTriPatchInfo; TD3DTriPatchInfo = TD3DTriPatch_Info; (* Adapter Identifier *) const MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING = 512; type PD3DAdapter_Identifier8 = ^TD3DAdapter_Identifier8; TD3DAdapter_Identifier8 = packed record Driver : array [0..MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING-1] of Char; Description : array [0..MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING-1] of Char; DriverVersionLowPart : LongWord; (* Defined for 16 bit driver components *) DriverVersionHighPart : LongWord; VendorId : LongWord; DeviceId : LongWord; SubSysId : LongWord; Revision : LongWord; DeviceIdentifier : TGUID; WHQLLevel : LongWord; end; PD3DAdapterIdentifier8 = ^TD3DAdapterIdentifier8; TD3DAdapterIdentifier8 = TD3DAdapter_Identifier8; (* Raster Status structure returned by GetRasterStatus *) PD3DRaster_Status = ^TD3DRaster_Status; TD3DRaster_Status = packed record InVBlank : Bool; ScanLine : Cardinal; end; PD3DRasterStatus = ^TD3DRasterStatus; TD3DRasterStatus = TD3DRaster_Status; (* Debug monitor tokens (DEBUG only) Note that if D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN is set; the call is treated as passing a token to the debug monitor. For example; if; after passing D3DDMT_ENABLE/DISABLE to D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN other token values are passed in; the enabled/disabled state of the debug monitor will still persist. The debug monitor defaults to enabled. Calling GetRenderState on D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN is not of any use. *) type TD3DDebugMonitorTokens = LongWord; const D3DDMT_ENABLE = 0; // enable debug monitor D3DDMT_DISABLE = 1; // disable debug monitor D3DDMT_FORCE_DWORD = $7fffffff; (*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: d3d8caps.h * Content: Direct3D capabilities include file * ***************************************************************************) type PD3DCaps8 = ^TD3DCaps8; TD3DCaps8 = packed record (* Device Info *) DeviceType : TD3DDevType; AdapterOrdinal : LongWord; (* Caps from DX7 Draw *) Caps : LongWord; Caps2 : LongWord; Caps3 : LongWord; PresentationIntervals : LongWord; (* Cursor Caps *) CursorCaps : LongWord; (* 3D Device Caps *) DevCaps : LongWord; PrimitiveMiscCaps : LongWord; RasterCaps : LongWord; ZCmpCaps : LongWord; SrcBlendCaps : LongWord; DestBlendCaps : LongWord; AlphaCmpCaps : LongWord; ShadeCaps : LongWord; TextureCaps : LongWord; TextureFilterCaps : LongWord; // D3DPTFILTERCAPS for IDirect3DTexture8's CubeTextureFilterCaps : LongWord; // D3DPTFILTERCAPS for IDirect3DCubeTexture8's VolumeTextureFilterCaps : LongWord; // D3DPTFILTERCAPS for IDirect3DVolumeTexture8's TextureAddressCaps : LongWord; // D3DPTADDRESSCAPS for IDirect3DTexture8's VolumeTextureAddressCaps : LongWord; // D3DPTADDRESSCAPS for IDirect3DVolumeTexture8's LineCaps : LongWord; // D3DLINECAPS MaxTextureWidth : LongWord; MaxTextureHeight : LongWord; MaxVolumeExtent : LongWord; MaxTextureRepeat : LongWord; MaxTextureAspectRatio : LongWord; MaxAnisotropy : LongWord; MaxVertexW : Single; GuardBandLeft : Single; GuardBandTop : Single; GuardBandRight : Single; GuardBandBottom : Single; ExtentsAdjust : Single; StencilCaps : LongWord; FVFCaps : LongWord; TextureOpCaps : LongWord; MaxTextureBlendStages : LongWord; MaxSimultaneousTextures : LongWord; VertexProcessingCaps : LongWord; MaxActiveLights : LongWord; MaxUserClipPlanes : LongWord; MaxVertexBlendMatrices : LongWord; MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex : LongWord; MaxPointSize : Single; MaxPrimitiveCount : LongWord; // max number of primitives per DrawPrimitive call MaxVertexIndex : LongWord; MaxStreams : LongWord; MaxStreamStride : LongWord; // max stride for SetStreamSource VertexShaderVersion : LongWord; MaxVertexShaderConst : LongWord; // number of vertex shader constant registers PixelShaderVersion : LongWord; MaxPixelShaderValue : Single; // max value of pixel shader arithmetic component end; // // BIT DEFINES FOR D3DCAPS8 DWORD MEMBERS // // // Caps // const D3DCAPS_READ_SCANLINE = $00020000; // // Caps2 // D3DCAPS2_NO2DDURING3DSCENE = $00000002; D3DCAPS2_FULLSCREENGAMMA = $00020000; D3DCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED = $00080000; D3DCAPS2_CANCALIBRATEGAMMA = $00100000; D3DCAPS2_RESERVED = $02000000; // // Caps3 // D3DCAPS3_RESERVED = $8000001f; // // PresentationIntervals // D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = $00000000; D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE = $00000001; D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_TWO = $00000002; D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_THREE = $00000004; D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_FOUR = $00000008; D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE = $80000000; // // CursorCaps // // Driver supports HW color cursor in at least hi-res modes(height >=400) D3DCURSORCAPS_COLOR = $00000001; // Driver supports HW cursor also in low-res modes(height < 400) D3DCURSORCAPS_LOWRES = $00000002; // // DevCaps // D3DDEVCAPS_EXECUTESYSTEMMEMORY = $00000010; (* Device can use execute buffers from system memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_EXECUTEVIDEOMEMORY = $00000020; (* Device can use execute buffers from video memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_TLVERTEXSYSTEMMEMORY = $00000040; (* Device can use TL buffers from system memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_TLVERTEXVIDEOMEMORY = $00000080; (* Device can use TL buffers from video memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_TEXTURESYSTEMMEMORY = $00000100; (* Device can texture from system memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_TEXTUREVIDEOMEMORY = $00000200; (* Device can texture from device memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMTLVERTEX = $00000400; (* Device can draw TLVERTEX primitives *) D3DDEVCAPS_CANRENDERAFTERFLIP = $00000800; (* Device can render without waiting for flip to complete *) D3DDEVCAPS_TEXTURENONLOCALVIDMEM = $00001000; (* Device can texture from nonlocal video memory *) D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMITIVES2 = $00002000; (* Device can support DrawPrimitives2 *) D3DDEVCAPS_SEPARATETEXTUREMEMORIES = $00004000; (* Device is texturing from separate memory pools *) D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMITIVES2EX = $00008000; (* Device can support Extended DrawPrimitives2 i.e. DX7 compliant driver*) D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT = $00010000; (* Device can support transformation and lighting in hardware and DRAWPRIMITIVES2EX must be also *) D3DDEVCAPS_CANBLTSYSTONONLOCAL = $00020000; (* Device supports a Tex Blt from system memory to non-local vidmem *) D3DDEVCAPS_HWRASTERIZATION = $00080000; (* Device has HW acceleration for rasterization *) D3DDEVCAPS_PUREDEVICE = $00100000; (* Device supports D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE *) D3DDEVCAPS_QUINTICRTPATCHES = $00200000; (* Device supports quintic Beziers and BSplines *) D3DDEVCAPS_RTPATCHES = $00400000; (* Device supports Rect and Tri patches *) D3DDEVCAPS_RTPATCHHANDLEZERO = $00800000; (* Indicates that RT Patches may be drawn efficiently using handle 0 *) D3DDEVCAPS_NPATCHES = $01000000; (* Device supports N-Patches *) // // PrimitiveMiscCaps // D3DPMISCCAPS_MASKZ = $00000002; D3DPMISCCAPS_LINEPATTERNREP = $00000004; D3DPMISCCAPS_CULLNONE = $00000010; D3DPMISCCAPS_CULLCW = $00000020; D3DPMISCCAPS_CULLCCW = $00000040; D3DPMISCCAPS_COLORWRITEENABLE = $00000080; D3DPMISCCAPS_CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS = $00000100; (* Device correctly clips scaled points to clip planes *) D3DPMISCCAPS_CLIPTLVERTS = $00000200; (* device will clip post-transformed vertex primitives *) D3DPMISCCAPS_TSSARGTEMP = $00000400; (* device supports D3DTA_TEMP for temporary register *) D3DPMISCCAPS_BLENDOP = $00000800; (* device supports D3DRS_BLENDOP *) // // LineCaps // D3DLINECAPS_TEXTURE = $00000001; D3DLINECAPS_ZTEST = $00000002; D3DLINECAPS_BLEND = $00000004; D3DLINECAPS_ALPHACMP = $00000008; D3DLINECAPS_FOG = $00000010; // // RasterCaps // D3DPRASTERCAPS_DITHER = $00000001; D3DPRASTERCAPS_PAT = $00000008; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ZTEST = $00000010; D3DPRASTERCAPS_FOGVERTEX = $00000080; D3DPRASTERCAPS_FOGTABLE = $00000100; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ANTIALIASEDGES = $00001000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_MIPMAPLODBIAS = $00002000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ZBIAS = $00004000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ZBUFFERLESSHSR = $00008000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_FOGRANGE = $00010000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ANISOTROPY = $00020000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_WBUFFER = $00040000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_WFOG = $00100000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_ZFOG = $00200000; D3DPRASTERCAPS_COLORPERSPECTIVE = $00400000; (* Device iterates colors perspective correct *) D3DPRASTERCAPS_STRETCHBLTMULTISAMPLE = $00800000; // // ZCmpCaps, AlphaCmpCaps // D3DPCMPCAPS_NEVER = $00000001; D3DPCMPCAPS_LESS = $00000002; D3DPCMPCAPS_EQUAL = $00000004; D3DPCMPCAPS_LESSEQUAL = $00000008; D3DPCMPCAPS_GREATER = $00000010; D3DPCMPCAPS_NOTEQUAL = $00000020; D3DPCMPCAPS_GREATEREQUAL = $00000040; D3DPCMPCAPS_ALWAYS = $00000080; // // SourceBlendCaps, DestBlendCaps // D3DPBLENDCAPS_ZERO = $00000001; D3DPBLENDCAPS_ONE = $00000002; D3DPBLENDCAPS_SRCCOLOR = $00000004; D3DPBLENDCAPS_INVSRCCOLOR = $00000008; D3DPBLENDCAPS_SRCALPHA = $00000010; D3DPBLENDCAPS_INVSRCALPHA = $00000020; D3DPBLENDCAPS_DESTALPHA = $00000040; D3DPBLENDCAPS_INVDESTALPHA = $00000080; D3DPBLENDCAPS_DESTCOLOR = $00000100; D3DPBLENDCAPS_INVDESTCOLOR = $00000200; D3DPBLENDCAPS_SRCALPHASAT = $00000400; D3DPBLENDCAPS_BOTHSRCALPHA = $00000800; D3DPBLENDCAPS_BOTHINVSRCALPHA = $00001000; // // ShadeCaps // D3DPSHADECAPS_COLORGOURAUDRGB = $00000008; D3DPSHADECAPS_SPECULARGOURAUDRGB = $00000200; D3DPSHADECAPS_ALPHAGOURAUDBLEND = $00004000; D3DPSHADECAPS_FOGGOURAUD = $00080000; // // TextureCaps // D3DPTEXTURECAPS_PERSPECTIVE = $00000001; (* Perspective-correct texturing is supported *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 = $00000002; (* Power-of-2 texture dimensions are required - applies to non-Cube/Volume textures only. *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_ALPHA = $00000004; (* Alpha in texture pixels is supported *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY = $00000020; (* Only square textures are supported *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_TEXREPEATNOTSCALEDBYSIZE = $00000040; (* Texture indices are not scaled by the texture size prior to interpolation *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_ALPHAPALETTE = $00000080; (* Device can draw alpha from texture palettes *) // Device can use non-POW2 textures if: // 1) D3DTEXTURE_ADDRESS is set to CLAMP for this texture's stage // 2) D3DRS_WRAP(N) is zero for this texture's coordinates // 3) mip mapping is not enabled (use magnification filter only) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL = $00000100; D3DPTEXTURECAPS_PROJECTED = $00000400; (* Device can do D3DTTFF_PROJECTED *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP = $00000800; (* Device can do cubemap textures *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_VOLUMEMAP = $00002000; (* Device can do volume textures *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPMAP = $00004000; (* Device can do mipmapped textures *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPVOLUMEMAP = $00008000; (* Device can do mipmapped volume textures *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPCUBEMAP = $00010000; (* Device can do mipmapped cube maps *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP_POW2 = $00020000; (* Device requires that cubemaps be power-of-2 dimension *) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_VOLUMEMAP_POW2 = $00040000; (* Device requires that volume maps be power-of-2 dimension *) // // TextureFilterCaps // D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFPOINT = $00000100; (* Min Filter *) D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFLINEAR = $00000200; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFANISOTROPIC = $00000400; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MIPFPOINT = $00010000; (* Mip Filter *) D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MIPFLINEAR = $00020000; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFPOINT = $01000000; (* Mag Filter *) D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFLINEAR = $02000000; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFANISOTROPIC = $04000000; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFAFLATCUBIC = $08000000; D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFGAUSSIANCUBIC = $10000000; // // TextureAddressCaps // D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_WRAP = $00000001; D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_MIRROR = $00000002; D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_CLAMP = $00000004; D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_BORDER = $00000008; D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_INDEPENDENTUV = $00000010; D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_MIRRORONCE = $00000020; // // StencilCaps // D3DSTENCILCAPS_KEEP = $00000001; D3DSTENCILCAPS_ZERO = $00000002; D3DSTENCILCAPS_REPLACE = $00000004; D3DSTENCILCAPS_INCRSAT = $00000008; D3DSTENCILCAPS_DECRSAT = $00000010; D3DSTENCILCAPS_INVERT = $00000020; D3DSTENCILCAPS_INCR = $00000040; D3DSTENCILCAPS_DECR = $00000080; // // TextureOpCaps // D3DTEXOPCAPS_DISABLE = $00000001; D3DTEXOPCAPS_SELECTARG1 = $00000002; D3DTEXOPCAPS_SELECTARG2 = $00000004; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATE = $00000008; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATE2X = $00000010; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATE4X = $00000020; D3DTEXOPCAPS_ADD = $00000040; D3DTEXOPCAPS_ADDSIGNED = $00000080; D3DTEXOPCAPS_ADDSIGNED2X = $00000100; D3DTEXOPCAPS_SUBTRACT = $00000200; D3DTEXOPCAPS_ADDSMOOTH = $00000400; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA = $00000800; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BLENDTEXTUREALPHA = $00001000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BLENDFACTORALPHA = $00002000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BLENDTEXTUREALPHAPM = $00004000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BLENDCURRENTALPHA = $00008000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_PREMODULATE = $00010000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR = $00020000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA = $00040000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEINVALPHA_ADDCOLOR = $00080000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEINVCOLOR_ADDALPHA = $00100000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BUMPENVMAP = $00200000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE = $00400000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_DOTPRODUCT3 = $00800000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_MULTIPLYADD = $01000000; D3DTEXOPCAPS_LERP = $02000000; // // FVFCaps // D3DFVFCAPS_TEXCOORDCOUNTMASK = $0000ffff; (* mask for texture coordinate count field *) D3DFVFCAPS_DONOTSTRIPELEMENTS = $00080000; (* Device prefers that vertex elements not be stripped *) D3DFVFCAPS_PSIZE = $00100000; (* Device can receive point size *) // // VertexProcessingCaps // D3DVTXPCAPS_TEXGEN = $00000001; (* device can do texgen *) D3DVTXPCAPS_MATERIALSOURCE7 = $00000002; (* device can do DX7-level colormaterialsource ops *) D3DVTXPCAPS_DIRECTIONALLIGHTS = $00000008; (* device can do directional lights *) D3DVTXPCAPS_POSITIONALLIGHTS = $00000010; (* device can do positional lights (includes point and spot) *) D3DVTXPCAPS_LOCALVIEWER = $00000020; (* device can do local viewer *) D3DVTXPCAPS_TWEENING = $00000040; (* device can do vertex tweening *) D3DVTXPCAPS_NO_VSDT_UBYTE4 = $00000080; (* device does not support D3DVSDT_UBYTE4 *) (*==========================================================================; * * * File: d3d8.h * Content: Direct3D include file * ****************************************************************************) (* This identifier is passed to Direct3DCreate8 in order to ensure that an * application was built against the correct header files. This number is * incremented whenever a header (or other) change would require applications * to be rebuilt. If the version doesn't match, Direct3DCreate8 will fail. * (The number itself has no meaning.)*) const D3D_SDK_VERSION = 120; type HMonitor = THandle; const IID_IDirect3D8 : TGUID = '{1DD9E8DA-1C77-4d40-B0CF-98FEFDFF9512}'; IID_IDirect3DDevice8 : TGUID = '{7385E5DF-8FE8-41D5-86B6-D7B48547B6CF}'; IID_IDirect3DResource8 : TGUID = '{1B36BB7B-09B7-410a-B445-7D1430D7B33F}'; IID_IDirect3DBaseTexture8 : TGUID = '{B4211CFA-51B9-4a9f-AB78-DB99B2BB678E}'; IID_IDirect3DTexture8 : TGUID = '{E4CDD575-2866-4f01-B12E-7EECE1EC9358}'; IID_IDirect3DCubeTexture8 : TGUID = '{3EE5B968-2ACA-4c34-8BB5-7E0C3D19B750}'; IID_IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 : TGUID = '{4B8AAAFA-140F-42ba-9131-597EAFAA2EAD}'; IID_IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 : TGUID = '{8AEEEAC7-05F9-44d4-B591-000B0DF1CB95}'; IID_IDirect3DIndexBuffer8 : TGUID = '{0E689C9A-053D-44a0-9D92-DB0E3D750F86}'; IID_IDirect3DSurface8 : TGUID = '{B96EEBCA-B326-4ea5-882F-2FF5BAE021DD}'; IID_IDirect3DVolume8 : TGUID = '{BD7349F5-14F1-42e4-9C79-972380DB40C0}'; IID_IDirect3DSwapChain8 : TGUID = '{928C088B-76B9-4C6B-A536-A590853876CD}'; (* * Direct3D interfaces *) type IDirect3D8 = interface; IDirect3DDevice8 = interface; IDirect3DResource8 = interface; IDirect3DBaseTexture8 = interface; IDirect3DTexture8 = interface; IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 = interface; IDirect3DCubeTexture8 = interface; IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 = interface; IDirect3DIndexBuffer8 = interface; IDirect3DSurface8 = interface; IDirect3DVolume8 = interface; IDirect3DSwapChain8 = interface; IDirect3D8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{1DD9E8DA-1C77-4d40-B0CF-98FEFDFF9512}'] (*** IDirect3D8 methods ***) function RegisterSoftwareDevice(pInitializeFunction : Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAdapterCount : Cardinal; stdcall; function GetAdapterIdentifier(const Adapter : Cardinal; const Flags : LongWord; out pIdentifier : TD3DAdapter_Identifier8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAdapterModeCount(Adapter : Cardinal) : Cardinal; stdcall; function EnumAdapterModes(const Adapter, Mode : Cardinal; var pMode : TD3DDisplayMode) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAdapterDisplayMode(const Adapter : Cardinal; var pMode : TD3DDisplayMode) : HResult; stdcall; function CheckDeviceType(const Adapter : Cardinal; const CheckType : TD3DDevType; const DisplayFormat, BackBufferFormat : TD3DFormat; const Windowed : BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function CheckDeviceFormat(const Adapter : Cardinal; const DeviceType : TD3DDevType; const AdapterFormat : TD3DFormat; const Usage : LongWord; const RType : TD3DResourceType; const CheckFormat : TD3DFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function CheckDeviceMultiSampleType(const Adapter : Cardinal; const DeviceType : TD3DDevType; const SurfaceFormat : TD3DFormat; const Windowed : BOOL; const MultiSampleType : TD3DMultiSample_Type) : HResult; stdcall; function CheckDepthStencilMatch(const Adapter : Cardinal; const DeviceType : TD3DDevType; const AdapterFormat, RenderTargetFormat, DepthStencilFormat : TD3DFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDeviceCaps(const Adapter : Cardinal; const DeviceType : TD3DDevType; out pCaps : TD3DCaps8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAdapterMonitor(const Adapter : Cardinal) : HMONITOR; stdcall; function CreateDevice(const Adapter : Cardinal; const DeviceType : TD3DDevType; hFocusWindow : HWND; BehaviorFlags : LongWord; var pPresentationParameters : TD3DPresent_Parameters; out ppReturnedDeviceInterface : IDirect3DDevice8) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DDevice8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{7385E5DF-8FE8-41D5-86B6-D7B48547B6CF}'] (*** IDirect3DDevice8 methods ***) function TestCooperativeLevel : HResult; stdcall; function GetAvailableTextureMem : Cardinal; stdcall; function ResourceManagerDiscardBytes(const Bytes : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDirect3D(out ppD3D8 : IDirect3D8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDeviceCaps(out pCaps : TD3DCaps8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDisplayMode(out pMode : TD3DDisplayMode) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCreationParameters(out pParameters : TD3DDevice_Creation_Parameters) : HResult; stdcall; function SetCursorProperties(const XHotSpot, YHotSpot : Cardinal; const pCursorBitmap : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; procedure SetCursorPosition(const XScreenSpace, YScreenSpace : Cardinal; const Flags : LongWord); stdcall; function ShowCursor(const bShow : BOOL) : BOOL; stdcall; function CreateAdditionalSwapChain(var pPresentationParameters : TD3DPresent_Parameters; out pSwapChain : IDirect3DSwapChain8) : HResult; stdcall; function Reset(var pPresentationParameters : TD3DPresent_Parameters) : HResult; stdcall; function Present(pSourceRect, pDestRect : PRect; const hDestWindowOverride : HWND; pDirtyRegion : PRgnData) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBackBuffer(const BackBuffer : Cardinal; const _Type : TD3DBackBuffer_Type; out ppBackBuffer : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetRasterStatus(out pRasterStatus : TD3DRaster_Status) : HResult; stdcall; procedure SetGammaRamp(Flags : LongWord; var pRamp : TD3DGammaRamp); stdcall; procedure GetGammaRamp(out pRamp : TD3DGammaRamp); stdcall; function CreateTexture(const Width, Height, Levels : Cardinal; const Usage : LongWord; const Format : TD3DFormat; const Pool : TD3DPool; out ppTexture : IDirect3DTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateVolumeTexture(const Width, Height, Depth, Levels : Cardinal; const Usage : LongWord; const Format : TD3DFormat; const Pool : TD3DPool; out ppVolumeTexture : IDirect3DVolumeTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateCubeTexture(const EdgeLength, Levels : Cardinal; const Usage : LongWord; const Format : TD3DFormat; const Pool : TD3DPool; out ppCubeTexture : IDirect3DCubeTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateVertexBuffer(const Length : Cardinal; const Usage, FVF : LongWord; const Pool : TD3DPool; out ppVertexBuffer : IDirect3DVertexBuffer8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateIndexBuffer(const Length : Cardinal; Usage : LongWord; const Format : TD3DFormat; Pool : TD3DPool; out ppIndexBuffer : IDirect3DIndexBuffer8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateRenderTarget(const Width, Height : Cardinal; const Format : TD3DFormat; const MultiSample : TD3DMultiSample_Type; const Lockable : BOOL; out ppSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateDepthStencilSurface(const Width, Height : Cardinal; const Format : TD3DFormat; const MultiSample : TD3DMultiSample_Type; out ppSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateImageSurface(const Width, Height : Cardinal; const Format : TD3DFormat; out ppSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function CopyRects(const pSourceSurface : IDirect3DSurface8; pSourceRectsArray : PRect; const cRects : Cardinal; var pDestinationSurface : IDirect3DSurface8; pDestPointsArray : PPoint) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateTexture(pSourceTexture, pDestinationTexture : IDirect3DBaseTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFrontBuffer(pDestSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetRenderTarget(pRenderTarget, pNewZStencil : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetRenderTarget(out ppRenderTarget : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDepthStencilSurface(out ppZStencilSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function BeginScene : HResult; stdcall; function EndScene : HResult; stdcall; function Clear(const Count : LongWord; pRects : PD3DRect; const Flags : LongWord; const Color : TD3DColor; const Z : Single; const Stencil : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetTransform(const State : TD3DTransformStateType; const pMatrix : TD3DMatrix) : HResult; stdcall; function GetTransform(const State : TD3DTransformStateType; out pMatrix : TD3DMatrix) : HResult; stdcall; function MultiplyTransform(const State : TD3DTransformStateType; const pMatrix : TD3DMatrix) : HResult; stdcall; function SetViewport(var pViewport : TD3DViewport8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetViewport(out pViewport : TD3DViewport8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetMaterial(var pMaterial : TD3DMaterial8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetMaterial(out pMaterial : TD3DMaterial8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetLight(const Index : LongWord; var pLight : TD3DLight8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetLight(const Index : LongWord; out pLight : TD3DLight8) : HResult; stdcall; function LightEnable(const Index : LongWord; const Enable : BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function GetLightEnable(const Index : LongWord; out pEnable : BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function SetClipPlane(const Index : LongWord; pPlane : PSingle) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipPlane(const Index : LongWord; out pPlane : Single) : HResult; stdcall; function SetRenderState(const State : TD3DRenderStateType; const Value : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetRenderState(const State : TD3DRenderStateType; out pValue : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function BeginStateBlock : HResult; stdcall; function EndStateBlock(out pToken : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function ApplyStateBlock(const Token : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function CaptureStateBlock(const Token : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteStateBlock(const Token : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateStateBlock(const _Type : TD3DStateBlockType; out Token : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetClipStatus(var pClipStatus : TD3DClipStatus8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipStatus(out pClipStatus : TD3DClipStatus8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetTexture(const Stage : LongWord; out ppTexture : IDirect3DBaseTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetTexture(const Stage : LongWord; pTexture : IDirect3DBaseTexture8) : HResult; stdcall; function GetTextureStageState(const Stage : LongWord; const _Type : TD3DTextureStageStateType; out pValue : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetTextureStageState(const Stage : LongWord; const _Type : TD3DTextureStageStateType; const Value : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function ValidateDevice(out pNumPasses : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetInfo(const DevInfoID : LongWord; pDevInfoStruct : Pointer; const DevInfoStructSize : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPaletteEntries(const PaletteNumber : Cardinal; var pEntries : TPaletteEntry) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPaletteEntries(const PaletteNumber : Cardinal; out pEntries : TPaletteEntry) : HResult; stdcall; function SetCurrentTexturePalette(const PaletteNumber : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCurrentTexturePalette(out PaletteNumber : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawPrimitive(const PrimitiveType : TD3DPrimitiveType; const StartVertex, PrimitiveCount : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawIndexedPrimitive(const _Type : TD3DPrimitiveType; const minIndex, NumVertices, startIndex, primCount : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawPrimitiveUP(const PrimitiveType : TD3DPrimitiveType; const PrimitiveCount : Cardinal; pVertexStreamZeroData : Pointer; const VertexStreamZeroStride : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(const PrimitiveType : TD3DPrimitiveType; const MinVertexIndex, NumVertexIndices, PrimitiveCount : Cardinal; pIndexData : Pointer; IndexDataFormat : TD3DFormat; pVertexStreamZeroData : Pointer; const VertexStreamZeroStride : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function ProcessVertices(const SrcStartIndex, DestIndex, VertexCount : Cardinal; pDestBuffer : IDirect3DVertexBuffer8; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; // function CreateVertexShader(var pDeclaration, pFunction : LongWord; var pHandle : LongWord; const Usage : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateVertexShader(var pDeclaration : LongWord; pFunction : PLongWord; var pHandle : LongWord; const Usage : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetVertexShader(const Handle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVertexShader(out pHandle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteVertexShader(const Handle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetVertexShaderConstant(const _Register : LongWord; {const} pConstantData : Pointer; const ConstantCount : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVertexShaderConstant(const _Register : LongWord; {out} pConstantData : Pointer; const ConstantCount : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVertexShaderDeclaration(const Handle : LongWord; {const} pData : Pointer; var pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVertexShaderFunction(const Handle : LongWord; {out} pData : Pointer; var pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetStreamSource(const StreamNumber : Cardinal; const pStreamData : IDirect3DVertexBuffer8; const Stride : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function GetStreamSource(const StreamNumber : Cardinal; out ppStreamData : IDirect3DVertexBuffer8; var pStride : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function SetIndices(const pIndexData : IDirect3DIndexBuffer8; const BaseVertexIndex : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function GetIndices(out ppIndexData : IDirect3DIndexBuffer8; out pBaseVertexIndex : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function CreatePixelShader(var pFunction : LongWord; out pHandle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPixelShader(const Handle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelShader(out Handle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function DeletePixelShader(const Handle : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPixelShaderConstant(const _Register : LongWord; {const} pConstantData : Pointer; const ConstantCount : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelShaderConstant(const _Register : LongWord; {out} pConstantData : Pointer; const ConstantCount : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelShaderFunction(const Handle : LongWord; pData : Pointer; var pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawRectPatch(const Handle : Cardinal; pNumSegs : PSingle; pRectPatchInfo : PD3DRectPatch_Info) : HResult; stdcall; function DrawTriPatch(const Handle : Cardinal; pNumSegs : PSingle; pTriPatchInfo : PD3DTriPatch_Info) : HResult; stdcall; function DeletePatch(const Handle : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DSwapChain8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{928C088B-76B9-4C6B-A536-A590853876CD}'] (*** IDirect3DSwapChain8 methods ***) function Present(pSourceRect, pDestRect : PRect; const hDestWindowOverride : HWND; pDirtyRegion : PRgnData) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBackBuffer(const BackBuffer : Cardinal; const _Type : TD3DBackBuffer_Type; out ppBackBuffer : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DResource8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{1B36BB7B-09B7-410a-B445-7D1430D7B33F}'] (*** IDirect3DResource8 methods ***) function GetDevice(out ppDevice : IDirect3DDevice8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {const} pData : Pointer; const SizeOfData, Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {out} pData : Pointer; out pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function FreePrivateData(const refguid : TGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPriority(const PriorityNew : LongWord) : LongWord; stdcall; function GetPriority : LongWord; stdcall; procedure PreLoad stdcall; function GetType : TD3DResourceType; stdcall; end; IDirect3DBaseTexture8 = interface (IDirect3DResource8) ['{B4211CFA-51B9-4a9f-AB78-DB99B2BB678E}'] (*** IDirect3DBaseTexture8 methods ***) function SetLOD(const LODNew : LongWord) : LongWord; stdcall; function GetLOD : LongWord; stdcall; function GetLevelCount : LongWord; stdcall; end; IDirect3DTexture8 = interface (IDirect3DBaseTexture8) ['{E4CDD575-2866-4f01-B12E-7EECE1EC9358}'] (*** IDirect3DTexture8 methods ***) function GetLevelDesc(const Level : Cardinal; out pDesc : TD3DSurface_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceLevel(const Level : Cardinal; out ppSurfaceLevel : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function LockRect(const Level : Cardinal; out pLockedRect : TD3DLocked_Rect; pRect : PRect; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function UnlockRect(const Level : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function AddDirtyRect(pDirtyRect : PRect) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 = interface (IDirect3DBaseTexture8) ['{E4CDD575-2866-4f01-B12E-7EECE1EC9358}'] (*** IDirect3DVolumeTexture8 methods ***) function GetLevelDesc(const Level : Cardinal; out pDesc : TD3DVolume_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVolumeLevel(const Level : Cardinal; out ppVolumeLevel : IDirect3DVolume8) : HResult; stdcall; function LockBox(const Level : Cardinal; out pLockedVolume : TD3DLocked_Box; pBox : PD3DBox; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function UnlockBox(const Level : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function AddDirtyBox(pDirtyBox : PD3DBox) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DCubeTexture8 = interface (IDirect3DBaseTexture8) ['{3EE5B968-2ACA-4c34-8BB5-7E0C3D19B750}'] (*** IDirect3DCubeTexture8 methods ***) function GetLevelDesc(const Level : Cardinal; out pDesc : TD3DSurface_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCubeMapSurface(const FaceType : TD3DCubeMap_Faces; const Level : Cardinal; out ppCubeMapSurface : IDirect3DSurface8) : HResult; stdcall; function LockRect(const FaceType : TD3DCubeMap_Faces; const Level : Cardinal; out pLockedRect : TD3DLocked_Rect; pRect : PRect; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function UnlockRect(const FaceType : TD3DCubeMap_Faces; const Level : Cardinal) : HResult; stdcall; function AddDirtyRect(const FaceType : TD3DCubeMap_Faces; pDirtyRect : PRect) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 = interface (IDirect3DResource8) ['{8AEEEAC7-05F9-44d4-B591-000B0DF1CB95}'] (*** IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 methods ***) function Lock(const OffsetToLock, SizeToLock : Cardinal; var ppbData : PByte; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock : HResult; stdcall; function GetDesc(out pDesc : TD3DVertexBuffer_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DIndexBuffer8 = interface (IDirect3DResource8) ['{0E689C9A-053D-44a0-9D92-DB0E3D750F86}'] (*** IDirect3DIndexBuffer8 methods ***) function Lock(const OffsetToLock, SizeToLock : LongWord; var ppbData : PByte; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock : HResult; stdcall; function GetDesc(out pDesc : TD3DIndexBuffer_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DSurface8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{B96EEBCA-B326-4ea5-882F-2FF5BAE021DD}'] (*** IDirect3DSurface8 methods ***) function GetDevice(out ppDevice : IDirect3DDevice8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {const} pData : Pointer; const SizeOfData, Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {out} pData : Pointer; out pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function FreePrivateData(const refguid : TGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function GetContainer(const riid : TGUID; var ppContainer : Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDesc(out pDesc : TD3DSurface_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; function LockRect(out pLockedRect : TD3DLocked_Rect; pRect : PRect; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function UnlockRect : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirect3DVolume8 = interface (IUnknown) ['{BD7349F5-14F1-42e4-9C79-972380DB40C0}'] (*** IDirect3DVolume8 methods ***) function GetDevice(out ppDevice : IDirect3DDevice8) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {const} pData : Pointer; const SizeOfData, Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPrivateData(const refguid : TGUID; {out} pData : Pointer; out pSizeOfData : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function FreePrivateData(const refguid : TGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function GetContainer(const riid : TGUID; var ppContainer : Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDesc(out pDesc : TD3DVolume_Desc) : HResult; stdcall; function LockBox(out pLockedVolume : TD3DLocked_Box; pBox : PD3DBox; const Flags : LongWord) : HResult; stdcall; function UnlockBox : HResult; stdcall; end; (**************************************************************************** * Flags for SetPrivateData method on all D3D8 interfaces * * The passed pointer is an IUnknown ptr. The SizeOfData argument to SetPrivateData * must be set to sizeof( IUnknown* ). Direct3D will call AddRef through this * pointer and Release when the private data is destroyed. The data will be * destroyed when another SetPrivateData with the same GUID is set, when * FreePrivateData is called, or when the D3D8 object is freed. ****************************************************************************) const D3DSPD_IUNKNOWN = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * Parameter for IDirect3D8 Enum and GetCaps8 functions to get the info for * the current mode only. * ****************************************************************************) D3DCURRENT_DISPLAY_MODE = $00EFFFFF; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for IDirect3D8::CreateDevice's BehaviorFlags * ****************************************************************************) D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE = $00000002; D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED = $00000004; D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE = $00000010; D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING = $00000020; D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING = $00000040; D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING = $00000080; (**************************************************************************** * * Parameter for IDirect3D8::CreateDevice's iAdapter * ****************************************************************************) D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT = 0; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for IDirect3D8::EnumAdapters * ****************************************************************************) D3DENUM_NO_WHQL_LEVEL = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * Maximum number of back-buffers supported in DX8 * ****************************************************************************) D3DPRESENT_BACK_BUFFERS_MAX = 3; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for IDirect3DDevice8::SetGammaRamp * ****************************************************************************) D3DSGR_NO_CALIBRATION = $00000000; D3DSGR_CALIBRATE = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for IDirect3DDevice8::SetCursorPosition * ****************************************************************************) D3DCURSOR_IMMEDIATE_UPDATE = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for DrawPrimitive/DrawIndexedPrimitive * Also valid for Begin/BeginIndexed * Also valid for VertexBuffer::CreateVertexBuffer ****************************************************************************) (* * DirectDraw error codes *) const _FACD3D = $876; MAKE_D3DHRESULT = (1 shl 31) or (_FACD3D shl 16); (* * Direct3D Errors *) D3D_OK = S_OK; D3DERR_WRONGTEXTUREFORMAT = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2072); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLOROPERATION = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2073); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLORARG = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2074); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAOPERATION = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2075); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAARG = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2076); D3DERR_TOOMANYOPERATIONS = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2077); D3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREFILTER = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2078); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDFACTORVALUE = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2079); D3DERR_CONFLICTINGRENDERSTATE = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2081); D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDTEXTUREFILTER = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2082); D3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREPALETTE = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2086); D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2087); D3DERR_NOTFOUND = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2150); D3DERR_MOREDATA = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2151); D3DERR_DEVICELOST = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2152); D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2153); D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2154); D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 380); D3DERR_INVALIDDEVICE = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2155); D3DERR_INVALIDCALL = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2156); D3DERR_DRIVERINVALIDCALL = HResult(MAKE_D3DHRESULT + 2157); (* * DLL Function for creating a Direct3D8 object. This object supports * enumeration and allows the creation of Direct3DDevice8 objects. * Pass the value of the constant D3D_SDK_VERSION to this function, so * that the run-time can validate that your application was compiled * against the right headers. *) var _Direct3DCreate8 : function (SDKVersion : Cardinal) : Pointer; stdcall; function DXGErrorString(Value: HResult) : string; function Direct3DCreate8(SDKVersion : Cardinal) : IDirect3D8; implementation uses DXCommon; function D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; begin Result := (a shl 24) or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or b; end; function D3DCOLOR_RGBA(r, g, b, a : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; begin Result := D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b); end; function D3DCOLOR_XRGB(r, g, b : Cardinal) : TD3DColor; begin Result := D3DCOLOR_ARGB($ff, r, g, b); end; function D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(r, g, b, a : Single) : TD3DColor; begin Result := D3DCOLOR_RGBA(Byte(Round(r * 255)), Byte(Round(g * 255)), Byte(Round(b * 255)), Byte(Round(a * 255))) end; function D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(index : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := index + 256; end; function D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(tokenType : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := (tokenType shl D3DVSD_TOKENTYPESHIFT) and D3DVSD_TOKENTYPEMASK; end; function D3DVSD_STREAM(_StreamNumber : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAM) or _StreamNumber; end; function D3DVSD_REG( _VertexRegister, _Type : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAMDATA) or ((_Type shl D3DVSD_DATATYPESHIFT) or _VertexRegister) end; function D3DVSD_SKIP( _DWORDCount : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_STREAMDATA) or $10000000 or (_DWORDCount shl D3DVSD_SKIPCOUNTSHIFT) end; function D3DVSD_CONST( _ConstantAddress, _Count : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_CONSTMEM) or (_Count shl D3DVSD_CONSTCOUNTSHIFT) or _ConstantAddress end; function D3DVSD_TESSNORMAL( _VertexRegisterIn, _VertexRegisterOut : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_TESSELLATOR) or (_VertexRegisterIn shl D3DVSD_VERTEXREGINSHIFT) or ($02 shl D3DVSD_DATATYPESHIFT) or _VertexRegisterOut; end; function D3DVSD_TESSUV( _VertexRegister : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DVSD_MAKETOKENTYPE(D3DVSD_TOKEN_TESSELLATOR) or $10000000 or ($01 shl D3DVSD_DATATYPESHIFT) or _VertexRegister; end; function D3DPS_VERSION(_Major, _Minor : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := $FFFF0000 or (_Major shl 8 ) or _Minor; end; function D3DVS_VERSION(_Major, _Minor : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := $FFFE0000 or (_Major shl 8 ) or _Minor; end; function D3DSHADER_VERSION_MAJOR(_Version : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := (_Version shr 8 ) and $FF; end; function D3DSHADER_VERSION_MINOR(_Version : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := (_Version shr 0) and $FF; end; function D3DSHADER_COMMENT(_DWordSize : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := ((_DWordSize shl D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_SHIFT) and D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_MASK) or D3DSIO_COMMENT; end; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE3(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3 shl (CoordIndex * 2 + 16) end; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE2(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2; end; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE4(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT4 shl (CoordIndex * 2 + 16) end; function D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE1(CoordIndex : LongWord) : LongWord; begin Result := D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1 shl (CoordIndex * 2 + 16) end; function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3 : Char) : LongWord; begin Result := Byte(ch0) or (Byte(ch1) shl 8) or (Byte(ch2) shl 16) or (Byte(ch3) shl 24 ); end; function DXGErrorString(Value: HResult) : string; begin case Value of HResult(D3D_OK) : Result := 'No error occurred.'; HResult(D3DERR_CONFLICTINGRENDERSTATE) : Result := 'The currently set render states cannot be used together.'; HResult(D3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREFILTER) : Result := 'The current texture filters cannot be used together.'; HResult(D3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREPALETTE) : Result := 'The current textures cannot be used simultaneously. This generally occurs when a multitexture device requires that all palletized textures simultaneously enabled also share the same palette.'; HResult(D3DERR_DEVICELOST) : Result := 'The device is lost and cannot be restored at the current time, so rendering is not possible.'; HResult(D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET) : Result := 'The device cannot be reset.'; HResult(D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR) : Result := 'Internal driver error.'; HResult(D3DERR_INVALIDCALL) : Result := 'The method call is invalid. For example, a method''s parameter may have an invalid value.'; HResult(D3DERR_INVALIDDEVICE) : Result := 'The requested device type is not valid.'; HResult(D3DERR_MOREDATA) : Result := 'There is more data available than the specified buffer size can hold.'; HResult(D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE) : Result := 'This device does not support the queried technique.'; HResult(D3DERR_NOTFOUND) : Result := 'The requested item was not found.'; HResult(D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY) : Result := 'Direct3D does not have enough display memory to perform the operation.'; HResult(D3DERR_TOOMANYOPERATIONS) : Result := 'The application is requesting more texture-filtering operations than the device'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAARG) : Result := 'The device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for the alpha channel.'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAOPERATION) : Result := 'The device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for the alpha channel.'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLORARG) : Result := 'The device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for color values.'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLOROPERATION) : Result := 'The device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for color values.'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDFACTORVALUE) : Result := 'The device does not support the specified texture factor value.'; HResult(D3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDTEXTUREFILTER) : Result := 'The device does not support the specified texture filter.'; HResult(D3DERR_WRONGTEXTUREFORMAT) : Result := 'The pixel format of the texture surface is not valid.'; HResult(E_FAIL) : Result := 'An undetermined error occurred inside the Direct3D subsystem.'; HResult(E_INVALIDARG) : Result := 'An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function'; // HResult(E_INVALIDCALL) : Result := 'The method call is invalid. For example, a method''s parameter may have an invalid value.'; HResult(E_OUTOFMEMORY) : Result := 'Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.'; else Result := 'Unrecognized Error'; end; end; function Direct3DCreate8(SDKVersion : Cardinal) : IDirect3D8; begin Result := IDirect3D8(_Direct3DCreate8(SDKVersion)); if Result <> nil then Result._Release; end; initialization begin if not IsNTandDelphiRunning then begin D3D8DLL := LoadLibrary('D3d8.dll'); if D3D8DLL <> 0 then _Direct3DCreate8 := GetProcAddress(D3D8DLL, 'Direct3DCreate8'); end; end; finalization begin FreeLibrary(D3D8DLL); end; end.