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- 12A - Minul∞ ƒas prost∞, nepravidelná slovesa ░ ºivotopis, minulost
- V
- Màj kamarád Bill má 32 let.
- My friend Bill∩s thirty-two.
- Narodil se v roce 1960 v Leedsu.
- He was born in 1960 in Leeds.
- ªil tam se sv∞mi rodiƒi a chodil tam do τkoly.
- He lived there with his parents and he went to school there.
- Jeho otec zem²el v roce 1990 a matka je úƒetní v dàchodu.
- His father died in 1990 and his mother is a retired accountant.
- V roce 1981 p²iτel Bill do Lond∞na.
- In 1981 Bill came to London.
- Oºenil se tady a zaƒal pracovat jako ú²edník v bance.
- He got married here and he started to work as a bank clerk.
- V letech 1984-85 byl nezam╪stnan∞, pak byl technikem.
- From 1984 to 1985 he was unemployed, then he was a technician.
- Kaºd∞ den vstával v τest hodin a do práce jezdil autobusem.
- He got up at six o∩clock every day and he went to work by bus.
- Toto zam╪stnání nem╪l rád a tak si v roce 1992 otev²el obchod.
- He didn∩t like this job and so he opened a shop in 1992.
- Tahle práce se mu velice líbí.
- He likes this job very much.
- Milan se narodi v roce 1981.
- Milan was born in 1981.