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- 11C - Neither...nor
- V
- Eleonor není ani vysoká ani malá.
- Eleonor is neither tall nor short.
- Nemám rád ani operu ani divadlo.
- I like neither opera nor theatre.
- Jeremy nehraje ani tenis ani fotbal.
- Jeremy plays neither tennis nor fotball.
- Ani náτ otec ani naτe matka nemluví francouzsky.
- Neither our father nor our mother speaks French.
- Malá Alice ani neplave ani nelyºuje.
- Little Alice neither swims nor skis.
- Do kávy nedávám ani mléko ani cukr.
- I put neither milk nor sugar to coffee.
- Anniny τaty nejsou ani hezké ani moderní.
- Ann∩s dress is neither nice nor modern.
- Ani Joe ani jeho p²ítelkyn╪ neznají naτi zemi.
- Neither Joe nor his girlfriend knows this country.
- Paulovy vlasy nejsou ani sv╪tlé ani tmavé.
- Paul∩s hair∩s neither fair nor dark.
- Kde jsou ty peníze - nejsou ani na stole ani v taτce.
- Where is the money - it is neither on the table nor in the bag.
- Tahle hereƒka není ani zajímavá ani slavná.
- This actress is neither interesting nor famous.
- Ani Polly ani její bratr nejezdí autem.
- Neither Polly nor her brother goes by car.
- V téhle vesnici není ani kino ani poτta.
- There is neither a cinema nor a post-office in this village.
- Màj bratr nechce b∞t ani úƒetním ani inºen∞rem.
- My brother wants to be neither an accountant nor an engineer.
- Nelly nehraje ani na klavír ani na housle.
- Nelly plays neither the piano nor the violin.
- Nemám rád ani pivo ani whisky - mám rád bílé víno.
- I like neither beer nor hisky - I like white wine.
- Ani Jack ani jeho sestra to nev╪dí.
- Neither Jack nor his sister knows about it.
- Nemáme hlad ani ºízeσ.
- We are neither hungry nor thirsty.
- V naτí zemi nejsou ani hurikány ani velká sucha.
- There are neither hurricanes nor droughts in this country.
- Ani Billy ani Robert nenosí br∞le.
- Neither Billy nor Robert wears glasses.