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- 12B - Minul∞ ƒas prost∞, nepravidelná slovesa ░ minulost
- V
- John nechodil rád do τkoly, kdyº byl malé dít╪.
- John didn∩t like going to school when he was a little child.
- Tehdy hrál fotbal, ale te╘ uº nehraje.
- He played fooball then, but now he doesn∩t.
- Betty na²ídila auto, kdyº byla malé d╪vƒe, ale te╘ ano.
- Betty didn∩t drive car when she was a little girl, but now she does.
- Kdyº byli naτi rodiƒe mladí, chodili ƒasto tanƒit, ale te╘ nechodí.
- When our parents were young they often went dancing, but now they don∩t.
- Lidé v roce 1440 neznali papírové peníze.
- People in 1940 didn∩t know paper money.
- Neznali ani auta ani vlaky.
- They knew neither cars nor trains.
- Lidé tehdy nebyli moc vysocí.
- People weren∩t much tall then.
- Jejich ºivot byl velmi obtíºn∞.
- Their life was very difficult.
- V╪tτina lidí ºila na vesnici.
- Most poeple lived in villages.
- Lidé v Evrop╪ nev╪d╪li nic o Americe.
- People in Europe didn∩t know anything about America.
- Nem╪li ani ƒaj ani cigarety.
- They had neither tea nor cigarettes.
- Necestovali a chodili p╪τky.
- They didn∩t travel and they went on foot.
- Tehdy nebyly ºádné poƒítaƒe.
- There weren∩t any computers then.