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- 11B - Some, any, much many ░ mnoºství, kvantita
- V
- Znám n╪jaké studenty v Británii.
- I know some students in Britain.
- ªijí a studují v Cambridgi.
- They live and study in Cambridge.
- Je tam hodn╪ star∞ch domà a velk∞ch parkà.
- There∩re many old houses and large parks there.
- Jsou tam taky n╪jaké obchody a restaurace, ale není tam ºádné letiτt╪.
- There∩re also some shops and restaurants, but there isn∩t any airport there.
- V zim╪ tam není moc sn╪hu.
- There isn∩t much snow in winter there.
- V lét╪ je tam hodn╪ deτtivo.
- In summer it∩s very rainy there
- (There∩s much rain there...)
- N╪kte²í studenti nemají dost volného ƒasu.
- Some students haven∩t got enough free time.
- Spousta studentà jezdí do τkoly na kole.
- Lots of students go to school by bike.
- N╪kte²í studenti hrají na kytaru nebo na klavír.
- Some students play the quitar or the piano.
- Ve τkolním roce mají hodn╪ práce.
- In the school year they∩ve got much work.
- Ptají se mne, kolik lidí v ¼eské republice mluví cizími jazyky.
- They ask me how many people in the Czech Republic speak foreign languages.
- Odpovídám, ºe spousta studentà mluví anglicky a n╪mecky.
- I answer that a lot of students speak English and German.
- Moc studentà se neuƒí τpan╪lτtinu nebo francouzτtinu.
- Not many students learn Spanish or French.