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- 11A - ¼len urƒit∞ the, ƒlen neurƒit∞ a/an
- V
- Praha je hlavní m╪sto ¼eské republiky.
- Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.
- Glasgow je pràmyslové m╪sto.
- Glasgow is an industrial city.
- Màj bratr je léka² a moje sestra je hereƒka.
- My brother∩s a doctor and my sister∩s an actress.
- Bydlíme v malém m╪st╪ - to m╪sto je docela hezké.
- We live in a small town - the town is quite nice.
- Náτ dàm je velk∞ a star∞.
- Our house is big and old.
- ⁿecko je krásná zem╪ na jihu Evropy.
- Greece is a beautiful country in the south of Europe.
- Kdo je ta dívka v ƒerveném?
- Who is the girl in red?
- Mohla byste otev²ít to okno, prosím?
- Could you open the window, please?
- Je v tom pokoji koberec?
- Is there a carpet in the room?
- Ve t²etím pat²e jsou kancelá²e - ty kancelá²e jsou velmi moderní.
- On the third floor there∩re offices - the offices are very modern.
- Máme velkou kancelá².
- We∩ve got a large office.
- Chceτ kávu?
- Do you want coffee?
- Chceτ τálek kávy?
- Do you want a cup of coffee?
- Knihy jsou dnes drahé.
- Books are expensive today.
- Jane má dlouhé tmavé vlasy.
- Jane∩s got long dark hair.
- V ledniƒce je s∞r.
- There∩s cheese in the fridge.
- Jezdíte do práce autem?
- Do you go to work by car?
- V kuchyni je velk∞ stàl.
- There∩s a big table in the kitchen.
- Kolem toho stolu je τest ºidlí.
- There∩re six chairs round the table.
- Ta ºena vpravo je Petrova matka.
- The woman on the right is Peter∩s mother.
- Max hraje na kytaru odpoledne.
- Max plays the guitar in the afternoon.
- Náτ p²ítel mluví n╪mecky a anglicky.
- Our friend speaks German and English.
- Sarah hraje dob²e tenis.
- Sarah plays tennis well.
- Ty d╪ti vstávají v sedm ráno.
- The children get up at seven in the morning.
- Kilo pomeranƒà stojí 25 korun.
- A kilo of oranges is 25 crowns.
- Pàl litru piva stojí 8 korun.
- Half a litre of beer is 8 crowns.
- Tohle je velmi dobrá restaurace.
- This is a very good restaurant.
- Diana není doma, je u zuba²e.
- Diana isn∩t at home, she∩s at the dentist∩s.
- Jack má na sob╪ ƒerven∞ svetr a modré dºímy.
- Jack∩s wearing a red sweater and blue jeans.
- Ve ƒtvrtek jsem v Praze.
- On Thursday I∩m in Prague.