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- 8A - Where, pe²edloºky, otázka ░ sm╪r, orientace, m╪sto
- V
- Promiσte, prosím, kde je nejbliºτí samoobsluha?
- Excuse me, where∩s the nearest supermarket, please?
- Je to tamhle u poτty.
- It∩s over there by the post-office.
- Je tu n╪kde, prosím Vás, obchodní dàm?
- Is there a department store near here, please?
- Ano, samoz²ejm╪, je to v Ascot Street.
- Yes, of course, it∩s in Ascot Street.
- Je v této ulici telefonní budka, prosím?
- Is there a phone box in this street, please?
- Bohuºel nevím, nebydlím tady. - I tak vám d╪kuji.
- I∩m sorry, I don∩t know, I don∩t livehere. - Thank you anyway.
- Kde je nejbliºτí knihkupectví? - Je to t²etí ulice vlevo.
- Where is the nearest bookshop, please? - It∩s the third street on the left.
- Kde je, prosím, pokoj ƒíslo 279?
- Where∩s the room number 279, please?
- Je to naho²e, ve druhém pat²e, páté dve²e vlevo.
- It∩s upstairs, on the second floor, the fifth door on the left.
- Promiσte, kde je kancelá² vedoucího? - Tamhle vpravo.
- Excuse me, where∩s the manager∩s office? - Over there on the right.
- Kde je autobusová zastávka, prosím Vás? - Je to tamhle u hotelu.
- Where∩s a bus stop, please? - It∩s over there by the hotel.
- Promiσte, kde je nejbliºτí policejní stanice?
- Excuse me, where∩s the nearest police station?
- Je to první ulice vlevo. - D╪kuji. - Není zaƒ.
- It∩s the first street on the left. - Thank you. - Not at all.
- Promiσte, kde je nejbliºτí obchodní dàm?
- Excuse me, where∩s the nearest department store?
- Je tamhle naproti nádraºí.
- It∩s over there opposite the station.
- Kde je plaveck∞ bazén, prosím Vás?
- Where∩s the swimming pool, please?
- Je u samoobsluhy, naproti autobusové zastávce.
- It∩s by the supermarket, opposite the bus stop.
- Jak je to daleko?
- How far is it?
- Jd╪te rovn╪ 50 metrà, pak zahn╪te doleva.
- Go straight on for fifty metres, then turn left.
- Pak druhou ulicí doprava.
- Then second street to the right.
- Kino je tamhle vpravo.
- The cinema is over there on the right.
- Je blízko divadla n╪jaká restaurace?
- Is there a restaurant near the theatre?
- Ano, jd╪te první ulicí doleva a druhou doprava.
- Yes, go first street to the left and the second street to the right.
- Jd╪te rovn╪ sto metrà a pak doprava,
- Go straight on for one hundred metres and then to the right,
- Ten dàm je nalevo.
- That house is on the left.
- Váτ hotel je v první ulici vlevo.
- Your hotel is in the first street on the left.
- Zaboƒte druhou ulicí doprava a pak t²etí doleva.
- Turn second street to the right and then the third to the left.
- Nádraºí je vlevo.
- The station is on the left.