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- 7D - Much, many, a lot of, enough ░ mnoºství, kvantita
- V
- Nemám dost pen╪z.
- I haven∩t got enough money.
- V ledniƒce není moc vajec, ale je tam spousta mléka.
- There aren∩t many eggs in the fridge, but there∩s a lot of milk there.
- Johnàv bratr má p²íliτ mnoho práce.
- John∩s brother has got too much work.
- Mám hodn╪ p²átel.
- I∩ve got a lot of friends.
- V zahrad╪ je spousta kv╪tin.
- There are lots of flowers in the garden.
- Jsou tam n╪jaké stromy? - Ano, jsou.
- Are there any trees there? - Yes, there are.
- Kolikatery noviny ƒteτ?
- How many newspapers do you read?
- Nemám moc ƒasu.
- I haven∩t got much time.
- Kolik máτ bratrà nebo sester?
- How many brothers or sisters have you got?
- Mám jednu sestru, ale nemám ºádného bratra.
- I∩ve got one sister, but I haven∩t got any brother.
- Kolika jazyky hovo²íte? - Nemluvím ºádn∞m cizím jazykem.
- How many languages do you speak? - I don∩t speak any foreign language.
- V té láhvi není moc whisky.
- There isn∩t much whisky in that bottle.
- Màj star∞ otec nemá dost vlasà.
- My old father hasn∩t got enough hair.
- V bance je p²íliτ mnoho lidí.
- There are too many people in the bank.
- V tom pokoji není moc sv╪tla.
- There isn∩t much light in that room.
- Nemáme dost jídla.
- We haven∩t got enough food.
- Malé d╪ti nemají mnoho vlasà.
- Babies haven∩t got much hair.