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- 8B - P²edloºky ░ sm╪r, orientace, byt
- V
- Billàv dàm je velmi p╪kn∞.
- Bill∩s house is very nice.
- Je tam rozlehlá hala se schodiτt╪m.
- There∩s a large hall with stairs there.
- Nalvo je ob∞vací pokoj a vedle n╪j je jídelna.
- On the left there∩s a livin room and next to it there∩s a dining room.
- V jídeln╪ je stàl a τest ºidlí.
- In the dining room there∩s a table and six chairs.
- Naproti jídeln╪ je kuchnyn╪.
- Opposite the dining room there∩s a kitchen.
- V kuchyni je velké okno naproti dv╪²ím.
- In the kitchen there∩s a big window opposite the door.
- Kuchyσská linka je vlevo.
- The sink unit is on the left.
- Vedle kuchyn╪ je malá koupelna a odd╪lené WC.
- Next to the kitchen there∩s a small bathroom and a separate toilet.
- Tyto pokoje jsou v p²ízemí.
- These rooms are on the ground floor.
- V prvním pat²e jsou loºnice a druhá koupelna.
- On the first floor there∩re bedrooms and a second bathroom.
- Loºnice rodiƒà je vpravo a vedle ní je loºnice d╪tí
- Parents∩ bedroom is on the right and next to it there∩s a children∩s bedroom
- Naproti d╪tské loºnici je pokoj pro hosty (quest room).
- Opposite the children∩s bedroom there∩s a guest room.
- Dàm má také zahradu, v zahrad╪ je garáº.
- The house has also a garden, in the garden there∩s a garage.