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- 7C - Some, any, there is/are ░ mnoºství, kvantita
- V
- Jsou na stole n╪jaké peníze? - Ne, nejsou.
- Is there any money on the table? - No, there isn∩t.
- Je v naτem m╪st╪ n╪jaká banka? - Ano, jedna.
- Is there any bank in our town? - Yes, there∩s one.
- Jsou ve t²íd╪ n╪jací studenti? - Ano, jsou tu t²i.
- Are there any students in the classroom? - Yes, there∩re three here.
- Je v ledniƒce n╪jaké pivo? - Ne, není tam ºádné.
- Is there any beer in the fridge? - No, there isn∩t any.
- Je ve tvém pokoji n╪jak∞ obraz? - Ano, jsou tam n╪jaké obrazy.
- Is there any picture in your room? - Yes, there∩re some pictures there.
- V naτem dom╪ není ºádná garáº.
- There isn∩t any garage in our house.
- Na zahrad╪ není ºádn∞ sníh.
- There isn∩t any snow in the garden.
- Je tam n╪jaká whisky? - Ano, je tam n╪jaká.
- Is there any whisky there? - Yes, there is some.
- V jeho pokoji nejsou ºádné kv╪tiny.
- There aren∩t any flowers in his room.
- Je v koupeln╪ n╪jaké okno? - Ano, je tam jedno.
- Is there any window in the bathroom? - Yes, there is one.