home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
- <%
- Const L_BROWSE_TEXT="Browse"
- Const L_FILE_TEXT="File"
- Const L_URL_TEXT="URL"
- Const L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT="All Unassigned"
- Const L_NA_TEXT="N/A"
- Const L_SECURE_TEXT="Secure Bindings"
- Const L_SERVER_TEXT="Server Bindings"
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- function chgStatus(indexnum){
- parent.head.document.hiddenform.index.value=indexnum;
- parent.head.document.hiddenform.MustDisplayFirstTime.value=1;
- self.location.href="iimltils.asp";
- }
- function SetUpdated(){
- if (parent.head.listFunc.noupdate){
- parent.head.listFunc.noupdate = false;
- }
- else{
- if (parent.head.document.hiddenform != null){
- if (parent.head.document.hiddenform.index.value != -1){
- i=parent.head.document.hiddenform.index.value
- reSort = setVals(parent.head.cachedList[i],"ipaddress",document.listform.editMe);
- reSort = reSort || setVals(parent.head.cachedList[i],"ipport",document.listform.ipport);
- reSort = reSort || setVals(parent.head.cachedList[i],"sslport",document.listform.sslport);
- reSort = reSort || setVals(parent.head.cachedList[i],"host",document.listform.host);
- parent.head.cachedList[i].updated=true;
- if (reSort){
- parent.head.listFunc.reSort();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function setVals(cachedItem, propName, formCntrl){
- if (cachedItem[propName] != formCntrl.value){
- cachedItem[propName] = formCntrl.value;
- return (parent.head.listFunc.sortby == propName);
- }
- else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- function SetSecure(item,formCntrl,isSecure)
- {
- if (formCntrl.value != "")
- {
- parent.head.cachedList[item].isSecure = isSecure;
- }
- }
- </HEAD>
- <FORM NAME="listform">
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- editOK=false;
- writeSecHdr = true;
- writeHdr = true;
- sel=eval(parent.head.document.hiddenform.index.value);
- list = writeList();
- writeLine(list);
- function writeList(){
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- <% else %>
- <% end if %>
- <% else %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- <% else %>
- <% end if %>
- <% end if %>
- //Create a new Array to store the list in a resonable order
- var tmpArray;
- tmpArray = new Array();
- var CurrentPos,PosSeparator;
- CurrentPos=0;
- PosSeparator=0;
- for (var j=0;j < parent.head.cachedList.length; j++) {
- // first of all the ServerBindings
- if (!((parent.head.cachedList[j].ipport == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].sslport == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].host == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].deleted == false) &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].newitem == false) ))
- {
- // ipport BUT NOT sslport
- if ((parent.head.cachedList[j].ipport != "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].sslport == ""))
- {
- tmpArray[CurrentPos]=parent.head.cachedList[j];
- CurrentPos++;
- }
- }
- };
- // now aggregate SSL Bindings
- for (var j=0;j < parent.head.cachedList.length; j++) {
- if (!((parent.head.cachedList[j].ipport == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].sslport == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].host == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].deleted == false) &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].newitem == false) ))
- {
- // sllport BUT NOT ipport AND NOT host
- if ((parent.head.cachedList[j].sllport != "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].ipport == "") &&
- (parent.head.cachedList[j].host == ""))
- {
- tmpArray[CurrentPos]=parent.head.cachedList[j];
- CurrentPos++;
- }
- }
- };
- // now the most important thing, exchange the arrays
- parent.head.cachedList = tmpArray;
- for (var i=0;i < parent.head.cachedList.length; i++) {
- if (parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport != ""){
- if (writeSecHdr){
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(4,150," ");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- writestr += "<TR BGCOLOR=#CCCCCC>"
- writestr += writeCol(4,150,"<B><%= L_SECURE_TEXT %></B>");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- writeSecHdr = false;
- }
- }
- else{
- if (writeHdr){
- writestr += "<TR BGCOLOR=#CCCCCC>"
- writestr += writeCol(4,150,"<B><%= L_SERVER_TEXT %></B>");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- writeHdr = false;
- }
- }
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- if (parent.head.cachedList[i].deleted){
- }
- else{
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,150,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,65,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,65,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,190,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,110,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,50,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,50,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,140,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% end if %>
- <% else %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,150,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport);
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"N/A"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,195,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,116,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,43,parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport);
- writestr += writeCol(1,47,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"N/A"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,148,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% end if %>
- <% end if %>
- }
- }
- else // use the old code
- {
- if (parent.head.document.hiddenform.index.value !=i) {
- if (parent.head.cachedList[i].deleted){
- }
- else{
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,150,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,65,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,65,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,190,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,110,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,50,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,50,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,140,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% end if %>
- <% else %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,150,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport);
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"N/A"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,195,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,116,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress,"<%= L_ALLUNASSIGNED_TEXT %>") + "</A>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,43,parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport);
- writestr += writeCol(1,47,displayVal(parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport,"N/A"));
- writestr += writeCol(1,148,parent.head.cachedList[i].host);
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% end if %>
- <% end if %>
- }
- }
- else{
- editOK=true;
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,110,"<INPUT NAME='editMe' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress +"' SIZE=13 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,40,"<INPUT NAME='ipport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,false);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,40,"<INPUT NAME='sslport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,true);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,140,"<INPUT NAME='host' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].host +"' SIZE=15 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "LARGE" then %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,150,"<INPUT NAME='editMe' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress +"' SIZE=13 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,"<INPUT NAME='ipport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,false);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,60,"<INPUT NAME='sslport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,true);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,195,"<INPUT NAME='host' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].host +"' SIZE=25 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% else %>
- writestr += "<TR>"
- writestr += writeCol(1,116,"<INPUT NAME='editMe' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipaddress +"' SIZE=13 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,43,"<INPUT NAME='ipport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].ipport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,false);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,47,"<INPUT NAME='sslport' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].sslport +"' SIZE=5 onBlur='SetSecure(" + i + ",this,true);SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += writeCol(1,148,"<INPUT NAME='host' VALUE='"+parent.head.cachedList[i].host +"' SIZE=25 onBlur='SetUpdated();'>");
- writestr += "</TR>";
- <% end if %>
- <% end if %>
- }
- } // end if on testing for displaying the first time
- }
- writestr += "</TABLE>";
- return writestr;
- }
- function displayVal(dispstr, altstr){
- if (dispstr == ""){
- dispstr = altstr;
- }
- return dispstr;
- }
- function writeCol(colspan,w,str){
- var writestr = "<TD";
- if (colspan != ""){
- writestr += " COLSPAN = " + colspan
- }
- if (w != ""){
- writestr += " WIDTH = " + w;
- }
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- writestr += " STYLE = 'font-face: Helv; font-size: 8pt;'";
- <% end if %>
- writestr += "><FONT FACE='Helv,Arial' SIZE=1>" + str + "</FONT></TD>";
- return writestr;
- }
- function writeLine(str){
- document.write(str);
- }
- <P>
- <P>
- </FORM>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- if (editOK){
- document.listform.editMe.focus();
- document.listform.editMe.select();
- }
- </BODY>
- </HTML>