home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
- <%'Option Explicit %>
- <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %>
- <!--#include file="iito.inc"-->
- <% else %>
- <%
- Const L_MULTIPLE_TEXT="Multiple identities for this web site."
- Const L_IPADDRESS_TEXT="IP Address"
- Const L_IPPORT_TEXT="TCP Port"
- Const L_HOST_TEXT="Host Header Name"
- Const L_ACCESSDENIED_TEXT="Access Denied"
- Const L_SELECTITEM_TEXT="Please select an item to delete."
- dim listSort
- listSort = Session("ListSort")
- function heading(width,thestring,sortstr)
- dim i
- width = width - len(thestring)
- for i = width to 0 step -1
- thestring = thestring & " "
- Next
- if listSort and (sortstr <> "") then
- thestring = "<A HREF = " & quote & "javascript:sortList('"& sortstr & "');" & quote & ">" & thestring & "</A>"
- end if
- heading = thestring
- end function
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="navy" TOPMARGIN=10 TEXT="#000000" onLoad="loadList();loadHelp();">
- <FORM NAME="userform">
- <TR>
- <TD COLSPAN=3 STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;">
- <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1>
- <BR>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <TR>
- <TD BORDERCOLOR="#CCCCCC" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;">
- <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE")="LARGE" then %>
- <%= heading(36,L_IPADDRESS_TEXT, "ipaddress") %>
- <% else %>
- <%= heading(28,L_IPADDRESS_TEXT, "ipaddress") %>
- <% end if %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD BORDERCOLOR="#CCCCCC" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;">
- <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE")="LARGE" then %>
- <%= heading(8,L_IPPORT_TEXT, "ipport") %>
- <% else %>
- <%= heading(7,L_IPPORT_TEXT, "ipport") %>
- <% end if %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD BORDERCOLOR="#CCCCCC" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;">
- <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE")="LARGE" then %>
- <%= heading(8,L_SSLPORT_TEXT, "sslport") %>
- <% else %>
- <%= heading(10,L_SSLPORT_TEXT, "sslport") %>
- <% end if %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD BORDERCOLOR="#CCCCCC" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" STYLE="font-face: Helv,Arial; font-size:10pt;">
- <FONT FACE="Helv,Arial" SIZE=1>
- <% if Session("FONTSIZE")="LARGE" then %>
- <%= heading(40,L_HOST_TEXT, "host") %>
- <% else %>
- <%= heading(30,L_HOST_TEXT, "host") %>
- <% end if %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- <FORM name="hiddenform">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="index" VALUE=0>
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MustDisplayFirstTime" VALUE=0>
- </FORM>
- </BODY>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- function loadHelp(){
- top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipy_27";
- }
- function loadList(){
- parent.list.location.href="iimltils.asp";
- }
- function addItem(){
- i=cachedList.length
- listFunc.noupdate = true;
- cachedList[i]=new listObj(i,"","","","");
- cachedList[i].newitem=true;
- cachedList[i].updated=true;
- document.hiddenform.index.value=i;
- document.hiddenform.MustDisplayFirstTime.value=1;
- loadList();
- }
- function delItem(){
- if (document.hiddenform.index.value >= 0){
- i=eval(document.hiddenform.index.value);
- listFunc.noupdate = true;
- cachedList[i].deleted=true;
- cachedList[i].updated=true;
- i=i-1;
- <% 'run through the list to find the Next non-deleted item %>
- for (var j=i; j >=0; j--) {
- if (cachedList[j].deleted){
- }
- else{
- break
- }
- }
- document.hiddenform.index.value=j;
- document.hiddenform.MustDisplayFirstTime.value=0;
- loadList();
- }
- else{
- alert("<%= L_SELECTITEM_TEXT %>");
- }
- }
- function setLastSel(id){
- for (var i=0; i < cachedList.length; i++) {
- if (cachedList[i].id == id){
- document.hiddenform.index.value = i;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- function sortList(sortby)
- {
- i=eval(document.hiddenform.index.value);
- if ( i != -1)
- {
- lastsel = cachedList[i].id
- }
- if (sortby != listFunc.sortby)
- {
- listFunc.sortby = sortby;
- listFunc.sortAsc = true;
- }
- else
- {
- listFunc.sortAsc = !listFunc.sortAsc;
- }
- var num = parseFloat(cachedList[sortby]);
- if (isNaN(num))
- {
- cachedList.sort(sortOrder);
- }
- else
- {
- cachedList.sort(numOrder);
- }
- if ( i != -1)
- {
- setLastSel(lastsel);
- }
- loadList();
- }
- function sortOrder(a,b)
- {
- if (listFunc.sortAsc){
- astr = a["isSecure"] + a[listFunc.sortby];
- bstr = b["isSecure"] + b[listFunc.sortby];
- if (astr.toLowerCase() < bstr.toLowerCase()){
- return -1;
- }
- else{
- if (astr.toLowerCase() > bstr.toLowerCase()){
- return 1;
- }
- else{
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- astr = !a["isSecure"] + a[listFunc.sortby];
- bstr = !b["isSecure"] + b[listFunc.sortby];
- if (astr.toLowerCase() < bstr.toLowerCase()){
- return 1;
- }
- else{
- if (astr.toLowerCase() > bstr.toLowerCase()){
- return -1;
- }
- else{
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function reSort(){
- //set our sortAsc so we aren't just reversing the list...
- listFunc.sortAsc = !listFunc.sortAsc;
- sortList(listFunc.sortby);
- }
- function buildListForm(){
- numrows=0;
- for (var i=0; i < cachedList.length; i++) {
- numrows=numrows + 1;
- }
- qstr="numrows="+numrows;
- qstr=qstr+"&cols=ServerBindings&cols=SecureBindings"
- top.hlist.location.href="iihdn.asp?"+qstr;
- <% 'the list values will be grabbed by the hiddenlistform script... %>
- }
- function SetListVals(){
- listForm=top.hlist.document.hiddenlistform;
- j=0;
- var bindings = "";
- first=true;
- for (var i=0; i < cachedList.length; i++) {
- if (!cachedList[i].deleted){
- if (first)
- {
- top.opener.document.userform.hdnPort.value= cachedList[i].ipport;
- top.opener.document.userform.hdnIPA.value= cachedList[i].ipaddress;
- top.opener.document.userform.hdnHost.value= cachedList[i].host;
- first = false;
- }
- if (cachedList[i].sslport != ""){
- listForm.elements[j++].value="";
- listForm.elements[j++].value=cachedList[i].ipaddress+":"+cachedList[i].sslport +":"+cachedList[i].host;
- }
- else{
- bindings += (cachedList[i].ipaddress+":"+cachedList[i].ipport+":"+cachedList[i].host + ",");
- listForm.elements[j++].value=cachedList[i].ipaddress+":"+cachedList[i].ipport+":"+cachedList[i].host;
- listForm.elements[j++].value="";
- }
- }
- cachedList[i].updated=false;
- }
- top.opener.document.userform.ServerBindings.value = bindings
- }
- function listFuncs(){
- this.bHasList = true;
- this.sortList = sortList;
- this.reSort = reSort;
- this.sortby = "ipaddress";
- this.sortAsc = true;
- this.addItem=addItem;
- this.delItem=delItem;
- this.writeList=buildListForm;
- this.SetListVals=SetListVals;
- this.mainframe = top.opener.top;
- this.lastSel = 0;
- this.noupdate = false;
- }
- function listObj(id,ia,ip,sp,hn){
- this.id = id;
- this.isSecure = (sp != "");
- this.ipaddress=ia;
- this.ipport=ip;
- this.sslport=sp;
- this.host=hn;
- this.deleted=false;
- this.newitem=false;
- this.updated=false;
- }
- listFunc=new listFuncs();
- cachedList=new Array()
- <!--#include file="iibind.inc"-->
- <%
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim path, currentobj
- Dim aBinding, ssl, arraybound, Binding, SecureBinding
- Dim barraysize, added, i, j, nexti
- path=Session("spath")
- Session("path")=path
- Session("SpecObj")=path
- Session("SpecProps")="ServerBindings"
- Set currentobj=GetObject(path)
- Redim aBinding(UBound(currentobj.ServerBindings))
- Redim ssl(UBound(currentobj.SecureBindings))
- aBinding=currentobj.ServerBindings
- ssl=currentobj.SecureBindings
- if not IsArray(ssl) then
- ssl=Array(1)
- ssl(0)=currentobj.SecureBindings
- end if
- nexti=0
- arraybound=UBound(aBinding)
- if aBinding(0) = "" then
- aBinding(0) = ":80:"
- end if
- for i=0 to arraybound
- Binding=getBinding(aBinding(i))
- %>cachedList[<%= i %>]=new listObj(<%= i %>,"<%= Binding(0) %>","<%= Binding(1) %>","","<%= Binding(2) %>");<%
- Next
- nexti = i
- arraybound=UBound(ssl)
- for each secitem in ssl
- SecureBinding=getBinding(secitem)
- %>cachedList[<%= nexti %>]=new listObj(<%= nexti %>,"<%= SecureBinding(0) %>","","<%= SecureBinding(1) %>","<%= SecureBinding(2) %>");<%
- nexti=nexti + 1
- Next
- %>
- </HTML>
- <% end if %>