home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
- <%
- Const L_CHANGESSAVED_TEXT="Your changes have been saved."
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <%
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim path, lasterr, currentobj, key, sobj, specprops, newval,dirkeyType
- Dim changed, objname, thisobj, value, bval, curval,quote, childpath, aSetChildPaths
- Dim clearPaths, child, proparray
- dirkeyType = "IIsWebDirectory"
- quote = chr(34)
- lasterr=""
- path=Session("path")
- Response.write path
- if Session("clearPathsOneTime") <> "" then
- clearPaths = Session("clearPathsOneTime")
- else
- clearPaths = (Session("clearPaths") <> "")
- end if
- Set currentobj=GetObject(path)
- %>
- <!--#include file="iifixpth.inc"-->
- <%
- changed=false
- For Each key In Request.QueryString
- key = UCase(key)
- changed=false
- Response.write key & "<BR>"
- if (key <>"PAGE" ) and (key <> "STATE") and (key <> "CLEARPATHS") then
- if inStr(specprops,key) <> 0 then
- err=0
- Set thisobj=sobj
- value=Request.QueryString(key)
- if UCase(value)="TRUE" then
- bval=True
- else
- bval=False
- end if
- Select Case UCase(key)
- if thisobj.GrantbyDefault <> bval then
- changed = true
- thisobj.GrantbyDefault=bval
- end if
- currentobj.IPSecurity=thisobj
- if thisobj.FrontPageWeb <> bval then
- changed = true
- thisobj.FrontPageWeb=bval
- end if
- if thisobj.MSDOSDirOutput <> bval then
- changed = true
- thisobj.MSDOSDirOutput=bval
- end if
- if value = "d,-1" then
- changed = true
- thisobj.HttpExpires = ""
- else
- if thisobj.HttpExpires <> value then
- changed = true
- thisobj.Put key, (value)
- end if
- end if
- Dim bindings
- Response.write "ServerBindings:"
- bindings = split(value,",")
- Response.write "Bound:" & UBound(bindings)
- if chkUpdated(thisobj.ServerBindings,bindings) then
- thisobj.Put key, (bindings)
- end if
- End Select
- thisobj.SetInfo
- else
- Set thisobj=currentobj
- newval=Request.QueryString(key)
- curval=thisobj.Get(key)
- if not isArray(curval) then
- Select Case typename(curval)
- Case "Boolean"
- if UCase(newval)="TRUE" then
- value=True
- else
- value=False
- end if
- Case "Long"
- value = cLng(newval)
- Case Else
- value = newval
- End Select
- if curval <> value then
- changed = true
- thisobj.Put key, (value)
- end if
- else
- ReDim proparray(0)
- proparray(0) = newval
- if chkUpdated(curval,proparray) then
- thisobj.Put key, (proparray)
- end if
- end if
- thisobj.SetInfo
- end if
- end if
- if changed then
- if clearPaths then
- aSetChildPaths = thisobj.GetDataPaths(key,IIS_DATA_INHERIT)
- if err = 0 then
- For Each childpath in aSetChildPaths
- childPath = cleanPath(childPath)
- Set child = GetObject(childpath)
- if child.ADSPath <> thisobj.ADSPath then
- if (instr(LCase(child.ADSPath), "IIS://localhost/w3svc/info") > 0) OR (instr(LCase(child.ADSPath), "IIS://localhost/msftpsvc/info") > 0) then
- else
- child.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, key, ""
- child.SetInfo
- end if
- end if
- Next
- end if
- err = 0
- end if
- end if
- Next
- currentobj.SetInfo
- Function cleanPath(pathstr)
- if Right(pathstr,1) = "/" then
- pathstr = Mid(pathstr, 1,len(pathstr)-1)
- end if
- cleanPath = pathstr
- End Function
- Function chkUpdated(oldarray,proparray)
- dim proparraybound,arrayWasUpdated, i
- if IsArray(oldarray) then
- proparraybound=UBound(proparray)
- if UBound(oldarray) <> proparraybound then
- arrayWasUpdated=true
- else
- for i=0 to proparraybound
- if oldarray(i) <> proparray(i) then
- arrayWasUpdated=true
- end if
- Next
- end if
- else
- if proparraybound > 0 then
- arrayWasUpdated=true
- else
- arrayWasUpdated=(proparray(0) <> oldarray)
- end if
- end if
- 'set our global changed var
- changed = arrayWasUpdated
- chkUpdated = arrayWasUpdated
- End Function
- %>
- </HEAD>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- <% if Request.QueryString("PAGE") <> "popup" then %>
- top.title.Global.updated=false;
- if (top.body.frames.length > 0){
- <% if Request("ServerComment") <> "" then %>
- top.title.nodeList[top.title.Global.selId].title="<%= Request("ServerComment") %>";
- if (top.body.menu != null){
- top.body.menu.location.href=top.body.menu.location.href;
- }
- <% end if %>
- if (top.body.frames.length > 3){
- <% if Session("IsIE") then %>
- top.body.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_CHANGESSAVED_TEXT %>");
- <% else %>
- top.body.frames[3].location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_CHANGESSAVED_TEXT %>");
- <% end if %>
- }
- else{
- if (top.body.iisstatus != null){
- top.body.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_CHANGESSAVED_TEXT %>");
- }
- }
- }
- <% end if %>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>