home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* TASKS $Id: tasks.class.php,v 1.31 2004/01/25 20:24:34 gregorerhardt Exp $ */
- require_once( $AppUI->getSystemClass( 'libmail' ) );
- require_once( $AppUI->getSystemClass( 'dp' ) );
- require_once( $AppUI->getModuleClass( 'projects' ) );
- // user based access
- $task_access = array(
- '0'=>'Public',
- '1'=>'Protected',
- '2'=>'Participant',
- '3'=>'Private'
- );
- // this var is intended to track new status in task
- $new_status = null;
- /*
- * CTask Class
- */
- class CTask extends CDpObject {
- /** @var int */
- var $task_id = NULL;
- /** @var string */
- var $task_name = NULL;
- /** @var int */
- var $task_parent = NULL;
- var $task_milestone = NULL;
- var $task_project = NULL;
- var $task_owner = NULL;
- var $task_start_date = NULL;
- var $task_duration = NULL;
- var $task_duration_type = NULL;
- /** @deprecated */
- var $task_hours_worked = NULL;
- var $task_end_date = NULL;
- var $task_status = NULL;
- var $task_priority = NULL;
- var $task_percent_complete = NULL;
- var $task_description = NULL;
- var $task_target_budget = NULL;
- var $task_related_url = NULL;
- var $task_creator = NULL;
- var $task_order = NULL;
- var $task_client_publish = NULL;
- var $task_dynamic = NULL;
- var $task_access = NULL;
- var $task_notify = NULL;
- var $task_departments = NULL;
- var $task_contacts = NULL;
- var $task_custom = NULL;
- function CTask() {
- $this->CDpObject( 'tasks', 'task_id' );
- }
- // overload check
- function check() {
- global $new_status;
- if ($this->task_id === NULL) {
- return 'task id is NULL';
- }
- // ensure changes to checkboxes are honoured
- $this->task_milestone = intval( $this->task_milestone );
- $this->task_dynamic = intval( $this->task_dynamic );
- $this->task_percent_complete = intval( $this->task_percent_complete );
- if (!$this->task_duration) {
- $this->task_duration = '0';
- }
- if (!$this->task_duration_type) {
- $this->task_duration_type = 1;
- }
- if (!$this->task_related_url) {
- $this->task_related_url = '';
- }
- if (!$this->task_notify) {
- $this->task_notify = 0;
- }
- $actual_status = db_loadResult("select task_status from tasks where task_id='$this->task_id'");
- if($actual_status != $this->task_status){
- $new_status = $this->task_status;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- function updateDynamics( $fromChildren = false ) {
- //Has a parent or children, we will check if it is dynamic so that it's info is updated also
- $modified_task = new CTask();
- if ( $fromChildren ){
- $modified_task = &$this;
- } else {
- $modified_task->load($this->task_parent);
- }
- if ( $modified_task->task_dynamic == 1 ) {
- //Update allocated hours based on children
- $sql = "SELECT SUM( task_duration * task_duration_type ) from " . $this->_tbl . " WHERE task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " and task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id . " GROUP BY task_parent;";
- $children_allocated_hours = (float) db_loadResult( $sql );
- if ( $modified_task->task_duration_type == 1 ) {
- $modified_task->task_duration = round($children_allocated_hours,2);
- } else {
- $modified_task->task_duration = round($children_allocated_hours / $modified_task->task_duration_type, 2);
- }
- //Update worked hours based on children
- $sql = "SELECT sum( task_log_hours ) FROM tasks, task_log
- WHERE task_id = task_log_task AND task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_dynamic = 0";
- $children_hours_worked = (float) db_loadResult( $sql );
- //Update worked hours based on dynamic children tasks
- $sql = "SELECT sum( task_hours_worked ) FROM tasks
- WHERE task_dynamic = 1 AND task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id;
- $children_hours_worked += (float) db_loadResult( $sql );
- $modified_task->task_hours_worked = $children_hours_worked;
- //Update percent complete
- $sql = "SELECT sum( task_percent_complete ) / count( task_percent_complete )
- FROM tasks WHERE task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id;
- $modified_task->task_percent_complete = (float) db_loadResult( $sql );
- //Update start date
- $sql = "SELECT min( task_start_date ) FROM tasks
- WHERE task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND ! isnull( task_start_date ) AND task_start_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
- $modified_task->task_start_date = db_loadResult( $sql );
- //Update end date
- $sql = "SELECT max( task_end_date ) FROM tasks
- WHERE task_parent = " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND task_id != " . $modified_task->task_id .
- " AND ! isnull( task_end_date ) AND task_end_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
- $modified_task->task_end_date = db_loadResult( $sql );
- //If we are updating a dynamic task from its children we don't want to store() it
- //when the method exists the next line in the store calling function will do that
- if ( $fromChildren == false ) $modified_task->store();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copy the current task
- *
- * @author handco <handco@users.sourceforge.net>
- * @param int id of the destination project
- * @return object The new record object or null if error
- **/
- function copy($destProject_id = 0) {
- $newObj = $this->clone();
- //Fix the parent task
- if ($newObj->task_parent == $this->task_id)
- $newObj->task_parent = $newObj->task_id;
- // Copy this task to another project if it's specified
- if ($destProject_id != 0)
- $newObj->task_project = $destProject_id;
- $msg = $newObj->store();
- return $newObj;
- }// end of copy()
- /**
- * @todo Parent store could be partially used
- */
- function store() {
- GLOBAL $AppUI, $new_status;
- $msg = $this->check();
- if( $msg ) {
- return get_class( $this )."::store-check failed - $msg";
- }
- if( $this->task_id ) {
- $this->_action = 'updated';
- // if task_status chenged, then update subtasks
- if(!is_null($new_status)){
- $this->updateSubTasksStatus($new_status);
- }
- $this->updateDynamics(true);
- $ret = db_updateObject( 'tasks', $this, 'task_id', false );
- } else {
- $this->_action = 'added';
- $ret = db_insertObject( 'tasks', $this, 'task_id' );
- if (!$this->task_parent) {
- // new task, parent = task id
- $sql = "UPDATE tasks SET task_parent = $this->task_id WHERE task_id = $this->task_id";
- db_exec( $sql );
- }
- // insert entry in user tasks
- $sql = "INSERT INTO user_tasks (user_id, task_id, user_type) VALUES ($AppUI->user_id, $this->task_id, -1)";
- db_exec( $sql );
- }
- if ( $this->task_parent != $this->task_id ){
- //Has parent
- $this->updateDynamics();
- }
- if( !$ret ) {
- return get_class( $this )."::store failed <br />" . db_error();
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @todo Parent store could be partially used
- * @todo Can't delete a task with children
- */
- function delete() {
- $this->_action = 'deleted';
- // delete linked user tasks
- $sql = "DELETE FROM user_tasks WHERE task_id = $this->task_id";
- if (!db_exec( $sql )) {
- return db_error();
- }
- //load it before deleting it because we need info on it to update the parents later on
- $this->load($this->task_id);
- // delete the tasks...what about orphans?
- $sql = "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE task_id = $this->task_id";
- if (!db_exec( $sql )) {
- return db_error();
- } else {
- if ( $this->task_parent != $this->task_id ){
- // Has parent, run the update sequence, this child will no longer be in the
- // database
- $this->updateDynamics();
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- function updateAssigned( $cslist ) {
- // delete all current entries
- $sql = "DELETE FROM user_tasks WHERE task_id = $this->task_id";
- db_exec( $sql );
- // process assignees
- $tarr = explode( ",", $cslist );
- foreach ($tarr as $user_id) {
- if (intval( $user_id ) > 0) {
- $sql = "REPLACE INTO user_tasks (user_id, task_id) VALUES ($user_id, $this->task_id)";
- db_exec( $sql );
- }
- }
- }
- function updateDependencies( $cslist ) {
- // delete all current entries
- $sql = "DELETE FROM task_dependencies WHERE dependencies_task_id = $this->task_id";
- db_exec( $sql );
- // process dependencies
- $tarr = explode( ",", $cslist );
- foreach ($tarr as $task_id) {
- if (intval( $task_id ) > 0) {
- $sql = "REPLACE INTO task_dependencies (dependencies_task_id, dependencies_req_task_id) VALUES ($this->task_id, $task_id)";
- db_exec($sql);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the tasks dependencies
- *
- * @author handco <handco@users.sourceforge.net>
- * @return string comma delimited list of tasks id's
- **/
- function getDependencies () {
- // Call the static method for this object
- $result = $this->staticGetDependencies ($this->task_id);
- return $result;
- } // end of getDependencies ()
- //}}}
- //{{{ staticGetDependencies ()
- /**
- * Retrieve the tasks dependencies
- *
- * @author handco <handco@users.sourceforge.net>
- * @param integer ID of the task we want dependencies
- * @return string comma delimited list of tasks id's
- **/
- function staticGetDependencies ($taskId) {
- $sql = "
- SELECT dependencies_req_task_id
- FROM task_dependencies td
- WHERE td.dependencies_task_id = $taskId
- ";
- $hashList = db_loadHashList ($sql);
- $result = implode (',', array_keys ($hashList));
- return $result;
- } // end of staticGetDependencies ()
- //}}}
- function notifyOwner() {
- GLOBAL $AppUI, $locale_char_set;
- $sql = "SELECT project_name FROM projects WHERE project_id=$this->task_project";
- $projname = db_loadResult( $sql );
- $mail = new Mail;
- $mail->Subject( "$projname::$this->task_name ".$AppUI->_($this->_action), $locale_char_set);
- // c = creator
- // a = assignee
- // o = owner
- $sql = "SELECT t.task_id,"
- ."\nc.user_email as creator_email,"
- ."\nc.user_first_name as creator_first_name,"
- ."\nc.user_last_name as creator_last_name,"
- ."\no.user_email as owner_email,"
- ."\no.user_first_name as owner_first_name,"
- ."\no.user_last_name as owner_last_name,"
- ."\na.user_id as assignee_id,"
- ."\na.user_email as assignee_email,"
- ."\na.user_first_name as assignee_first_name,"
- ."\na.user_last_name as assignee_last_name"
- ."\nFROM tasks t"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN user_tasks u ON u.task_id = t.task_id"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users o ON o.user_id = t.task_owner"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users c ON c.user_id = t.task_creator"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users a ON a.user_id = u.user_id"
- ."\nWHERE t.task_id = $this->task_id";
- $users = db_loadList( $sql );
- if (count( $users )) {
- $body = $AppUI->_('Project').": $projname";
- $body .= "\n".$AppUI->_('Task').": $this->task_name";
- $body .= "\n".$AppUI->_('URL').": {$AppUI->cfg['base_url']}/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=$this->task_id";
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":"
- . "\n$this->task_description";
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Creator').":" . $AppUI->user_first_name . " " . $AppUI->user_first_name;
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Progress') . ": " . $this->task_percent_complete . "%";
- $body .= "\n\n" . dPgetParam($_POST, "task_log_description");
- $mail->Body( $body, isset( $GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : "" );
- $mail->From ( '"' . $AppUI->user_first_name . " " . $AppUI->user_last_name
- . '" <' . $AppUI->user_email . '>'
- );
- }
- if ($mail->ValidEmail($users[0]['owner_email'])) {
- $mail->To( $users[0]['owner_email'], true );
- $mail->Send();
- }
- return '';
- }
- function notify() {
- GLOBAL $AppUI, $locale_char_set;
- $sql = "SELECT project_name FROM projects WHERE project_id=$this->task_project";
- $projname = db_loadResult( $sql );
- $mail = new Mail;
- $mail->Subject( "$projname::$this->task_name ".$AppUI->_($this->_action), $locale_char_set);
- // c = creator
- // a = assignee
- // o = owner
- $sql = "SELECT t.task_id,"
- ."\nc.user_email as creator_email,"
- ."\nc.user_first_name as creator_first_name,"
- ."\nc.user_last_name as creator_last_name,"
- ."\no.user_email as owner_email,"
- ."\no.user_first_name as owner_first_name,"
- ."\no.user_last_name as owner_last_name,"
- ."\na.user_id as assignee_id,"
- ."\na.user_email as assignee_email,"
- ."\na.user_first_name as assignee_first_name,"
- ."\na.user_last_name as assignee_last_name"
- ."\nFROM tasks t"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN user_tasks u ON u.task_id = t.task_id"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users o ON o.user_id = t.task_owner"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users c ON c.user_id = t.task_creator"
- ."\nLEFT JOIN users a ON a.user_id = u.user_id"
- ."\nWHERE t.task_id = $this->task_id";
- $users = db_loadList( $sql );
- if (count( $users )) {
- $body = $AppUI->_('Project').": $projname";
- $body .= "\n".$AppUI->_('Task').": $this->task_name";
- $body .= "\n".$AppUI->_('URL').": {$AppUI->cfg['base_url']}/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=$this->task_id";
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":"
- . "\n$this->task_description";
- if ($users[0]['creator_email']) {
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Creator').":"
- . "\n" . $users[0]['creator_first_name'] . " " . $users[0]['creator_last_name' ]
- . ", " . $users[0]['creator_email'];
- }
- $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Owner').":"
- . "\n" . $users[0]['owner_first_name'] . " " . $users[0]['owner_last_name' ]
- . ", " . $users[0]['owner_email'];
- $mail->Body( $body, isset( $GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : "" );
- $mail->From ( '"' . $AppUI->user_first_name . " " . $AppUI->user_last_name
- . '" <' . $AppUI->user_email . '>'
- );
- }
- foreach ($users as $row) {
- if ($row['assignee_id'] != $AppUI->user_id) {
- if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['assignee_email'])) {
- $mail->To( $row['assignee_email'], true );
- $mail->Send();
- }
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * @param Date Start date of the period
- * @param Date End date of the period
- * @param integer The target company
- */
- function getTasksForPeriod( $start_date, $end_date, $company_id=0 ) {
- // convert to default db time stamp
- $db_start = $start_date->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- $db_end = $end_date->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- // filter tasks for not allowed projects
- $tasks_filter = '';
- $join = winnow('projects', 'task_project', $tasks_filter);
- // assemble where clause
- $where = "task_project = project_id"
- . "\n\tAND ("
- . "\n\t\t(task_start_date <= '$db_end' AND task_end_date >= '$db_start')"
- . "\n\t\tOR task_start_date BETWEEN '$db_start' AND '$db_end'"
- . "\n\t)"
- . "\n\tAND ($tasks_filter)";
- /*
- OR
- task_end_date BETWEEN '$db_start' AND '$db_end'
- OR
- (DATE_ADD(task_start_date, INTERVAL task_duration HOUR)) BETWEEN '$db_start' AND '$db_end'
- OR
- (DATE_ADD(task_start_date, INTERVAL task_duration DAY)) BETWEEN '$db_start' AND '$db_end'
- */
- $where .= $company_id ? "\n\tAND project_company = $company_id" : '';
- // exclude read denied projects
- $obj = new CProject();
- $deny = $obj->getDeniedRecords( $AppUI->user_id );
- $where .= count($deny) > 0 ? "\n\tAND task_project NOT IN (" . implode( ',', $deny ) . ')' : '';
- // get any specifically denied tasks
- $obj = new CTask();
- $deny = $obj->getDeniedRecords( $AppUI->user_id );
- $where .= count($deny) > 0 ? "\n\tAND task_id NOT IN (" . implode( ',', $deny ) . ')' : '';
- // assemble query
- $sql = "SELECT task_name, task_id, task_start_date, task_end_date,"
- . "\n\ttask_duration, task_duration_type,"
- . "\n\tproject_color_identifier AS color,"
- . "\n\tproject_name"
- . "\nFROM tasks,projects"
- . "\n$join"
- . "\nWHERE $where"
- . "\nORDER BY task_start_date";
- //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";
- // execute and return
- return db_loadList( $sql );
- }
- function canAccess( $user_id ) {
- //echo intval($this->task_access);
- switch ($this->task_access) {
- case 0:
- // public
- return true;
- break;
- case 1:
- // protected
- $sql = "SELECT user_company FROM users WHERE user_id=$user_id";
- $user_company = db_loadResult( $sql );
- $sql = "SELECT user_company FROM users WHERE user_id=$this->task_owner";
- $owner_company = db_loadResult( $sql );
- //echo "$user_company,$owner_company";die;
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_tasks WHERE user_id=$user_id AND task_id=$this->task_id";
- $count = db_loadResult( $sql );
- return (($owner_company == $user_company && $count > 0) || $this->task_owner == $user_id);
- break;
- case 2:
- // participant
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_tasks WHERE user_id=$user_id AND task_id=$this->task_id";
- $count = db_loadResult( $sql );
- return ($count > 0 || $this->task_owner == $user_id);
- break;
- case 3:
- // private
- return ($this->task_owner == $user_id);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function that returns the amount of hours this
- * task consumes per user each day
- */
- function getTaskDurationPerDay(){
- $duration = $this->task_duration*$this->task_duration_type;
- $task_start_date = new CDate($this->task_start_date);
- $task_finish_date = new CDate($this->task_end_date);
- $number_assigned_users = count($this->getAssignedUsers());
- $day_diff = $task_finish_date->dateDiff($task_start_date);
- $number_of_days_worked = 0;
- $actual_date = $task_start_date;
- for($i=0; $i<=$day_diff; $i++){
- if($actual_date->isWorkingDay()){
- $number_of_days_worked++;
- }
- $actual_date->addDays(1);
- }
- // May be it was a Sunday task
- if($number_of_days_worked == 0) $number_of_days_worked = 1;
- if($number_assigned_users == 0) $number_assigned_users = 1;
- return ($duration/$number_assigned_users) / $number_of_days_worked;
- }
- function getAssignedUsers(){
- $sql = "select u.*
- from users as u, user_tasks as ut
- where ut.task_id = '$this->task_id'
- and ut.user_id = u.user_id";
- return db_loadHashList($sql, "user_id");
- }
- //Returns task children IDs
- function getChildren() {
- $sql = "select task_id from tasks where task_id != '$this->task_id'
- and task_parent = '$this->task_id'";
- return db_loadList($sql);
- }
- /**
- * This function, recursively, updates all tasks status
- * to the one passed as parameter
- */
- function updateSubTasksStatus($new_status, $task_id = null){
- if(is_null($task_id)){
- $task_id = $this->task_id;
- }
- $sql = "select task_id
- from tasks
- where task_parent = '$task_id'";
- $tasks_id = db_loadColumn($sql);
- if(count($tasks_id) == 0) return true;
- $sql = "update tasks set task_status = '$new_status' where task_parent = '$task_id'";
- db_exec($sql);
- foreach($tasks_id as $id){
- if($id != $task_id){
- $this->updateSubTasksStatus($new_status, $id);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * CTask Class
- */
- class CTaskLog extends CDpObject {
- var $task_log_id = NULL;
- var $task_log_task = NULL;
- var $task_log_name = NULL;
- var $task_log_description = NULL;
- var $task_log_creator = NULL;
- var $task_log_hours = NULL;
- var $task_log_date = NULL;
- var $task_log_costcode = NULL;
- function CTaskLog() {
- $this->CDpObject( 'task_log', 'task_log_id' );
- }
- // overload check method
- function check() {
- $this->task_log_hours = (float) $this->task_log_hours;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- ?>