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<?php /* TASKS $Id: organizer.php,v 1.17 2003/12/11 20:30:21 gregorerhardt Exp $ */ /* * Dynamic Tasks Organizer - by J. Christopher Pereira * * Consider: * - order by priorities * - other related persons time availability * * Constraints: * - other tasks * - task dependencies * */ $errors = false; $tasks = array(); $actions = false; $do = isset( $_REQUEST['do'] ) ? $_REQUEST['do'] : 'conf'; $set_duration = isset( $_REQUEST['set_duration'] ) ? $_REQUEST['set_duration'] : null; $set_dynamic = isset( $_REQUEST['set_dynamic'] ) ? $_REQUEST['set_dynamic'] : null; $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $NO_DATE = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; function task_link($task) { return "<a href='index.php?m=tasks&a=addedit&task_id=" . $task["task_id"] . "'>" . $task["task_name"] . "</a>"; } function search_task($task_id) { global $tasks; for($i = 0; $i < count($tasks) ; $i++) { if($tasks[$i]["task_id"] == $task_id) return $i; } return -1; } function log_info($msg) { global $option_debug; if($option_debug) { echo "$msg<br />"; } } function log_action($msg) { global $action; echo " <font color=red size=2>$msg</font><br />"; $action = true; } function log_error($msg, $fields = "") { global $action; echo "<font color=red size=1>ERROR: $msg</font><br />$fields<hr>"; $action = true; } function log_warning($msg, $fields = "") { global $show_warnings; echo "WARNING: $msg<br />$fields<hr>"; } function fixate_task($task_index, $time, $dep_on_task) { // WARNING: task_index != task_id !!! global $tasks, $do, $option_advance_if_possible, $AppUI, $df; // don't fixate tasks before now if($time < time()) { $time = time(); } $start_date = $time; $end_date = $start_date; $durn = convert2days( $tasks[$task_index]["task_duration"], $tasks[$task_index]["task_duration_type"] ); $end_date += $durn * SECONDS_PER_DAY; // Complex SQL explanation: // // Objective: Check tasks overlapping only when // a user is vital for both tasks // // Definition of "vital for one task": when a task is assigned to user and total_users <= 2 // (for example: if task is assigned to tree o more users, he is not vital). // // Thus, a user is vital for both tasks <=> // - total_users <= 2 for both tasks // - and he apears in both tasks // // Thus, in both tasks (say 4 and 10), a there will be a vital user <=> // - "number of tasks with total_users <= 2" // = rows("select count(*) as num_users from user_tasks // where task_id=4 or task_id=10 // group by task_id having num_users <= 2") == 2; // // - and "number of users which appears in both tasks" // = rows("select count(*) as frec // from user_tasks where task_id=4 or task_id=10 // group by user_id having frec = 2") > 0 $t1_start = $start_date; $t1_end = $end_date; foreach($tasks as $task2) { $t2_start = db_dateTime2unix( $task2["task_start_date"] ); $t2_end = db_dateTime2unix( $task2["task_end_date"] ); if($task2["fixed"] && ( ($t1_start >= $t2_start && $t1_start <= $t2_end) || ($t1_end >= $t2_start && $t1_end <= $t2_end)) ) { // tasks are overlapping if(!$option_advance_if_possible || $task2["task_percent_complete"] != 100) { $t1 = $tasks[$task_index]["task_id"]; $t2 = $task2["task_id"]; if ( $option_check_vital_users ) { $sql1 = "select count(*) as num_users from user_tasks where task_id=$t1 or task_id=$t2 group by task_id having num_users <= 2"; $sql2 = "select count(*) as frec from user_tasks where task_id=$t1 or task_id=$t2 group by user_id having frec = 2"; $vital = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql1)) == 2 && mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql2)) > 0; } else { $vital = true; } if($vital) { log_info("Task can't be set to [" . formatTime($start_date) . " - ". formatTime($end_date) . "] due to conflicts with task " . task_link($task2) . "."); // OBS: I'm asuming the dependent task will start next day fixate_task($task_index, $t2_end + SECONDS_PER_DAY, $dep_on_task); return; } else { log_info("Task conflicts with task " . task_link($task2) . " but there are no vital users."); } } else { log_info("Task " . task_link($task2) . " is complete, I won't check if it is overllaping"); } } } $tasks[$task_index]["fixed"] = true; // be quite if nothing changes if (db_dateTime2unix( $tasks[$task_index]["task_start_date"] ) == $start_date && db_dateTime2unix( $tasks[$task_index]["task_end_date"] ) == $end_date ) { log_info("Nothing changed, still programmed for [" . formatTime($start_date) . " - " . formatTime($end_date) . "]"); return; } $tasks[$task_index]["task_start_date"] = db_unix2dateTime( $start_date ); $tasks[$task_index]["task_end_date"] = db_unix2dateTime( $end_date ); if($do == "ask") { if($dep_on_task) { log_action("I will fixate task " . task_link($tasks[$task_index]) . " to " . formatTime($start_date) . " (depends on " . task_link($dep_on_task) . ")"); } else { log_action("I will fixate task " . task_link($tasks[$task_index]) . " to " . formatTime($start_date) . " (no dependencies)"); } // echo "<input type=hidden name=fixate_task[" . $tasks[$task_index]["task_id"] . "] value=y>"; } else if($do == "fixate") { log_action("Task " . task_link($tasks[$task_index]) . " fixated to " . formatTime($start_date) ); $sql = "update tasks set task_start_date = '" . db_unix2dateTime($start_date) . "', task_end_date = '" . db_unix2dateTime($end_date) . "' where task_id = " . $tasks[$task_index]["task_id"]; mysql_query($sql); } } function get_last_children($task) { // returns the last children (leafs) from $task $arr = array(); // query children from task $sql = "select * from tasks where task_parent=" . $task["task_id"]; $query = mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($query)) { // has children while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if($row["task_id"] != $task["task_id"]) { // add recursively children of children to $arr $sub = get_last_children($row); array_splice($arr, count($arr), 0, $sub); } } } else { // it's a leaf array_push($arr, $task); } return $arr; } function process_dependencies($i) { global $tasks, $option_advance_if_possible; if($tasks[$i]["fixed"]) return; log_info("<div style='padding-left: 1em'>Dependecies for '" . $tasks[$i]["task_name"] . "':<br />"); // query dependencies for this task $query = mysql_query("select tasks.* from tasks,task_dependencies where task_id=dependencies_req_task_id and dependencies_task_id=" . $tasks[$i]["task_id"]); if(mysql_num_rows($query) != 0) { $all_fixed = true; $latest_end_date = null; // store dependencies in an array (for adding more entries on the fly) $dependencies = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { array_push($dependencies, $row); } $d = 0; while($d < count($dependencies)) { $row = $dependencies[$d]; $index = search_task($row["task_id"]); if($index == -1) { // task is not listed => it's a task group // => $i depends on all its subtasks // => add all subtasks to the dependencies array log_info("- task '" . $row["task_name"] . "' is a task group (processing subtask's dependencies)"); $children = get_last_children($row); // replace this taskgroup with all its subtasks array_splice($dependencies, $d, 1, $children); continue; } log_info(" - '" . $tasks[$index]["task_name"] . ($tasks[$index]["fixed"]?" (FIXED)":"") . "'"); // TODO: Detect dependencies loops (A->B, B->C, C->A) process_dependencies($index); if(!$tasks[$index]["fixed"]) { $all_fixed = false; } else { // ignore dependencies of finished tasks if option is enabled if(!$option_advance_if_possible || $tasks[$index]["task_percent_complete"] != 100) { // get latest end_date $end_date = db_dateTime2unix( $tasks[$index]["task_end_date"] ); if(!$latest_end_date || $end_date > $latest_end_date) { $latest_end_date = $end_date; $dep_on_task = $row; } } else { log_info("this task is complete => don't check dependency"); } $d++; } } if($all_fixed) { // this task depends only on fixated tasks log_info("all dependencies are fixed"); fixate_task($i, $latest_end_date, $dep_on_task); } else { log_error("task has not fixed dependencies"); } } else { // task has no dependencies log_info("no dependencies => "); fixate_task($i, time(), ""); } log_info("</div><br />\n"); } ?> <table name="table" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><?php echo dPshowImage( dPfindImage( 'applet-48.png', $m ), 16, 16, '' ); ?></td> <td nowrap><h1><?php echo $AppUI->_('Tasks Organizer Wizard'); ?></h1></td> <td nowrap><img src="./images/shim.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="" border="0"></td> <td valign="top" align="right" width="100%"></td> </tr> </table> <?php /*** Process updates ***/ // update tasks duration if($set_duration) { foreach($set_duration as $key=>$val) { if($val) { $sql = "update tasks set task_duration=" . ($val * $dayhour[$key]) . " where task_id=" . $key; mysql_query($sql); } } $do = "ask"; // ask again } if($set_dynamic) { foreach($set_dynamic as $key=>$val) { if($val) { $sql = "update tasks set task_dynamic=1 where task_id=$key"; mysql_query($sql); } } $do = "ask"; } ?> <form name="form" method="post"> <?php if($do == "conf") { echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tbl">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; } function checkbox($name, $descr, $default = 0, $show = true) { global $AppUI; global $$name; if(!isset($$name)) $$name=$default; if($show) { echo "<input type=checkbox name=$name value=1 " . ($$name?"checked":"") . ">".$AppUI->_($descr)."<br />"; } else { echo "<input type=hidden name=$name value=" . ($$name?"1":"") . ">"; } } // pull projects $sql = "SELECT project_id, project_name FROM projects ORDER BY project_name"; $projects = arrayMerge( array( 0 => '(' . $AppUI->_('All') . ')' ), db_loadHashList( $sql ) ); echo $AppUI->_('Project').": " . arraySelect( $projects, 'project_id', 'class="text"', $project_id ) . "<br>"; checkbox("option_check_delayed_tasks", "Check delays for fixed tasks", 1, $do == "conf"); checkbox("option_fix_task_group_date_ranges", "Fix date ranges for task groups according to subtasks dates", 1, $do == "conf"); checkbox("option_no_end_date_warning", "Warn of fixed tasks without end dates", 0, $do == "conf"); checkbox("option_advance_if_possible", "Begin new tasks if dependencies are finished before expected", 1, $do == "conf"); checkbox("option_check_vital_users", "Allow two concurrent tasks when there are no vital users", 1, $do == "conf"); checkbox("option_debug", "Show debug info", 0, $do == "conf"); if($do == "conf") { ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php } if($do != "conf") { echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="std">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; /**** Add tasks to an array and check conflicts ****/ // Select tasks without children (sub tasks) $sql = "select a.*, !a.task_dynamic AS fixed FROM tasks AS a " . "LEFT JOIN tasks AS b ON a.task_id = b.task_parent AND a.task_id != b.task_id " . "WHERE (b.task_id IS NULL or b.task_id = b.task_parent) " . "AND (a.task_project = $project_id) " . "ORDER BY a.task_priority desc, a.task_order desc"; $dtrc = mysql_query( $sql ); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $dtrc, MYSQL_ASSOC )) { // check durations // OBS: agregue if (task_end_date) if(!$row["task_duration"] && $row["task_end_date"] == $NO_DATE ) { log_error("Task " .task_link($row) . " has no duration.", "Please enter the expected duration: " ."<input class=input type=text name='set_duration[" . $row["task_id"] . "]' size=3>" . "<select name='dayhour[" . $row["task_id"] . "]'>" . "<option value='1'>hour(s)</option>" . "<option value='24'>day(s)</option>" . "</select>" ); $errors = true; } // calculate or set blank task_end_date if unset if(!$row["task_dynamic"] && $row["task_end_date"] == $NO_DATE ) { $end_date = new CDate( $row["task_start_date"] ); $durn = convert2days( $row["task_duration"], $row["task_duration_type"] ); $end_date->addDays( $durn ); $row["task_end_date"] = $end_date->getDate(); if($do=="ask" && $option_no_end_date_warning) { log_warning("Task " . task_link($row) . " has no end date. Using tasks duration instead.", "<input type=checkbox name='set_end_date[" . $row["task_id"] . "]' value=1> " ."Set end date to " . $row["task_end_date"] ); } } // check delayed tasks if($do == "ask") { if(!$row["task_dynamic"] && $row["task_percent_complete"] == 0) { // nothing has be done yet $end_time = new CDate( db_dateTime2unix( $row["task_end_date"] ) ); if($end_time < time()) { if($option_check_delayed_tasks) { log_warning("Task " .task_link($row) . " started on " . $row["task_start_date"] . " and ended on " . formatTime($end_time) . "." , "<input type=checkbox name=set_dynamic[" . $row["task_id"] . "] value=1 checked> Set as dynamic task and reorganize<br />" . "<input type=checkbox name=set_priority[" . $row["task_id"] . "] value=1 checked> Set priority to high<br />" ); } } } } array_push($tasks, $row); } if(!$errors) { for($i = 0; $i < count($tasks) ; $i++) { process_dependencies($i); } } if($option_fix_task_group_date_ranges) { // query taskgroups $sql = "select distinct a.* from tasks as a, tasks as b " . "WHERE (b.task_parent = a.task_id and a.task_id != b.task_id) " . " AND (a.task_project = $project_id AND b.task_project = $project_id)"; $taskgroups = mysql_query($sql); while($tg = mysql_fetch_array($taskgroups)) { $children = get_last_children($tg); $min_time = null; $max_time = null; foreach($children as $child) { $start_time = db_dateTime2unix($child["task_start_date"]); $end_time = db_dateTime2unix($child["task_end_date"]); if (!$min_time || $start_time < $min_time) { $min_time = $start_time; } if (!$max_time || $end_time > $max_time) { $max_time = $end_time; } } if (db_dateTime2unix($tg["task_start_date"]) != $min_time || db_dateTime2unix($tg["task_end_date"]) != $max_time) { if ($do == "ask") { log_action("I will set date of task group " . task_link($tg) . " to " . formatTime($min_time) . " - " . formatTime($max_time) . "."); } else if ($do == "fixate") { log_action("Date range of task group " . task_link($tg) . " changed to " . formatTime($min_time) . " - " . formatTime($max_time) . "."); mysql_query("update tasks set task_start_date='" . db_unix2dateTime($min_time) . "', task_end_date='" . db_unix2dateTime($max_time) . "' where task_id=" . $tg["task_id"]); } } } } if(!$action) { echo "<font size=2><strong>".$AppUI->_('Tasks are already organized')."</strong></font><br />"; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; } if ($do=="conf" || $action) { if(!$errors) { echo "<input type=hidden name=do value=" . ($do=="ask"?"fixate":"ask") . ">"; if($do == "ask") { echo "<font size=2><strong>".$AppUI->_('Do you want to accept this changes?')."</strong></font><br />"; echo "<input type=button value=accept class=button onClick='javascript:document.form.submit()'>"; } else if ($do == "fixate") { echo "<font size=2><strong>".$AppUI->_('Tasks has been reorganized')."</strong></font><br />"; } else if ($do == "conf") { echo "<input type=button value=".$AppUI->_('start')." class=button onClick='javascript:document.form.submit()'>"; } } else { echo "<font size=2><strong>".$AppUI->_('Please correct the above errors')."</strong></font><br />"; echo "<input type=button value=submit class=button onClick='javascript:document.form.submit()'>"; } } ?> </form> </body> </html>