home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* TASKS $Id: tasks.php,v 1.51 2004/01/31 21:58:49 gnome444 Exp $ */
- GLOBAL $m, $a, $project_id, $f, $min_view, $query_string, $durnTypes;
- GLOBAL $task_sort_item1, $task_sort_type1, $task_sort_order1;
- GLOBAL $task_sort_item2, $task_sort_type2, $task_sort_order2;
- /*
- tasks.php
- This file contains common task list rendering code used by
- modules/tasks/index.php and modules/projects/vw_tasks.php
- External used variables:
- * $min_view: hide some elements when active (used in the vw_tasks.php)
- * $project_id
- * $f
- * $query_string
- */
- if (empty($query_string)) {
- $query_string = "?m=$m&a=$a";
- }
- $durnTypes = dPgetSysVal( 'TaskDurationType' );
- $task_project = intval( dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_project', null ) );
- $task_id = intval( dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_id', null ) );
- $task_sort_item1 = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_item1', '' );
- $task_sort_type1 = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_type1', '' );
- $task_sort_item2 = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_item2', '' );
- $task_sort_type2 = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_type2', '' );
- $task_sort_order1 = intval( dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_order1', 0 ) );
- $task_sort_order2 = intval( dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_sort_order2', 0 ) );
- $where = '';
- $join = winnow( 'projects', 'project_id', $where );
- // pull valid projects and their percent complete information
- $psql = "
- SELECT project_id, project_color_identifier, project_name,
- COUNT(t1.task_id) as total_tasks,
- SUM(t1.task_duration*t1.task_percent_complete)/SUM(t1.task_duration) as project_percent_complete
- FROM projects
- LEFT JOIN tasks t1 ON projects.project_id = t1.task_project" .
- $join .
- "WHERE $where GROUP BY project_id
- ORDER BY project_name
- ";
- // echo "<pre>$psql</pre>";
- $prc = db_exec( $psql );
- echo db_error();
- $projects = array();
- while ($row = db_fetch_assoc( $prc )) {
- $projects[$row["project_id"]] = $row;
- }
- // pull tasks
- $select = "
- tasks.task_id, task_parent, task_name, task_start_date, task_end_date,
- task_priority, task_percent_complete, task_duration, task_duration_type, task_project,
- task_description, task_owner, user_username, task_milestone
- ";
- $from = "tasks";
- $join = "LEFT JOIN projects ON project_id = task_project";
- $join .= " LEFT JOIN users as usernames ON task_owner = usernames.user_id";
- $where = $project_id ? "\ntask_project = $project_id" : 'project_active != 0';
- switch ($f) {
- case 'all':
- break;
- case 'children':
- $where .= "\n AND task_parent = $task_id AND task_id != $task_id";
- break;
- case 'myproj':
- $where .= "\n AND project_owner = $AppUI->user_id";
- break;
- case 'mycomp':
- $where .= "\n AND project_company = $AppUI->user_company";
- break;
- case 'myunfinished':
- $from .= ", user_tasks";
- // This filter checks all tasks that are not already in 100%
- // and the project is not on hold nor completed
- $where .= "
- AND task_project = projects.project_id
- AND user_tasks.user_id = $AppUI->user_id
- AND user_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
- AND task_percent_complete < '100'
- AND projects.project_active = '1'
- AND projects.project_status != '4'
- AND projects.project_status != '5'";
- break;
- case 'allunfinished':
- $from .= ", user_tasks";
- $where .= "
- AND task_project = projects.project_id
- AND user_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
- AND task_percent_complete < '100'
- AND projects.project_active = '1'
- AND projects.project_status != '4'
- AND projects.project_status != '5'";
- break;
- case 'unassigned':
- $join .= "\n LEFT JOIN user_tasks ON tasks.task_id = user_tasks.task_id";
- $where .= "
- AND task_status > -1
- AND user_tasks.task_id IS NULL";
- break;
- default:
- $from .= ", user_tasks";
- $where .= "
- AND task_project = projects.project_id
- AND user_tasks.user_id = $AppUI->user_id
- AND user_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id";
- break;
- }
- if ( $min_view )
- $task_status = intval( dPgetParam( $_GET, 'task_status', null ) );
- else
- $task_status = intval( $AppUI->getState( 'inactive' ) );
- $where .= "\n AND task_status = '$task_status'";
- // filter tasks considering task and project permissions
- $projects_filter = '';
- $tasks_filter = '';
- // TODO: Enable tasks filtering
- $join .= winnow( 'projects', 'tasks.task_project', $projects_filter, 'perm1' );
- $join .= winnow( 'tasks', 'tasks.task_id', $tasks_filter, 'perm2' );
- $where .= " AND ( ($projects_filter) )";
- // echo "<pre>$where</pre>";
- // Filter by company
- if ( ! $min_view && $f2 != 'all' ) {
- $join .= "\nLEFT JOIN companies ON company_id = projects.project_company";
- $where .= "\nAND company_id = $f2 ";
- }
- $tsql = "SELECT $select FROM $from $join WHERE $where" .
- "\nORDER BY project_id, task_start_date";
- //echo "<pre>$tsql</pre>";
- $ptrc = db_exec( $tsql );
- $nums = db_num_rows( $ptrc );
- echo db_error();
- //pull the tasks into an array
- for ($x=0; $x < $nums; $x++) {
- $row = db_fetch_assoc( $ptrc );
- $projects[$row['task_project']]['tasks'][] = $row;
- }
- //This kludgy function echos children tasks as threads
- if (! function_exists('showtask') ) {
- function showtask( &$a, $level=0 ) {
- global $AppUI, $done, $query_string, $durnTypes;
- $df = $AppUI->getPref( 'SHDATEFORMAT' );
- $done[] = $a['task_id'];
- $start_date = intval( $a["task_start_date"] ) ? new CDate( $a["task_start_date"] ) : null;
- $end_date = intval( $a["task_end_date"] ) ? new CDate( $a["task_end_date"] ) : null;
- $s = "\n<tr>";
- // edit icon
- $s .= "\n\t<td>";
- $canEdit = !getDenyEdit( 'tasks', $a["task_id"] );
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= "\n\t\t<a href=\"?m=tasks&a=addedit&task_id={$a['task_id']}\">"
- . "\n\t\t\t".'<img src="./images/icons/pencil.gif" alt="'.$AppUI->_( 'Edit Task' ).'" border="0" width="12" height="12">'
- . "\n\t\t</a>";
- }
- $s .= "\n\t</td>";
- // percent complete
- $s .= "\n\t<td align=\"right\">".intval( $a["task_percent_complete"] ).'%</td>';
- // priority
- $s .= "\n\t<td>";
- if ($a["task_priority"] < 0 ) {
- $s .= "\n\t\t<img src=\"./images/icons/low.gif\" width=13 height=16>";
- } else if ($a["task_priority"] > 0) {
- $s .= "\n\t\t<img src=\"./images/icons/" . $a["task_priority"] .'.gif" width=13 height=16>';
- }
- $s .= "\n\t</td>";
- // dots
- $s .= '<td width="90%">';
- for ($y=0; $y < $level; $y++) {
- if ($y+1 == $level) {
- $s .= '<img src="./images/corner-dots.gif" width="16" height="12" border="0">';
- } else {
- $s .= '<img src="./images/shim.gif" width="16" height="12" border="0">';
- }
- }
- // name link
- $alt = htmlspecialchars( $a["task_description"] );
- if ($a["task_milestone"] > 0) {
- $s .= ' <a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $a["task_id"] . '" title="' . $alt . '"><b>' . $a["task_name"] . '</b></a></td>';
- } else {
- $s .= ' <a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $a["task_id"] . '" title="' . $alt . '">' . $a["task_name"] . '</a></td>';
- }
- // task owner
- $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" align=center>'. $a["user_username"] .'</td>';
- // start date
- $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">'.($start_date ? $start_date->format( $df ) : '-').'</td>';
- // duration or milestone
- $s .= '<td align="right">';
- if ( $a['task_milestone'] == '0' ) {
- $s .= $a['task_duration'] . ' ' . $AppUI->_( $durnTypes[$a['task_duration_type']] );
- } else {
- $s .= $AppUI->_("Milestone");
- }
- $s .= '</td>';
- // end date
- $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">'.($end_date ? $end_date->format( $df ) : '-').'</td>';
- $s .= '</tr>';
- echo $s;
- }
- }
- if (! function_exists('findchild') ) {
- function findchild( &$tarr, $parent, $level=0 ){
- GLOBAL $projects;
- $level = $level+1;
- $n = count( $tarr );
- for ($x=0; $x < $n; $x++) {
- if($tarr[$x]["task_parent"] == $parent && $tarr[$x]["task_parent"] != $tarr[$x]["task_id"]){
- showtask( $tarr[$x], $level );
- findchild( $tarr, $tarr[$x]["task_id"], $level);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* please throw this in an include file somewhere, its very useful */
- function array_csort() //coded by Ichier2003
- {
- $args = func_get_args();
- $marray = array_shift($args);
- if ( empty( $marray )) return array();
- $i = 0;
- $msortline = "return(array_multisort(";
- $sortarr = array();
- foreach ($args as $arg) {
- $i++;
- if (is_string($arg)) {
- foreach ($marray as $row) {
- $sortarr[$i][] = $row[$arg];
- }
- } else {
- $sortarr[$i] = $arg;
- }
- $msortline .= "\$sortarr[".$i."],";
- }
- $msortline .= "\$marray));";
- eval($msortline);
- return $marray;
- }
- function sort_by_item_title( $title, $item_name, $item_type )
- {
- global $AppUI,$project_id,$min_view,$m;
- global $task_sort_item1,$task_sort_type1,$task_sort_order1;
- global $task_sort_item2,$task_sort_type2,$task_sort_order2;
- if ( $task_sort_item2 == $item_name ) $item_order = $task_sort_order2;
- if ( $task_sort_item1 == $item_name ) $item_order = $task_sort_order1;
- if ( isset( $item_order ) ) {
- if ( $item_order == SORT_ASC )
- echo '<img src="./images/icons/low.gif" width=13 height=16>';
- else
- echo '<img src="./images/icons/1.gif" width=13 height=16>';
- } else
- $item_order = SORT_DESC;
- /* flip the sort order for the link */
- $item_order = ( $item_order == SORT_ASC ) ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC;
- if ( $m == 'tasks' )
- echo '<a href="./index.php?m=tasks';
- else
- echo '<a href="./index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id='.$project_id;
- echo '&task_sort_item1='.$item_name;
- echo '&task_sort_type1='.$item_type;
- echo '&task_sort_order1='.$item_order;
- if ( $task_sort_item1 == $item_name ) {
- echo '&task_sort_item2='.$task_sort_item2;
- echo '&task_sort_type2='.$task_sort_type2;
- echo '&task_sort_order2='.$task_sort_order2;
- } else {
- echo '&task_sort_item2='.$task_sort_item1;
- echo '&task_sort_type2='.$task_sort_type1;
- echo '&task_sort_order2='.$task_sort_order1;
- }
- echo '" class="hdr">';
- echo $AppUI->_($title);
- echo '</a>';
- }
- ?>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
- <tr>
- <th width="10"> </th>
- <th width="20"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Work');?></th>
- <th width="15" align="center"> </th>
- <th width="200"><?php sort_by_item_title( 'Task Name', 'task_name', SORT_STRING );?></th>
- <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php sort_by_item_title( 'Task Creator', 'user_username', SORT_STRING );?></th>
- <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php sort_by_item_title( 'Start Date', 'task_start_date', SORT_NUMERIC );?></th>
- <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php sort_by_item_title( 'Duration', 'task_duration', SORT_NUMERIC );?> </th>
- <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php sort_by_item_title( 'Finish Date', 'task_end_date', SORT_NUMERIC );?></th>
- </tr>
- <?php
- //echo '<pre>'; print_r($projects); echo '</pre>';
- reset( $projects );
- foreach ($projects as $k => $p) {
- $tnums = count( @$p['tasks'] );
- // don't show project if it has no tasks
- if ($tnums) {
- //echo '<pre>'; print_r($p); echo '</pre>';
- if (!$min_view) {
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <a href="index.php?m=tasks&f=<?php echo $f;?>&project_id=<?php echo $project_id ? 0 : $k;?>">
- <img src="./images/icons/<?php echo $project_id ? 'expand.gif' : 'collapse.gif';?>" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="<?php echo $project_id ? 'show other projects' : 'show only this project';?>">
- </a>
- </td>
- <td colspan="8">
- <table width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td nowrap style="border: outset #eeeeee 2px;background-color:#<?php echo @$p["project_color_identifier"];?>">
- <a href="./index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=<?php echo $k;?>">
- <span style='color:<?php echo bestColor( @$p["project_color_identifier"] ); ?>;text-decoration:none;'><strong><?php echo @$p["project_name"];?></strong></span></a>
- </td>
- <td width="<?php echo (101 - intval(@$p["project_percent_complete"]));?>%">
- <?php echo (intval(@$p["project_percent_complete"]));?>%
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </tr>
- <?php
- }
- global $done;
- $done = array();
- if ( $task_sort_item1 != "" )
- {
- if ( $task_sort_item2 != "" && $task_sort_item1 != $task_sort_item2 )
- $p['tasks'] = array_csort($p['tasks'], $task_sort_item1, $task_sort_order1, $task_sort_type1
- , $task_sort_item2, $task_sort_order2, $task_sort_type2 );
- else $p['tasks'] = array_csort($p['tasks'], $task_sort_item1, $task_sort_order1, $task_sort_type1 );
- }
- for ($i=0; $i < $tnums; $i++) {
- $t = $p['tasks'][$i];
- if ($t["task_parent"] == $t["task_id"]) {
- showtask( $t );
- findchild( $p['tasks'], $t["task_id"] );
- }
- }
- // check that any 'orphaned' user tasks are also display
- for ($i=0; $i < $tnums; $i++) {
- if ( !in_array( $p['tasks'][$i]["task_id"], $done )) {
- showtask( $p['tasks'][$i], 1 );
- }
- }
- if($tnums && $AppUI->cfg['enable_gantt_charts'] && !$min_view) { ?>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="8" align="right">
- <input type="button" class="button" value="<?php echo $AppUI->_('see gantt chart');?>" onclick="javascript:window.location='index.php?m=tasks&a=viewgantt&project_id=<?php echo $k;?>';" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php }
- }
- }
- ?>
- </table>